Friday, April 12, 2024

WYM Has Been Reinstated After Being Locked For 18 Days Following False Allegations Of HATE

Someone reported to Google that this blog violated Google's policy regarding HATE. On March 25th I received an email from Google that said my blog had been removed. Though under the Blogger dashboard the blog showed as being locked.

Your blog titled "" has been removed. Inbox.
Mon, Mar 25, 11:27 AM.
to me.

Hello, As you may know, our Community Guidelines ( describe the boundaries for what we allow -- and don't allow -- on Blogger. Your blog titled "" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have made the URL unavailable to blog readers. Why was your blog removed? Your content has violated our HATE policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more. If we feel that a blog's content does not fit within the expectations of our Policy, we no longer allow it to be publicly available.

If you believe we made an error, you can request an appeal**********. You may have the option to pursue your claims in court. If you have legal questions or wish to examine legal options that may be available to you, you may want to consult with your own legal counsel. Sincerely, The Blogger Team.

Today (18 days after the email that notified me WYM was locked), I received another email from Google.

Your blog titled "" has been reinstated. Inbox.
2:14 PM.
to me.

Hello, We have re-evaluated your blog against Blogger Community Guidelines Upon review, the blog has been reinstated. You may access the blog at Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team.

Thank you for understanding? No, I don't understand. HOW could I when they never explained what on this blog violated Google's hate policy? And HOW could I understand how they determined my blog could be reinstated?

All I can do is assume there is NOTHING on WYM that ever violated the Google HATE policy. Given that I changed nothing. I wasn't able to change anything while WYM was locked. So EVERYTHING must be good and Google must have been incorrect to have locked my blog to begin with?

The above comment (from the trumpturd blog PTL) starts out with a quote from a comment I made. I wrote that "attacking with words is much different than falsely reporting policy infractions to Google and getting people's blogs locked".

The person who responds (after quoting me) says Google could not have possibly been wrong. OF COURSE, if my blog was locked for hate, that MUST mean there is hate on WYM. If not, then it must mean that the "Google admins are stone cold idiots" (comment made by someone who posts anonymously, but is known as "Qtard", though I have referred to him as NaziQ on this blog).

So, do I think the Google admins are stone cold idiots? No. I think ONE Google admin is a stone cold idiot. The Google admin that is friends with the person who reported my blog. He denies it was him, but I say this is clearly false. And I say that the facts say this wasn't a coincidence. The harasser who attacked my blog just got lucky and got this blog locked?

Maybe that could happen. But FOUR of my blogs have been locked. That's no coincidence. It is strong circumstantial evidence of a blog attack. And it suggests that someone at Google is in on the attack. I could be wrong, but I think that's what happened.

Then someone else looked at my blog as part of the review. Which makes sense. If one person determined my blog contained hate, someone ELSE should do the re-evaluation.

But I think it MUST have been the same person at Google that did the initital evaluations. HOW else could FOUR blogs be locked for HATE, and then one blog (so far) be unlocked after a re-evaluation determined there was no hate? Yeah, this is really fishy, IMO.

Looks like an admission to me that it was Mystere that took down WYM. Still, he denies it was him. It was probably one of my many other blog enemies, he says.

Post authored by the Pro-Biden, Anti-Q and Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym299.


  1. Perhaps Google is pro trump. In any case Google has grown to damn big and intrusive.

  2. I don't know. Three of my blogs are still locked. Mystere is salivating. Praying for them to be permanently deleted. Supposedly the process takes 90 days, so they should be safe until then. At which point (if not already reinstated) they could be permanently deleted.

    Though Mystere's blog Donkey's Liberal Heel Kick was permanently deleted. I know because it said the URL dervishsandersisastinkyliberaltroll was available. So I took it. Any links that went to his blog previously will now connect to my blog.
