WYM Pages

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tinfoil Hat Wearing Magamoron Blogger Minus FJ Sez Election Stolen From Dotard Using CIA Hacking/Vote Switching Programs Hammer & Scorecard

According to PoltiFact, Dotard supporters say 2 CIA computer programs helped steal the election for Joe Biden. "One program, called Hammer, cracks into protected networks, while another, called Scorecard, changes vote totals".

PoltiFact rates this claim as PANTS ON FIRE and note that "independent election security researchers see no evidence that Hammer and Scorecard exist".

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Charles Stewart II... said there's a key flaw in the theory that the purported software package of Hammer and Scorecard could intercept the digital transmission of vote results and change them. He said the states that do send data that way also keep the data tapes of votes from the original machines.

I think Minus needs to get one of these ASAP. If he doesn't already wear one 24/7. To shield his "special" brain from "deep state" mind reading.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-229.


  1. No evidence it exists? Kirk Wiebe didn't work for NSA? USAF Lt. Gen General McInerney is a liar, too? Who knew?

    1. Liars, simply wrong, or crazy.

      The Dispatch Fact Check: Douglas Jones, an associate professor of computer science at the University of Iowa, says that explanation represents a misunderstanding of the voting process.

      "If you accept the idea that all of our votes somehow pass through transfer points where computer tampering could make arbitrary changes, the story holds together", said Jones. "However, that's not the way the system works".

      In most states, Jones explains, before a precinct relays its vote total to the county, the precinct totals are printed, usually in duplicate, and typically in the presence of observers from both political parties.

      The process typically then moves as follows:

      "One copy of the printout is then signed by witnesses, enclosed with the electronic results cartridge, and sealed in an envelope for hand delivery to the county election office... Then, in some counties, the electronic results are transmitted by modem for quick reporting of unofficial totals, while the spare printout is posted on the wall for everyone present to look at".

      This is all to say, that interfering with election results at "transfer points" would be unlikely... And that’s by design.

      "The fundamental problem is, there are too many witnesses from both parties, the press and the public who can see the numbers going in and compare them with the numbers the state announces... This makes tampering at these transfer points; far too easy to detect for this to be an effective attack on the election".

    2. -FJ... statements are not evidence. They are simply, wait for it... statements.

      If you were on trial unjustly, you would expect no less than a show of real evidence, as opposed to statements, wouldn't you?

      I think, at some point, based on the totality of fraud, nefarious acts and irregularities you guys are alleging, someone has to present a few actual smoking guns. Why is that unreasonable?

    3. ....unless the vote switch/ manipulation happens coming out of the Dominion vote scanner failure "adjudication" (which is "external") process... and "Republican" district ballots have been printed in a manner which causes a higher "scan-failure" rate requiring adjudication.

    4. Dominion sues Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for defamation (excerpt from a 1/8/2021 AP article) Dominion Voting Systems filed a defamation lawsuit against lawyer Sidney Powell on Friday, seeking at least $1.3 billion for Powell's "wild accusations" that the company rigged the presidential election for Joe Biden. "Dominion brings this action to set the record straight", the company said in the suit filed in federal court in Washington. [end excerpt]

      Is Russell James Ramsland Jr going to be a witness for the defense? Will Sidney Powell counter-sue? Whatever happens, Joe Biden will be sworn in as POTUS 46 if/when this goes to trial.

    5. $1.3 billion doesn't sound like attempted intimidation to you? She must be on to something or the sum wouldn't have been so outrageous.

    6. 1.3 billion could be the total revenue they estimated the business could take in over it's lifetime. I don't know how they arrived at the amount. I do know they are claiming that Powell's defamatory comments could destroy/cause great harm to their business.

      You think Powell is going to be "intimidated" and retract her comments/issue an apology?

    7. Mitch didn't push through a ton of conservative judges? Who knew? Are they all crooked Dotard-haters who will ignore evidence? I guess that's Dotard's fault for nominating them. The American Bar Association did say many of them were unqualified.

    8. Think any of them owe favours to those pols who appointed them?

    9. btw - Dem judges don't get paid by the Deep State? Who knew?

