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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Which Video Better Disproves Or Proves Collusion?

Accoring to the pro-Dotard blogger, Minus FJ, the following video proves that the Dotard-Russian collusion "allegation" was part of an "organized conspiracy of hoaxes".

Wow, video of a meeting at the Kremlin in which Putin reluctantly confirms to his underlings (following the release of the Mueller report) that there was no collusion. As re-enacted by Saturday Night Live actors. Proof positive that collusion was a hoax, right?

This was, however, prior to the release of the bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report. In the video below former U.S. Army prosecutor Glenn Kirschner gives his thoughts on what the Senate found.

I ask you to please compare the "evidence" presented by Minus (an SNL skit) to my evidence and let me know which video you think disproves (or proves) collusion.

As per Mr. Kirschner, Paul Manafort (Dotard's campaign chairman), "the report indicates he was coordinating, colluding -- I would use the word "conspiring" -- with who? Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence officer. ... think about that. Donald Trump's campaign chairman was coordinating with a Russian intelligence officer. Providing confidential polling data ... to help Russia interfere in our elections".

According to the report Paul Manafort was a "grave intelligence threat". Kirschner says that, instead of Rick Gates, it was Kilimnik who was really the Dotard campaign's deputy campaign manager.

But it wasn't only Paul Manafort who, from within the Dotard campaign, conspired with Russian actors to tip the election in Dotard's favor. As per the report, the campaign coordinate and directed Roger Stone's efforts to weaponize the stolen (by Russia) Clinton campaign emails.

Kirschner points out that when Donald Trump answered questions concerning his conversations with Roger Stone about WikiLeaks, he said over and over that he recalled no conversations -- he was lying. Which means that Dotard committed a federal offense of making a false statement (and could be prosecuted under 18 U.S. Code § 1001.

The Senate Intelligence Committee found that "Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party and leak information damaging to Hillary Clinton and her campaign for president". emails that were then passed to WikiLeaks.

Intelligence and foreign policy analyst Malcolm Nance says (in his book, The Plot To Hack America) "WikiLeaks was now a wholly owned subsidiary of the FSB and essentially the cyber equivalent of a Laundromat, a Russian laundry -- ready to clean and give a white appearance to the dirt".

Collusion with Russia via WikiLeaks as coordinated by Roger Stone. The activities of Manafort and Stone alone prove there was collusion. Not to mention the many other contacts between other Dotard campaign officials and people associated with the Russian government. So, was collusion a "hoax". No, it most certainly happened.

But the SNL players, in reaction to the Bill Barr spin on the Mueller report, put together a skit that says there wasn't collusion! Putin himself (as protrayed by Beck Bennett) says (when asked by a lackey why Doard says such nice things about him) "I don't know, I think he just likes me".

Sure, Dotard liked Putin a lot. Because Putin helped him steal the 2016 election. There was no formal agreement (the high bar set by Bob Mueller) but (as per former CIA operations officer Evan McMullin) "Trump and his team were uniquely positioned to sound the alarm and halt the Russian attack, but instead they welcomed it".

ALso, the SNL skit concerns Dotard working directly for Russia. Which is probably correct. Dotard was likely never an FSB asset. At least not formally. Which didn't stop him from acting as if he was an actual Russian agent on many occasions. But you can make up your own mind. Collusion or no collusion. I say HELL yes. The evidence is overwhelming the claim of collusion being a "hoax" is absurd.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-249.


  1. The SSCI is MUCH funnier than SNL, I agree.

    But please, you Blue Anon Nutters need to bake some fresh new narratives. Muh Russia was stale when SNL told the joke in conjunction w/ the Mueller Conspiracy. By the time the SSCI picked it up, it became hard to even chuckle.

    1. The funniest thing about the SSCI's telling was the "timing".... but that's merely a reflection of the joke delivery abilities of comedic senatorial octogenerians with Bidenitis Dementia Syndrome.

    2. It seems you are having difficulty differentiating between a comedy show and a serious intelligence report. Sad for you, but delusions about an imaginary "Blue Anon" have no effect on reality.

      Paul Manafort + Roger Stone = collusion. And Roger Stone, while coordinating with the Russian cut out WikiLeaks, kept Dotard in the loop. QED the collusion was between the campaign and Russia as well as the candidate and Russia.

    3. btw, Steve Bannon believed Trump had early stage dementia, TV producer claims ... In his book, [CBS 60 Minutes producer Ira] Rosen writes that Bannon “believed Trump was suffering from early stage dementia and that there was a real possibility he would be removed from office by the 25th amendment... (The Guardian 2/16/2021).

      Yet, according to you, it's everyone else who has dementia.

    4. At least QAnon doesn't have any PACs dedicated to selling stale political narratives.

    5. ps - If you take the SSCI seriously, I've got a war with Iran to sell you unless I receive $20m in contributions to my Senate Campaign and a one time seven figure donation to UPenn Biden Center

    6. ps - I would take anything Ira Rosen thinks cum grano salis... he thought it because Stave Bannon thought that HE (Steve Bannon) could become president....

      "Bannon realized that Trump was repeating the same stories over and over again and Bannon kept saying this and he wanted to do something about it," he told Yahoo News' Skullduggery podcast.

      "Now, the secret was that Bannon crazily thought that he could be president.

      "He would have been very happy to see Trump disappear from the scenes, either through the 25th Amendment, resigning for whatever reason, and he would step in and fill the gulf and carry the mantle of the Trump followers. But he was delusional about it."

