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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Minus FJ "Proof" That Joe Biden Has Dementia: Australian Man Who Represents The Whole World Outside The US Says So

The Australian man? His name is Cory Bernardi. Mr. Bernardi says Joe Biden is cognitively compromised, and that it is clear to him that Joe Biden is struggling with dementia. Is this man a doctor? No, he is a failed Australian politician who is now a Sky News host.

As per the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ, the video below proves the "whole whole world" knows Joe Biden has dementia and wanders away. Why the Secret Service, "to help facilitate his relocation during the almost hourly Silver Alerts", has Joe wear a name tag.

Funny, if Joe Biden were wandering away and "Silver alerts" were being issued hourly, you'd think people would have heard about it. Have you heard that this is happening? I haven't.

As for the video, Bernardi lies in it about Biden being cool with the Chinese prosecution of the Uyghurs (pronounced We-gur). According to this a-hole, when Anderson Cooper asked President Biden (in a recent CNN town hall) what's it like being president and living in the White House and Joe Biden answers "I get up in the morning, look at Jill, and say where the hell are we" -- that is "the most honest thing he said during the entire event".

Instead of (after first running for president in 1988) taking in that he finally accomplished his goal, saying "where the hell are we" is meant by Joe Biden literally. He doesnt' know where he is. Really? Cory and Minus think Joe Biden's "handlers" could keep it secret if he were that far gone? Obviously Cory and Minus are full of shit. They probably view this bullplop about dementia as payback for people saying similar things about Dotard.

For the record, Cory Bernardi has never represented the entire world in any capacity. He is a ex Conservative politician who you could say represents Conservative opinion. In that he is anti-choice, hates gay people, is a climate change denier, hates Islam, is opposed to women serving in the military, etc.

According to Bernardi, Dotard's "win" in 2016 was a win for the "mainstream majority". aka the election of Dotard was a victory for the common man over the "political elites". Sure. That explains why Dotard lost when he ran for a second term. Also why Bernardi disbanded the party he founded (the Australian Conservatives) due to "a lack of political success". The common man of Australia has also behind Bernardi. LOL.

As for what the whole world acutally knows, it is that Dotard was a terrible president. Proven by the laughter Dotard's boasts received when he visited the United Nations.

When Dotard claimed that "in less than two years my administration has accomplished more than any administration in the history of our country", the UN erupted in uproarious laughter. According to one YouTube commenter, "the world has never been more united than they are laughing at Trump". How true. The world laughed at us for 4 years.

Excepting like-minded sore losers like Bernardi. Which is why he is slandering Joe Biden by repeating the Right's agreed upon false narrative. aka it isn't clear that Joe Biden is struggling with dementia. Because he isn't. Unlike Dotard, Joe Biden is heading a competent administration. Why Joe Biden's approval ratings are so high.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-248.


  1. When I listen to the absolute crap coming out of the mouths of cons everywhere these day's it reminds me of the Netflix serial Supernatural. It's all BS and make believe. Just like Supernatural. And the cultists eat it up.

  2. It's a good thing that Facebook has now banned Australian news from its' platform. Democrats must be prevented from hearing ANY negative news about their placeholder *Presnit.

    1. It's just a shame that American Democrats prefer the propaganda Big Tech offers them to actual journalism. It lets them feel "good" about themselves.

    2. Reporting only the touchdowns of the Dallas Cowboys and not the scores achieved by their competitors isn't sport journalism, either.

    3. The sports analogy equivalent of MSM political news coverage.

    4. The msm reported/reports the reality of how the Dotard administration was horrible. Alternate facts were/are the preview of the pro-Dotard media outlets. That Dotard was a shitty president isn't the fault of the msm.

    5. I don't know wtf "scoring" you're referring to, but when an presidential administration does something, the news reports it. Even if it was of benefit to the American people -- and therefore (in your persecutory delusions) the msm would want to cover it up.

    6. btw, Democrats do NOT prefer the propaganda Big Tech offers them to actual journalism... republicans prefer it.

    7. when an presidential administration does something, the news reports it.


    8. "Gyges" and the "deep state" = Dotard's two imaginary foils. Used by you constantly to explain Dotard's constant failures. But Dotard failed because he was never qualified to be president. I think the only job Dotard ever held for which he was qualified was pretending to be a successful businessman on "the Apprentice". Although his "success" in that fake "reality" teevee program was (in large part) thanks to the editors.

      It's my understanding that, for "reality" teevee, a ton of footage is shot and it's the editor's job to stitch together a narrative. QED "reality" teevee is fake reality similar to how Dotard was a fake businessman and a fake president.

    9. Biden doesn't have editors in his Press Office? Who knew what happened before the lids snapped on, then?

    10. What lids? btw, editing hours of video to create a false narrative is way different than editing press releases or speeches before they are given. One is putting forward a lie and the other a polished version of the truth.

    11. Dotard ended regular press briefings. Biden brought them back.

    12. Biden briefs the Press? Not after 9 am, though. That's when the lid slaps on.

    13. When's Biden holding his next real press conference? Oh, wait, don't forget to submit your questions in advance for the sake of teleprompter inspired coherent answers, and NO follow ups allowed! LOL!

    14. What the eff do I care what you think? You believed an incompetent boob who called the news fake, boasted about how awesome he is, whined about an imaginary "witch hunt" and continually shifted blame elsewhere was an example of a president doing a good job.

    15. It was 27 days for President Donald Trump and only 20 for his predecessor, President Barack Obama. But 36 days after he was inaugurated, President Biden has yet to appear before journalists for a solo press conference. So much for Democrats confidence in Dementia Joe...

