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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Re The Minus FJ Spouted Conspiracy Theory That Late Ballots Were Backdated So They'd Be Counted (i.e. The PO Cheated To Help Joe Biden)

Another example of the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ expressing outrage that votes were counted. Because he knows that counting all the votes doesn't favor the republican candidate. Why Dotard's strategy to "win" was to get as many ballots thrown out as possible.

However, in the case of mail-in ballots, those that arrived late were thrown out. And none were back dated.

Minus assumes I made up the story by Rachel Maddow because that is what pathological liars do. Dotard is clearly a pathological liar. Minus is clearly a pathological liar. Pathological liars assume everyone lies.

But Rachel Maddow did cover the story. As the following tweet confirms.

The Rachel Maddow story concerns (falsely) alleged backdated ballots in PA. An allegation that the person who made it, Richard Hopkins, recanted. Apparently someone else (Ethan Pease, a temporary employee of a PO subcontractor) alleged ballots in WI were backdated. However, as per a USA Today fact check, "the Wisconsin deadline is based on when ballots are received, not postmarked".

Has anyone else come forward to claim that the USPS backdated ballots? I'm only presenting these two examples. Perhaps the only examples. Maybe Minus FJ has others. But I would bet (if there are any other allegations) they are also false. Not that discrediting these allegations will stop Dotard supporters from falsely claiming the election was "stolen" by Joe Biden.

Sorry losers, Joe Biden won. And it is WAY past time for you to get over it. But they won't. Insetead they're busy passing new laws (via state legislatures) to further suppress a citizen's ability to vote. Because (as I previously pointed out) counting ALL the votes does not favor the republican candidate.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-252.


  1. Replies
    1. btw - House Oversight Committee Democrats said Mr. Hopkins recanted his allegations in an interrogation with federal investigators, which Mr. Hopkins denies, while the committee’s ranking Republicans have demanded all documents related to the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General investigation.

    2. LOL. "GoFundMe, the top crowdfunding platform, took down Mr. Hopkins' campaign after it had collected $130,000 and refunded the contributions".

      Hopkins thought he could make bank by telling lies gullible trumpers like. James O'Keefe is a confirmed liar. Both Hopkins and O'Keefe belong behind bars.

    3. The PO fired him. So much for whistleblower protections...

    4. ...unless you are a gay colonel with info about Ukrainian phone calls...

    5. You can't whistleblow re something that didn't happen.

      In regards to an actual whistleblower, Alexander Vindman, Wikipedia says he is married to a woman. And they have a daughter together. So, clearly you're falsely alleging he's gay to disparage him. Due to your hate for gay people. Yet you continue to deny your homophobia. As you continue to deny your belief in White Supremacy. But nobody believes you.

    6. Told the truth about how Dotard attempted to corruptly use the presidency to pressure Ukraine into announcing a phony investigation into Joe Biden.

    7. If he had told the truth, why wouldn't the Senate Impeachment hearings have removed him? LOL!

    8. Because the republican party is thoroughly corrupt.

    9. No, it was only half-corrupt as compared to the WHOLELY corrupt Democrats.

    10. Zero Democrats accepted Russian propaganda as factual.

    11. Just ALL Ukrainian propaganda... LOL!

  2. Replies
    1. republicans love to waste taxpayer money on show investigations that go nowhere. QED Benghazi, John Durham, etc.

    2. As per your article... "Democrats said they were trying to score political points, undermining the public's faith in elections and insulting election clerks, poll workers and others who ran the election".

      EXACTLY. No "massive voter fraud" will be proven. The purpose of the "investigation" is undermining the public's faith in elections.

    3. ...because Republicans have no interest in retaining public faith in elections. LOL!

    4. Exactly. Because the republican party is antidemocratic. They can't win without cheating. If you really believed the "massive voter fraud" BS you wouldn't write "LOL". You write "LOL" because you know it's bullshit. And you approve of using this lie to further suppress the vote.

    5. So the Republican system is to have a military coup every four years and do completely away with democracy? LOL!

    6. President Joe Biden is upset because they passed (and the governor signed) bigly voter supression legislation. Justified by the "massive voter fraud" lie.

    7. If Integrity=suppression, then so be it.

    8. Because an faithlessly executed and unverified vote is almost certainly a fraudulent vote.

      So go ahead and trust all you want, but trust only works semi-truthfully if you also verify. And the more you verify, the more truthful and certain that earned trust becomes.

    9. And to scoff at the need for voter verification is an open admission of a desire to increase voter fraud.

    10. ...and not a righteous fight against an impending "Jim Crow 2.0". Georgia's new voting laws are MUCH more lenient than those extant in Biden's Delaware.