    7. Maybe you need to start another narrative PAC, Dervy, since the Russia Project has kind of frozen up like a windmill in a Texas blizzard. One that explains Biden's absence from public functions, like he has some kind of rare disease that causes him to get marbles in his mouth every time one of his German Shepherd's craps on the Presidential Seal rug in the Oval Office.

    8. That Dotard colluded with Russia might be "stale", but it isn't a "political narrative". It is the TRUTH. Only "stale" because he has gone unpunished for more than 5 years.

      You don't like Steve Bannon any longer? Yet another one of Dotard's "best people" that turned out not to be?

    9. I don't like mind readers who claim to know what other people are thinking.

    10. ...and I don't like people who start out with a narrative, and then cherry pick and position facts to flush it out.

    11. That's too bad that you don't like yourself. But I wouldn't either if I were you.

    12. So I guess you only dislike those qualities in other people. Sounds like hypocrisy to me.

    13. You lack the ability to distinguish nuance. That's not my problem, it's yours. You prefer to stuff everything into broad but neat categories that you've already thought about and decided about. It hurts you to have to think and distinguish new nuances.

    14. I don't think I need be that concerned about different flavors of crazy. Identifying you as nuts is what is of primary importance.

    15. No need to cure... just remove from Society in a disciplinary fashion. You and Foucault should rewrite "Madness and Civilization".

      At the core of Foucault’s picture of modern disciplinary society are three primary techniques of control: hierarchical observation, normalizing judgment, and the examination. To a great extent, control over people (power) can be achieved merely by observing them.

    16. You are free to believe whatever delusions you wish. As long as you don't violate the law you won't be "removed". Unless you mean removal from social media platforms. But those are privately owned. They make the rules users have to abide by.

      Though both Dotard and the Pillow guy (I think) have said they are going to create their own. So you can use them and discuss your delusions to your heart's content. As soon as they are up and running. So long as Dotard and Pillow guy don't rely on 3rd parties for hosting I don't know what anyone can do to stop you.

      We can offer to "cure" you (cult deprograming) but we can't force you. Though maybe your paranoia has convinced you that mandatory deprogramming is coming.

    17. btw, regarding nuance, your leader Dotard surely couldn't distinguish any. To him all Democrats are communist. Or, that is the narrative he sold to his deluded magamoron cultists. And most of them 100% bought it. Including you. Although your "nuance" is that Democratic Socialism is an inevitable path to ending up at Communism. Which it isn't.

    18. You lack the ability to distinguish nuance. That's not my problem, it's yours. You prefer to stuff everything into broad but neat categories that you've already thought about and decided about. It hurts you to have to think and distinguish new nuances.

    19. What is the "final stage" of socialism? You say you are "progressive", no? To "what" do you "progress"?

      I'm a Carnotian "progressive". For me "progress" or an ever more luxurious mode of living, arrives only through use of technologies employing ever denser energy sources.
      For you forms of "progressivism" represent a "fevered" state in a society (Plato, "Republic")

      Why, he said, you should give them the ordinary conveniences of life. People who are to be comfortable are accustomed to lie on sofas, and dine off tables, and they should have sauces and sweets in the modern style.

      Yes, I said, now I understand: the question which you would have me consider is, not only how a State, but how a luxurious State is created; and possibly there is no harm in this, for in such a State we shall be more likely to see how justice and injustice originate. In my opinion the true and healthy constitution of the State is the one which I have described. But if you wish also to see a State at fever-heat, I have no objection. For I suspect that many will not be satisfied with the simpler way of life. They will be for adding sofas, and tables, and other furniture; also dainties, and perfumes, and incense, and courtesans, and cakes, all these not of one sort only, but in every variety; we must go beyond the necessaries of which I was at first speaking, such as houses, and clothes, and shoes: the arts of the painter and the embroiderer will have to be set in motion, and gold and ivory and all sorts of materials must be procured.

      True, he said.

      Then we must enlarge our borders; for the original healthy State is no longer sufficient. Now will the city have to fill and swell with a multitude of callings which are not required by any natural want; such as the whole tribe of hunters and actors, of whom one large class have to do with forms and colours; another will be the votaries of music—poets and their attendant train of rhapsodists, players, dancers, contractors; also makers of divers kinds of articles, including women’s dresses. And we shall want more servants. Will not tutors be also in request, and nurses wet and dry, tire women and barbers, as well as confectioners and cooks; and swineherds, too, who were not needed and therefore had no place in the former edition of our State, but are needed now? They must not be forgotten: and there will be animals of many other kinds, if people eat them.

    20. (cont)

      And living in this way we shall have much greater need of physicians than before?

      Much greater.

      And the country which was enough to support the original inhabitants will be too small now, and not enough?

      Quite true.

      Then a slice of our neighbours’ land will be wanted by us for pasture and tillage, and they will want a slice of ours, if, like ourselves, they exceed the limit of necessity, and give themselves up to the unlimited accumulation of wealth?

      That, Socrates, will be inevitable.

      And so we shall go to war, Glaucon. Shall we not?

      Most certainly, he replied.

      Then without determining as yet whether war does good or harm, thus much we may affirm, that now we have discovered war to be derived from causes which are also the causes of almost all the evils in States, private as well as public.


      And our State must once more enlarge; and this time the enlargement will be nothing short of a whole army, which will have to go out and fight with the invaders for all that we have, as well as for the things and persons whom we were describing above.

    21. You pretend to be concerned about "Justice" and "Social Justice". There is neither in any "luxurious" state where people are more than mere "bedouins

  2. The thing about the Joe Cons of the nation is that no amount of truth and seriousness will impact their delusional acceptance of lies and straight up conspiracy.