    16. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I've seen Joe Biden taking questions from the press on TV.

    17. lol! Selective planted questions do not a "Press Conference" make.

    18. Then why require them to be submitted in advance? "Now which one of you reporters wanted to know Joe's favorite flavour ice cream?"

    19. You complain when Jen Psaki says she has to "circle back" because she doesn't know RIGHT THEN what an answer is. You also complain when they try to find out in advance what some questions are -- so they have some time to look into the questions, get answers and not have to "circle back".

      aka heads you win, tails Jen Psaki loses. btw, the article you link to says "communications staff have already on occasion probed reporters to see what questions they plan on asking new White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki when called upon during briefings".

      It doesn't say anything about questions asked of PRESIDENT Joe Biden. And PLANTING would involve the Biden team TELLING the press what questions to ask, not inquiring as to what questions the press might ask.

    20. Your Article: "This practice isn't totally unheard-of in previous administrations, departments, or federal agencies. For instance, former President Donald Trump's White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was known to have asked certain news outlets about their questions in advance of some major or high-profile Trump press conferences or events, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter".

      What questions did Sarah Huckabee plant? Was one "now which one of you reporters wanted to know Donald's favorite kind of chocolate cake?"

    21. Biden couldn't even read the teleprompter good enough to deliver a SoTU speech this year. The man has no brain. He's Oz's "Scarecrow *Presnit".

    22. Presidents don't give SOTU addresses after being in office for 6 weeks. And , to be able to provide "more" proof, you need to provide initial proof. No proof plus no proof equals a grand total of NO PROOF.

  3. Journalism to the minus FJ and Joe Cons of the alternative universe is WHATEVER lies and conspiracy supports their delusions. They live in a wasteland if untruths and corruption.

  4. Now that the election is over, why is the Biden Administration slowing down mail deliveries and increasing the senior death counts from lack of prescription medicine deliveries? Aren't the COVID19 numbers high enough?

    1. You think you're being cute in accusing Joe Biden of what Dotard tasked Dejoy with doing (slowing down the mail) as part of Dotard's attempt to use the levers of power to cheat in the 2020 election. But it is Dejoy who is doing this, asshole.

      Slate: During his first weeks in office, President Joe Biden has ousted a number of powerful officials appointed by Donald Trump. One controversial figure from Trump's presidency, however, remains in office: Louis DeJoy, the notorious postmaster general who almost sabotaged mail voting in the fall and continues to gut the agency, creating catastrophic delays throughout the country. Progressives are furious that DeJoy has kept his post, but Biden’s hands are tied: While the president can fire other high-ranking executive officials at will, federal law bars the president from terminating the postmaster general under any circumstances. Biden can attempt to oust DeJoy indirectly, but that option is fraught with legal uncertainties, and certain to trigger Republican complaints of norm busting. Unless the president is willing to take a significant legal risk, DeJoy will remain in control for months or years to come. [2/8/2021].

      And you don't believe the covid death toll is what the official count says it is. aka your comment is total BS. You know it and I know it. So f*ck off.

    2. Biden isn't DeJoy's boss? Who knew?

    3. He isn't. QUOTE: Biden's hands are tied -- While the president can fire other high-ranking executive officials at will, federal law bars the president from terminating the postmaster general under any circumstances.

    4. Who doesn't know = you. Although I didn't know that either until I read the quoted article. Guess you didn't read it. Or your illiteracy prevented you from understanding what you read.

    5. If Trump can fire the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Biden can fire the Postmaster General.

    6. He certainly should do everything he can to get rid of Dotard's horrible toady.

    7. Joe Biden fathered 4 children. btw, I have heard that PRESIDENT Biden is going to try to oust the Dotard toady DeJoy via the appointment of Democrats to the Post Office board of governors. DeJoy should also be prosecuted for the election suppression he carried out on behalf of Dotard. He needs to be fired at a minimum.

    8. lol! I heard that Jill was already married and quite the slut when she met Joe. I'd insist on a DNA test if I were Joe.

    9. manslut = alpha male.

      slut = gamma female.

    10. Your comment = misogyny.

      And being divorced and then remarrying doesn't make a woman a slut.

    11. Cheating on her husband with a lover, like Jill did, does.

    12. Dotard has cheated multiple times on all his wives. Ask Stormy Daniels. He is a significantly worse offender (re violating marriage vows). Yet you excuse his disloyalty because he's a man. Though if Joe Biden hadn't been a widow (and was also cheating) you'd probably go after him too. Because you're a huge hypocrite. Jill and Joe Biden have been loyal to each other for decades.

    13. Although (as per the article you linked to) it is my understanding that Jill and Joe deny an affair and say they didn't become a couple until after Jill's divorce. Not that I am that concerned about something that occurred decades ago and is not my business.

    14. ...and my g-g-g-grandparents got married and then travelled to America for the opportunities available, and not because my g-g-grandfather was born in America 3 months later.

    15. Face facts. Jill is just another fickle and spoiled hypergamous b*tch.

    16. ...and Joe just seems to be stuttering more and more lately...

    17. Melania Knauss = hypergamous spoiled bitch personified. Jill Biden has her own career.

      Google: From 1993 to 2008, Jill Biden was an English and writing instructor at Delaware Technical & Community College. Since 2009, she has been a professor of English at Northern Virginia Community College and is thought to be the first wife of a vice president or president to hold a paying job during her husband's tenure.

