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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Snopes Fake-Debunks donald tRump's "Very Fine People" Comment In Reference To NeoNazis & White Supremacists

The "fact checking" website Snopes recently "debunked" the "very fine people" remark made by (then) president donald tRump at Trump Tower in New York on Tuesday August 15, 2017.

Snopes (in a 6/21/2024 "fact check" by Taija PerryCook) says "No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists Very Fine People".

Snopes is wrong. Or, rather the "debunk" by Taija PerryCook is inacurate.

Did donald tRump refer to White Supremacists as "very fine people"?

Real fact check rating = True.

See below (following the transcript of predisent tRump's comments) for the explaination.

Video: 6 years ago. President Donald Trump answers questions at a press briefing on infrastructure at Trump Tower in New York on Tuesday August 15, 2017. These are the remarks where predisent tRump refers to NeoNazis and White Supremacists as "very fine" people.

Reporter: Are you putting what you're calling the alt-Left and White-Supremacists on the same moral plane?

predisent dotard: I'm not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I'm saying is this -- you had a group on one side and you had a group on the other -- and they came at each other with clubs and it was vicious and it was horrible and it was a horrible thing to watch. But there is another side. There was a group on this side -- you can call them the left. You've just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want -- but that's the way it is.

Reporter: You said there was hatred -- there was violence on both sides?

predisent dotard: Yes, I think there's blame on both sides. You look at -- you look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it -- and you don't have any doubt about it either. And, and, and, if you reported it accurately you would say.

Reporter: But NeoNazis started this. They showed up at Charlottesville to protest -- they showed up at Charlottesville to protest the removal of that statue.

predisent dotard: Excuse me. You had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people... that were very fine people -- on both sides -- you had people in that group -- excuse me, excuse me -- I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of -- to them a very, very important statue -- and the renaming of a park from Robert E Lee to another name.

Reporter: George Washington and Robert E Lee are not the same.

predisent dotard: George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we gonna take down -- excuse me -- are we going to take down -- are we going to take down statues to George Wash...? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson -- you like him? okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue -- because he was a major slave owner? Now we going to take down his statue? so you know what -- it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture.

And you had people -- and I'm not talking about the neo-nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned, totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers and you see them come with a with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats you got a you had a lot of bad you had a lot of bad people in the other group too.

Reporter: You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly? I don't understand what you're saying.

predisent dotard: No. There were people in that rally -- and I looked the night before. If you look they were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E Lee. I'm sure in that group there were some bad ones the following day it looked like they had some rough bad people neo-nazis, white nationalists -- whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there too. Innocently protesting and very legally protesting. Because you know -- I don't know if you know -- they had a permit the other group didn't have a permit.

So I only tell you this there are two sides to a story I thought what took place was a horrible moment for our country a horrible moment but there are two sides to the country.

Dervish Sanders: At the "united the right" rally in Charlottesville in 2017, did the people there to protest the removal of the statue and renaming of the park have a permit while the counter-protestors did not have a permit?

Copilot: During the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville in 2017, counter-demonstrators did have permits to protest. These permits allowed them to be in nearby Justice and McGuffey parks from 9 AM until 7 PM Both parks are within a short walking distance to Emancipation Park, where the white supremacist rally was held. On the other hand, the "Unite the Right" rally itself did not have a city permit; they had a judge's order allowing them to use Emancipation Park. [1]

Further Commentary: The counter-protestors DID have a permit, as per Snopes. Also, "the judge issued an injunction ... ordering the City to allow the event to take place in Emancipation Park. ...a formal permit for the event was not issued. The City did comply with the court's direction".

The White Nationalists and NeoNazis did not have a permit and the City did not want them there. Despite the court order, the city did not comply. So, this is quite different than what predisent tRump claimed.

Additionally "The night before that Trump was referring to included the infamous tiki torch march, the one with people chanting Blood and soil! And You will not replace us! And Jews will not replace us! Those were the people Trump was specifically referring to in his defense of attendees. (Why Is Snopes.com Helping Trump Clean Up "Very Fine People"? 6/26/2024).