    1. If your stories are so true and serious, why do they need to be funded and pushed by a Blue Anon PAC? ;p"

    2. The REAL question is if YOUR stories are so true why do they need to be funded by a Q-GOP (aka GQP) Super PAC.

    3. The Q have a SuperPAC? Who knew?

    4. Are they in the official urban dictionary listings with all the "true organizations" yet?

    5. The Q have a SuperPAC? Who knew?

      They do. It's called the "Save America PAC". Your tithing is due asap so you better get on it.

    6. Dotard is a criminal who (if justice is served) will be going to prison soon. At the very least he will be tied up in court defending himself for MANY years to come. Given how slowly court cases move (and of course there will be appeals) he could be strategizing with (and paying) lawyers for the rest of his life. LOL!

      Why you need to send your tithe to the Save America QAnon Pac soon (and regularly). Dotard will need to divert your (and other magamoron) money bigly into his legal defense fund. LOL!

      Dotard isn't the White rabbit, he's the White Supremacist.

    7. But unlike you, Trump doesn't LIVE in the rabbit hole.

    8. LOL! Dotard led deluded magamorons deeper into the (white supremacist, QAnon conspiracy theory) rabbit hole. Why the "GOP" is now full-on White Supremacy/QAnon now. You all reside DEEP within the rabbit hole.

      "In [The Matrix], the white rabbit ... might also refer to something that leads one on (mis)adventures. In the 1930s, rabbit hole gained the figurative sense of a passage leading to a surreal or nonsensical place" (14 Mind-Twisting Terms from The Matrix).

      The deep rabbit hole = a place where nonsense rules and the cult leader Dotard is leading his magamorons on a White Supremacist misadventure.

    9. Biden the dotard did all that? Incredible. He's one crafty old senile b*stard, THAT is for sure.

    10. No, it was the dotard Donald J Trump. Why do you want to give credit to Joe Biden for what tRump accomplished? You are happy with all of it, so it is odd that you'd shift credit to tRump's successor. Perhaps because you realize that what the dotard tRump accomplished was not good?

    11. I give credit to the current *dotard in the White House, leader and ruler for life of the Imaginarium of Racialistas.

    12. Delusions are what newspapers and evening news programs are paid to sell.

    13. Delusions are what newspapers and evening news programs are paid to sell.

      If you are referring to OAN and NewsMax I agree. It's what trumpers want. And they're very eager to open their wallets for lies they like. Dotard knows this. Why he directed his dupes to send money to his PAC instead of the RNC.

    14. It's called "Manufactured Consent." You think you're immune? LOL!

    15. More so than you. I didn't fall for the lies of an Orange Turd who was (and still is) in it for himself while pretending to be for the "common man".

      fyi, Dotard's plan to manufacture consent was called "fake news". Discredit (in the eyes of your low-IQ cultists) the 4th estate (the independent press the framers knew was necessary to hold politicians accountable) and get them to believe ONLY the leader. The "deep state" construct is another example of how Dotard manufactured consent. And you fell for (and continue to believe) all this BS.

    16. The term "deep state" has been applied to career professionals who work in government (and keep their jobs regardless of the political affiliation of the current administration). Yes. But the "deep state" is NOT the cartoonishly anti-trump foil magamorons make it out to be. That "deep state" is imaginary.

      btw, a link to a fiction movie proves nothing re the real world. Except, perhaps, that your mind resides in a fantasy world. btw, I think "Brazil" represents the kind of government you'd like to see put in place. Given your acceptance and defense of Dotard's lies, hatred for Democracy and yearning for autocracy.

    17. There's more reality in fiction like the movie Brazil becuase Brazil has the courage to expose the "divine/religious" nature of bureucracy. Political SESers are a bad influence, yes, but the Deep State truly emerges when the supposedly "non-partisan" and "secular-nonreligious" Civil Servants start taking party sides (as the bureaucracy IS their religion).

    18. Dotard demanded they take HIS side. They chose to remain apolitical. Why they became the enemy.

    19. That they were investigating Trump from before his election demonstrates that they had already chosen partisan sides and could not brook a return to nonpartisanship. It would be the death of their bureaucratic careerism.

    20. They were investigating the Dotard campaign's many contacts with Russia. That wasn't partisan, it was them doing their job.

    21. lol! They didn't investigate Hillary's relations with Ukraine or the UK in colluding to bring down the Trump campaign

    22. The pee tape isn't a delusion, it's unverified intelligence. The many contacts between the Dotard campaign and Russians (and the fact that nobody from the Dotard campaign notified the FBI when they were instructed to) is VERIFIED intelligence.

    23. So either verify your intelligence or admit its' fake news.

    24. Why the hell would I "admit" it's "false" when I think it's likely true? Especially when you won't do the same re obvious fake news about Obama and Biden? Piss off.

    25. There used to be a presumption of innocence/ caritas that formed the bedrock of this country in both criminal and social matters. Now it's a presumption of infallibility of thee intelligence agencies? The only criterion the intelligence agencies use to determine innocence or guilt is for the party being investigated to have the "capacity' to do harm. If you have the capability of doing harm, you are judged guilty of wanting to do it. That's a pretty piss poor standard for a society that hopes to achieve more than a feudal level of trust, let alone one desirous of mutual altruism.

    26. There isn't just capacity. There is evidence.

    27. So what's your "evidence" for the pee tape?

  3. tRump the seditionist/insurrection ex presnit simply has the unfortunate ability to get the joe cons of the nation to FOLLOW him down the rabbit hole.

  4. joe com is clearly suffering from extreme delusional maladjustment syndrome. A terminal mental condition afflicting almost all tRump cultists and Q-GOP (aka GQP) supporters. The dregs of US society.

