WYM Pages

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Antifa Leftists Riot In DC, Storm Capital Building Wearing Maga Hats & Waving tRump Banners In False Flag Operation To Smear Patriotic Dotard Supporters

The media initially reported that it was Dotard supporters who rioted (incited by their cult leader with lies about how the election was "stolen").

Since then, however, the "truth" has come out. Which is that the rioters were actually Antifa Leftists and their attack was a false-flag operation intended to smear the maga movement.

I know, I didn't believe it myself. At first. Then I read that Rep. Mo Brooks tweeted "ANTIFA fascists in backwards MAGA hats" were attacking the capital. In a subsequtent tweet Brooks confirmed that the evidence is the rioters were Leftists.

Apparently facial-recognition software identified several rioters as Leftists. This is according to Matt Gaetz who confirmed "they were masquerading as Trump supporters, and in fact were members of the violent terrorist group antifa".

The fact is that, prior to the protest, predisent Dotard warned us that this might happen

Despite this Congress later reconviened to finish counting the electoral college votes. After republicans dropped their objections Joe Biden was confirmed to have been elected the 46th president of the United States.

So it looks like the false flag operation was a success. The stopping of the steal was stopped :)

Thanks Antifa!

btw, I should mention that (according to the fake news media) the assertion that this was a flag opertion has "no basis". Nice try, fake news. Mo Brooks specifically tweeted that the evidence mounts.

An unnamed former FBI agent? Clearly this solid evidence is irrefutable.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-225.


  1. Folks are working overtime to convince themselves it wasn't Trump supporters in an act of insurrection yesterday, but libtards dressed as MAGA lovers.

    Pretty incredible Alice in Wonderland morning.

  2. The Left is working overtime to pretend that 75 million Americans didn't storm the capital over a fraudulent election... how's that working out?

    1. It is working out OK. Biden has been affirmed to be the winner. Because your "fraudulent election" (Biden not elected) charges are bullshit. The fraud that occurred was on the Right (voter suppression, postal slowdown to disenfranchise people who took advantage of mail-in ballots, etc). Biden won despite Dotard/republican cheating.

      Democrats are the aggrieved party that has a right to be angry. Our candidate won and you're trying to hobble his administration and agenda with totally false claims.

    2. btw, 75 million Americans couldn't FIT in the capitol. 75 million people couldn't even fit in the entire city.

    3. Thersites, unless and until you and the rest of your MAGA crowd call for the arrest and imprisonment of all the protestors and enablers, including President Trump, your voice means nothing.

      A Federal Officer was killed by that mob.

      If that had happened in a BLM protest, you'd be asking for charges for everyone there.

      Ask yourself why that is different today?

    4. Thersites... as to your claim of a fraudulent election, you know this how? Can you, since the Trump Campaign has never done so, offer up any real evidence beyond affidavits?

    5. The standard liberal motto - that it is sometimes necessary to resort to violence, but it is never legitimate - is not sufficient. From the radical-emancipatory perspective, one should turn it around: for the oppressed, violence is always legitimate - since their very status is the result of violence - but never necessary: it is always a matter of strategic consideration whether to use force against the enemy or not.

      Please, show me the Court transcripts where any investigation of voter fraud was honestly heard and debated and not simply thrown out?

    6. Something that was never presented could not have been debated. They also didn't debate how Martians (people from Mars the 4th planet in our solar system) voted.

    7. Our system of justice doesn't offer actual justice, just "due process" which, in Trump's case consisted of "shut the 'f up." I thought you said you weren't in to Authoritarianism....

    8. One characteristic of authoritarian regimes is intolerance in the face of criticism and the circulation of ideas that challenge the official line.

      Solution - Delete his Twitter feed!

    9. Thersites, -FJ or whoever all these avatars are... asked this.

      "Please, show me the Court transcripts where any investigation of voter fraud was honestly heard and debated and not simply thrown out?"

      I'll grant you that the courts did not debate the merits of whether there was fraud or not. Because they are not charged to do so. It is incumbent on people seeking redress in the courts to have done their homework, and come to their trials, or court dates with evidence.

      The courts have not adjudicated the validity of evidence because the Trump Campaign, and lawyers Wood, Powell and Giuliani have failed, and in some cases even stated, they have no, or are not alleging fraud.

      This "case" of fraud you and other extremists are alleging, is a figment of your imagination, a charge not supported by verifiable facts or evidence.

      Are we to "judge" and determine the validity of every charge, no matter how preposterous it may be? You guys are living in the world of faked moon landings, McCartney was killed in the 60's, 9/11 truthers and the birthers.

      Who's fine with "Oficialismo? Few Americans I suspect. But ya gotta bring something to the table. Like the Pentagon Papers, otherwise, you're just pissing into the wind, hoping to hit on a conspiracy theory ppl will believe.

  3. How's that alternative reality you live in working out fir ya thersites

    1. Unlike your version of reality, mine has not been hypernormalised, it is subject only to my own imagination.

    2. I agree that your imagination does influence your version of "reality".

    3. Imagination is considered "a power of the mind," "a creative faculty of the mind," "the mind" itself when in use, and a "process" of the mind used for thinking, scheming, contriving, remembering [see memory, (2)] creating, fantasizing, and forming opinion. The term imagination comes from the latin verb imaginari meaning "to picture oneself." This root definition of the term indicates the self-reflexive property of imagination, emphasizing the imagination as a private sphere. As a medium, imagination is a world where thought and images are nested in the mind to "form a mental concept of what is not actually present to the senses." In the sense of the word as a process, imagination is a form of mediation between what is considered "externalized" reality [see reality, (2) ]and internalized man (with regard to Manovich and Lacan). The term is considered "often with the implication that the (mental) conception does not correspond to the reality of things." Finally, imagination is a term that circulates forms of mass media when the "internalized" private imagination is presented as public, or expressed in a media form, such as film or in virtual reality technology.

    4. A Dotard cultist calling anyone who doesn't agree with them an NPC = LOL.

      I like to go with facts. As opposed to a cult leader's delusions.

    5. Facts like "Russia Russia"... lol!

  4. There is, however, a catch to all this criticism, ruthless as it may appear: what is as a rule not questioned is the liberal-democratic framework within which these excesses should be fought. The goal, explicit or implied, is to regulate capitalism - through the pressure of the media, parliamentary inquiries, harsher laws, honest police investigations - but never to question the liberal-democratic institutional mechanisms of the bourgeois state of law.


    1. The "liberal-democratic institutional mechanisms of the bourgeois state of law" should be questioned. The answer isn't Authoritarianism and White Supremacy (as you believe), however.

    2. The answer lies in stuffing ballot boxes? Who knew?

    3. Yiu know all about nefarious activity don't you minus. Of course you do. You're a trumper rethuglican.

    4. The answer DOES lie in stuffing the ballot boxes... with the votes of every citizen. As opposed to restricting the vote to the people who vote "right". And throwing out votes from those who vote "wrong". Or not letting them vote at all. That's how republican cheat.

      Cheating* by letting everyone vote = Democrats.
      CHEATING by restricting and suppressing the vote = republicans.

      *Not actually cheating.

    5. Yup. Rethuglicans = Voter suppression (especially people of color)

      Democrats = ALL votes count and ALL people deseve the right to vote

      Rethuglcans (especially trumpublicans) = divisiveness, dishonesty, white supremacists

      Democrats (and independent) = diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity. impowerment

      Rethuglicans = path to diminishing greatness and increased irrelevancy

      Democrats (and independents) path to new heights of greatness and increased respect

      Trumpism - a value and 1st principles free cult ideology of totally selfish self interest and authoritarian tyranny
