WYM Pages

Friday, January 22, 2021

Mystere Emerges From Hiding. He's Done Biting The Pillow, Apparently. LOL!

My guess was that the Dotard-supporting blogger Mystere was absent from blogging for over a year because he lost his job due to the pandemic. And because he lost his job he also lost his internet access (or that was one of my guesses). Why else would he say nothing about Dotard's loss to Joe Biden?

Apparently Mystere has been biting the pillow for awhile. While I did notice a short while ago that he had put up a new blog post, the post wasn't about politics.

Today I see that Mystere has had enough and is crying out in pain. What finally caused him to break his silence? The attacks on the "My Pillow" guy, Mike Lindell. Who, after he advocated that Dotard use a military coup to hold on to power, has been told by a number of retailers that they no longer will carry his "My Pillow" merchandise.

Mike Lindell agrees with Mystere about Dotard being sent by God to save the US from the evil Democrats. But a majority of voters could see what a bad job Dotard was doing as predisent and wisely decided to turn out bigly to send him packing. Mike Lindell and Mystere are both nutters. While Mystere hasn't said anything about the Democrats "stealing" the election, Lindell is absolutely convinced that is what happened.

Why Lindell had to meet at the White House with Dotard. He said he tried to tweet the "proof", but Twitter kept removing his tweets. So he had to meet in person with Dotard to advocate for the overthow of Democracy. Now he is suffering the consequenes. But am I gloating with glee that Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl's, Wayfair are dropping his products?

No. I mean, I want to, but Lindell's products are manufactured in the United States (as least according to the commercials I've seen). If Mike Lindell's business is destroyed because of his hatred for democracy, that would definitely be something to laugh at. But does that mean his employees should suffer? I will pray that they find new jobs.

Also that Satan's servant, Mike Lindell, is not lifted up, but pushed down and driven to ruin. He strongly urged the lunatic who used to occupy the White House to institute Martial Law to unconstitutionally retain the presidency. F*ck him and f*ck Mystere for defending him. And suggesting The Lord should protect the America-hating Lindell from the consequences he richly deserves.

fyi, I label Lindell an Ameria-hater because he desires (and argued for) the end of Democracy by urging a wannabe dictator to throw out the valid results of a democratic election. The votes were counted, then recounted. Then counted again (in some cases). Dotard had his day in court. There is no proof that bigly voter fraud threw the election to Joe Biden, Mike Lindell. You asshole. Amen.

btw, note that Mystere says nothing about the employees of My Pillow in his commentary. His concern is for the America-hating Lindell alone, apparently. Not the Americans who may lose their jobs because their CEO is a Christian-nutter who wanted the worst president in American history to resist a peacefull transfer of power so he could continue destroying America (more economic devastation inflicted upon us by an incompetent predisent's gross mishandling of a once in a generation pandemic).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-233.


  1. Hmm... I just noticed that Mystere also posted on 1/21/2020 with a "thank you" for Dotard. My mistake. I thought his commentary about Lindell was his first post about politics since his return to blogging.

    The post looks like it's a reposting of someone else's words. In it, (whoever wrote it) concludes by saying it's from "a grateful nation". Grateful? I think not, Mystere. The American people voted Dotard OUT. We are grateful he's gone and we now have a competent president.

    1. Dominion Software voted DJT Trump out. Biden only got a couple thousand real votes from American CEOs and members of the salaried bourgeoisie.

    2. Bullshit.

      Reuters: Dominion Voting products were used in... states that Trump won, such as Louisiana, Iowa, Missouri and Ohio...

      Why didn't they "steal" Iowa or Ohio? These are states that have gone blue before, so wins for Biden in those states would have been believable.

    3. btw, if Biden is a socialist/communist, why wouldn't lazy poor people who want "free stuff" have voted for him?

      Dotard did SUCH A GOOD JOB presidenting that he won in an unprecedented (in ALL of American history) landslide? You are SO full of shit.

      Strike that, not a landslide... like an election in an autocracy where the ruler gets 90+ percent of the vote. But here (in the US democracy) we know those elections are rigged. For REAL. Not the totally phony rigging your delusions say Joe Biden is guilty of.

    4. Another of your sick pathetuc BS vids jc?

    5. This video is satire/parody. This video is not real. Nothing in this video is true or actually happened.

      How President Trump could be prosecuted for inciting violence. REAL. Not "parody".