    1. I'm not the one who turned the beautiful DC into an occupied Green Zone complete with concertina wire for "Preserving the Steal".

    2. Democrats have guaranteed that an honest election is no longer possible in this country and that a revolution in the near future is inevitable. Any claim that America has a democratic system in any sense other than the party controlling it is ridiculous on its face.

    3. republicans have guaranteed that an honest election is no longer possible. Your claim about massive election fraud to install Joe Biden is ridiculous on its face. There will not be a revolution. Certainly not in the near future.

    4. Then why would you need National Guard troops maintaining a perimeter around the Capitol, and why have Democrats turned DC into an Occupied Green Zone? Is Joe a crazy *dotard with no true conception of reality unlike you? LOL!

    5. Because you threaten violence. Because you're sore losers angered by delusions of "stolen" elections.

    6. The Deployment of NG Troops is violence threatened. Tit-4-Tat. And since you've no intention of fixing the voting system, it'll have to be fixed for you.

    7. btw, the Democrats ARE acting to protect democracy from White Supremacist terrorism. AG Garland is coming for your White Supremacist fellow travelers. The White Supremacist anti-democratic "revolution" you cheer for will FAIL.

    8. Send him! Garland's an even bigger joke than Eric Holder. He's half in the bag for the UniParty. At least Holder wasn't that.

    9. Barr was the joke. The AG position is supposed to be apolitical. UniParty? Why is it, then, that ALL republicans voted against the American Rescue Plan? If everyone in Congress is the same party you'd expect them to all be in agreement. But Democratic party is strongly opposed to Dotard and QAnon, while the "GOP" strongly supports both.

    10. You mean the Blue State Bailout & Rescue Plan. lol!

    11. No. It is an AMERICAN rescue plan. You're thinking of the Dotard administration. They're the ones who believed they should primarily be helping red states. And only begrudgingly help Blue states. Unless they decided to punish them.

    12. If you can't get a single Republican vote, it can't be "American".

    13. And Merrick Garland doesn't even think these guys exist. You really think he wants to investigate "Insurrection"? LOL!

    14. Quote: "54 percent of Republicans support the legislation".

      republican legislators who voted no did so despite their constituents supporting the legislation. They should vote those legislators out of office.

      As for Merrick Garland, he testified that he will prosecute the rioters and White Supremacists who stormed the capitol. I take him at his word.

    15. Because he isn't buying into the right's false equivalencies. I say that proves he is smart, not an idiot.

    16. Fire-bombing Federal Courthouses in Portland isn't insurrection, but posing for selfies in the Capitol Rotunda is? LOL!

    17. There's a false equivalency all right, and that's why Trump got elected in 2016 and why the Left can't afford to have another fair democratic election again, EVER!

    18. You can stuff your "selfie" bullcrap. 5 people died because of the capitol riots. Including a police officer. The FBI is looking for the people who set bombs (which may have killed many more people). The rioters fought with police (one of whom lost an eye). The rioters caused bigly property damage when they illegally trespassed in the capitol buildings. And don't forget they were there because they thought they could overturn the election results (Joe Biden WINNING) by stopping the EC vote (aka insurrection).

      The mostly peaceful Portland protesters, on the other hand, were not trying to overthrow the lawfully elected government. They were there exercising their Constitutional rights. The small percentage of bad actors who committed crimes should be arrested and charged. Including the White Supremacist infiltrators (confirmed by the FBI, unlike the bullplop about the capitol rioters being AntiFa).

      Dotard LOST because he did a horrible job and a majority of American people wanted someone competent who would take the pandemic seriously. As opposed to lying about it and pretending it would go away. Why the republican party, so long as they follow the path of trumpism (White Supremacy, QAnon, lies about stolen elections, incompetence), can't afford to have another fair democratic election.

      I don't know about ever, but certainly for the foreseeable future. Given Dotard's continued popularity with republicans, they obviously are obstinately clinging to their delusions and not ready to face reality. What you need to do to win without cheating.

    19. 5 people died protesting for free and fair elections.

    20. ps - Autonomous zones aren't an overthrow of government? Who the 'f knew?

    21. Bullshit. 4 people died protesting AGAINST free and fair elections. Brian Sicknick was defending the Capitol from magamorons (including the 4 idiots who died) who were trying to overturn the victory of the legitimate winner (Joe Biden) and install the loser (Dotard tRump).

      The so-called "autonomous zones" are gone. The government wasn't overthrown. Whereas, if the capitol rioters had been successful, Dotard would still be in office. The rioters didn't want him to remain in power for only a few more days. Or however long the so-called "autonomous zones" existed.

    22. So they're permanent? A legacy of the Dotard years that lives on... btw, a few blocks (less?) taken over by idiots who think they are "autonomous" is bigly different than overturning the election of the legitimately elected incoming president to illegitimately keep the loser in power.

    23. Then you should grant the red states autonomy for the next four years.

    24. No. Not even if it were possible. Which it isn't. If it were (and it happened) the red taker states would regret it.

    25. Nobody is forcing red state republicans from seeking residence elsewhere. They could apply for citizenship at the Kekistan embassy, for example. I, as a Democrat who resides in a red state, would be vehemently opposed to "red state autonomy".

      The US is headed up by an elected president, btw. Not a Pharaoh. We had to endure 4 years of Dotard. Joe Biden is your president now. Time to get over it losers.

    26. Sorry, but we refuse to be second class citizens who get discriminated against because we refuse to act "woke". We didn't treat you like second class citizens and only investigate Democrats and let all Republicans off the hook for proveavble crimes like secret personal mail servers for government employees to evade FOIA laws.