    18. Speaks directly to her greed and need for social status... the very definition of hypergamy.

    19. Bullshit. Her personal achievements prove 100 percent the opposite to be true.

    20. Name at least one, or admit that you're naught but empty platitudes.

    21. Google: From 1993 to 2008, Jill Biden was an English and writing instructor at Delaware Technical & Community College. Since 2009, she has been a professor of English at Northern Virginia Community College and is thought to be the first wife of a vice president or president to hold a paying job during her husband's tenure.

    22. lol! Jill married Joe in 1977. She'd have achieved none of these things but for her hypergamy with Joe.

    23. Her curriculum vitae before Joe... Jacobs enrolled in Brandywine Junior College in Pennsylvania for one semester.[17] She intended to study fashion merchandising but found it unsatisfying.[4] She married Bill Stevenson, a former college football player, in February 1970;[18] she became known as Jill Stevenson.[19][20] Within a couple of years, he opened the Stone Balloon in Newark, Delaware, near the University of Delaware.[18] It became one of the most successful college bars in the nation.[21][c]

      She switched her enrollment to the University of Delaware,[17] in its College of Arts and Sciences,[22] where she declared English as her major.[4] She then took a year off from college and did some modeling work for a local agency in Wilmington.[4] She and Stevenson drifted apart;[18] they separated during 1974.


  5. Good news!

    Associated Press: "Donald Trump suffered a major setback on Monday in his long quest to conceal details of his finances as the U.S. Supreme Court paved the way for a New York City prosecutor to obtain the former president’s tax returns and other records as part of an accelerating criminal investigation."

    Any day is a GOOD day when Donald J. Trump suffers a defeat by his (mostly) hand-picked Supremes. So we'll get to see his famous "I'm going to release them right after the audit is finished" tax records.

    Didn't the feds get Al Capone on income tax fraud? Yeah.

    "The case the high court ruled in involves a grand jury subpoena for more than eight years of Trump’s personal and corporate tax records. Vance has disclosed little about what prompted him to request the records. In one court filing last year, however, prosecutors said they were justified in demanding the records because of public reports of “possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct at the Trump Organization.”

    Part of the probe involves payments to two women — porn actress Stormy Daniels and model Karen McDougal — to keep them quiet during the 2016 presidential campaign about alleged extramarital affairs with Trump. Trump has denied the affairs.

    In July, the justices in a 7-2 ruling rejected Trump’s argument that the president is immune from investigation while he holds office or that a prosecutor must show a greater need than normal to obtain the tax records.

    Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, whom Trump nominated to the high court, joined that decision. It was issued before Trump’s third nominee, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, replaced the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the court."

    But Minus F JoeCon are squawking about some unknown Australian pol who's not a doctor and left politics in 2019:

    "Mr Bernardi has often been touted as an outspoken critic of both same-sex marriage and climate change.

    He quit the Liberal Party in 2017 to form the Australian Conservatives, but his party struggled to attract support at last year's federal election.

    He announced in June last year that a "lack of political success" and money had meant he was deregistering the Australian Conservatives."

    So Minus F JoeCon is using a failed Australian pol who's a science denier and homophobe and who's NOT a doctor as some sort of expert on what? Slandering America's newly elected president?

    And Minus F JoeCon come breathlessly scurrying here with this amazingly inane information and then stamp their little feet because no one gives a flying fig about some unknown Austrailian failed pol's uninformed medical opinion about a man he's never been with in person (AFAIK).

    Meanwhile, if anyone needs further proof of how deranged the QAnons in the failing GOP are, just read Minus F JoeCon's pathetic attempt at trying to prove something, anything negative about President Joe Biden.

    I come here for the comedy. And Minus FJ and JoeCon never disappoint!

    1. Exactly. The "whole whole world knows" = LOL. Is the whole world best represented by one failed Australian conservative politician or by the members of the UN who laughed at Dotard? The answer is obvious.

    2. The Sun is only one of the most widely distributed newspapers in the world.

    3. Fake News.

      Media Bias Fact Check re The Sun: These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

      Politifact fact check re Brit Hume saying (9/29/2021) "I don't think there’s any doubt (Joe) Biden's senile". Verdict: False.

      Excerpt: Geriatrics experts say Brit Hume’s claim that Joe Biden is "senile" is wrong. Senility is not a precise medical term, but is often used in place of the more precise and accepted medical term of "dementia". Experts said Biden does not exhibit signs of dementia. Dementia is defined as cognitive decline that is severe enough to cause someone to lose the ability to function independently in daily life.

    4. The threshold for nuclear button holding presidents for dementia is much higher than your definition allows.

    5. Is that how you can apply the term "dementia" to Joe Biden? Push up the threshold high enough so it applies to people who clearly don't have it?

    6. I trust the gut instincts of Americans to know... and its' kicked in for 38% of them (but only 20% of Democrats) already. Unlike you all, we don't "need to believe" so we can feel good about stealing the election for a crazy old coot.

    7. So, Democrats who voted for Joe Biden (thinking he had dementia) must have viewed Dotard as an even worse choice? Is that what you're saying? btw, whenever I cite a poll, you call the American people sheeple. Now you say you trust them. "Need to believe" is YOU and your "witch hunt", covid is a hoax, "massive election fraud" and "Biden has dementia" bullshit.

      No need to worry about Joe Biden's (imaginary) dementia, Minus. Because Dotard is going to be sworn in for a second term on March 4th. LOL.

    8. Only 3 human Democrats actually voted for Joe Biden. The Dominion voting machines did all the rest. The rest of you are all are just NPCs in the MSMs Grand Narrative Game.

