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Sunday, March 28, 2021

On The Idea That It's Conservatives Who Are Being Discriminated Against

Apparently it's "ideological hatred" that we all should be concerned about, not racial hatred. Or the hatred of gay people. Those types of hate are A-OK. They simply represent a different point of view.

French philosopher Michel de Montaigne "repeatedly warns us against too great a certainty about our knowledge and our conviction that our way is the only right way". So, who's to say hating people who are not like ourselves (if you're White and straight) isn't the right way?

Given this, how can Progressives argue they are tolerant? Clearly they are extremely intolerant of White working class culture (aka White Supremacism).

Conservatives think the "I'm rubber, you're glue" defense works? Maybe, if you fancy it up by quoting French philosophers, some will be fooled. One thing is for sure, which is that truth and facts aren't on the side of the modern "GOP".

Explaining why they've decided to go ALL in on bigly false narratives. Dotard actually won the 2020 election, Dotard's agenda was thwarted at every turn by the fake news and the "deep state".

And the party representing the "real racists" is the one most African Americans vote for. The same party that has far more elected Black politicians than the other. Dotard was (and remains) the least racist person on the face of the earth. Also in all of human history. And absolutely not a White Supremacist who "won" by taking the racist White grievance narrative mainstream.

Post authored by the pro-Biden, intellectually humble blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-253.


  1. Fear is a strong emotion and modern Q-GOP trumpers are chock full of fear on SO many levels. Totally unseemly as my grandmother used to say.

    Bailing from the old pre Trumpublican GOP 14 turned out to be the best political decision made by me in the past decade. Still hold some actual credible conservative values but as for the republican party its like a metastasized cancer that if we're lucky will be terminal.

  2. What's "hatred" got to do with anything. It's about "power" and "control". The Eternal Masculine.

    1. "Race" is for controlling suckers like you.

    2. No dimwit, it assholes attempting to continue to justify their overt racism ans xenophobia while acting like good Christians at the same time.

      So, stuff it up your ass dimwit.

    3. Minus wants Whites to maintain the power to control minorities. He doesn't hate them so long as they stay in their place (beneath Whites).

    4. Re your comment "What's hatred got to do with anything", as per the post on your blog titled "Montaigne's Humanity", "Ours is an age of ideological hatred".

      So you're saying you disagree with the Theodore Dalrymple article? All of it? That's the first sentence. Now you say hate has nothing to do with anything? Why did you post it?

    5. You're the one that calls everyone a hater. I don't care who you hate, or who you love. I don't run around saying that "Dervish Sanders" is an evil person because he "hates this" or "loves that". That's what you do. I, for one, acknowledge that I don't know everything and that there are many things that we will never know. Your ideology needs haters to function, mine doesn't. But lets face it, you don't want me in power/control, and I don't want you in power/control. And history says that your ideology is a greater danger to the peace and tranquility of the world than mine.

    6. I don't care who you hate or who you love either con man joe. But apparently unlike you I DO care about the rights of ALL to be treated EAQUALLY and FAIRLY under the law. WITHOUT EXCEPTION. George Floyd immediately comes to mind. Among a myriad of others.

    7. George Floyd was treated EQUALLY, FAIRLY, and WITHOUT EXCEPTION exactly how the police were trained to treat you, me, and him. That George Floyd was a belligerent and uncooperative asshole responsible for his own premature death was obvious to actually thoughtful people.

    8. BULLSHITG! But you being a good ole red blooded American racist I can understand how you would think so.

    9. The police are trained to murder suspects? Any belligerence and you get held down with a knee to the neck for minutes after it's clear you have no pulse (in order to be SURE you're dead)? I don't think so, Minus.

    10. No, Minus... history says that YOUR ideology is a greater danger to the peace and tranquility of the world than mine. WWII was fought to defeat fascism.

    11. '''that's right, Dervish. And you lost.

    12. I wasn't alive, but I read that the allies won and fascism was defeated. More recently the US electorate chose Joe Biden over Donald J tRump. So YOU lost.

    13. Walking away from fascist censorship, Dervish? How can you rebranding of National Socialism to just plain old socialism work without it?

    14. I oppose "fascist censorship" and I always have. Therefore I cannot "walk away" from it. btw, you brand yourself as a white worker's party, same as the NAZIs. Are you a socialist?

    15. When have I ever done that? I've branded the Republican Party as "better representing workers", but not exclusively "white" ones or exclusively "workers." It is by no means "socialist".

    16. The republican party represents the wealthy. White workers fool themselves into believing lies about representing workers because they like the White Supremacy.

    17. That's not the history of the last few presidential campaigns.

      Democrats have nearly doubled the spending by Republican candidates up and down the ballot. Democratic contenders are going into the final week of the election spending $6.9 billion while Republicans have put in $3.8 billion into the 2020 fight.