    27. LOL. Also, you can stuff your whines about being "discriminated" against for being racist and bigoted. You can discriminate but we can't "discriminate" against you for your discrimination? F*ck off.

    28. Who am I now or ever discriminating against? LOL!

    29. You promote censorship of working class conservative white people like me. That's discrimination.

    30. You lie. Privately held social media platforms are not obligated to allow you to lie and incite violence. F*ck your "that's discrimination". aka piss off. You're free to create your own social media platforms. And host them. And you might need your own internet browser as well (in case those that are available block access to your platforms by blacklisting them).

    31. Private companies having their own TOS is unAmerican? Who knew? Who should set the rules? The federal government? I'd have thought a Conservative would be opposed to that. I doubt we will ever see a law that says "you must allow hate and the incitement of violence on your platform". That's it's "unAmerican" must be why Stormfront looked to Russia for hosting.

    32. So you don't believe that the US government should have ever used the Commerce Clause to force private companies to abide by Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights act barring discrimination in public accommodations? Screw dem black people, let em pitch a tent if they want to travel to New York or Chicago! Give 'em a Green Book! Separate but Equal!

      Some Democrats never learn.

    33. There is a big difference between using the power of the federal government to combat hate versus using the power of the federal government to enable hate. Instead of using the power of the federal government to force private companies to do the right thing, you want to force them to allow the wrong thing.

    34. Hate's got nothing to do with it. What's good for the goose is gravy for the gander.

  5. btw - Do you think that the NG Troops deployed have a commander with the stomach for a 13 Vendemiaire on par with Murat and Napoleon? LOL!

    1. You probably think that Banksy is a JL David, too. lol!

    2. The legitimate US government isn't going to surrender to White Supremacist terrorists. They will capture (and try and imprison) or kill them. We'll empty the prisons of people convicted of non-violent drug offenses to make as much room as necessary.

    3. 95% of cops and 95% of troops are Trumpers. They didn't keep the Trumpers out on Jan 6, so what makes you think they won't let the Trumpers in again?

    4. ps - There's a big difference between a willingness to apply non-lethal force, and a willingness to employ lethal force. Seven out of ten soldiers in every fire fight never fire their weapon.

    5. That's BS. Dotard's support within the military slipped bigly when they found out he considers them to be suckers and losers.

      Quote: ...the latest results [8/31/2020] — based on 1,018 active-duty troops surveyed in late July and early August — nearly half of respondents (49.9 percent) had an unfavorable view of the president, compared to about 38 percent who had a favorable view. Questions in the poll had a margin of error of up to 2 percent. Among all survey participants, 42 percent said they "strongly" disapprove of Trump's time in office.

    6. lol! And when did you serve and with who?

    7. I didn't "serve" with any polling operation. That doesn't mean I don't believe them.

    8. I don't believe there was massive election fraud that swung the election from Dotard to Joe Biden. And therefore Dotard is the rightful winner and Joe Biden is the illegitimate president. That's bullplop that you believe. QED you'll believe obvious lies that support narratives you like.

      btw, I asked my brother who served if your numbers are accurate (not that I didn't already know they weren't) and he said no. There is a lot of support (or was) in the military for Dotard but it's nowhere near 95%. aka you're full of shit.

    9. You make the 3 monkeys of "See No Evil, Speak No Evil", and "Hear No Evil" look like pikers in comparison.

    10. No, you're right, 95% didn't support Trump. But take the ones who did and add them to the Neocon "Never-Trumpers" and you'll get back up to the 95% level. The only reason for a Leftist to joining the military today are frustrated Trans-sexuals looking for free sex-change surgery.

    11. YOU make the 3 monkeys of "See No Evil, Speak No Evil", and "Hear No Evil" look like pikers in comparison... re republican cheating. I refer to REAL cheating, btw. As opposed to imaginary cheating (what you believe in).

      That Leftists who join the military are frustrated trans-sexuals is f*cking stupid. I have several lefty Democrat family members who served in the military. They did it for college money, not sex changes.

    12. The military offers college money as an incentive. aka they WANT you to join and take advantage of it. They don't say "selfless applicants only". What a dumb bash. Not as stupid as your original assertion that Lefties were joining for sex changes, but still bigly idiotic.

    13. lol! West Point offers college money? Annapolis offers college money? Colorado Springs offers college money? New London offers college money? Kings Point offers college money? They're called Service Academies and they pay you to go to them, become eductaed and and then gain the benefits of your "educated" service. All this GI Plan post service education crap is a waste of money and only practical during times in which "cannon fodder" is required and they never have to pay it because the joiners are all dead. Conscription, baby!

    14. They don't charge you, so YES. Free education is the same as college money to attend an institution of higher learning of your choice. An educated populace is of great benefit to society, so I strongly disagree that it's a waste of money. Although I'd offer it in return for 2 years of any kind of public service (not just military service).

    15. Well you'd be broke as a government and have too many kids graduating with useless ethnic grievance degrees.

    16. No, we'd be richer as a government because those graduates would make more money over their working lives and pay more in taxes. They'd also have more money to spend on goods and services which would be of great benefit to the economy. PS I've never heard of such a thing as a "ethnic grievance degree".

    17. A completely make work economy made up of grievance bean counters actually detracts from a vibrant economy and ends you up in a European-Unionesque economy of perpetual recession.

    18. Sounds like one of your racist paranoid delusions. I refer to your delusions regarding "ethnic grievance degrees" and "grievance bean counters". Of course we couldn't have an entire economy based on those things. Why we never will. Anywhere. I don't know what you mean by "European-Unionesque". The issue there is workers coming in from lower wage countries and taking jobs from natives by working for bigly lower wages.

