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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Murder Cells And Capture And Kill Teams Mixed In Among Capitol Rioters (aka LARPing Patriots)

As per the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ, the seditious capitol rioters were actually LARPing (Live Action Role Playing). AKA they were just having fun. As opposed to comitting serious crimes for which many of them will receive prison time.

No doubt many of the rioters were clueless idiots who didn't know how this was going to play out. Aside from "we're taking the capitol to keep Dotard in power"... with no real plan on how they were going to accomplish that task.

However, mixed in with the useful idiots were people who came there with an agenda and a plan to carry it out. The useful idiots got them access. Then they were going to capture and kill "treasonous" politicians.

Excerpt from the 1/13/2021 airing of the Stephanie Miller Show (transcribed by me).

Stephanie Miller: Malcolm, you said (on Twitter), "evidence is revealing that murder cells and capture and kill teams were in that mob, hunting politicians.

Malcolm Nance: There were. ... a murder cell is a terrorist organization, or body of people who flow in with mobs or the street ... they are an organized team that would go in there and look for certain victims. Capture and kill teams are the same thing. ... they had zip-ties, they had all of their military equipment. By the way, these were the Proud Boys, the Boogaloos, Oath Keepers by the hundreds ... all of these people are paramilitary. And they intended to kidnap, capture and kill many of the member of Congress. It would have been a bloodbath. [if that had happened] the Capitol Police would have had to go to full scale open warfare. Which means we would have lost hundreds.

Stephanie Miller: ...you tweeted that Ali Alexander is confessing to planning the attack on the US and naming his co-conspirators, some of whom were Congresspeople.

Malcolm Nance: These people are so stupid. They're proud of what they did. Ali Alexander is a rightwing extremist. He was there. He said he was communicating with three Congresspersons. He named them all in a video Facebook post [which] I sent to the FBI. He is now in hiding.

Stephanie Miller: [reading a WP story] ...the day before the riot the FBI office in VA issued an explicit internal warning that extremists were planning to travel to Washington to commit violence and war. ... A situational information report ... painted a dangerous portrait of dangerous plans. Including individuals sharing a map of the complex's tunnels. ... be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in. Blood from their BLM and Antifa slave-soliders being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling it a march, a rally or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our president or we die. [end reading]

Malcolm Nance: The thing about intelligence -- we can develop it, we can collect it, but we can't make them think. We give that to the consumer. Unfortunately the consumer was the person who was leading the insurrection. ...there was limited security at the Capitol -- it was just hte regular day watch. Normally they were have all three watch sections there. 2300 cops.

So? Dotard issued a stand-down order? tRump and numerous co-conspirators (including Congresspeople) will be going to prison for a long time? We'll have to wait and see. Obviously there will be multiple investigations and heads will roll. Whether Dotard is held to account remains to be seen. He certainly should be. Impeached, removed and disqualified from holding office... to begin with.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-230.


  1. "Plato noted a particular risk for tyrants: that they would be surrounded in the end by yes-men and enablers. Aristotle worried that, in a democracy, a wealthy and talented demagogue could all too easily master the minds of the populace. Aware of these risks and others, the framers of the Constitution instituted a system of checks and balances. The point was not simply to ensure that no one branch of government dominated the others but also to anchor in institutions different points of view.

    In this sense, the responsibility for Trump’s push to overturn an election must be shared by a very large number of Republican members of Congress. Rather than contradict Trump from the beginning, they allowed his electoral fiction to flourish. They had different reasons for doing so. One group of Republicans is concerned above all with gaming the system to maintain power, taking full advantage of constitutional obscurities, gerrymandering and dark money to win elections with a minority of motivated voters. They have no interest in the collapse of the peculiar form of representation that allows their minority party disproportionate control of government. The most important among them, Mitch McConnell, indulged Trump’s lie while making no comment on its consequences."
    --Timothy Snyder, NYTimes

    1. QED "Turtleman" was a Dotard enabler, not an anti-Trumpist. Nor is he now a "savior of the New Left".

  2. One of two reasons they were silent and therefore complicit. 1) Interested in maintaing power. 2) No cajones.

    Either camp = Un-American, anti democracy

    The republican party IMO has forfieted the right to lead for a generation or more.

