WYM Pages

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Minus FJ Bullshit: Citing Disclaimer OAN Placed Before Mike Lindell "Documentary" Is An "Appeal To Authority"

"...an appeal to authority... is a form of argument in which the opinion of an authority on a topic is used as evidence to support an argument. (source: Wikipedia).

One America News is an authority? According to their Wikipedia page "the channel is known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories". Doesn't sound like they are an "authority" to me.

Yet, according to the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ (and his sockpuppet "Thersites") citing the disclaimer that OAN ran prior to their airing of Mike Lindell's conspiracy-theory-palooza was an "appeal to authority". aka I employed a logical fallacy to dodge addressing Mike's evidence-free "absolute proof".

In part the OAN disclaimer stated that "the statements and claims expressed in this program are presented of this time as opinions only and are not intended to be taken or interpreted by the viewer as established facts".

So, the "authority" OAN says Mike's statements are "not to be taken as established fact". Except OAN isn't an "authority". Their disclaimer was a very poor attempt to protect them from being sued. As per Dominion's attorney Thomas Clare... "the disclaimer on Lindell's film [will] not help OAN avoid legal action".

But, as I pointed out previously, wouldn't "absolute proof" protect OAN from being sued? Clearly the disclaimer indicated that OAN does not believe Mike's video constitutes "absolute proof". If OAN is an "authority" in anything, they're an authority in bullshitting. So, maybe in that regard I did employ the logical fallicy of an "appeal to authority"?

OK, even though I KNOW Minus will accept NO rebuttal, I did Google some rebuts to a few of the Pillowman's false claims. According to Snopes (and other sources as noted) Mike made the following false assertions in his video.

"Absolute Proof" rehashes a number of debunked rumors. Here are some of the facts...

Hammer & Scorecard Flippped Trump Votes To Biden. Snopes.

A supercomputer called HAMR (or "Hammer") and a software program called "Scorecard" are being used to alter vote counts in the US presidential election of 2020. ... Rumors about the existence of a CIA supercomputer ... can be traced to a man named Dennis Montgomery. According to the website American Report, Montgomery, whom the website describes as a "CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower", designed and built this supercomputer.

The fact-checking website Lead Stories also notes that some of the specifics in the American Report article don't hold up to scrutiny. For example, American Report claims that Scorecard works by tampering with "transfer points" between state computers and third-party election data vaults. The article claims that "VR Systems Inc" is one of these transfer points, but VR Systems' COO told Lead Stories that "VR Systems does not do voter tabulation and is not connected to county or state voter tabulation systems".

But perhaps the biggest red flag is this story's source, Montgomery. The Daily Beast wrote: What Trump allies tend to leave out, however, is that Montgomery has a long history of making outlandish claims that fail to come true. ... In 2006, Montgomery claimed that he had emails showing that Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons was guilty of bribery. According to USA Today, the Justice Department cleared Gibbons of wrongdoing after a computer expert cast doubt on the authenticity of the emails that had been provided by Montgomery.

Dominion Voting Systems Altered Vote Counts In Antrim County MI. Snopes.

One of the most prevalent voter fraud claims to emerge in the days following the election was the accusation that a computer glitch in a software program from Dominion Voting Systems had mistakenly counted thousands of votes for President Trump as votes for President Biden. This claim was based on a half-truth: a tabulation error did occur in Antrim County, but the problem was a result of a human error, and the mistake was quickly caught and corrected.

[According to] the Michigan Department of State ... The correct results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape and on the ballots themselves. Even if the error in the reported unofficial results had not been quickly noticed, it would have been identified during the county canvass. Boards of County Canvassers, which are composed of 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans, review the printed totals tape from each tabulator during the canvass to verify the reported vote totals are correct.

Joe Biden Ballots Were Counted Multiple Times. AP.

"Absentee ballots were not scanned multiple times inappropriately" said Tracy Wimmer, media relations director for the Michigan Department of State. ... [Mellissa] Carone, who was hired by the election technology vendor Dominion Voting Systems to do IT work at the TCF Center, made claims about witnessing fraud at a 12/2/2020 hearing in front of Michigan state lawmakers with Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and in an affidavit in an unsuccessful legal challenge that sought to stop the certification of Detroit-area votes.