    11. If Integrity=suppression, then so be it.

      "Integrity" is code for suppression. Given the FACT that voter fraud is statistically insignificant. If it were a real problem you'd have a point. But it isn't and you don't.

    12. Voter fraud has never before been analysed for an election in which 48% of ballots cast were "mailed-in". Your claim as to minimal voter fraud applies only to in-person voting... the very thing for which Republicans, in their laws rolling back recent unconstitutional regulations loosening up mail-in voting, are advocating.

    13. As per the director of the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency, Christopher Krebs, the 2020 vote was the "most secure" in US history.

      Krebs also said "59 election security experts all agree, in every case of which we are aware, these claims (of fraud) either have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent".

    14. What does cyber security have to do with mail-in ballot fraud? Were they monitoring those drop-off election collection boxes with security cameras or something? lol!

    15. Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security. Can't read?

  3. The movement started by tRump, Trumpism, is all about authoritarianim with diabolic liars and con artists of the Q-GOP in charge of all levers of government. Local municipalities and state governments as well as the federal government.

    Their goal? To subjugate democracy in the USA and establish a oligarchy or plutocracy where the rule of the wealthy and white privileged class will be the ruling minority.

    It's starting in Georgia and elsewhere across the land.

    1. We already have a plutocracy/ oligarchy. Who do you think put up all the money for Biden to kick Bernie's ass?

    2. Robert Mercer, the oligarch that funded Dotard's campaign did so to protect his wealth from taxation while the oligarch who you refer to knew Joe Biden would raise his.

    3. Where there any oligarchs who supported Dotard who did so because they thought he'd raise their taxes?

    4. Is a desire to be the victim of poor government rather than its beneficiary supposed to be the mark of rationality in an oligarch?

    5. All taxation is a form of theft, regardless of the robbing hood's redistributive motives.

    6. Why do governments tax the rich (or poor)? Because they can.

    7. btw, Minus, it isn't "stealing" to force American oligarchs to hire American citizens at a much higher cost? Shouldn't the globalists have the freedom to hire the workers they want? Instead you hypocritically want to use the power of government (tariffs) to encourage them to hire Americans (stealing from their profits). And shouldn't consumers have the freedom to buy whatever products they want (even if they're imported)? Yet you hypocritically want to "steal" from them too (by forcing them to buy higher cost goods).

    8. Excuse me for applying the principle's inherent in the founder's original design.

    9. Figures you blame the Founders. Many of them were OK with stealing the fruits of a Black person's labor. As well as their freedom. No wonder your primary concern is for the WHITE working class.

    10. ...and yours is throwing them under the bus to cover for the actual elite racists of all colours who exploited slavery like Kamala Harris' ancestors.

    11. You remind me of the Jewish prosecutors in the Eichmann trial who refused to delve into the Jewish collaboration with the Nazi's that made the entire "final solution" deportation scheme possible.

    12. The "banality" of evil... one the Nazi's borrowed from Democratic party Jim Crow government and applied to the Jews.

    13. Snopes: The claim that U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris is descended from the 19th-century slave owner Hamilton Brown is unproven. ... we have been unable to verify that a line of descent exists between the modern-day Harris family and the 19th-century slave owner. As such, the claim that an ancestor of Sen. Harris owned slaves in Jamaica remains unproven. [end]

      Even if true, I don't understand what the BFD is. I was talking about people who actually owned slaves (the founders) not possible descendants of people who owned slaves.

      As for Nazis, the "neo" variety were among the very fine people who marched in the Charlottesville "unite the right" rally and chanted "Jews will not replace us". An event MUCH more recent in time than any of the examples you use in your attempts to smear Democrats as racist.

    14. The BFD is that you and your party only care about serving the interests of educated elites. You don't give a crap about how your policies impact the working class of any race, colour, or creed. You just pretend to care about what the "educated elites" think might be good or bad so that you can pretend to one of them.

    15. Your house of cards is caving in. Get over yourself.

    16. A Marxist at least has the interest of the working class at heart. An elitst, such as yourself and the DNC, does not.

      The very concept of a class program which was not a sect program—not the program of a Marxist sect either—was itself a basic Marxist concept; but for this the movement was ready. “The Preamble to the Rules” was Marx’s solution, beginning with the clause on self-emancipation which we have already quoted.