    If only ALL real Americans would REFUSE to vote republican (the seditionist party) for the next 50 years.

  3. Pentagon won’t hold traditional Armed Forces Farewell for Trump
    JANUARY 15, 2021

    Earlier today, CNN revealed that the treasonous, insurrection-inciting individual who we for some reason are still referring to as President of the United States is hoping for a big military-style sendoff when he leaves office. Trump, who has never served and who has demeaned and insulted our military servicemen and women time and time again, has long fancied himself as a strong commander-in-chief. Unfortunately for him, the days of his military LARPing are almost over.

    Defense One reports that far from throwing Trump an extravagant, North Korea-style military event the Department of Defense will break tradition by not throwing an Armed Forces Farewell for him. Two senior Pentagon officials revealed to Defense One that none is being planned. It’s unclear if the decision stems from a reluctance from the DOD or a lack of interest on the part of President Trump.

  4. Derv... I wonder what -FJ, assuming he's not Shaman Horns and Fur guy, thinks of his theory about the false Dominion voting machines narrative now... based on the statement from American Thinker, one of the biggest purveyor of that BS, made up story...

    "American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on www.AmericanThinker.com that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

    These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

    It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error."

    1. I suspect Minus would say the Dominion v Sydney Powell lawsuit intimidated them and that the retraction is false.

    2. Lol! "Now say it again or I'll sue you for $1.3b!"

    3. Another (Occam's Razor) explanation could be that they know the story is false and they would therefore lose. I do suspect (however) that the judgment would be reduced. As if they could ever pay 1.3 billion.

    4. Well, let's take -FJ at his logic and consider the following...

      If the American Thinker has evidence, why not show it?

      Is what -FJ is saying is that in their statement, American Thinker is lying or making untrue statements? If so, how are we to judge when these "journalists" are telling the truth?

      It works like this... American Thinker lied about Dominion, or they did not. If they did not, using logic any lawyer would use in court, we could ask this... if you are lying now to avoid a lawsuit, how can we believe you were telling the truth disparaging Dominion in the first place.

      Isn't it once a liar, always a liar?

      The most reasonable understanding should be the Tucker Carlson defense... That American Thinker, like Carlson, should not be looked to for truth and accuracy. Rather, they are an Opinion site.

      No more or no less factual or investigatory than we are here.

    5. Occam's Razor = A candidate who lost the popular vote when he ran in 2016 and never polled above 50% during his presidency lost when he ran for reelection (after bungling the government response to a pandemic plunging the economy into recession).

    6. If the American Thinker has evidence, why not show it?

      You really haven't paid much attention to recent censorship issues surrounding "Wrongthinke", have you (suppressing search results, etc.)?

    7. btw - Go to YouTube right now and search for "voter fraud". I can guarantee you'll receive a notice that the Electoral College has confirmed Joe Biden as the President-elect.

    8. "I can guarantee you'll receive a notice that the Electoral College has confirmed Joe Biden as the President-elect".

      I have seen the notices. Reminding people of reality doesn't work with those of your ilk. But it's good that they point out the truth.

    9. Would it have helped your general paranoia if every search for Trump-Russian Collusion over the past four years came back with a notice that "Trump is the president and there was no Russian collusion"?

    10. ...but no, wait, that would demonstrate my concern for your "truth"...

      Nietzsche, "The criterion for truth is an increase in the feeling of power"...

    11. ...every search for Trump-Russian Collusion over the past four years came back with a notice that... there was no Russian collusion?

      That didn't happen. Also, there was Russian collusion. "Russia, if you're listening" being the example everyone is aware of because it happened live on TV.

    12. Like Biden claim to have assembles the largest voter fraud team ever? Or his admission of getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired to help his son...

    13. Joe Biden misspoke. And he never "admitted" that he got anyone fired to help his son. tRump didn't misspeak. Or mean it sarcastically.