In a 12/13/2020 order, Judge Timothy Kenny, of the Third Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan, noted that Carone's account did not square with any others. "The allegations simply are not credible", he wrote.

A "Seized" Server in Germany Proves Trump Won 410 Electoral Votes. Snopes.

[According to OAN] ...computer servers belonging to the Dominion Voting Systems and/or Scytl Secure Electronic Voting companies had supposedly been seized by the U.S. Army in Frankfurt, Germany, and the served data showed that Trump had actually won a landslide victory in the 11/3/2020 election. The rumor was one no reliable news outlet gave any credence to. ... In response to that rumor, Scytl noted that they had no servers or offices in Frankfurt, nor had anything of theirs been seized from them by the U.S. military

... Likewise, the Associated Press reported that Dominion has no connection to Scytl, does not store voting data on servers in Germany, nor was its property targeted by the U.S. military for seizure.

Georgia Poll Workers Hide Suitcases Of Ballots From Republican Observers. Snopes.

On 12/3/2020 a committee of Georgia state legislators met to discuss potential changes to the state's election system ...attorneys advocating on behalf of the Trump campaign, including Rudy Giuliani. They showed the committee frames of surveillance footage supposedly showing a handful of poll workers illegally counting absentee and military ballots inside a banquet room of Atlanta's State Farm Arena on Election Day, 11/3/2020...

...the county's election director, Rick Barron, said no one told anyone (including the observers and reporters) to leave the banquet room on the night of 11/3/2020... Rather, some poll workers had finished their shifts, and the staff was considering ceasing operations. "I told them not to do that", Barron said... "At about 11:15 [pm] they were fully scanning again, and once they were scanning, Carter Jones, the State Election Board monitor, he told me 11:42 or 11:52 [pm] that he arrived".

In other words, Barron alleged that a nonpartisan, state-designated monitor was present when poll workers were scanning ballots just before and after midnight. And after that, he said, an investigator with the secretary of state's office also monitored the ballot scanning. Atlanta 11Alive [reported that] What the video shows is that they [retrieved] plastic bins [not suitcases] from underneath the desks [where they were stored after Rick Barron told them to keep working].

Thousands Of Unregistered Voters, Dead People, People Using A PO Box As Their Address, Felons, Underage Children, And People Residing Outside The State Cast Ballots In Georgia. NYT.

[According to] ...Gabriel Sterling, a top election official in Georgia... Mr. Trump said that thousands of people voted despite not being registered to vote. This is impossible ... "You can't do it. There cannot be a ballot issued to you, there's no way to tie it back to you, there's nowhere for them to have a name to correspond back to unless they're registered voters. So that number is zero".

Mr. Trump said that thousands of voters died before the election. Mr. Sterling said the secretary of state's office had found only two who might fit that description.

Mr. Trump said that hundreds of people voted using PO boxes rather than a residential address. Mr. Sterling said that the secretary of state's office was still investigating, but that everyone it had examined so far had, in fact, used a proper residential address — just one for a multifamily residence or apartment building.

Mr. Trump's campaign said that many felons voted. In reality, using records from the state's corrections and probation departments, the secretary of state's office identified only 74 people who might fit that category — and Mr. Sterling said the final number would be even lower once the office completed its investigation, because in many cases, the person might have had their voting rights reinstated after completing a sentence or might simply have the same name as a felon.

Mr. Trump's campaign said that tens of thousands of people younger than 18 voted. "The actual number is zero ... and the reason we know that is because the dates are on the voter registration. There are four cases... where people requested their absentee ballot before they turned 18, but they turned 18 by Election Day".

Mr. Trump's campaign said that hundreds of voters cast ballots in two states. Mr. Sterling said that officials were still investigating, but that if any such cases were confirmed, it would be "handfuls", and nowhere near enough to change the outcome.

Snopes further notes (in their debunking of Mike Lindell's "Absolute Proof") that (as per Dotard's AG, William Barr), "We have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election".