    6. An inability to recognize satire originates in delusion.

    7. ...all Trump did was crash the carnival.

    8. ...and give lie to the MSM idea that hypernormality was the real world.

    9. Who says I have an inability to recognize satire? I'm a fan of satire. If it is funny. Which "United Spot" is not.

      Enjoy your post-truth trumper unreality.

    10. Oh, "satire" like "Colbert"... My Snark isn't a Boojum! BWAH!

    11. They're terribly unfunny. You like it because they pander to your delusions.

    12. Not as unfunny as Jon Stewart and his Colbert spin-offs. Talk about dull....

    13. You get paid $25 million a year if you're turning audiences off with your dullness? You obviously aren't a fan of the free market.

    14. Chat shows don't fall under the rubric of news. And I don't believe you don't watch fake news programs (which feed your delusions) as entertainment.

  2. Trust science, known facts, reason, common sense, logic, and truth.

    Leave religion with Aesops Fables.

    1. I can definitely see how religious nutters like Lindell convince people of that, RN. People like Lindell (and Mystere) make Satan smile. They do his work for him.

    2. Embrace the secular religion of progress through Government. Worship at the altar of Biden the Merciful and Pelosi the Magnanamous. A one time $2,000 can be received as reward for your belief!

    3. STFU unless you can actually manage to type something TRUTHFUL. Which I highly doubt.

      I'll wait but I certainly won't hold mh breath.

    4. What IS true is that you worshipped the orange sh^t disater(s) the corrupt previous president sh^t out daily.

    5. I don't worship government. Now matter what party controls it.

    6. ...but that would be "science". LOL!

    7. Thank God Dotard was booted from the presidency. fyi, I don't have the mb to look at your YouTubes. Can't be anything there critical of Biden, in any case. Given that they "censor" such videos.

    8. Sock Puppets Galore minus. You must be a busy dude.

    9. LOL, Minus! Your last video link is pure fantasy. NO pardon for Julian Assange! It's the end of the road for Dotard. He might finally pay for his life of crime.

    10. Re "never going to give you up"... right. Because of how Dotard mismanaged the government response to the pandemic. Biden can't turn things around immediately.

    11. Re "...but that would be "science". LOL!"... I think you accidentally linked to the same video twice. I don't know what "science" you are referring to.

    12. Fact check: Outdated video of Fauci saying "there's no reason to be walking around with a mask". (excerpt) Fauci's remarks were made on March 8, 2020 and do not represent his current stance on face coverings nor the updated guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ... As Fauci told the Washington Post... at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks were not recommended for the general public, as authorities were trying to prevent a mask shortage for health workers and the extent of asymptomatic spread was unknown.

  3. Hi Derv,

    I thought you and RN would enjoy reading this:

    Jan. 23, 2021, 12:32 p.m. ET
    In the race to the bottom for the title of worst American president, the same few sorry names appear at the end of almost every list, jockeying for last place. There’s Andrew Johnson, whose abysmal behavior during Reconstruction led to the first presidential impeachment. There’s Warren G. Harding, responsible for the Teapot Dome scandal. There’s hapless, hated Franklin G. Pierce; doomed, dead-after-32-days William Henry Harrison; and inevitably, James Buchanan, often considered worst of all because of how badly he bungled the lead-up to the Civil War.

    But as historians consider the legacy of Donald J. Trump, it appears that even the woefully inadequate Buchanan has some serious competition for the spot at the bottom.

    “Trump was the first president to be impeached twice and the first to stir up a mob to try to attack the Capitol and disrupt his successor from becoming president,” said Eric Rauchway, professor of history at the University of California, Davis. “These will definitely go down in history books, and they are not good.”

    “I already feel that he is the worst,” said Ted Widmer, professor of history at the City University of New York, noting that as bad as Buchanan was — and he was very bad indeed — he was “not as aggressively bad as Trump.”

    I see that Minus FJ and his sock puppet JoeCon are still trying to sell that pile of horse kaka about Dominion. Minus reminds me of the crazy uncle to comes to Sunday dinner and keeps yapping about the fake Moon landing. The family walks quietly away while Uncle Minus ends up talking to the silverware about how he knows for sure that the US never landed on the Moon.