      Why Dotard hired undocumented Polish laborers to build Dotard tower. He could pay them a lot less than American workers. Also why he hired Hispanic people from south of the border to work at his golf courses and hotels.

    19. Somebody (government) has to create jobs for ethnic grievance majors...

      Like I said, unproductive "make work" jobs. And Presnit* Biden specializes in creating them.

    20. Sacrifice your $150k petroleum engineer's job working an oil rig for $40k installing solar panels!

    21. Green energy is the future. Dirty fossil fuels will be phased out. It's called progress. Unfortunately some people will get left behind. It's a better alternative than pretending climate change is a hoax. It's not as if we haven't know about the problem for decades. We'd be better prepared now if the deniers acknowledged reality and stopped (at the least) trying to hold back progress.

    22. lol! "Progress is only possibly with denser energy sources." Lazare Carnot

    23. The "wind" and "sun" are too "diffuse".

    24. You really don't know your tech, and should, therefore, keep your uneducated opinions to yourself on the subject.

    25. So you're educated as to why we have no choice but to allow climate change to continue unmitigated? Oh no, wait... you think it's a hoax. Because all scientists lie. Having stupid and incorrect opinions doesn't stop you from sharing them.

    26. The climate has changed in the past and will change again in the future. So what? You trust our Grand Academy of Lagado scientists to figure a way of regulating the Earth's climate and setting a thermostat so that the climate never changes again? BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! You remind me of a Laputan Navigator...

    27. So what? So it's changing in a way that will make is significantly less hospitable to human life. The population of the planet is such that humans can't just pick up and move to a more hospitable climate... as they could in the past. I never said scientists could figure a way of regulating the Earth's climate and setting a thermostat so that the climate never changes again. That is your strawman.

      We have an idea what needs to be done to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. We should act. As opposed to putting the foot down on the accelerator (what you want to do). Yet you pretend my position is the absurd one. Get bent.

    28. lol!

      And we have ideas about how to deal with pandemics, too, but our "experts" on the subject aren't worth a sh*t.

    29. Only one energy option is of greater density than fossil fuel. It's nuclear. You want to phase out carbon, fine, but without nuclear, we're headed back to the feudal ages. Don Quixote, go tilt at your windmill.

    30. If you are saying that the "windmill" is the idea that humanity can avert causing it's own extinction... you might be right. Especially given the objections from the right re not speeding toward the cliff and over the edge.

    31. Blah, blah, blah. The mother of Idiots (you) is always pregnant.

  6. This whole goddamned national discussion on politics has become absurd, counterproductive, and bordering on complete national insanity. Why I say this is because one singular issue IS true of BOTH sides. It's all about winning. Compromise among the extremes, and they are large in numbers on BOTH sides, is decidedly IMPOSSIBLE.

    1. That why Pinochet used to give free helicopter rides to Commies, and why the Buddhist Dictators in Myanmar are shooting Muslim "democracy" (HAHA) activists.

    2. “If you are truly convinced that there is some solution to all human problems, that one can conceive an ideal society which men can reach if only they do what is necessary to attain it, then you and your followers must believe that no price can be too high to pay in order to open the gates of such a paradise. Only the stupid and malevolent will resist once certain simple truths are put to them. Those who resist must be persuaded; if they cannot be persuaded, laws must be passed to restrain them; if that does not work, then coercion, if need be violence, will inevitably have to be used—if necessary, terror, slaughter.” ― Isaiah Berlin

      “The notion of the perfect whole, the ultimate solution in which all good things coexist, seems to me not merely unobtainable--that is a truism--but conceptually incoherent. ...... Some among the great goods cannot live together. That is a conceptual truth. We are doomed to choose, and every choice may entail an irreparable loss.” ― Isaiah Berlin

    3. That's why Ayn Rand's "Objectivism" and your so-called RN "Rationality" are both such a JOKE.

  7. You continue to show your lockstep hidedound loyalty to an ideolgy steeped in old world ignorance minus FJ. But I'll be among those supporting YOUR right to believe whatever the hell you wish. As long as it does NOT turn to violence againat those who know your beliefs are archaic.

    1. Minus wholeheartedly supports and endorses violence.

    2. If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problemm minus FJ. We know which one we support. Do you know which you do? It sounds like you're on the fence leaning goward hostilities.

      BTW, Ecclesiastes 3? Guess when in doubt you turn to mysticism eh minus?.

    3. Who's in doubt, and Ecclesiastes 3 doesn't describe my position?

    4. You think it applies to delusions? You think you were wronged, therefore it's a time for magamorons to kill (commit terrorist acts), but you were not. Dotard LOST legitimately.

    5. If it wasn't a delusion, would violence be justified? lol!

    6. You can't answer a hypothetical? Wow! The blinders you wear must be so comforting.

    7. How about this one. You are standing on a railway overpass next to a drug addicted hobo. You look to the south and see 4 small children playing about a mile away on the tracks. You turn north to see an oncoming train doing 50 mph. You know it will hit the children to the south unless you can warn the engineer. Do you a) start jumping up and down waving your arms? b) push the hobo off the bridge in front of the train killing him, thereby forcing the train engineer to slam on the brakes? c) jump off the bridge killing yourself, but saving the kids? or d) just watch the train go by and kill the playing children?

    8. Obviously you (Minus) push the hobo to his death, probably gleefully. Unless the children aren't White. And HOW do you know the hobo is drug addicted? Mind reading? How do you know he's a hobo? There is just some guy standing there and you're judging him (and deciding to murder him because you guess he's "drug addicted").