Appeal to authority? BWAAAH!! (as Minus FJ frequently writes). The facts simply do not support Mike Lindell's allegations. OAN knows this, which is why they ran the disclaimer. Yes, they are concerned about Dominion suing them, but if Mike's allegations were supportable by the facts, OAN would have run the "documentary" without the disclaimer. Because they'd be able to present evidence in court showing Mike's "documentary" was factual. And the lawsuit would be dismissed. Or they'd present their evidence and Dominion (knowing it would lose in court) would drop their lawsuit.

Is this a complete refutation of all of the allegations Mike Lindell made in "absolute proof". I don't think so. The entire thing was 3 hours, of which I watched about 12 minutes. I stopped when Mike threw up a chart that claimed thousands of dead people voted. Why did I need to "refute" an allegation that was made with no evidence backing it up?

Ad hominem was the appropriate response. It is very likely I am going to find out (unless Minus declines to respond) that giving Minus what he asked for isn't going to result in him conceeding that Mike Lindell is full of shit. As acknowledged in the OAN disclaimer. Even that that ABSOLUTELY is the case. And will be why OAN and Mike Lindell lose bigly if Dominion's lawsuit against them goes to court. Not because the judge hearing the case is corrupt.

Judge appointed by a republican (or elected by a republican constituency), judge appointed (or elected by a Democratic constituency)... it doesn't matter. If they rule against the "election frad" liars, they are corrupt. Sure, Minus. If you redefine "corrupt" as applying to anyone who disagrees with your "widespread voter fraud" fantasies.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-245.


  1. SNOPES is now your Authority? Only for deranged Democrats. LOL!

    1. Are you implying that there is no HAMR? I'd trust WIKILEAKS before I trusted SNOPES.

    2. As for the sh*t printed about Montgomery...

      The CIA’s assaults against Montgomery date back to the early days of the DNI, when Director Negroponte invoked the the State Secrets Privilege [a government gag order] to “protect national security secrets“.

      In 2006, to ensure Montgomery could never reveal the capabilities and usage of the HAMR, then-FBI Director Robert Mueller’s agents raided Montgomery’s home using illegally obtained Search Warrants.

      The harassment continued through 2009 with manipulated Media which tried to paint Montgomery as a fraud.

      As late as 2019, Kevin Shipp (self-proclaimed CIA whistle-blower, has attempted to discredit Montgomery as a fraud. Shipp described himself on Twitter as a counter-intelligence officer who engaged in unique, solo, unilateral, and perhaps unsanctioned [?] espionage operations; (given our background directing both CIA and DIA espionage operations, we gauge Shipp’s statements as pure BS). Nonetheless, Shipp does publish some interesting, and at times, valuable information on Twitter. ]

      Montgomery alleged that the US government wiretapped 17 Trump businesses including Trump Tower, Trump leasing programs, Donald Trump himself, and various Trump family members. All were wiretapped under the Obama administration.

      There has been a wiretap on Trump for years, according to Montgomery. Larry Klayman, Montgomery’s attorney, told reporters Fanning and Jones.

    3. Is There a "Hammer and Scorecard" Operation to Manipulate Vote Counts? The director of the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) called the rumors "nonsense". ...a "deep state" supercomputer named “Hammer” and a computer program called “Scorecard” were being used to alter vote counts. ... There are many reasons to take these claims with a hefty dose of salt. ...one of its many plot holes [is] why this program was not used in 2016 to steal the election for Hillary Clinton, or why President Donald Trump, who has held office for the last four years, did not do more to secure our elections from Hammer and Scorecard in 2020.

      Hammer and scorecard... BWAAAH! FYI, Snopes IS a debunking authority. Is Julian Assange disappointed that Dotard didn't grant him a pardon? LOL!

    4. The Florida Times-Union: So who's checking the fact-finders? We are. [re Snopes] As far as being liberal, other fact-checkers, such as Truthorfiction.com; David Emery, who researches urban legends for the information website About.com; and FactCheck.org have researched Snopes.com and none has found any instance where the Mikkelsons have stated a political preference or affiliation.
      Barbara Mikkelson is a Canadian citizen, so she can't contribute to a political campaign or vote in US elections. David Mikkelson provided his voter registration papers to FactCheck.org that show he registered as a Republican ... A check of the donor list at the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign contributions ... shows no contributions by Mikkelson to any candidate from any party.