    18. It's the history of every republican administration since Reagan.

      The Trump administration's main legislative accomplishment is a hugely regressive tax cut. The tax bill that President Trump signed into law in 2017 dramatically cut taxes for wealthy individuals and corporations. It slashed the top individual income tax rate, carved out a special new deduction mainly benefiting wealthy business owners, gutted the tax on large inheritances, and significantly reduced taxes on corporations. Taken together, the changes this law made will dramatically reduce tax bills for the very wealthy, leaving the working and middle class with little benefit. In 2020, the average household in the 1 percent will receive a tax cut of $50,000 -- 77 times larger than the average cut for the bottom 80 percent of Americans. source.

    19. The bottom 50% of American pay no taxes at all... we're they supposed top get tax credits? lol!

    20. They should be paid more. A minimum wage increase would push up everyone's wages. Because President Joe Biden pro-worker he supports raising the minimum wage and raising taxes on households making over 400k a year. Republicans oppose both because they are pro-wealthy and anti-worker.

    21. lol! Spoken like a true economic dunce.

    22. Had they ever heard of a thing call the laws of supply and demand? How about "automation"?

  3. Oh, look, LARPer aren't insurrectionists... who knew?

  4. Quote (article you linked to)... "Judge Michael Klaeren of 12th District Court in Jackson... ordered Bellar, Morrison and Musico to stand trial on three remaining charges, gang membership and providing material support for terrorism, both punishable by up to 20 years in prison, as well as felony firearm, punishable by up to two years in prison".

    What the judge DID NOT DO was say "all the charges are dropped and you are free to go, given that LARPing isn't a crime".

    The capitol rioters will be charged with crimes and end up with criminal records. Everyone who entered the capitol will be convicted of trespassing. And others will be charged and convicted of more serious crimes. Nobody who entered the capitol will be released with the court's apologies.

  5. Trasspassing? Is THAT as serious a Jaywalking? LOL!

  6. Replies
    1. George Floyd got the death penalty for arseholic behaviour and resisting arrest.

    2. Unconsciousness isn't resisting. Why his killing absolutely was a murder.

    3. Why didn't George just get into the police car as/ when requested? So he could remain outside of it and continue to resist arrest, of course!

    4. Why did Chauvin decide to murder Floyd? And, again, you can't resist arrest when you're unconscious... of course! That's pretty obvious. Something your White Supremacy makes it impossible for you to understand.

    5. Whys did Chauvin follow police procedures to the letter? Maybe you should ask his diversity trainer that helped provide them.

    6. It isn't "police procedure" to murder suspects. You can ask Chauvin's ex-supervisor, Sgt David Pleoger, who testified that "there was no justification for the officer to keep his knee on George Floyd's neck for nine minutes".

    7. lol! It's the procedure advocated for suspects high on fentanyl.

    8. Chauvin's ex-supervisor, Sgt David Pleoger, testified that "there was no justification for the officer to keep his knee on George Floyd's neck for nine minutes".

    9. Except that the EMT's that had been called were nine minutes late.

    10. They wouldn't have been needed if Chauvin had done his job properly.

    11. He did. The "neck hold murder" theory has been completely and definitively debunked.

  7. Resisting lead to unconsciousness. George obviously didn't think it through...

    1. Unconsciousness followed by a continued knee to the neck that resulted in death. Something I think ex-officer Chauvin did think through. Given the fact that the crowd yelled at Chavin to stop because he was killing Floyd. But Chauvin did not stop even after it was obvious Floyd was unconscious. Even after it was determined that Floyd had no pulse. Why it will be a grave miscarriage of justice if Chauvin isn't convicted.

    2. You going to riot when the jury acquits? lol!

    3. Re George Floyd's death "The county medical examiner ruled the death a homicide caused by a combination of the officers' use of force, the presence of fentanyl and methamphetamine in Mr. Floyd's system and his underlying health conditions".

      Homocide. aka he was murdered. The jury should convict. Unless, like you, they just think cops should be able to murder people.

      I've never rioted.

    4. I live in a small city in a republican state. A riot is a "a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd". One person can't be a "crowd".

    5. Please. My daughter marched in Nashville for BLM last year. She even did the whole "Black Bloc" combat boots thing. Don't give me that, "I'm only one guy" in a Republican state b.s. line.

    6. You're just a lazy punk-*ss mf'er. :P

    7. LOL. So you disowned your daughter? Probably because she is also a lesbian?

    8. My daughter and I agree to disagree. It's what civilized people do.

    9. It isn't what lovers of authoritarianism advocate. They want coerced "agreement" via brute force and threatened violence. If your daughter had been maimed or killed while protesting you wouldn't have said she got what was coming to her?

    10. They want coerced "agreement" via brute force and threatened violence.

      That's why they wear combat boot instead of penny loafers.

  8. If the jury acquits Chauvin the murderer then America is no better than a 3'rd world banana republic shithole. A shithole of abject racism.

    1. It's the principal and morality of it that must be acknowledged. Therefore only conviction and life will constitute justice.