    9. Dotard cultists were brainwashed into voting for the worst candidate in US history. You are all are just NPCs in the Dotard Media's alternate reality game.

    10. None of the real NPC's turned out on election day to vote. They let their algorithm cheats do their talking.

    11. All the NPCs turned out for their cult leader, Dotard. The 81 million people who voted for Joe Biden are people able to think for themselves. Thank God a majority of Americans are capable of that. So many were fooled by an narcissistic in-way-over-his-head deluded moron who killed Americans with his incompetence.

      Dominion is suing and will win in court. Not because of corrupt judges, but because the facts are on their side.

    12. lol! They'll drop the case before trial. You really think they want an airing of the FACTS before the Press?

    13. LOL! The side with the upper hand (because the facts are on their side) isn't going to just drop their cases.

    14. ...because most of the facts that aren't on their side will DEFINITELY come to light during a trial, and all their attempts to suppress them will have been for naught.

    15. We will see. That you're wrong. Like when you predicted OAN was going to prevail in it's lawsuit against Rachel Maddow. LOL.

    16. Do you think that the "ask" had anything to do with it? lol!

    17. Rachel Maddow (July 22, 2019): "We literally learned today that the outlet the president is promoting [OAN] shares staff with the Kreml in. In this case, the most obsequiously pro-Trump right wing news outlet in America really literally is paid Russian propaganda. The on air U.S. politics reporter is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government".

      Because of her truthful commentary, OAN sued Maddow and MSNBC. Not only did OAN lose, but they were ordered to pay MSNBC 250k. LOL.

      NewsMax, OAN, Rudy, Pillow Guy, et al, are going to be out a MUCH larger sum as a result of their lies.

    18. Because of her truthful commentary, OAN sued Maddow and MSNBC. Not only did OAN lose, but they were ordered to pay MSNBC 250k. NewsMax, OAN, Rudy, Pillow Guy, et al, are going to be out a MUCH larger sum as a result of their lies.


      There is no "Rachel Madcow".

    19. Are you saying OAN should have simply sued MSNBC for $1.3 billion and forced them to issue a retraction out of the fear of network executives losing their annual bonus'?

    20. Where's loco Joe from Cocomo today, Dervy? Playing Super Mario Karts at Camp David?

    21. A frivolous lawsuit is a frivolous lawsuit no matter the amount. MSNBC won in court because they were in the right. And there is nothing wrong with a grandfather playing with his grandkids. But PRESIDENT Biden is probably working for the benefit of the American people. Did Dotard EVER do that? If not watching teevee, tweeting, or playing golf, he was "working" to make life WORSE for a majority of the American people.

    22. Well with the wall torn down, at least a lot of Mexicans and Central Americans will be able to clean rich people's houses for starvation wages. Good job Joe!

    23. ...after all, America is ALL about making life easier for overweight and over privileged Gringos.

    24. G-d forbid one would have to tend his own garden or mow his own lawn. The HORROR,

    25. LOL! Under the Dotard administration a whole 15 miles of new wall was constructed. 15 miles kept nobody out.

    26. By January 5, 2021, the U.S. had built new or replacement wall along 452 miles (727 km) :)

    27. Replacement means there already was wall there. The new miles built is 15.

    28. Replacing a wire with a sign hanging off it with a 20' high steel and concrete barricade isn't a "replacement".

    29. How many miles was just a wire with a sign hanging off it? It wasn't the entire 350 that Dotard replaced. A wire isn't any kind of barrier at all. My guess would be close to zero. And "secondary barrier" means doubling up on barrier that was already there.

    30. You're the one who came up with the subtractions leading to 15, so you tell me.

    31. I didn't. I linked to my source. You dispute it, so it up to YOU provide a source other than your guesses and delusions that says otherwise.

    32. Sure

      Of the 450 miles put up under Trump, 47 are new primary wall, and 351 miles have been in place of outdated models, such as vehicle barriers and shorter barriers. The remaining 54 miles were of backup wall, 21 replacing old backup wall and 33 miles for new backup wall.

      The remaining approximate 275 miles of funded wall is either under construction or not yet ready to go up. More than 240 miles of the 278 will be for wall in never-before-fenced areas of the border.


      Until over a decade ago, this barbed wire fence in Sunland Park, N.M., served as the only barrier between the United States and Mexico. An 18-foot-tall mesh fence was erected nearby, but is being replaced by a stronger 30-foot-tall steel wall.
      - Anna Giaritelli/ Washington Examiner

  6. Even Congressional Democrats know that Biden has dementia. Here's proof.

    1. Oy! One Trick Pony Minus Eff Jay is back begging us to pay attention to his conspiracy mishigas.

      There, there! Eff-Jay. Everything's gonna be alright. Your delusions and obsessions are noted. Now go to your friendly Pro-Trumpian, pro-cop killing, pro-insurrectionist blogs and link to the idiocy you linked to here as PROOOOOOOOF! of something! Anything!

      We expect nothing less from someone suffering from mass delusions.

    2. Joe Biden is physically fit and mentally sharp. There is no evidence he has dementia. He is known to have/have had a stutter. He is known for occasional gaffes (though FAR fewer than Dotard). There is SIGNIFICANTLY more evidence that Dotard has dementia. Or is at least in the early stages of dementia. Dotard's father had dementia.

      Your Genes Can Increase Your Risk for Dementia. Having a family member -- especially a first-degree relative like your mother, father, sister, or brother -- with [some] form of dementia makes you 3.5 times more likely to develop symptoms.