      Me, I don't give validation to delusions. Why I'm not going to answer your hypothetical. You don't view it as a hypothetical. You believe (in your delusions) it is actually what happened.

      Although the Left believes in Nonviolent resistance. Why, when you were 100% convinced that Dotard would win and I said people would take to the streets en masse to protest, you (gleefully) anticipated the death of protesters at the hands of the Dotard-controlled NG. Why kidnapping migrant children at the border was viewed as a way to deter people from crossing the border. Violence and cruelty are the go-to tools of the right to "solve" problems.

    9. Portland/ arson is non-violent? Who knew?

    10. Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds. (excerpt) ...the Black Lives Matter uprisings were remarkably nonviolent. When there was violence, very often police or counterprotesters were reportedly directing it at the protesters.

      Since 2017, we have been collecting data on political crowds in the United States, including the protests that surged during the summer. We have almost finished collecting data from May to June, having already documented 7,305 events in thousands of towns and cities in all 50 states and DC, involving millions of attendees.

      The overall levels of violence and property destruction were low, and most of the violence that did take place was, in fact, directed against the BLM protesters. First, police made arrests in 5% of the protest events, with over 8,500 reported arrests (or possibly more). Police used tear gas or related chemical substances in 2.5% of these events.

      Protesters or bystanders were reported injured in 1.6% of the protests. In total, at least three Black Lives Matter protesters and one other person were killed while protesting in Omaha, Austin and Kenosha WI. One anti-fascist protester killed a far-right group member during a confrontation in Portland OR; law enforcement killed the alleged assailant several days later.

      Police were reported injured in 1% of the protests. A law enforcement officer killed in California was allegedly shot by supporters of the far-right “boogaloo” movement, not anti-racism protesters.

      Only 3.7% of the protests involved property damage or vandalism. Some portion of these involved neither police nor protesters, but people engaging in vandalism or looting alongside the protesters.

    11. It's a truthful narrative. Unlike your "massive election fraud" narrative, which is utter bullplop.

    12. you mean, "which is widely known and highly regarded."

    13. So when is Dotard's re-inauguration? How long does Joe Biden have to vacate the White House?

    14. Why would Trump be re-inaugurated? He was never certified the winner of anything. Congress would have to figure out how to manage governmental affairs until a new and fair election could be conducted. Who knows, they might even let Sleepy Joe remain as "acting *presnit" until then. But if they continue to sweep this under the rug, nobody will ever buy the legitimacy of this government ever again.

    15. There will not be another presidential election until 2024. I agree 100% that we need legislation that provides for fair elections. Hopefully Congress will be able to get some to President Biden's desk asap. Though we both know republicans will fight like hell to see that doesn't happen.

      According to what I've heard, one possibility is to modify the filibuster so it does not apply to election reform. I say whatever it takes. This is MUST pass legislation. We HAVE to have it to stop the steal. What this nonsense about "massive voter fraud" is a cover for.

      Dotard tried to steal a second term (but failed, thank God). republicans will try to steal back majorities in the House and Senate in 2022. Unless election reform is passed nobody will ever buy the legitimacy of the government ever again.

    16. No, locking in the fraud as the House currently proposes won't cut it. Unless 50% of Democrats AND 50% of Republicans favour the changes, you can stuff your election reforms up your bum hole.

    17. YOU want to lock in the fraud. Why you oppose legislation that would make elections fairer. You're strongly opposed to fair elections.

    18. Fairer? How is ballot stuffing fairer?

  8. Well, I guess letting JoeCon and Eff-Jay post their conspiracies and right wing incoherences is better than letting them eat paste and stick forks in their eyes, which they'd be doing if they didn't come here to write about their psychoses.

    1. You mean... "cure you of yours.". How does paste taste like, anyway? You'd be the "experts". LOL!

  9. minus man showing his complete lack of serious thought once again.

    1. RN,

      Have you submitted YOUR questions for the WH Press Conference yet? It could most definitely get selected for a teleprompter-read response by the *Presnit!

    2. Donald tRump is no longer permitted to hold press conferences at the White House. Because he is the ex-*presnit. Or predisent. The US has a REAL President now. One who is competent and works hard for the American people. Not a total joke like the prior guy.

    3. Kamala isn't really the *presnit, at least not yet.

    4. Right, Biden IS, and he will be for 8 years. Unless the Trumpublican Q-GOP dark party manages to enact voter suppression legislation state by state in a majority of states. Now their #1 goal.

    5. Minority rule by the republicans has has existed for FAR TOO long, and now the Trumpublican Q-GOP is working overtime to insure that voter suppression is enacted into law across the land by pro Trumpublican Q-GOP statehouses. Supported by dimwitted sheeple like joe the con and his felliw travelers.

    6. It absolutely IS the goal of the Trumpublican Q-GOP (aka GQP) to insure that black, Hispanic, Asian, and other minorities are disenfranchised in the voting process. To make it as hard, almost impossible for some, to have their voices heard. The Trumpublican Q-GOP (aka GQP) party is interested ONLY in winning by suppressing the minority vote, and insuring their minority rule (such as existed under GWB, BHO, and Dotard donnie.

      The Trumpublican Q-GOP (GQP) party is but an authoritarian, anti democracy,facist group of un American zeolots wanting to take America back to lynchings and the Era of Jim Crow.

    7. Filthy lying Scum like Dotard may have the ability to influence ignorant sheeple like the joe cons of the world with their lies ans conspitacy theories, but, they WILL NOT SUCCEED IN THEIR WAR ON TRUTH, JUSTICE, EQUALITY FOR ALL, DEMOCRACY, THE RULE OF LAW, and DECENCY.

