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Friday, March 19, 2021

Ford Sending Jobs To Mexico. Thanks China Donald!

Turns out the former guy was a dotard that lied about keeping jobs in the United States. Gee, what a surprise. Krystal Ball (identifies as liberal but rooted for Dotard) and her republican co-host (on HillTV program "Rising") talk about how they were dumb enough to allow Dotard to dupe them into believing he'd stop American jobs from being exported to low wage countries.

Over on the blog of the Dotard cultist, Minus FJ, the blame goes to President Joe Biden. Of course. Because such plans take time and certainly would have been in the works under the prior guy. First Saagar (the republican) points out that Ford is backing out of a deal to keep the jobs US-based that came together under Dotard.

Now Ford says it's moving jobs to Mexico. Saagar says he thought Dotard might actually do something. "I saved your jobs" Dotard said. He was talking about the Carrier furnace plant in Indianapolis. But he didn't. As per the Indy Star, "despite Trump's lofty promises, companies have continued to send jobs overseas".

Dotard claimed he was a master at "the art of the deal", but he's actually a horrible deal-maker. Why Carrier told American workers "too bad" and gave their jobs to foreigners who'd work for significantly less. Krystal admits she was also dupped. "I thought like you did. ...he went to the Carrier plant [but] then he doesn't follow up. That one went overseas anyway". Then she apologized for being Dotard's useful idiot for the last 4 years.

Just kidding! Instead she pulls out the "both sides do it" card. Although on the subject of trade she has a point. Barack Obama did push the TPP. Perhaps why Minus is positive President Biden will revive it. Because (according to Minus) "China Joe" is in China's pocket. Joe Biden wants to destroy American jobs while Dotard (if he only had another 4 years) would have saved them.

Even though he never started trying. Instead the trade deficit increased bigly during the Dotard administration. Yet the problem is somehow all attributal to "China Joe". And, even though he works for China, he's sending the jobs to Mexico.

The "Rising" video proves it's all Joe Biden's fault. Even though co-host Saagar admits, "it probably would have happened to Trump too". Ford sending jobs to Mexico, that is. "Offshoring is back" Minus claims. Implying it stopped under Dotard.

But it didn't. Dotard made bad deals that fell though. After he touted his successes, took the credit and sang his own praises. Which must have fooled Minus. That, or he lies. btw, re FoxConn, the deal Dotard negotiated turned out to be spectacularly bad.

"Wisconsin approved more than $3bn in incentives to bring Foxconn to the US state". FoxConn and Dotard promised 30,000 jobs but delivered 218. The Register describes it as (probably) "one of the biggest political and economic con-jobs the US has ever witnessed".

Thanks China Donald!

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-251.


  1. So Biden's going to get Ford to keep the plant in the US? LOL!

    1. I don't know, but I doubt it. The plans were formulated under the prior administration. Why didn't Dotard accomplish the task? He said Ford was keeping and bringing back auto manufacturing jobs.

      Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump, 3/28/2017: Big announcement by Ford today. Major investment to be made in three Michigan plants. Car companies coming back to U.S. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!

      In the video YOU posted Saagar says he thought Dotard might actually do something. Krystal Ball agrees Dotard is to blame, saying "I thought like you did. ...he went to the Carrier plant [but] then he doesn't follow up".

      Not sure WHERE in the video you THINK blame was placed squarely on Joe Biden's shoulders. He's only been president for 2 months.

    2. Evidence? Because the evidence strongly suggests that the decision to move to Mexico was almost certainly made once Joe Biden took office.

    3. Carrier made it's decision while Donald tRump was president. You say he was in a position to punish them. So what did he do and how did Carrier end up regretting it's decision?

    4. The plant that was going to be closed, closed? lol!

    5. I never said the Carrier plant was closed or going to be closed. Ford is sending manufacturing of one vehicle to Mexico, they also aren't
      closing the plant. Yet Dotard isn't responsible re Carrier, while Joe Biden is responsible re Ford. Even though Dotard went to the Carrier plant and CLAIMED to have saved all the jobs. What bullshit.

    6. If they're still working, how can you claim that he didn't? And every job in Mexico is a job no longer in the US.

    7. The first sentence of the article you linked to says, "for the workers fortunate enough to remain employed..."...

      The people not fortunate enough to remain employed are NOT still working. Unless they found employment elsewhere. But they aren't working at Carrier. Their jobs were NOT saved by Dotard.

    8. All the jobs were going to be moved before Trump intervened and saved some. How many has Biden saved by threatening to raise corporate tax rates making inversions profitable again?

    9. Way to go Joe, proving once again that the Democratic Party hate US workers.

    10. Wrong. Donald was going to save all the jobs at Carrier. Why Krystal Ball said to her co-host, "I thought like you did. ...he went to the Carrier plant [but] then he doesn't follow up. That one went overseas anyway". Proving once again that the republican Party hates US workers.

    11. Didn't Obama promise all Americans that if we liked our doctors we could keep them?

    12. Right. Obama told the truth. You must have a really bad memory. Because this has come up previously and I explained it to you then.

    13. Just like I explained how DJT saved all those Carrier jobs...

    14. The facts contradict your BS. Dotard did not save "all those Carrier jobs".

    15. The workers other than those fortunate enough to still be employed. As per the first sentence of the article YOU linked to, dummy.

    16. Fewer people are working at the plant now. wtf do sources have to do with it? Also, i'm still talking about the article you linked to. Now you're trying to discredit the article you linked to?

    17. No, it's just that you seem to always focus in on the narrative aspects of stories rather than the factual aspects.

    18. No, it's that you seem to always ignore the factual aspects of stories and instead inject your own false narrative.

  2. "Evidence? Because the evidence strongly suggests that the decision to move to Mexico was almost certainly made once Joe Biden took office."

