WYM Pages

Friday, January 1, 2021

trumper Delusions & Hero-Worship Versus Reality

The following YouTube (which manipulates video from an Indian film to depict Dotard giving Democrats a serious beat-down) was recently linked to by the Dotard-cultist Minus FJ on WYD.

LOL! I actually thought this was pretty funny. In the context of how much effort Dotard's cultists put into their hero-worship of such an undeserving man. aka I'm laughing AT you and not WITH you.

The TRUTH is that Dotard is in for a world of hurt, post-presidency. As Vice News points out. NY is gunning for him.

Hopefully NY DA Cy Vance and NY AG Letitia James will be able to successfully prosecute, convict, and sentence Dotard to some serious prison time for his crimes. Or at (the very least) get a heafty financial settlement (re his tax evasion and fraud activities).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-219.

1 comment:

  1. If there is any justice, any at all, trump will be receiving his post (fake) presidency's just deserts. A very long prison sentence compliments of the Southern District of New York State.

    The Hugely Obese Orange Shit is hopefully going to be in a world of hurt post 12:00 PM come January 20, 2021.