      Count on it!

    8. ****NPC Encounter Script****

      {Loop Start]
      Blah, blah, blah... "racism". Blah, blah, blah.... "voter suppression". Blah, blah, blah... "white supremacy". Blah, blah, blah...."democracy will prevail".

      {Go to Loop Start}

    9. Intelligent retort from one who knows liberals are speaking the truth about Trumpublicans and the Q-GOO and its authoritarian racist ideology. But like many dyed in the wool racists he will never accept or acknowledge the racist authoritarianism that is NOW driving the Trumpublican Q-GOP and has been since 1965..

    10. Although, at least back in the 60's and 70's the GOP at least had some credibility and decency. That really started to unravel during the GWB years and the unraveling really explded under tRump and Trumpism.

    11. ****magamoron Encounter Script****

      {Loop Start}
      Blah, blah, blah... "cancel culture". Blah, blah, blah.... "voter fraud". Blah, blah, blah... "cultural genocide". Blah, blah, blah...."secure the vote".

      {Go to Loop Start}

    12. Re "NPC"... I'm not under the control of anyone when I correctly deduce that Dotard and his supporters are racist.

    13. No, your own personal intellectual vacuity fills in all the gaps on the subject.

    14. Association for Psychological Science: Is Racism Just a Form of Stupidity? (excerpt) The short answer is yes -- there is a clear, predictable and causal link between low intelligence and prejudice, including racism. ...based on rigorous abundant evidence [scientists theorize] right-wing ideologies attract people with lower mental abilities because they minimize the complexity of the world. Right-wing ideologies offer well-structured and ordered views of society, views that preserve traditions and norms, so they are especially attractive to those who are threatened by change and want to avoid uncertainty and ambiguity. Conversely, smart people are more capable of grasping a world of nuance, fluidity and relativity.

    15. [continued] Low intelligence and "low effort thinking" are strongly linked to right-wing attitudes, including authoritarianism and conservative politics.

    16. I have both a BS and an MS degree. Doesn't sound very "low effort" to me. Your degree's are in what? lol!

  10. Yuh, yuh, yuh...RACIST. They don't even try to hide it anymore, since Twice-impeached and LOSER Trump gave the his MAGAts permission to celebrate their filthy racism:

    "In an interview on conservative talk radio, Sen. Ron Johnson, one of former President Donald Trump’s strongest supporters, said he didn’t feel threatened by rioters violently storming the Capitol. Instead, he said, he might have been scared if the participants were Black Lives Matter or Antifa supporters — a comment with strong racial overtones.

    “Even though those thousands of people that were marching to the Capitol were trying to pressure people like me to vote the way they wanted me to vote, I knew those were people that love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break the law, and so I wasn't concerned,” Johnson (R-Wis.) said in an interview on conservative radio host Joe Pag’s show

    "Had the tables been turned, and President Trump won the election and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned," Johnson said."

    Those nice white insurrectionists that Johnson feels comfy with left their excrement in the US Capitol building, contributed to the death of a Capitol policeman and others, and stormed through the Capitol screaming "HANG PENCE! HANG PENCE!" and looked for Speaker of the House Pelosi to do her bodily harm.

    You couldn't come up with a better group of human filth than the MAGAts who Trump cooed, "I love you" to! Those are EX-president Trump's heros: shitters, shooters, and killers.

    1. Wokester wannabe's like you only pretend to give a rats ass about people's race or ethnicity when you want to praise yourself by making a "virtue" out of pretending that minority races and ethnicities are important to you. You're all "Blah, blah, blah...white supremacists are bad!" and "Blah, blah, blah... Black Lives Matter!" But you don't do sh*t to stifle your own white privilege or improve the lives of black people in the community. You're all hat and no cattle.

      So please, call me racist, insurrectionist, white supremacists, and any other words you can think of for people who no longer obsess about people skin colour like "good people are supposed to". Your boring. You bore EVERYONE. And no one takes you seriously any more because face it, you're NOT SERIOUS about doing ANYTHING that would actually impact minority lives in a positive manner. You're a sad JOKE for a human being, that's all!

    2. The sad jokes are people like you, Minus. You pretend you don't care about "colour", but you do a very bad of it. Ron Johnson being OK with Dotard supporters storming the capitol but being worried if it were BLM supporters is the proof. fyi, known White Supremacists were spotted participating in the riot. Your denials are BS. We know it. You know it. Yet you will continue to keep making them. Just as the KKK insists it is a "Christian Organization". No one takes YOU seriously.

    3. BLM doesn't give a sh*t about black lives. When was the last time a BLM supporter complained about the black murder rates in Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore and then offered a solution that didn't make the situation WORSE? How about NEVER?

      Advocating for ever increasing the nation's moral hazards isn't my stupidity, it's yours.

    4. You say BLM focuses on the wrong problem due to your racism. The two problems are actually related. Quote: "Wouldn't better behaved, more accountable, less abusive police departments make people in poor black communities marginally more inclined to involve law enforcement in disputes before they turn deadly, to cooperate more during homicide investigations, and to collaborate with the cops in making their blocks safer? Those sorts of marginal changes could help to reduce the murder rate".

    5. It is true folks like joe con/minus FJ and tRump are racist. They know it deep within themselves but refuse to acknowledge it so therefore they can't and never will understand or be able change their evil ways. Instead they build rationalizations around their racism that allow them to feel good about their racist belefs.

    6. ...and you can't name any such beliefs, because there aren't any... not even the smug self-serving kind like pretending to "help" black people by supporting the racial grievance blackmailing opportunists amongst them.
