WYM Pages

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Today's Inauguration Of Dotard For A Second Term (Some Predictions For Our Country Going Forward)

The Lord has not abandoned us. Donald John tRump will serve a second term. The inauguration of the senile interloper Joseph Robinette Biden will not take place today. The troops are in place for a military coup to set things right. Once Dotard gives the word, those guilty of the seditious act of rigging the 2020 election will be arrested.

Next, following the execution (on live TV) of Joe Biden and his accomplice Kamala Harris, Dotard will be sworn in for a second term. Praise Jesus! Dotard's loyal trumpites were beginning to lose hope, but they should not have doubted that the very stable genius who leads our country would allow the Satanic pedophilic Democrats to plunge our great nation into a Communist nightmare.

Time and again the Deep State thwarted Dotard's attempts to expose the democrat's deception that the election was fairly won. Deep State judges would not listen to the Dotard legal team's exhaustive evidence proving conclusively that the election was rigged. The Supreme Court turned out to be Deep State as well. Even the judges appointed by Dotard himself refused to hear the case and overturn Joe Biden's illegitimate "win".

But Dotard has a final play to set things right. Despite Nancy Pelosi's attempted coup, Dotard is still the comander in chief. When the signal is given, the troops (most of them loyal to Dotard) will make their move. By the way, how could the troops not be loyal to Dotard? Surely men and women who fight for our country realize that life as we know it would end if Joe Biden were installed. We are not a Communist nation, nor will we ever be. Now is the time to fight the enemy within.

Which is what will happen. Although the enemy will be swiftly defeated. If they put up a fight at all. Which, God willing, they will not. The peacefull transfer of power (from a first to a second Dotard administration) will likely go off without a hitch. Given the presence of 20,000 National Guard Troops in Washington DC.

Following Dotard's inauguration, a number of seditious traitors will be hung on the Capitol grounds (as I already mentioned). In addition to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi will face the gallows. Although the evil old hag will likely die of a heart attack before she swings. Additionally, all the members of the House who voted for impeachment will be executed. Be they Democrat, or be they republican. They all betrayed our great leader and deserve to die.

Following the cleansing of our government of traitors, Dotard will return to the oval office to sign a series of executive orders. Executive Order #1 will dissolve the 117th Congress. The 118th Congress will consist of republicans loyal to Dotard. Seats previously held by Democrats will be taken by the republican who ran against said Democrat in the prior election.

The Second Executive order of predisent-for-life Dotard will declare the Democrat Party to be illegal. Members of the DNC will be arrested and put on trial for sedition via military tribunal. Those found guilty will be imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay. This executive order will also provide for the arrest and imprisonment in Gitmo of the Obamagate conspirators (Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller, etc), who will subsequently face military tribunals and execution if/when the traitors are pronounced guilty.

Executive Order #3 will dissolve the Supreme Court. Arrest warrants for all current justices will be issued. They refused to uphold the will of The People, whose choice in the election was clearly Dotard. For this they must be punished. New justices will be appointed at a later date, although one of them will surely be Sydney Powell. Although she will not be named Chief Justice because that positon can only be held by a man. The Chief Justice could possibly be loyal Dotard supporter L. Lin Wood.

Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett could return to the court, following an interrogation re why they did not stand up for our potus. If their explanation and contrition is sufficient, they could be reinstated. Our glorious predisent is nothing if not merciful and forgiving. Although if their explanation and contrition are not sufficiently contrite, they will be imprisoned, along with the pedophile Chief Justice John Roberts, who (if new Chief Justice Linn Wood deems it shall be), will executed by firing squad. Along with the pussy Mike Pence (who will be replaced as VP with Mike Flynn in a Mike for Mike swap).

Dotard's fourth executive order will impose harsh sanctions on China for releasing the Wuhan virus. This is an act of biological warfare for which China must be punished. Predisent Dotard will reserve the right to formally declare war with China at a later date. If Chinese president Xi begs for mercy and agrees to trillions in reparations (to compensate us for the financial harm inflicted upon the US by the Kung Flu), Dotard shall show them mercy.

A fifth executive order will concern the completion of Dotard's Great Wall to keep illegal invaders from crossing our Southern border. It will also cancel DACA and order the arrest and deportation of all of the so-called "dreamers" as well as other other foreign citizens illegally residing within the United States.

In addition to these Executive Orders (and possibly others) Dotard will pardon the patriots who marched on the Capitol to Stop the Steal. They were willing to undergo "trial by combat" in defense of their predisent and should face no punishment. The Presidential Medal of Freedom shall be awarded to Mike Lindell, the "My Pillow" guy for his unwavering support and dedication to his predisent.