      Trump, not Biden, corners the market on gaffes. (excerpt) Biden never said that the "1917" Spanish Flu pandemic brought "World War II" to an end. Or pronounced the name of a well-known national park as if addressing an audience of Jewish hipsters: "Yo, Semite". ...try to imagine Boss Trump riding a bike [as Biden does]. The guy can barely navigate a ramp in his corset and elevator shoes without looking like a cow on roller skates. However, the GOP strategy, often assisted by the pre-scripted political press, is to attack Joe Biden exactly where Trump is weakest.

    3. Minus: Even Congressional Democrats know that Biden has dementia. Here's proof.

      That isn't proof Congressional Democrats know that Biden has dementia. The Politico article quoted says House Democrats are concerned about nukes being under the control of one person. A concern that would apply to future republican presidents (if there are any). The concern has nothing to do with Joe Biden (not) having dementia. They had the same concern when Dotard was president.

    4. Derv, you're interfering with Eff-Jay's clown show, which is to come here to snip, snipe, gripe, and spread disinformation and lies about President Biden. It's killing him each day he wakes up and realizes Trump is not the president, and Joe Biden is!

      You provided evidence of Trump's gaffe's, mispronouncing words, ignorance of American history and his own government, and his physical clumsiness and inaptitude. You also correctly noted that dementia and Alzheimer's disease are heritable. Trump's father died from it.

      My late husband died from a form of Alzheimer's. Both his mother and father died from it as well. As someone who personally saw the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease progress, I'd say Trump is in the early to mid stages. He really does believe he won the election, and he's paranoid about who he thinks stole it.

      Anyone who's that deluded is probably in the clutches of a brain disease -- dementia. I saw my husband believe in completely untrue things as well and insisting that what he believed was true -- he believed someone stole his car when it was in our driveway, and he insisted his car was the neighbor's who was trying to trick him.

      Trump has the nomination sewed up for his supposed run again in 2024. Dementia/Alzheimer's is a progressive disease. We've seen Trump's deterioration from 2015 to 2020. Imagine what it will look like in 2024.

    5. I have a loved one who was recently diagnosed with dementia. This person's father, brother and two uncles (now deceased) had it. I can attest to the paranoia. My loved one isn't sure if she can trust her husband any longer. She said some woman (imaginary) says her and her husband owe her money and (because of this) she's worried about getting kicked out of her home (even though it is completely paid for). I was at their home a few days ago and apparently I just missed this woman.

      I don't know that tRump is going to run in 2024. I think he will say he is running (so his supporters will send him money). But I don't know if he really will run.

    6. Derv, Trump got beaten badly in the last election. His fear of being seen as a LOSER for a second time may stop him from running. Trump is popular only with the paranoids, Qanons, white supremacists, Nazis, KKKers, assorted bigots, women haters, xenophobes, and the poorly educated. I know, I know, there are a lot of them out there, and they're all his!

    7. The types of people you mention are INDEED his base. In him these people see someone who shares their values.

  7. CPAC will be quite Trumpy this year from what I'm reading. Lots about voter fraud and the swamp. IOW more of The Lies and Conspiracy we've grown completelty accoustomed to since tRump started his Trumpism Destruction of Democracy March in 2015.

    Trumpy shit ain't over. It's just gettimg started really. Buckle up, the road is going to get perilously dangerous cause the wackKos of the Q-GOP will stop at nothing to install the rightwing tyrannical dictatorship the GOP has wanted at least since 2008 if not before.

  8. Well, the Trump cultists have finally come out as what we always knew they were:

    Worshippers of a golden idol -- in their case, a sorry LOSER of an idol:

    Donald J. Trump

    As Zach Beauchamp reported, if there was ever a perfect metaphor for what the once proud GOP has become, this is it!

    CPAC and its idol-worshipping idiots are the laughing stock of the world!

    1. At least we didn't bomb the Syrians for Purim. I thought Sleepy Joe was supposed to love Iranians... now he wants to bomb them. lol!

    2. Dotard didn't order a completely ineffectual missile strike on a Syrian airfield because the daughter he'd like to date asked him to? Who knew? Maybe not Dotard. Seems Dementia Dotard was confused about where he had ordered a missile strike.

      Trump: We've just launched 59 missiles, heading to Iraq.

      Bartiromo: Well, you, ah, headed to Syria.

      Trump: Yes, heading toward Syria.

      Remember this happened while Dotard was dining with Xi at Mar-A-Lago and eating some "beautiful" chocolate cake. Dotard was very eager to impress Xi, yet you think it's Joe Biden who is somehow Xi's puppet... LOL.

    3. The Deep State has just started their war with Iran, and the *Presnit ain't in the loop.

    4. (ex) presnit Dotard shouldn't be in the loop.

    5. :P

      Can't blame Trump for Biden's new war with Iran.

    6. It remains to be seen if there will be a new "war" with Iran. But most likely President Biden, a MAN with real balls will simply clean up Dotard the Golden Idol Guy's mess.

    7. ...the only balls Joe Biden has belong to Premier Xi while Jill cucks him.

    8. I certainly can blame Dotard. He's the one who ratcheted up hostilities by pulling out of the JCPOA and thinking results could be achieved via a "maximum pressure campaign".

    9. You CERTAINLY can't blame Trump for pulling out of Biden's for sh*t deal allowing Iran to develop nukes in peace with money furnished by Biden and Co. At least now, thanks to Trump, when Israel blows up Irans nuke facilities, the rest of the Arab world won't be attacking them too.

