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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Election Fraud On A Massive Scale In PA. Dotard Votes Switched To Biden Live On TeeVee! Presidency Stolen From Dotard!!

"In a non-hacked election with cumulative vote results automatically being updated and reported directly, is it possible for a candidates cumulative vote total to ever go down?".

This was a question the Dotard-supporting blogger Minus FJ asked me on his blog. This was after I debunked his claim that there were more votes than voters in PA by linking to Snopes. (also after he decided to allow comments again).

As proof Minus linked to the following video.

So definitive evidence that the election was brazenly stolen by the crooked Democrat machine? If so, why didn't Rudy Giuliani present this evidence in PA to US District Judge Matthew Brann?

Instead Giuliani said, "this is not a fraud case". Why the judge ruled that the Dotard legal team claims were "unsupported by evidence".

Which makes me wonder... why, if you have evidence, would you not present it? Why would you claim (in court, before a judge) that there was no fraud, but then (outside of court in front of the cameras) that there was fraud?

Perhaps because you know your "evidence" would be debunked? Because your evidence is bullshit? I don't know for certain, but this is clearly the most obvious explanation. That, or Rudy joined the "deep state" (I googled for a bit but didn't find anything specifically debunking this claim).

btw, when Rudy said "this is not a fraud case", what he meant was that his argument was that votes should be thrown out due to rule changes that preceded the election. Rule changes that made it easier for people to submit mail-in ballots (because of the coronavirus pandemic).

QED the Dotard campaign wanted (and still wants) to throw out VALID votes in order to make him the winner. Over the actual winner, Joe Biden. Disenfranchising tens of millions of voters in the process. This isn't how democracy works.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-220.


  1. The system for conferring power cannot be questioned, especially if its' fraudulent. The courts have affirmed this.

    1. LOL. The Dotard legal team presented no evidence of fraud. aka there was no questioning. The courts have affirmed that election results can't be tossed simply because the losing side doesn't like the results.

      btw, did you question the system when the presidency was stolen from Al Gore? Al Gore's "loss" wasn't an example of the Left simply not liking the results, btw. Because the Supreme Court stopped the counting, the TRUE results weren't known until later (which was that Gore won FL).

      The Intercept: "...we know that Gore won Florida in 2000. If a full, fair statewide recount had taken place, he would have become president".

      Democrats = count all the votes (pro-democracy).

      republicans = toss out as many votes as possible. Especially in cities with large African American populations (anti-democracy).

    2. No Thersites, the courts have said nothing like that. They've just asked for the GOP and people claiming fraud to show evidence. Which they have been unable to do. Which they have been unable to for years, through numerous challenges, accusations, commissions, etc.

      Maybe if conservatives brought some real evidence to the courts, instead of unproven affidavits, the courts would be more receptive.

    3. The Courts are uninterested in evidence, lest they would 't contest standing.

    4. -FJ... that's an opinion not supported by the facts. Rudy says the Trump Campaign is not alleging fraud, judges across the land have literally been begging the Trump Admin and campaign to bring evidence, all to no avail. Kris Kobach and his "commission" found nothing and even the Heritage Group has only found three cases of actual voter fraud over the the last 15 years. Curiously, those cases, including the two actual fraud cases this election, all involved the GOP.

      You guys can yell fraud all you want, but proving a point requires real work. Do the work. Prove your point. Then come back with real facts, not just statements of your hopes.

      Donald Trump lost the election of 2020. According to his own admin, it was free, fair and not tainted by fraud.

      Lo siento amigo...

    5. YOU voted to kill the republic, Minus. The People turned out bigly to elect Joe Biden, SAVING the republic. Thank God.

      btw, judges appointed by Dotard ruled against his attempts to unconstitutionally throw out votes. Rudy had opportunity to present evidence. He declined. Obviously because there is no "evidence" that would stand up to scrutiny in court. A fact you continue to ignore.

  2. If republicans of the present had their way completely one wonders what America would look like. Evidence strongly suggests it would be damn ugly.