    14. Mispoke? A Freudian slip...

      And if you won't give Trump license to employ sarcasm, why should I give Biden any credit for "mis-speaking"?

    15. You wouldn't either way. And Dotard gaffes significantly more than Biden. A fact you just ignore.

      Also, first Dotard told the rioters they were "very special" and told them "we love you". Then he condemned the violence. Which statement was "sarcastic"?

      QED you can shove your "sarcasm" BS.

    16. You're right about one thing. Caritas is absent in the ranks of the TDS obsessed.

    17. How can I be "right" about something I never said? White Supremacy is hate, therefore it is the maga movement that lacks caritas.

    18. You couldn't recognize Caritas if she fed you with her tits.

    19. Your side loves rigging elections. You hate it when you lose anyway. Which is what happened this time.

    20. Your side doesn't rig elections by boundless voter expansion (to the ineligible) and vote dilution? And those who would oppose and "suppress" enactment of such measures are "rigging" the election, too? Who knew that ensuring the proper legality of elections and sanctity of the vote could be so nefarious?

    21. Democrats believe that everyone who is eligible should be allowed to vote. We also believe that a person convicted of a crime who has paid their debt to society should regain their voting rights. And no, that isn't rigging.

      Also, YES, what the Right does (in their attempts to disenfranchise as many people as possible) absolutely is nefarious.

      btw, I know that by "vote dilution" you actually mean dilution of the White vote. I get it. Sorry, but demographic changes are going to be doing that bigly going forward.

  5. Replies
    1. What were the zip-ties (plastic handcuffs) for? And the investigation is in it's early stages. Just because they don't have "direct evidence" now doesn't mean the evidence they do have won't lead to direct evidence. Obviously they have something that lead them to make the claim.

    2. -FJ... I would entertain your question about "Fake News" if you could give a straight up working definition of it. No videos, no music, no links...

      Just define the term.

    3. Assigning meaning to facts and events based upon your own personal desires and motives and not those who acted in the reported events (especially if a suits or fits a certain "Meta-narrative".

    4. ...and confers a self-serving and convenient moral virtue signal)

    5. aka - apophenia or Dali's paranoiac critical method of viewing events.

    6. ...a hypernormalised account that purposefully discounts and overlooks complexity.

    7. The post concerns comments by Malcolm Nance, an intelligence and foreign policy analyst whose expertise is in counterinsurgency and asymmetric warfare (which he gained studying al quaeda and other radical terrorist organizations). Not my "personal desires". My personal desire would be that the maga crowd accept the results of the election and not resort to violence (as they have threatened).

    8. You quote Deep State sources? Why didn't Putin rig the system for DJT again this time, then? LOL!

    9. btw, I have no idea how this is going to play out, but threats of violence need to be taken seriously. Especially given what occurred at the Capitol and the FACT that radicalized magas have threatened more violence.

    10. You've been full-blown mental for four years and now you want us to give you the benefit of the doubt?

    11. You're right to be concerned. They no longer have an honest election system to worry about keeping or potentially compromising. Lachesism reigns.

    12. "deep state" is your bullshit fantasy. And Malcolm is no longer in government.

    13. YOU have been full-blown mental for four years... and counting. Dotard's defeat certainly did not help re your paranoid delusions.

    14. ...but averting a disaster would require you to take their concerns seriously. You do not.

    15. You prefer to censor and bully your way into power.

    16. It would have been simple to investigate voter concerned. But that precedent of questioning democratic outcomes could not be tolerated or established.

    17. The next moves by the right won't be LARPers. They'll be by Lachesists...

    18. "Voter fraud" has been extensively investigated and found (over and over) to be statistically insignificant. Both gwb and Dotard investigated it (spending millions) and found none.

      You can NOT just keep claiming something with ZERO proof and then cry "censorship" when you FINALLY get warranted push back. These "voter fraud" lies have now resulted in a large majority of republicans disbelieving Joe Biden's win and incited an attack on the Capitol. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

      We aren't going to put up with it any longer. Rightwing terrorism was identified as a big problem during Obama's presidency. Rightwing whines got the paper retracted. The truth about White Supremacist/rightwing violence WILL no longer be ignored.