    10. Government, investigate thyself! Cut off thine own funding.

    11. Dem judges don't get paid by the Deep State? Who knew?

      Everyone. At least everyone who is sane.

  2. -FJ... well. It's essentially an unproven affidavit, from an expert witness, paid for by supporters of the POV that fraud occurred. No court in America would conclude that it is evidence.

    Especially in light of the fact that all of the votes in Antrium Country were subject to a hand recount of the, here it comes... paper ballots.

    Again, a simple allegation is not evidence.

    To use your word, all of the votes in that county were adjudicated. And found to be accurate.

  3. -FJ and others...

    I admire your dedication to getting the vote right. I agree with you that we should never disenfranchise voters. We're you and the rest of your mostly conservative crew so passionate about this when African Americans were systematically denied the right to vote across several states in the south in the 50's and 60's?

    Or is this new found religion about voter disenfranchisement only of concern now because you guys are losing influence?

    1. all of the votes in that county were adjudicated. And found to be accurate. lol! Except before the re-count.

    2. Date Registered
      Biden Trump Third
      Party Write-In
      Nov 3 22,082 16,047 7,769 4,509 145 14 12,423
      Nov 5 22,082 18,059 7,289 9,783 255 20 17,327
      Nov 21 22,082 16,044 5,960 9,748 241 23 15,949

    3. Hmm totals on different dates ranging from 12k-17k-15k....

    4. ps New found Concern? Trump came IN to office in 2016 trying to get a handle on the election fraud system... which the Deep state IMMEDIATELY squashed.

    5. "Deep state"... LOL. republican governors refused to hand over the data. There is no voter fraud. The REAL problem is "GOP" voter suppression.

    6. There are no Never-Trump Republicans like Larry Hogan in the Deep State? Who knew?

    7. Members of the so-called "voter fraud" commission refused to turn over the requested data (due to privacy laws). They squashed their own (phony) investigation.

      Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a Republican, is vice chairman of the commission, but even his office does not plan to provide the last four digits of Social Security numbers because that's not publicly available under Kansas law, spokeswoman Samantha Poetter said. All information that is publicly available will be provided.

      Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap, a member of the voting commission, rejected the request, saying it's not clear the commission has the authority to keep records confidential. He arrived at that decision after a re-evaluation. He initially rejected the request, then said on July 27 that he'd look at it again after the commission renewed the request. (source).

    8. Video is labeled as "parody". Are you confused about what "parody" means? It means it isn't real.

    9. The fact that it really happened is why its' so funny.

    10. It didn't happen. The soon to be disbarred Rudy had the opportunity to present the evidence in court but declined. Because there isn't any.

  4. This is excellent news:

    McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to purge Trump from the G.O.P.

    Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party, according to people familiar with his thinking. The House is voting on Wednesday to formally charge Mr. Trump with inciting violence against the country.

    At the same time, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the minority leader and one of Mr. Trump’s most steadfast allies in Congress, has asked other Republicans whether he should call on Mr. Trump to resign in the aftermath of the riot at the Capitol last week, according to three Republican officials briefed on the conversations.

    The best thing that can happen is if the GOP turns on the bastard Trump. And with what McConnell allegedly said this may very well happen.

    We can then put Mitch down as FINALLY a NEVER-TRUMPER! And we can then throw the S.O.B. on the ash heap of history, his name forever disgraced and among America's worst enemies.

    The end of Trump's presidency ending with him slinking away from the inauguration of Joe Biden and looking for somewhere to live.

    New Yorkers hate him and so do his neighbors in Palm Beach, Florida. All he has left are his insurrectionist traitors to America.

    1. Mitch McConnell, the hero of "progressive" values! lol!

    2. Never-Trumpers... the REAL heroes of "progressivism".

    3. McConnell is no hero. He's terrible. He's doing the right thing because it's in his own (and his party's) interest. Not to be a hero to the Left, that is for SURE.

    4. Turtleman... anti-Trumpist saviour of the New Left.

  5. BTW, I didn't read upthread. Is Minus FJ still squawking about "Deep State?" LOL!

    1. Even a tRump-appointed judge won't give an honest hearing re the case of Dominion suing Sydeny Powell for defamation. They must be "deep state" too. LOL.