    10. Of course not. Since no such deal ever existed. The JCPOA was a joint agreement negotiated by China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, the United States and Germany with Iran. I don't know how you conclude it was Joe Biden's deal. As for it being shit, I'm sure it was imperfect, but an imperfect deal is certainly better than no deal. Why the Biden administration will try to get us back into the agreement.

    11. lol! That's not the problem. The problem was that Iran was never in it.

    12. So they allowed the AEC to Insect ALL their sites but the one theyt're developing their weapons in? And so they also didn't blow up any ships in the Straits of Hormuz? Who knew?

    13. Operative relevance: The IAEA also said it was still awaiting answers from Iran on three sites where inspections had revealed traces of uranium of man-made origin

    14. You're the one who wants war. An imperfect agreement is better than no agreement. Your kind of thinking lead to the Iraq war. Which Dotard SAYS he opposed and was a mistake. Dotard set us on a path to increased hostilities by pulling out of the JCPOA. You've got to chose your goal and do what you CAN to achieve it. "Maximum pressure" was never going to work.

    15. JImmy Carter installed the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran and prevented the Shah from forcing him out. We don't need any more "good advice" from Democrats on ME foreign policy.

    16. The Shah fled Iran. He wasn't in a position to force anyone out.

      History.com: Faced with an army mutiny and violent demonstrations against his rule, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, the leader of Iran since 1941, is forced to flee the country. Fourteen days later, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the spiritual leader of the Islamic revolution, returned after 15 years of exile and took control of Iran. (This Day In History: January 16, 1979. Shah Flees Iran).

    17. The Shah left for medical reasons. He was dying of cancer. The US could have flown him back, but pussy Jimmy had no taste for enforcing Iranian stability.

    18. An American doctor, Benjamin Kean who examined Mohammad Reza in Cuernavaca later wrote:

      There was no longer any doubt. The atmosphere had changed completely. The Shah's appearance was stunningly worse ... Clearly he had obstructive jaundice. The odds favored gallstones, since his fever, chills and abdominal distress suggested an infection of the biliary tract. Also he had a history of indigestion. Besides the probable obstruction – he now had been deeply jaundiced for six to eight weeks – he was emaciated and suffering from hard tumor nodes in the neck and a swollen spleen, signs that his cancer was worsening, and he had severe anemia and very low white blood counts.[282]

      The Shah suffered from gallstones that would require prompt surgery. He was offered treatment in Switzerland, but insisted on treatment in the United States. President Carter did not wish to admit Mohammad Reza to the U.S. but came under pressure from many quarters, with Henry Kissinger phoning Carter to say he would not endorse the SALT II treaty that Carter had just signed with the Soviet Union unless the former Shah was allowed into the United States, reportedly prompting Carter more than once to hang up his phone in rage in the Oval Office and shout "Fuck the Shah!"

    19. Besides, the Shah was dying, and Carter wasn't going to put an heir on the throne, either.

      eza Pahlavi came to Cairo, Egypt in March 1980 with his family.[1] When his father, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, was ill and in the last weeks of his life, media reported that some monarchist elements had advised the Shah to oust Reza in favor of his younger son Ali-Reza (who was 13 at the time) and a regency council, suggesting that Reza's background, training and interest in public affairs is too limited to become his successor. The Shah is understood to have rejected the idea, as well as to abdicate himself in favor of one of his two sons.[12] When the Shah died on 27 July 1980, Farah Pahlavi proclaimed herself as the regent, a title in pretence.[1] On his 20th birthday dating 31 October 1980, Reza Pahlavi declared himself to be the new king of Iran, Reza Shah II, and the right successor to the throne of Pahlavi dynasty.[13] Immediately afterwards a spokesperson for the United States Department of State, John Trattner, disassociated the U.S. government from Reza Pahlavi by stating that his government does not intend to support him, assuring that they recognize the Iranian government.

    20. "Carter wasn't going to put an heir on the throne".

      He had no ability to do so. The Shah would have been arrested had he returned.

    21. History.com: Religious discontent grew, and the shah became more repressive, using his brutal secret police force to suppress opposition. This alienated students and intellectuals in Iran, and support for Khomeini grew. Discontent was also rampant in the poor and middle classes, who felt that the economic developments of the White Revolution had only benefited the ruling elite. In 1978, anti-shah demonstrations broke out in Iran's major cities.

      On September 8, 1978, the shah's security force fired on a large group of demonstrators, killing hundreds and wounding thousands. Two months later, thousands took to the streets of Tehran, rioting and destroying symbols of westernization, such as banks and liquor stores. Khomeini called for the shah's immediate overthrow, and on December 11 a group of soldiers mutinied and attacked the shah's security officers. With that, his regime collapsed and the shah fled.

    22. lol! The Shah didn't leave the country until Jan 16... they let him pack up his palace first?

    23. Yes. "On 16 January 1979, Mohammad Reza made a contract with Farboud and left Iran at the behest of Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar (a longtime opposition leader himself), who sought to calm the situation. [Then] ...Mohammad Reza boarded the plane to take him out of Iran ... In February, pro-Khomeini revolutionary guerrilla and rebel soldiers gained the upper hand in street fighting, and the military announced its neutrality. On the evening of 11 February, the dissolution of the monarchy was complete".

      What do you think the Carter administration should have done?

    24. Told the Iranian military officers it owned to back the Shah.

    25. 13 Vendemiaire worked for Napoleon.