    5. The Director of US Cybersecurity is a PAID LIAR. He would never reveal "methods" or "sources".

    6. That they were paid to lie is your go-to "debunk". btw, this is the guy Dotard appointed.

    7. Is he legally allowed to disclose ALL US sources and methods, or just the ones his bosses say he CAN discuss?

      The answer to THAT question goes directly to candor. Julian Assange, on the other hand, has a history of disclosing sources and methods, and has no reason to lie, since he's already in prison for doing so.

    8. Why didn't Dotard use Hammer and Scorecard to steal the election for himself? He was potus. Or at least make sure it wasn't used on behalf of another candidate? According to the conspiracy theory, Barack Obama used it to steal a second term (I guess his first win was real). But then president Obama didn't bother to use it to make sure Hillary won? This was after trying to frame Dotard for colluding with Russia? Why all the effort on that front when using Hammer and Scorecard would have been so much easier? QED your conspiracy theory makes no sense.

    9. Because he's not a Democrat. You really have no idea as to the tenets of classical liberalism, do you? You need to go to All Souls, Oxford, and take an Isaiah Berlin refresher course.

    10. ps - Nobody expected Trump to win the first time (2016). It wasn't even supposed to be close so they forswore pre-printing and mailing in millions of phony ballots.

    11. Dotard isn't a republican either. He's the ultimate narcissist. What's good for him is his only philosophy. btw, you SAY Hammer and Scorecard were not used in 2016 because they didn't expect Dotard to win, but then why did they try and "frame" Dotard's campaign for colluding with Russia. Why did they go to the FISA court so they could continue "spying" on his campaign? If he wasn't going to win, why bother with all that either?

      If they were going to do anything to cheat, would the easier thing been to have used H&S? There have never been "millions of phony ballots". In any US election ever. Just think of the huge number of co-conspirators that would require. Someone would talk. Your "massive election fraud" conspiracy theory is self-serving absurdity.

      Dotard set this up before the election with his objections to mail-in ballots. He said he would accept the results of the election in 2016 ONLY if he won. Joe Biden won because Dotard did a horrible job and the voters turned out bigly to eject him from office. PERIOD. Dotard's incompetency KILLED tens of thousands of people! A majority of The People wanted a president who would take the pandemic seriously. And I think that was the main reason why Dotard lost. aka your covid-denialism lost you the election.

    12. There has been voter fraud in Philly, Detroit, Atlanta, and Baltimore since the country was founded. Every year it gets worse. 2020 was ridiculous. Yet here we are with you saying there is no problem.

      *shakes head*

    13. There is a problem. With the "GOP" disenfranchising Black voters. 2020 was ridiculous. Team Dotard tried to throw out a bigly number of Black votes (and White votes to, but a LOT of Black votes. Take a look at the cities you named). All based on an absurd lie about statistically insignificant voter fraud.

      Don't worry. The "GOP" will remain competitive... by passing a lot more laws restricting mail-in voting. While continuing to disenfranchise as many African American voters as possible. Using phony "voter fraud" absurdities as justification.

    14. How does restricting mail in voting disproportionally disenfranchise urban Democrats? They all live two blocks from their physical voting booths.

    15. So you're in favor of expanding mail-in voting? btw, I don't believe that is true. It might be in some cases, but surely it is not in others. Especially given that republicans favor closing polling places in Black neighborhoods.

    16. Of course not. I would make all voters run a triathalon to vote.

  2. Well minus man, you rely on bebunked conspiracy theories and other lies as YOUR authority. So, LMAO!

    1. When it comes to US and other Intelligence Agency malfeasance, Wikileaks IS the Gold Standard Authority, not SNOPES. If you are going to counter an argument from Authority with an argument from Authority, credibility of the Authority matters most.

