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Friday, May 24, 2024

Sleepy Poopy Pants Dotard Farts Bigly In Court. About To Be Found Guilty?

It is being reported that VonShitsinpants is sleeping and farting in court. This is in regards to the hush money trial in New York. He directed his (at the time) lawyer Michael Cohen to pay adult film star star Stormy Daniels to keep quite about that time he boinked her. While he was married to Melania and she had just given birth to his son Barron.

The reason he paid her off was because the Access Hollywood video had just come out (the video where dotard says he grabs women by their privates) and he knew this could cost him votes bigly. So, it looks like he will be convicted. I mean, Rudy Giuliani let it slip to Sean Hannity that the payments were "funneled through a lawfirm" :P

You "funnel" payments when you're trying to hide them. donald tRump is obviously guilty. It looks like he is going to be convicted. At least on some counts. He won't walk or be completely vindicated. Rightturds seem worried. They say that "the fix is in". America is becoming just like Russia, a country where Putin's political opponents face phony prosecutions and are sent to prison to prevent them from running for office. And defeating the totalitarian leader.

Which (rightturds are convinced) is what's going on here. Joe Biden is running scared. He "knows" donald tRump is going to kick his ass in the upcoming election. Why Joe Biden directed Merrick Garland and Soros-funded prosecutors to take down dotard.

The People want the farting nincompoop VonShitsinpants to return to the presidency? Because (in rightturd delusions) it is Joe Biden who farts and poops his pants. It's Joe Biden who has dementia, etc :P

Video: Apr 22, 2024. Opening arguments began this morning in the People of the State of New York vs Donald Jeraldine Trump, he posted little bursts of lunacy on Truth Social in protest. His lawyers made it clear that they are going to continue to deny Trump had sex with Stormy Daniels. Trump is rumored to be farting in the courtroom but there's no way to prove it so please don't repost this video out of context with dumb captions like "The Shart of the Deal" or "Gassolini". Donny has reportedly been stewing in private over everything from the look of his courtroom sketches to Jimmy making fun of him, NYT reporter Susanne Craig wrote that Trump is STILL having trouble staying awake during the trial... #Kimmel.

Video: Apr 22, 2024. According to the MeidasTouch Network, former President Donald Trump has been farting during his hush money trial. David Shuster breaks it down on Rebel HQ. #DavidShuster #News #Politics.:P

M0R0N: I must admit I feel sorry for Camilla after she got gassed by Joey's loud, long and bigly stinky blow by gas emitted from his bottom, unfiltered by the bathroom accident he simultaneously had in front of her. Her face says it all. 1/18/2024

Snopes says the claim that Joe Biden farted in the presence of Camilla Parker Bowles is unproven. In November 2021, ...a false claim was spread that Biden pooped his pants during a meeting with Pope Francis. Then, an altered video of Biden was circulated on social media that featured a fake fart noise. And now, a rumor is going around that the president farted while speaking with Camilla... Despite headlines claiming that Camilla Parker Bowles "can't stop talking about it", the Duchess has offered no public comments on the matter.

Video: April 21, 2024. A topic that's as old as humanity itself but is rarely discussed in polite conversation: the art of farting. Join us as James Carville delves into the curious intersection of flatulence and American politics, examining instances where political figures like Trump and Giuliani have been caught in the act. Learn about the Freedom Caucus's inadvertently comical acronym and how it ties back to a long tradition of farting in politics, dating back to the days of Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln. Prepare for a mix of irreverent humor and political satire that will have you rethinking the role of the humble fart in public life. Politicon.

The Floor Action Response Team. The House Freedom Caucus has revived a team of conservative lawmakers. Their objective ... is to "take shifts monitoring the chamber floor to prevent their own party leaders from making unilateral moves that could curb their power". This initiative is known as the Floor Action Response Team aka FART.

Post authored by the Anti-Fart, Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders @. wym306.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Bing AI Copilot Confirms That donald tRump is a White Supremacist

Well, that donald tRump is a White Supremacist is quite self evident. Below is a conversation I engaged in recently with the Bing AI copilot. The topic of discussion was the White Supremacist views of donald tRump.

Dervish Sanders: Bing AI Copilot, how would you describe what you are?

Bing AI Copilot: I'm an AI companion designed to assist users by providing information, answering questions, and engaging in conversation. My primary role is to be helpful and supportive. If you have any other queries, feel free to ask!

Dervish Sanders: Isn't it true that donald Trump is a White Supremacist?

Copilot: Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, has faced accusations and controversy related to racism and white supremacy. While some people view his speech and actions as racist or white supremacist1, others have defended him. Following are some key points.

Associations with White Supremacists.

In 2022, Trump dined at his Mar-a-Lago home with Nick Fuentes, a political commentator identified by the Department of Justice as a white supremacist. Fuentes is known for Holocaust denial, threats against Jewish people, and hate speech against Black Americans. Trump also dined with Ye (formerly known as Kanye West), who has faced criticism for antisemitic and anti-Black comments.

Debates and Denials.

During the 2020 presidential debates, Trump was asked to explicitly condemn white supremacists. While he initially said he was willing to do so, he did not clearly denounce them. Trump has repeatedly denied accusations of racism, but his history of controversial statements and associations has fueled ongoing debate.