For the record, I believe these predictions will prove to be 100 percent innacurate. Although I suspect (at least some) QAnon nutters may believe some (if not all) of them (or some version of them) may still come to pass. LOL.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-232.


  1. Yeah. Predictions. All based on lies, fantasies, and bullsh*t.

    As I write this comment, The Orange Scourge is on A.F.One on his way to FloriDUH and a disgraced future.

    May his name live in infamy!

    1. ...occupying rent-free space in every liberal's head, forever!

    2. Next stop: "rent free" life in a NY prison cell!

    3. You've been promising that since 2016... we're still waiting.

    4. I can't say for certain that Dotard will be convicted and serve time, but it's looking a hell of a lot more likely then Obama, Biden, HRC, etc (those involved in "Obamagate") ever being charged and convicted. Which you seemed absolutely positive would happen (the "big ugly"). It began and ended with the conviction of one person. As far as I know.

    5. What did you think was preventing Trump from being charged?

    6. I don't know what you're talking about. Dotard wasn't prosecuted while "serving" as potus because (as per Robert Mueller) "Department of Justice policy prevents a sitting president from being charged with a federal crime".

    7. He's not a sitting President... but he does have notebooks filled with declassified materials now.

  2. Don't be too confident that the jiggling orange blob of jello isn't going to continue to influence his deranged cultists (like minus FJ) to create mayhem on his behalf. Trumpism unleashed is not going to just die a silent death.

  3. The Great Jiggling Orange Blob Of Bulls^it will live rent free on the pages of the history books written on his ineptness, incompetence, and failed presidency.

    So, suck it up minus man.

    1. So he said. That he'd be back in some form. Hopefully he will too busy dealing with legal issues. I'm looking forward to him being ruined financially and possibly going to prison :)

    2. Hear, Hear to that Dervish. For it would be proper and just if it so happens.

  4. This sounds like Minus FJ's worst nightmare of "Things That Did Not Happen!"

    QAnon supporters believed Wednesday’s inauguration was an elaborate trap set by the former president, wherein Democrats would be rounded up and executed while Trump retained power. Various other doomsdays theorized by the QAnon community have also come and gone without incident.

    But unlike those past days, Biden's inauguration leaves the community with little daylight. As their predictions failed, radicalized QAnon members expressed their betrayal on messaging apps like Telegram and forums named after their failed doomsday scenario, The Great Awakening.

    While Biden took the oath, one top post on a QAnon forum read: “I don’t think this is supposed to happen” and wondered, “How long does it take the fed to run up the stairs and arrest him?"

    Other users became immediately dejected, realizing their dreams of a bloody coup were not going to take place.

    “Anyone else feeling beyond let down?” one top post on a popular QAnon forum read. "It's like being a kid and seeing the big gift under the tree thinking it is exactly what you want only to open it and realize it was a lump of coal."

    1. Meanwhile, millions of Democrats across the nation finally emerged from their basements and bomb-shelters after four years of "hunkering down" and heaved a sigh of relief... Putin's puppet had refused to seize power...

    2. Unlike you minus Dervish actually has is correct.

  5. Who??

    Oh right, America's greatest NPP (non performing person).

  6. Actually, JoeCon, millions of us were not "hunkered down" in our basements. We were out talking to our fellow Americans about throwing Donald Trump's corrupt ass out of office. And. It. Worked. IIRC, it was Trump who had to retreat to the bunker when he heard the anger of the American people. And today he retreated to his Nightmare-a-Lago after the American people kicked him out of the White House.

    He's gone. Like a bad smell.

    1. Mar-a-Lago. Now THATs a "basement" complete with golf course worth hunkering down in.

      ...and Sniffy Biden knows ALL about bad smells.

  7. On his last day in office the fake presnit released 140 swamp creatures back into the swamp that the fake presnit so loves and has contributed much to.

  8. RN... it's not the pardons, at least for me... Trump had a "I'm not letting lobbyists make lobbying money after their giovernment service" policy. Even Dems liked it. These admin workers knew what the score was when they signed up.

    And then, with a stroke of the pen, he wiped out, literally, wiped out his BEST swamp draining, limiting action.

    Why would he do this, unless in the end, he only did it to get votes.

    1. Me... I love Biden's fracking ban lie to win PA.

      At least the inauguration went off w/o a hitch.

    2. I believe the initial intent by the previous pretend president was an intentional ruse. He NEVER intended to follow through. The previous pretend president LOVED the swamp. It is, after all, where HE spent his ENTIRE life.

    3. Yes Biden has nearly 50 years of swamp life... all Trump did was buy/use idiots like Biden.

    4. The immediately previous presnit was born in the swamp, used the swamp to bemefit himself, and added to the swamp muck, gas, and stench as the nation most corruot presnit evah.

      So your fucking point is minus.