    2. You'll also noticed that I took an argument from within SNOPES over a fact and refuted that supposed "fact". Something both you and Dervish fail to do because you are both just a couple of LAZY, addled brain f*cks.

    3. You'll also noticed that I took an argument from within SNOPES over a fact and refuted that supposed "fact".

      I did NOT notice that. WikiLeaks a gold standard? LOL. Julian Assange worked with Russia to aid Dotard in the 2016 election. According to Dotard's own then-CIA chief Mike Pompeo, "It is time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is: a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia".

    4. ex-CIA chief, ergo paid liar, who took professional courses in DECEPTION. Did Julian Assange ever take a Master Course in Deception?

    5. A "paid liar" selected by Dotard who told lies Dotard wanted him to tell.

    6. ...as opposed to telling us the lies that Biden wants him to tell.

    7. Why would Mike Pompeo lie to help Joe Biden?

    8. Figures you believe that any statement that doesn't help Dotard is a lie. Government officials work for the American people. They aren't supposed to have a litmus test of "does this help my boss politically" driving everything they say and do. But that is what Dotard believed. And obviously what you believe.

    9. Funny, then why is it that before Wikileaks, only rags like the NY Times and Washington Post leak State secrets to the American people... and why do they leak ONLY that material that helps Democrats and harms Republicans?

    10. "Intelligence Agencies believe Trump is a Russian agent...."

    11. I am not aware that they do. And it depends on what you mean by "Russian agent". Dotard certainly (in many instances) acted as if he was. I am pretty sure it wasn't official, however.

    12. A counter-intelligence investigation isn't "official"? Who knew?

    13. Huh? I was referring to Dotard being a Russian agent. The counter-intelligence investigation involved Russian attempts to influence the 2016 election. It was the Russians who were surveilled. I suppose you think the FBI/CIA was just supposed ignore contacts were Russians were talking to Dotard campaign people...

    14. It wasn't members of the Trump Campaign against whom FISA orders obtained under false pretenses were applied? Who knew?

    15. Altering emails stating that CIA asset Carter Page wasn't a CIA asset, for one.

  3. Replies
    1. Commenting on information a person placed on their website because they WANT people to know it is "doxxing"? Who knew? I thought the evidence was pretty weak anyway. Don't think this means you can dictate to me what I write about on MY blog.

  4. Look, post whatever you want at your blog. I could care less. Just be aware that I try not to associate with unethical people. That you took the post down reflects well upon your character and shows me that your motives weren't nefarious. I am not anyone that doxxing would impact significantly, but still, I'd prefer it not happen. And no, I am NOT Styxhexenhammer666.

    1. ...or Agricultural Correspondences (your parody) or Thought Criminal (Beamish).

    2. "Progressive Disruptions" and "Beantown AntiFa" aren't (attempted but failed) parody?

    3. Am I attributing them to someone else or pretending they're not my creations? You are attributing them to me.

    4. The "Agricultural Correspondences" blog says the author is "I'm Minus Eff Jay Too!"... that's you?

    5. Please. That's YOU! Why would I ever call myself "minus"?

    6. -FJ is my "old" Farmer John signature. It's not a "minus".

    7. -FJ originated as my signature at the end of the FPM posting days long before Google Accounts and picture avatars. mr. ducky can confirm.

    8. "I try not to associate with unethical people"... lol.

    9. Make that "personally associate." You can't avoid all association.

    10. All public figures are, by definition of all immorality... "using others as means to ends." But then again. someone needs to be "the grown up".

      Isaiah Berlin, "Letter to George Kennan"

      If pushed to the extreme, this doctrine would, of course, do away with all education, since when we send children to school or influence them in other ways without obtaining their approval for what we are doing, are we not "tampering" with them, "moulding" them like pieces of clay with no purpose of their own? Our answer has to be that certainly all "moulding" is evil, and that if human beings at birth had the power of choice and the means of understanding the world, it would be criminal; since they have not, we temporarily enslave them, for fear that, otherwise, they will suffer worse misfortunes from nature and from men, and this "temporary enslavement" is a necessary evil until such time as they are able to choose for themselves--the "enslavement" having as its purpose not an inculcation of obedience but its contrary, the development of power of free judgement and choice; still, evil it remains, even if necessary.