    26. Owned? I don't think you have much evidence that the Carter administration could have kept the shah in power. And we are where we are now. Which is bigly thanks to Dotard's stupidity in pulling us out of the JCPOA and ratcheting up hostilities with Iran. You know he did it only because it was negotiated by the Obama administration. A lot of things he did were motivated by his irrational hatred of Barack Obama. Just as many of Dotard's supporters were motivated to vote for Dotard due to their race-based hatred of Barack Obama.

    27. Weren't we supposed to have "put" the Shah into power, originally? lol!

    28. That may have been a reason the Iranian people wanted to get rid of him.

  9. Oh my, Look who's lost his cloak of Gyges? Where or where so ever did it go?

    1. You gloat because Dotard has gotten away with being a serial sexual assaulter for decades. It wasn't due to an (imaginary) cloak but the fact that republicans just didn't care. Although that may finally change. LOL. btw, if Cummo gets what's coming to him I approve.

    2. We certainly didn't lose control of the Covid outbreak due to DJTs actions... those 500,000 dead are all on Nancy and the Democrats spread the virus demonstrations.

    3. Of course not. We lost control of the Covid outbreak due to Dotard's inaction. Why Dotard lost the election. The American people wanted a POTUS who would take the pandemic seriously. As opposed to one who lied about it nonstop and thought he could wish it away.

    4. You mean Nancy's recalcitrance...

    5. Instead of an impossibility it's the norm.

    6. NO!

      The [Pelosi Chinatown] event was held before San Francisco declared a state of emergency and more than two weeks before Mayor London Breed issued a stay-at-home order, one of the first such mandates in the nation. As the coronavirus was exploding in China, tourists and locals stopped visiting SF's Chinatown amid false reports that you could catch the virus in the neighborhood. Pelosi visited a dim sum restaurant to combat xenophobia and encourage the community to support businesses.

  10. I find it intellectually incongrous that on the one hand it's okay for the racist militarized USA to enjoy nuclear weapons capabilities but yet deremine that no one WE PHILOSOPHICALLY AND RELIGIOUSLY DISAPPROVE of lacks the same right. But then again America has ALWAYS been rich in hypocrisy. Especially the neo cons.

  11. We approve of Indians, Chinese, Pakistanis, anf Jews having the bomb? Who knew?

    1. I think I'll pack up my family atomics up and settle on Arakis. I hear there's quite a profitable spice trade in the deserts there.

    2. You. Are. An. Idiot. It. Is. Good. You. Know. It.

    3. I think the evidence clearly shows that RN thinks for himself. Dotard supporters are under the control of their cult leader and are the real NPCs. As proven by the golden Dotard statue (manufactured in Mexico) rolled out at CPAC.

    4. RN couldn't think for himself if his life depended on it. He'd die of starvation if the McDonald's around the corner from his place ever went out of business.

    5. Maybe not minus the putz, but I think that 41% approval on exiting tge WH clearly shows tRump the seditionist/insurrectiinist is and always was a minority fringe presnit.

      So brilliant one, take your thinking for himself and stuff up your bigoted racist as^.

    6. The only vote that matters is the one on election day, and Trump won that one BIGLY!

    7. No, in fact President Biden won in a 7,000,000+ verified election LANDSLIDE.

      Dotard the Seditionist/Insurrectionist in FACT, lost BIGLY.

      Suck it up whittle cry baby.

    8. Phony votes from phony trucked in post-election day Democrat ballot stuffing. The asterix *presnit will live in INFAMY.

    9. Donald tRump will go down in the history books as the worst president ever. His lies about election fraud (and the gullibility of his cultists) will live in INFAMY.

      If such a MASSIVE conspiracy existed, you'd surely be able to find one person who was involved who is willing to tell the truth and send hundreds (thousands?) of people to prison. This hasn't happened because this massive fraud exists only in your delusions. Joe Biden is the legitimately elected president. There is no asterix next to his name.

      If they put asterixes next to president's names -- it would be the two time popular voter loser and Putin-puppet Dotard who would receive one.

    10. This hasn't happened because the cloak of Gyges has done its' job.

    11. No, it hasn't happened because the "massive voter fraud" allegations are phony. This is a lie that republicans are going to use to justify even more voter suppression going forward. A fact that should make you very happy.

    12. Then why'd the Left go full Cloak of Gyges on it?

      ...and to claim that rolling back the one-time pandemic voting exceptions and returning to in-person voting is somehow "voter suppression" is beyond ridiculous.

    13. They didn't. The Left believes in catching people guilty of voter fraud and punishing them. Even though the number of cases are very small.

      Also, the "GOP" voter suppression legislation that has been proposed isn't all about rolling back "the one-time pandemic voting exceptions". Quote: "The proposed measures largely aim to limit mail voting access, impose stricter voter ID requirements, slash voter registration opportunities and enable more aggressive voter roll purges".

    14. Just a reminder Joe Con/Minus FJ, the electoral college landslide was certified.

      Now I realize the Q'Trumpublicans will continue their stinky bullsh^t conspiracy garbage but it isn't ever going anywhere. So dream on until you take your last breath. tRump will never again hold power he can exercise to destroy our democracy and the republic. Although I do realize we will absolutely have to fight the like of you and your fellow truptard sheeple in the future.

    15. ...and Lance Armstrong was the "certified winner" of more than one Tour de France, at least until he wasn't.

    16. Yeah. A bicycle race is the same as a certified national election where the individual 50 secretaries of state certified that the results were correct. Where said election was deemed to be one of the safest and one of the freest from fraud in recent history by Trump's own cyber security head and his own attorney general.

      Election officials appointed by the Trump administration say the president’s claims are dangerous and lack any credibility. Every state says there is no evidence of fraud, and federal and local election officials of both parties released a joint statement to say exactly that. As it has been since he started making accusations years ago, the president’s claims about election fraud are utterly empty.

