WYM Pages

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Mike Lindell And Sydney Powell Laying Groundwork For Insanity Defense Re Their Respective Dominion Lawsuits?

Hmmm... if this is what is going on, I doubt it will work.

"...in torts, liability is premised on fault; since the mentally ill are not in control of their acts they are not at fault and consequently, they should not be liable for their action. Such a superficially appealing resolution of this difficult problem, however, is not very convincing. Generaly the courts have rejected the mental illness defense to tort liability". (Mental Illness as an Excuse for Civil Wrongs. George J. Alexander and Thomas S. Szasz. Santa Clara Law Digital Commons, 1968).

Post authored by the pro-Biden blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-254.


  1. One could make a plausible case that Dotard is suffering from severe nmental illness. Anyone beliving the bullshit tRump tossed out for 5 long years must be at the very least mildly mentally ill.

    As for Lindell? His head must be stuffed with the material inside his My Pillow.

  2. So Trump's inauguration has been pushed to August per Crazy Mike Lindell?

    Wait. I thought he was going to be installed as PQTUS today, April 1!

    1. Asterix isn't a real person. Though, if he had been, he'd be dead. Given that (in his fictional bio) it says he lived "around 50 BC".

      As for bad days, Dotard Donald has many more coming :)

    2. Asterix was in the Senate for 120 years. Some say he even invented Coca Cola.... but that was probably just a ploy to cover his son's ever growing cocaine problems.

    3. ...but that's okay since "less whiteness" is the new hip virtue:P

    4. Speaking of sons who snort coke, why didn't it concern you that Fred tRump's son and his grandson both are cokeheads? Although, according to you, cocaine use makes a person smarter?

    5. Why? I'll take a stab at it.

      They're fucking flaming hypocrites illuminated in neon lights.

    6. I think Minus would unashamedly and proudly acknowledge his hypocrisy.

  3. Replies
    1. Maybe Hunter Biden stopped using cocaine because he was getting too smart.

    2. Maybe Freud stopped smoking cigars after he heard about the Monica Lewinski incident.

    3. Only in your delusions could someone hear about something that happened long after they died.

    4. You have a channel to the afterlife? Who knew?

    5. Everyone has a channel called afterlife. It's called death. And it is permenant.

    6. No, I acknowledge ignorance on the issue, unlike our Objectivist friend.

    7. There is reason and there is faith. I simply put trust in reason and science. It's just fine you put faith in faith. Faith in unknowable unprovable faith is your thing. It is not mine

      I've never felt the need to find something unprovable to believe in. I simply find religion to be manipulative and therefore evil.

    8. So you can prove there is no G_d. lol!

    9. And even after Covid, you can say with a straight face that science isn't manipulative?

    10. To mask or not to mask, THAT is the question!

    11. whether tis nobler in the mind to vaccinate,
      or suffer societies slings and arrows by doing without,
      To vaccinate is to dream, of travels far, wide, and unrestricted.
      To do without, to be shunned and subjected to the disdain of civilized men...

    12. As Richard Feynman famously said, "Science is the Belief in the Ignorance of Experts"

    13. For as Nietzsche said (Essay on Strauss), "Ours is the epigone age".

    14. Show me exactly where on this thread I stated I could prove god didn't exist. You can't. But fairy on jc. Fairy on.

    15. There is reason and there is faith. I simply put trust in reason and science.

      You implied a difference between faith and a trust in reason and science. If your reason and science cannot disprove an obvious falsity such as posed by religion, what's the real difference?

    16. Since your faith cannot prove the existence of a god it's a stand off. But do enjoy your manipulative human designed abd operated religion.

    17. Such is the meaning of faith, but I imply it is no better than science. You seem to think science is in some way better. How? Isn't science All ABOUT "DISPROOF"? So disprove G_d.

    18. The process of science, wrote Popper, was to conjecture a hypothesis and then attempt to falsify it. You must set up an experiment to try to prove your hypothesis wrong. If it is disproved, you must renounce it.

      How can I renounce it if you cannot disprove it?

    19. Question for you, "if Newtonian physics was disproved by Einstein's transit of Mercury, why do the astrophysicists at NASA still use it?"

    20. A lot of comments that have nothing to do with the post topic. Now that Pillow man and large lady lawyer have been shown to be both full of poop and likely nuts.

    21. A corpse is a pleasant thought for a worm, and a worm is a dreadful thought for every living creature. Worms fancy their kingdom of heaven in a fat body; professors of philosophy seek theirs in rummaging among Schopenhauer's entrails, and as long as rodents exist, there will exist a heaven for rodents. In this, we have the answer to our first question: How does the believer in the new faith picture his heaven? The Straussian Philistine harbours in the works of our great poets and musicians like a parasitic worm whose life is destruction, whose admiration is devouring, and whose worship is digesting.
      Nietzsche, "On Strauss"

    22. LOL! Obviously Lindell and Powell aren't worth defending any longer. aka you acknowledge they're in bigly trouble.

    23. No, Lindell and Powell aren't worms.

    24. Dictionary.com definition, "worm". #4 Informal. a groveling, abject, or contemptible person.

      These two liars are very contemptible. Hopefully they get what's coming to them. Along with Dotard and his stooges (people like Matt Gatez, for example).

    25. ....says a spokesman for the Annelid phylum

  4. I doubt it. But you did pick the borderline mild hypertension. Perfect blood pressure is now considered <120/<80.

    Mine is 102/56. It pays to be a 69 fit personal trainer I guess.

    But do work for that "perfect" 120/80 dude.