    2. Federal judges don't get their paychecks from Uncle Sam? Who knew?

    3. Uncle Sam pays Dotard and his entire cabinet and staff.

    4. Uncle Sam also pays the salaries of the Congresspersons who contested the EC votes from states that didn't go for Dotard. Why didn't they fall in line?

      According to you NOW, there was no way Dotard could have won, given the power of the "deep state". Yet, before the election, you were saying there was no way Dotard could lose. I suspect the 180 is necessary or your brain would implode from the cognitive dissonance.

  6. This is what Minus and the rest of those anti-democracy, anti-American seditionists are defending:

    There is a simple chain of events that even news outlets doing the best work are still tiptoeing around. After President Trump gave his speech to the insurrectionists on Wednesday he returned to the White House and excitedly watched the storming of the Capitol on TV. As members of Congress were besieged and then retreated to a secure undisclosed location, Trump received numerous pleas from members of Congress to send reinforcements or call on his supporters to disperse. He refused because he liked what he was seeing.

    In a bygone century, he would be facing the gallows for what he did.

    1. Supposedly HRC gave a "stand down" order re the Benghazi attacks. Why she needed to be investigated over and over. Here we have a real stand down order... stay tuned for investigations? Dotard MUST face serious consequences for this.

  7. Just read that Mitch McConnell is happy tRump will be impeached AGAIN. Why you ask. Apparently he believes it will make it easier for the party to excise tRump from the party.

    Who would have guessed? But if true FABULOUS news.

  8. The usual far right bloggers are completely ignoring the fact that for the first time in America's history a POTUS will be impeached AGAIN! They're complaining about "cancel culture" and a change in a "castle doctrine" law someone in Texas is proposing. They take no notice of their president's shameful, historical impeachment playing out in D.C.

    Those folks are a huge part of the reason we are where we are today. Minus FJ and his seditious friends will never admit that they are on the wrong side of history and the law. Their weak minds have been bamboozled by a con artist who will go down in American history as the worst, most corrupt POTUS to ever hold office. And we sure have had some doozies!

    Trump cultists will never change their minds about Trump. They are, IMO, the American version of the "Good Germans."

    To Hell with them all.

    1. America's never had a dissolute drunkard as Speaker before....impeaching a President a week before the end of his term.

    2. You seem to be talking about Nancy Pelosi, but I'm unaware of any evidence that suggests she is a "dissolute drunkard". What we (as a country) have never had is a seditious delusional narcissistic Adderall-addicted pants-shitting sociopath as president.

  9. EXCLUSIVE: ‘QAnon Shaman’ is a 33-year-old failed actor who lives with his mom, spouts conspiracy theories about ‘FBI pedophile codes’ and roams the streets dressed in his bizarre horned outfit

    Jacob Angeli Chansley is one of the MAGA rioters wanted by DC police for his part in storming the Capitol building on Wednesday

    He was part of a Trump supporting mob, that also included Proud Boys and white supremacists, who broke into the building

    DailyMail.com can reveal that Chansley has been living with his mother Martha, 56, since January 201

    He had been booted out of his $899-a-month apartment in Phoenix, Arizona, owing $1,247 in rent arrears

    The 33-year-old has no job and, say neighbors, is often seen wandering the streets near her $199,000 Glendale home dressed in his horned shaman get-up
    His Hyundai car is plastered with conspiracy slogans and has a bumper sticker that reads ‘WQKE’

    Chansley has repeatedly turned up to protests across Arizona, among them one in July where he filmed himself ranting that Covid-19 is a hoax

    In September, he led a protest where he rambled about child abusers and claimed a spiral sign close to the bathrooms is actually ‘an FBI pedophile code’

    He was also part of a rowdy crowd of Trump supporters chanting ‘Stop the Steal’ who showed up at a tabulation center in Maricopa County on November 5"

    Just wondering -- has Minus FJ been seen in these parts since Jacob was arrested????

    1. w-Q-ke = he's crazy. If any of the rioter's lawyers offer insanity as a defense this guy is definitely a candidate.