      Armstrong's own team members testified against him for his doping.

      Trump's own people testified that the election was NOT fraudulent.

      Suggestion: Don't drink and post.

      PS. Derv, JoeCon will NEVER accept reality. He's suffering from a group psychosis brought on by believing in a liar, a cheat, and a fraud: Donald J Trump.

    17. The Mickey Mouse rubber stamps applied to the 2020 Election have "certified" that the entire Election System is broken and isn't worth a sh*t and should forever in the future be ridiculed and results ignored UNTIL it is restored to a pre-2020 configuration.

    18. Funny, I don't remember your being so obsessively opposed to the outcome of the election of 2016 because of "rubber stamps applied" nor do I recall you whining about the "entire Election System" being broken and not "worth a shit" when Trump won in 2016.

      The Electoral College win then was Dotard: 304, Hillary 227; almost the exact reverse in 2020: Dotard: 232, President Biden, 306.

      If you can copy and paste your comments on the illegitimacy of the vote and how "broken" it was in 2016, I'd be curious to read them.

    19. I can't just play at Captain Hindsight like every progressive liberal on the planet? Call me Epimetheus. Prometheus is out culturally appropriating someone else's fire, today.

  12. Love the sound of whiney whittle trumpers as they knock themselves out sounding stupid as well as hypocritical.

  13. As of July 2020, five states—Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah and Washington—hold elections almost entirely by mail. Postal voting is an option in 33 states and the District of Columbia.

    Just thought I'd leave that here.

    BTW, why does JoeCon Eff-Jay continue to post his delusions about voter fraud? Every sane person in this country and the world knows that Joe Biden won in a free and fair election. JoeCon Eff-Jay and his ilk are the disturbed who keep pushing their neuroses. They're NEVER going to get well. They are a distinct minority of neurotic malcontents, living in a world of conspiracies and Deep State delusions. One has only to read his writing to confirm this.

    JoeCon Eff-Jay will never concede no matter how much evidence you present.

    Does he think, like the other QAnons, that Trump will become the "real" president tomorrow, March 4? That Joe Biden is not really the president? And he's wearing a face mask behind which is a bot pretending to be a human? That's the QAnon thinking. Sounds an awful lot like JoeCon and Eff-Jay.

    1. The election wasn't "free and fair". Dotard attempted to use the pandemic to steal the election by using the post office to slow down the receipt of mail-in ballots. Then he tried to steal the election by suing to have ballots thrown out. Then he attempted to bully state election officials to "recalculate" in his favor. When all that failed he tried to get Mike Pence to unconstitutionally declare him the winner.

      Despite the massive unfairness Joe Biden won. Though now he has the stigma of fake voter fraud accusations attached to him because duped cultists believe the fairy tale of "massive voter fraud". Which Minus ludicrously insists has not been exposed due to an imaginary cloak. When Occam's razor tells us that Joe Biden won because Joe Biden received the most votes. Not because of a massive conspiracy involving hundreds or thousands of people. A conspiracy that includes not just those directly involved, but the whole of the "liberal" media and the "deep state".

      I have heard about Joe Biden being a robot, but I think Minus is going to stick with him having dementia. He says QAnon is a "strawman"... only because he (I guess) doesn't believe all the Q conspiracy theories. Not that the conspiracy theories he does believe aren't obvious bullshit and his believing them doesn't make him as equally crazy as any all-in QAnon believer.

    2. The fraud squad in DC orders troop extension to keep their coup alive and placeholder *Presnit in charge:

      Late last night the hardline leftists occupying the majority position, by a slim four vote margin in the House of Representatives, passed a bill on a party-line vote HR1 which fully codifies and weaponizes all opportunities for election fraud throughout the U.S. (2) Immediately after passing the election usurpation bill, the same House leaders then locked-down the capitol under the auspices of a fraudulent “threat”, and then; (3) requested a 60-day extension for the military to maintain their protective isolation behind fences and barbed wire.

      HR1 now advances to the Senate where, more than likely, the senate rules will be changed to allow HR1 to be passed with a simple majority vote. My apologies, but FUBAR is an understatement.

    3. Suck it up we whittle one. Suck it up!

    4. The coup was attempted by Dotard. His White Supremacist terrorists remain angry (riled up by Dotard's election fraud lies). We need to stay vigilant.

    5. Donald Trump isn't the one frantically building a new wall around the Capitol and hiding behind their Praetorian Guard.

    6. Righto con man. Seeing how the Orange Jakal was the filthy turd that incited the insurrection do you really think the bastard gives a shit about the Capatol's safety. Whether or not he is in power?

      BTW, you need not answer because I already know what your burp will consist of.

    7. You can read minds too, like Dervy? I wish you all would teach me how to do it. I can only read my own.

    8. There must be some kind of way outta here
      said the joker to the thief
      there’s too much confusion
      I can’t get no relief

      There are many here among us
      who feel that life is but a joke

      so let us stop talkin’ falsely now
      the hour’s getting late

      Excerpts from “All Along the Watchtower” – singer/songwriter, Bob Dylan;

    9. You might be able to read your own mind but you fail to understand it correctly. It is merely vile propaganda fed to the sheeple of the pasture.

    10. You reading from it AGAIN? How amazing! You seem to understand my mind much better than I could ever hope to aspire to. Can you tell me what I'm thinking right now? I'll bet you can't. :)

    11. Why can't he? Did you put a second tinfoil hat on your head?
