WYM Pages

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Trump Media Calls Georgia Runnoffs -- Ossoff and Warnock Elected, Mitch Fired!

Hmm... I thought the news media wasn't allowed to call races, yet here we have a Dotard friendly outlet calling the race for the two Democrats. LOL.

Thanks Dominion!

Actually, thanks should go to Stacey Abrams. That Dominion flipped votes from Dotard to Biden in the potus election and gave Ossoff and Warnock the win in the 1/5/2021 runnoff is crazy trumper conspiracy bullshit.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-224.


  1. So every time the Democrats win, according to Minus FJ and his sock puppets, it's because Dominion flipped for them? Yeah. Got it.

    Does he believe the down-ticket Republicans who won (on the same ticket Donald Trump lost) should acknowledge their wins are frauds??

    No Trumper has answered that question. They can't.

    Today's win by the Democrats in Georgia was a repudiation of Trumpism, his lies, his corruption, his malice, his anti-democracy rhetoric, and most of all his entire amoral existence!

    Thank you, Stacey Abrams! She's a force to be reckoned with.

    Today is a great day for our American democracy!

    1. Today is a great day for American democracy![

      Is it in totality?

      The Turd inspired insurrection might tell a different story.

      In round numbers 70+ million voted for The Turd (unless the votes were fraudulent) and 80+ million voted for Biden.

      So, after todays disgraceful embarrassing show of ABSOLUTE ignorance and treason by The Orange Shit's supporters it is clear that democracy and our democratic republic remain in GREAT danger. Neither The Orange Turd or his deranged supporters are going to just shut up and go away.

      Get ready for a very long nightmare of trump inspired anti democracy rhetoric as well as his usual avalanche of lies and conspiracy BS.

      Our democracy and the republic remain in serious danger. These trumpublicans and Trumpism remain a clear and present danger. It won't end until The Shit is in a penitentiary for treason or he dies.

  2. While I am very happy with the election results, right now I am waiting for POTUS to call for the clearing of the armed mob occupying the US Capital, forcing our elected representatives into retreat.

    Ted Cruz said of the BLM protestors recently... "These violent riots are not spontaneous, nor are they mere coincidences. Instead, the evidence suggests they are organized terror attacks designed to instill fear and tear down the fundamental institutions of government..."

    Why is Cruz silent today? Why no words of admonishment to todays mob and a president who has incited them?

    This is the group -FJ and his ilk believe are patriots. People who violently bring domestic terrorism to America. People who plotted to kidnap a governor, take over the US Capital, endanger lives, all in service to a president who cannot accept that, in the words of Mitch McConnell, lost the election in a landslide.
