WYM Pages

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Minus FJ Posts To YouTube As Styxhexenhammer666 aka Tarl Warwick?

Tarl Warwick sounds like a fake name to me. Yet "Tarl" has apparently self-published several books. Including "texts related to demonology, Satan, devil worship, and spirits which I have edited and released".

"Devil worship", huh? That doesn't fit with what Minus has claimed previously. Though he has said he is not Christian. As for why I believe that Minus might acutally be Tarl, my suspicion arrises from the following exchange.

Joe Conservative: btw - How many masks am I supposed to wear today? Have you consulted the Fauci "Wheel of Science"? (2/2/2021 at 6:43 AM).

Dervish Sanders: I just read that you're supposed to wear 10 masks. Maybe you should try that.. (2/9/2021 at 9:13 AM).

My link (the word "read") is to a 2/8/2021 post on the blog of Willis Hart where he writes that Dr Fauci is lying about it being advisable to wear two masks. According to Willis, "the proper number is of course ten".

10 days later (on 2/12/2021) Minus posted the following Tarl Warwick video (Styxhexenhammer666 on YouTube) to his blog.

Now, I don't advise watching this bullshit. If you want to you can. Or you can fast forward to the 5:15 mark. Or you can just take my word for it. Which is that Tarl says we are hearing "wear ten f*cking masks and stuff like that. In order to stop a virus that is clearly not being stopped by those methods".

Yes, this is most likely a total coincidence. But maybe it isn't? Maybe the guy who calls himself "Minus FJ" (in addition to the dozen-plus other Blogger IDs he created and uses regurarly) is acutally "Tarl Warwick"? If that is a real name and not another alias.

Supposedly Minus lives in Jarrettsville Maryland while "Tarl" (as per Gyaanipedia... whatever that is) lives in Rutland Vermont. So they're different people? Even though (previously, though as a joke) I decided to create a pic (based on Tarl) to represent Minus (see this blog's sidebar under the header "Minus FJ aka Farter John"). Although I didn't know his name was "Tarl" at the time.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-245.


  1. My best, best friend from h.s. and her husband live in Rutland, VT. They've lived there for 30+ years, and my friend is a journalist who taught at a well-known university, and her husband wrote for the local paper. If ANYONE would know who this "Tarl" characgter is, they would. I'll look into it.

  2. lol! You've used too many "m"'s in HAMR, Dervy. Recognition of Sarcasm certainly isn't your forte.

    1. I typed zero "M"s. I copied and pasted "Styxhexenhammer666".

    2. Then you missed my response to your original doxxing assertion...

      You caught me. I'm Styxhexenhamer666. lol!

    3. I doubt it. But then why can I not (again) comment on your blog? Angry that I outed you? TWO m's in "hammer" on his/your YouTube page.

      btw, is it "doxxing" if you post your own YouTube videos to your blog?

  3. That you would doxx someone just for their political opinions is troubling Dervy... but I think it is symptomatic and behaviorally indicative of the actions of a stuck up asshole prick. Acta non verba. You've lost posting privileges at Tea Leaves again.

    1. It's a joke, dumbass. I doubt that's you. Would it be "doxing" if I filmed myself, posted the video YouTube, then embedded the video on this blog... and then you asked if that was me?

    2. If you want me to delete the post I will. And you can say YES based on it resembling a doxxing attempt. I won't take a YES as a confirmation that you are this person.

  4. ps - I hope you also enjoy your future pursuit and doxxing of Willis Hart.