Reactions and Condemnations.

Some Democrats, anti-racist groups, and even Republicans have condemned Trump for associating with white supremacists. However, not all Republicans responded to the situation, highlighting divisions within the party. In summary, opinions on whether Trump is a white supremacist vary, but his associations and statements have raised significant concerns.

Dervish Sanders: (no longer conversing with the Copilot) Confirmed! As per the Copilot, donald tRump associates with White Supremacists. donald tRump did not clearly denounce White Supremacists.

FactCheck.org: Trump has said his "very fine people" comment referred not to white supremacists and neo-Nazis but to "people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee -- a great general, whether you like it or not". Some have argued that explanation doesn't hold up, because Trump referred in that statement to a protest "the night before" when -- it was widely reported -- white nationalists burned tiki torches and chanted anti-Semitic and white nationalist slogans. We'll leave it to readers to make up their minds on Trump's remarks...

Yeah, the AI Copilot made up it's "mind". And I agree with it. donald tRump has never clearly denounced White Supremacists. He only "denounced" White Supremacists with a wink and a nod. Because donald tRump is a White Supremacist. White Supremacists know he is one of them. Why they haven't abandoned him. Why White Supremacist militia groups heard their leader's call to stand back and stand by. They stood by for word from their leader. He gave it and they attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Wikipedia: The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017. Marchers included members of the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and far-right militias. Some groups chanted racist and antisemitic slogans and carried weapons, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols, the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus vult crosses, flags, and other symbols of various past and present antisemitic and anti-Islamic groups. The organizers' stated goals included the unification of the American white nationalist movement and opposing the proposed removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville's former Lee Park. Link.

Yet dotard donald says the "very fine people" were only the people there who wanted to preserve their heritage and aren't haters. That's complete baloney, and I will tell you why. As per Wikipedia, it is primiarly racists who were there in protest. Racists who are who organized the rally. Their goal was to protest the removal of statues to traitors and to "unite the right".

Was there anyone there who disagreed with racism? Maybe. But yet, they were there to preserve their "heritage" of racism. Which is what the enslavement of African Americans represent. What their ancestors fought for. What the monuments represent. The statues in question represent racism. This means they were fighting to preserve their "heritage" of racism. That isn't a "very fine person" in my opinion.

See Also
The Adventures of Dervish Sanders. AI Copilot and Dervish Sanders collaborate to spin tall tales about the adventurer Dervish Sanders.
• Edw@rd End0 Has Been Detected As An Evil Fake Christian. As Confirmed By Bing's AI Copilot. 5/20/2024 EEH027.

Post authored by the Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym305.

Friday, May 17, 2024

G00gle Harassing Me Now. Thanks Mystere

I think what's going on here is that, due to Mystere's harassment (fake reporting to G00gle that I violated their T0S) they decided to scrutinze everything I do. By having bots scan posts when I publish them.

The image at the top is from a recent post on my new blog, The Donkey's Revenge. It's about the fast food chain, McD0nalds. Shortly after publication G00gle notified me they were blocking it due to "sensitive content". I deleted the post and republished it. Within minutes it was censored again.

wtf? A post about fast food is "sensitive" content? I brought up dotard donald's "hamberders" tweet. A tweet Mystere has no recollection of. The moron wrote "what's a hamberder? Never mind! I don't want to find out what sick liberal dish it is".

Does dotard donald love to chow down on "sick liberal dishes"? Maybe Mystere thinks he does. And maybe G00gle thinks discussions about hamberders is "sensitive content". How the hell should I know? According to them, I can remove the "sensitive content" and then update my post. Then they might uncensor me. But HOW can I do that, when I have no idea what they are objecting to?

Is this what you want, Mystere? To be harassed by G00gle? Because if they did it to me due to your complaints about fake T0S violations, surely they could do it to you. If I report you enough times. Then you might have your blogs scrutinized by G00gle bots and have your posts flagged for nonsense reasons.

btw, I never had any problems with "sensitive content" flagging in the past. NONE. Now it's happened a couple of time. In regards to others posts. I tried editing them to remove the alleged senstitive content, hoping the warning would be removed. But, no dice.

G00gle flagged one of my PAGES. It's a list of all my posts. The EXACT SAME content displayed by the archive gadget on the sidebar. I wanted to be able to number my posts, so I created a page. Which has now been censored for "sensitive content". What BS.

Blogger 7:01 PM (1 hour ago).
Hello, As you may know, our Community Guidelines describe the boundaries for what we allow -- and don't allow -- on Blogger. Your post titled "McDonald's Tries To Bribe Back Lost Customers" was flagged to us for review. This post was put behind a warning for readers because it contains sensitive content; the post is visible at link. Your blog readers must acknowledge the warning before being able to read the post/blog.

We apply warning messages to posts that contain sensitive content. If you are interested in having the status reviewed, please update the content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is updated, you may republish it at **link removed**. This will trigger a review of the post. You may have the option to pursue your claims in court. If you have legal questions or wish to examine legal options that may be available to you, you may want to consult with your own legal counsel.

Thanks a boatload, Mystere. You a$swipe.

Post authored by the Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym304.