    "Strongly suggests" is not FACT, it's a SUGGESTION. You and your sock puppets take a suggestion and call it a fact.

    Anyone can play your game: I STRONGLY SUGGEST you're a conspiracy nut who likes to twist suggestions into facts and who gets his information from far right conspiracy generating internet sites.

    PS. Nothing you and your sock puppets predicted has happened. President Obama is NOT in jail, nor is Hillary, nor is Hunter Biden.

    -FJJune 16, 2019 at 4:11 AM
    I doubt there'll be room for him after all the co-conspirators in the attempted Trump coup are locked up.

    Still waiting for the co=conspirators to be locked up, Minus EffJay?

    1. Oh, so only Republicans need actual evidence? You really are as stupid as you sound.

    2. According to what you post republicans only need accusations. You really are as stupid as you sound.

    3. I'm not the one who has to censor the truth. Acta non verba baby.

    4. pShaw doesn't censor her blog? Who knew?

    5. I thought you were talking about social media platforms censoring lies. Though Shaw sometimes does the same.

    6. She censor lies, like about the tested average intelligence of African-Americans?

    7. How the hell would I know what comments Shaw sees but declines to publish? But, if you're talking about the Charles Murray racist BS, I wouldn't be surprised if she "censored" that.

    8. Yeah, all that fake "heredity" and "DNA" racist bullsh*t.

    9. Just like the "father's name" on your birth certificate.

    10. Mine? What the f*ck would you know about my birth certificate. You must be referring to yours.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. Not a believer in genetics, huh.... lol!

    13. lol! The Guardian is the official arbiter of good science? Who knew?

      Nietzsche, "On the Future of Our educational Institutions"

      In all matters of a general and serious nature, and above all, in regard to the highest philosophical problems, we have now already reached a point at which the scientific man, as such, is no longer allowed to speak. On the other hand, that adhesive and tenacious stratum which has now filled up the interstices between the sciences—Journalism—believes it has a mission to fulfill here, and this it does, according to its own particular lights—that is to say, as its name implies, after the fashion of a day-laborer.

      "It is precisely in journalism that the two tendencies combine and become one. The expansion and the diminution of education here join hands. The newspaper actually steps into the place of culture, and he who, even as a scholar, wishes to voice any claim for education, must avail himself of this viscous stratum of communication which cements the seams between all forms of life, all classes, all arts, and all sciences, and which is as firm and reliable as news paper is, as a rule. In the newspaper the peculiar educational aims of the present culminate, just as the journalist, the servant of the moment, has stepped into the place of the genius, of the leader for all time, of the deliverer from the tyranny of the moment. Now, tell me, distinguished master, what hopes could I still have in a struggle against the general topsy-turvification of all genuine aims for education; with what courage can I, a single teacher, step forward, when I know that the moment any seeds of real culture are sown, they will be mercilessly crushed by the roller of this pseudo-culture? Imagine how useless the most energetic work on the part of the individual teacher must be, who would fain lead a pupil back into the distant and evasive Hellenic world and to the real home of culture, when in less than an hour, that same pupil will have recourse to a newspaper, the latest novel, or one of those learned books, the very style of which already bears the revolting impress of modern barbaric culture—"

    14. The Guardian article I linked to was authored by a geneticist. What did Nietzsche know about genetics?

  3. Hey Derv, do you REALLY expect the Trumpublican Q-GOP sheeple to understand or use, God forbid, LOGIC?

    1. No, of course not. Minus twists himself in knots justifying everything Dotard does and twists himself in knots to attack Joe Biden. It matters not at all (to him) if his arguments are illogical.

    2. ...so you have evidence of Trump collusion now?

      Logic? LOL!

    3. Lots. The Mueller report and the Senate Intelligence Committee report.

    4. So when are you going to try Putin's puppet for treason? Or doesn't Xi's puppet want him tried?

    5. Putin's puppet and Xi's puppet are both Donald J tRump.

    6. Not any more... but they sure own China Joe now.

    7. That's why Biden's trade delegation allowed themselves to be lectured by China on Human Rights violations at the Alaska mtg. What a bunch of maroons!

    8. So what? I suppose the Chinese wouldn't have dared lecture a Dotard trade delegation :P.

    9. Not on anything THAT stupid. It was a test, andvnow they know how stupid libs really are.

    10. No. It is what they were convinced they could get away with after 4 years of Dotard.

    11. Getting schooled in Woke-ology? Why would they think that. DJT has no use for it.

    12. ...but *presnit Biden lives and breaths it!

    13. ok, I will agree with you on that. Dotard, as a White Supremacist who instituted White Supremacist policies, was definitely in no position to take the moral high ground re China's human rights abuses. I'm sure the Chinese appreciated that. Although, unlike you, I view that as a bad thing.

    14. So is Biden lecturing Xi on his treatment of the Uhyger's? Do you think that Xi gives a sh*t about them? He probably gives about as much a sh*t as Trump does about BLM's complaints, the only difference being that the Uhyger's actually HAVE a legitimate complaint.

    15. BLM has a legitimate complaint. Why President Biden supports reforming policing. Also, the Biden administration issued sanctions against Chinese officials for abuses against the Uyghurs.

  4. Putin owns the Trumpublican Q-GOP now. tRump's intended contribution to the undoing of American democracy and attempt to usher in authoritarianism and a tyranny of the delusional minority...

  5. Replies
    1. Only in the midget deteriorated minds of a Trumpublican.

    2. RN to Biden AND Xi..."I'm your puppet!"

    3. Donald tRump (when he was *predisent) to Xi... "I'm your puppet!"

    4. Joe the Con to tRump/putin, I'm your puppet! Through and through.

      No, go F youself con msn liar.