      Communists and Fascists maintain that this kind of "education" is needed not only for children but for entire nations for long periods, the slow withering away of the State corresponding to immaturity in the lives of individuals. The analogy is specious because peoples, nations are not individuals and still less children; moreover in promising maturity their practice belies their professions; that is to say, they are lying, and for the most part know that they are. From a necessary evil in the case of the education of helpless children, this kind of practice becomes an evil on a much larger scale, and quite gratuitous, based either on utilitarianism, which misrepresents our moral values, or again on metaphors which misdescribe both what we call good and bad, and the nature of the world, the facts themselves. For we, i.e. those who join with us, are more concerned with making people free than making them happy; we would rather that they chose badly than not at all; because we believe that unless they choose they cannot be either happy or unhappy in any sense in which these conditions are worth having; the very notion of "worth having" presupposes the choice of ends, a system of free preferences; and an undermining of them is what strikes us with such cold terror, worse than the most unjust sufferings, which nevertheless leave the possibility of knowing them for what they are--of free judgement, which makes it possible to condemn them--still open.

  5. I think the deal is this... most people who comment on blogs are the committed. So there is little that will change their minds. People will never admit this, but it's a self evident truth.

    How many commenting here have voted for a third party candidate or a candidate of a major party different from yours since the 1992 election? Everyone says they are thoughtful and open. But the reality is most are not and will go to incredible ends to support their favorites while claiming some sort of virtuous centrism.

    Love Free/Franco or hate him, believe AOW or believe Blue, at least everyone knew his stated position and believed he was serious about it. What he portrayed was steadfast.

    1. I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 and Johnson in 2004. I guess that proves who the most open minded person here is.

    2. WHY? Neither is an authoritarian. Gary Johnson I can understand. Although Gary supported gay marriage. Voting for Ralph Nader makes no sense for you at all. Maybe you mean you're open to voting for a candidate who has no chance? Dotard was the underdog in 2016. He did secure the republican party nomination, so he did have more of a chance than Nader or Johnson (an actual chance compared to no chance). But you're taking Dotard's 2020 loss really bad. Even though you should be used to losing. OK with it, even. Given your prior choices.

    3. In 2000 I was a naive anti-corporatist. Today, I am no longer naive.

    4. -FJ... so, where does no longer being a naive anti corporatist put you these days?

      In 2000 I also voted for Nader because I did not see either candidate as a viable option.

    5. It put's me in the "radical-progressive" camp, with a role for strict corporate and government capitalization limits, strict corporate charters and absolute Government limitation to original Constitutional "negative liberty" restrictions.

    6. In other word, trust busting ALL trusts, the Government trust INCLUDED.

    7. Who said he was? At least he had no problem busting up the Government Trusts.

  6. Dave, I know you didn't sat this, but your comment SOUNDED like you admired Free/Franco for "sticking" to what he believed.

    I don't admire people just because they're "steadfast" to their beliefs. There are thousands of historical examples of people who were steadfast in their beliefs -- beliefs that harmed and in many cases killed millions of people.

    Free/Franco was not influential in our government, so his strongly held beliefs -- that all Democrats are Marxists and Jews are responsible for all our woes -- and worse -- those beliefs amounted to nothing more than his ranting in all caps and bolded on his and other people's blogs. But those ideas in a powerful person (i.e.Trump) can do real, real harm to people and country.

    History is full of examples.

    What's important, I think, is to question one's beliefs and listen to serious discussions that challenge them -- not to rants and tired old tropes about leftists, Jews, and other convenient scapegoats.

    If you haven't already done so, I suggest you read Richard Hofstadter's "The Paranoid Style in American Politics."

    You'll understand much about Free/Franco as well as the JoeCon, Minus FJ characters who visit Dervish's blog.

    1. "Conspiratorial fantasy" definitely describes Minus.

    2. lol! What would call people who wear race-based glasses and measure everything through them?

  7. Shaw... my main point regarding Free was that he never, at least publicly, wavered in his views, even if I abhorred his POV.