    19. Edward Norton now realizes who Tyler Durden is.

      Tyler Durden (within the context of the movie) never existed. The character played by Norton turned out to be insane. I don't know what point you think you are making.

      btw, Edward Norton isn't a Dotard fan.

      Edward Norton (11/20/2020) via Twitter: "We Cannot Let This Mobster Bully the USA".

    20. Saying the words "Extensively investigated" over and over about past investigations while ignoring the record of the most recent election proves just how un-serious you are about the subject. You want a revolution? You'll have one.

    21. and ps - Suppressing YouTube and Google searches for evidence of voter fraud sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing for a confident debater of truth to do... BWAH!

    22. Just the video explanation for "Fake News"...

    23. You're the one who is unserious. Repeating lies over and over don't make them true. And there is "suppression" at Youtube or Google only in your delusions. As you pointed out earlier, the videos are still on YouTube, they have only added a notice.

      I don't want a "revolution" (aka White Supremacist terrorism). This is what you and your ilk want (your way or violence). The US government does not negotiate with terrorists.

    24. The videos are available? How come my links no longer work to them?


    25. Usually, YouTube gives first-time offenders a warning, but that practice has been suspended in light of yesterday’s events. In December, the video platform announced it would remove videos that alleged “widespread fraud or errors” around the 2020 election, and the company says it has already removed thousands of videos for violating that policy. As it usually does with policy changes, YouTube had a built-in grace period where content that broke the rules would be removed without a strike; that grace period was set to end on inauguration day, January 20th. However, YouTube has made the decision to move that date up to today.

    26. YouTube must also be a part of the "deep state". Even though they are a private corporation and are under no obligation to help spread lies about the election being "stolen".

    27. ...they don't have Deep State masters? What were all those Capitol Hill hearings about, then?

    28. Big Data doesn't run NSA/CIA/5 Eyes Data Storage Centers? Who knew?

    29. HOW did you think Dotard would ever defeat the "deep state"? The way you spin it such a task was always utterly hopeless. Yet, before the election, you were saying there was no way Biden could win. LOL.

    30. Google doesn't own Youtube AND run the DoD Cloud? Who knew?

    31. You can't defeat the Deep State. You CAN purge it of its' partisan abusers like Comey, McCabe, et al, though.

    32. God bless the "deep state"... aka non-partisan career bureaucrats protecting our country from autocratic abusers like Dotard.

    33. You love the partisan abusers. Why am I not surprised? You'll love the Biden whistleblowers then. Biden Impeached in 2023! I can hardly wait.

    34. No. He isn't a partisan abuser. I don't love him either. He let Dotard off way to easy.

  6. tRump the Traitor has been actively and purposefully spreading division (white supremacy), lies, conspiracies, and unrest for at least 5 years beginning with his birther bullshit and possibly longer. He is absolutely guilty of encouraging insurrection and possibly of being involved in organizing the attempted coup on 1/6/21.

    And frankly, the American Thinker has become nothing but a rightwing disinformation rag of bullshit.

    1. Minus, if you're saying they've always been a source of disinformation -- I'll take your word for it. I'm not a regular reader.

    2. lol! Don't blame me for RN having once taken them seriously.

    3. ...but then Objectivists ARE pretty naive...

    4. You're the one who linked to the article. I assumed because you agreed with it. If you're saying it's bullshit... I agree.

    5. Why would I say that? I sometimes post articles from the NY Times and WaPo. Are you saying that they're complete bullsh*t all the time?

  7. Objectivists, unless they're delusional or just plain stupld would ABSOLUTELY depise Dotard donnie.

    So JC (FJ) stick it where te sun don't shine.

    1. That is not even a a remote possibility. But I suppose in your trumpified delusional mind anything is possible. Quite dangerous as well.

    2. Are all Objectivists as stupidly 'literal' as you, RN?

    3. Are all trumper as stupid as you appear to be?