      The principle was so deceptively simple that naturally academic historians of socialism never got the point until years afterwards. Thus the eminent Belgian historian Emile de Laveleye (one of those who, Engels rightly remarked, spread nothing but “lies and legends” about the history of the International67) wrote in Le Socialisme Contemporain in 1881:

      The International also affirmed that “the emancipation of the laborers must be the work of the laborers themselves.” This idea seemed an application of the principle of “self-help”; it enlisted for the new association, even in France, the sympathies of many distinguished men who little suspected how it was to be interpreted later on. This affords a new proof of the fact frequently observed, that revolutionary movements always go on increasing in violence. The originators of the movement…are replaced by the more fanatical, who, in their turn, are pushed aside, until the final abyss is reached to which wild revolutionary logic inevitably leads.68

      In other words, the confusion was than, and is now, wholly DELIBERATE.

    17. You think you and Bernie Sanders are really going to create some kind of "octroyed" socialist state based upon identity politics instead of the working class? LOL!

    18. Oh, wait, National Socialism... didn't Hitler try it in the 1930's?

    19. How are you going to get past Marx's 1st principle (“the emancipation of the laborers must be the work of the laborers themselves.”)?

      Oh wait, ...themselves with the help of certain racially sympathetic "allies" in the "vanguard".

    20. Am I an elitist due to my intellect, talent, power, wealth, or position in society? Or is it ALL of the above?

      btw, Hitler hijacked the National Socialist party, similar to how Dotard hijacked the republican party. Hitler wasn't a socialist.

    21. Are you saying that sometimes the party names are misleading and mean the opposite of what the words describing them mean (ala "Democratic")?

      Do you support the current political regime? Are they in power? Are they the current "political elite"? Did Joe Biden every work on a factory floor, or has been in DC for the past 48 years? Your answer should now be obvious to you.

    22. Dotard Donald worked on a factory floor? Who knew?

  4. "So, clearly you're [FJ] falsely alleging he's gay to disparage him. Due to your hate for gay people. Yet you continue to deny your homophobia. As you continue to deny your belief in White Supremacy. But nobody believes you."

    Oh Darn! It's Minus FJ back to his old tricks of guessing at other people's sexual preferences. He spends an inordinate amount of time talking about "teh gays!" One wonders why he's so invested in telling people here where folks he does not know personally insert their private parts.

    I don't know of anyone else in this little blogging community who is as obsessed with gay sex and wondering who's practicing it as Minus FJ is. People who aren't haunted by their own sexual confusion don't do this. Minus FJ does.

    He's either second guessing about some guy's sexual preference or fantasizing about women being raped.

    Minus needs some deep, deep therapy.

    1. Vindman is as queer as a 3 dollar bill. He served during a time when gays weren't allowed to serve, and his family served merely his "cover". Paternity tests would prove the lie. This is why he hates Trump and sought "revenge" through his fake impeachment charges.

    2. JoeCon/Minus F.J. blows in with more gai sex stories. I personally believe he just likes to type "G.A.Y.S." It's some weird repressed sexual thing, I guess.

      Meanwhile, NOT ONE CONSPIRACY THEORY ABOUT ANYONE on ANYTHING he's posted here has come true or been verified.

      Should we just come here and write about Martian sightings and GAI Unicorns? Because that makes as much sense as what JoeCon and Minus FJ post here.

      Barack Obama, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton are not in prison and Joe Biden is POTUS. And THOSE are facts, not conspiracies.

    3. I've never predicted he'd be in prison. He's too corrupt, even for prison.

      However, his brand, "Trump," is ruined forever, except for his cultists. And on this planet, they are a teeny minority.

    4. 80 million customers? I don't think he'll starve. :)

    5. Minus says voters are customers because he knows what Dotard is selling is White grievance. btw, I don't know if Dotard will go to prison, but it's certainly a possibility that I'm in favor of. Given his life of crime, it is certainly where he belongs.

    6. Regardless whether he ends up in prison or not what it will definitely demonstrate wether America remains at least a semi principled and decent country.

      I actually hold out LITTLE belief anymore that the nation will make the right and truthful decision relative to trump's rampant immoral corruption.

    7. It was once a principled and descent country? When was that, RN?

      MAGA, Baby! lol!

    8. You said, "remains"... so it must have been one under Trump all along....

    9. Too bad your argument during the Trump years was actually that America was NEVER great.

    10. It wasn't.

      Hillary Clinton: "Despite what you hear, we don't need to make America great again. America has never stopped being great" (02/27/2016).

  5. America is great. Its expressed values, especially in the Declaration of Independence, were perhaps the Greatest political values expressed by modern society at the time. Even if the full realization of those values proved elusive.

    So for me it is the pursuit of those lofty and right values that has ALWAYS made America greater than others.

    Unfortunately politicians, businessmen, religious leaders, and many in the general population fall far short themselves of even trying to work to achieve the lofty ideals of the DOI.

    tRump, his Trumpublican party and its sheeple cultists are the EXACT opposite of what would truly would make the United States of America the greatest nation ever to exist.