This fact check of Snopes fact check (by The New Republic) proves that donald tRump was SPECIFICALLY calling NeoNazis and White Nationalists "very fine people". So he said the exact opposite just previously... "neo-nazis and the white nationalists ... they should be condemned, totally"?

That is what is called Doublethink. "Doublethink is a process of indoctrination in which subjects are expected to simultaneously accept two conflicting beliefs as truth, often at odds with their own memory or sense of reality".

Saying the NeoNazis and White nationalists should be "condemned totally" and then saying the people protesting the "night before" are "very fine people" is Doublethink. Because the people from the night before were carrying tiki torches and chanting "Blood and soil", "You will not replace us" and "Jews will not replace us".

"I looked the night before" means predisent dotard was calling White Nationalists and NeoNazis "very fine people". Snopes is wrong. Their "debunk" is incorrect. As per the New Republic the conclusion of Snopes "fails to recognize the intricacies of Trump's rhetoric, which serves as a prime example of doublespeak".

Image: Taija PerryCook is a Seattle-based journalist.

Snopes Editors' Note: Some readers have raised the objection that this fact check appears to assume Trump was correct in stating that there were "very fine people on both sides" of the Charlottesville incident. That is not the case. This fact check aimed to confirm what Trump actually said, not whether what he said was true or false. For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump's characterization was wrong.

What tRump ACTUALLY said was Doublethink. Snopes is taking what predisent tRump said at face value, and that is where they went wrong. Yes, the rally was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists. Also, The Sons of Confederate Veterans (organization that wants to keep such monuments because they represent their "heritage") did not participate in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. They could conceivably be these "very fine people", but they were not there. They did not participate.

And that is the final nail in the coffin of Snopes fake debunk. Nobody from the The Sons of Confederate Veterans attended the rally. ONLY White Supremacists and NeoNazis -- and those opposing them were there. Even taking into consideration Snopes "Editors' Note", their debunk is still BS. You can't even argue that predisent maybe tRump thought SCV members were there, because he SPECIFICALLY referred to the people chanting racist slogans "the night before".

Post authored by the Anti-Racist & Proudly Woke blogger Dervish Sanders. wym313.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Plot To Destroy America -- donald tRump Is Key To Putin's Plan

The following is from the 6/26/2024 airing of The Stephanie Miller Show. Host Stephanie Miller and Malcolm Nace discuss Vladimir Putin's plans to help donald tRump return to the White House in 2025.

Stephanie Miller: [reading from a Vanity Fair article] Vladimir Putin and his strategists are eager for tRump to retake office in order to realize their geopolitical goals. ... From the moment Trump was elected, the word Yalta became one of the most popular among Kremlin officials -- a reference to how Stalin was able to convince his then American and British during WWII to legitimize his sphere of influence. ... Putin simply believed that Trump was morally close and understandable to him -- a fellow cynic who also thought that money solved everything.

The fantasies of Kremlin strategists involved Trump and Putin meeting ... to carve up the world together. Putin's current advisers are confident that the US will eventually disintegrate, breaking into several pieces like the Soviet Union ultimately did. This would require the right conditions and a leader who could plunge the country into chaos. You might be surprised, but the nickname used for Trump in the Kremlin is the American Gorbachev.

For former KGB officers, Gorbachev is a demagogue and a narcissist who desperately wanted to please the audience but had no plan of action; a president whose policies were so chaotic that the empire began to fall apart, with different parts declaring their independence. ... Putin believes his dream is not so unattainable. [Putin Is Banking On a Trump Win for His New World Order BY Mikhail Zygar. 6/25/24].

Do not vote for the people America's enemies want to win. This is kind of terrifying, isn't it?

Malcolm Nance: Yes, it is terrifying. ... Russia has a strategy. We do not. Our strategy is to go to the polls and let good people try to outvote the other side. The other side's strategy is to side with the enemies of democracy and utterly destroy it. America is on the cusp of descending into a right-wing evangelical dictatorship. Moscow will piggyback back-to-glory as the United States disintegrates.

Post authored by the Pro-democracy & Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders. wym312.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Questioning Bing About rightturd FDR Conspiracy Theories

Following are some questions I asked the Microsoft AI, Bing Copilot. These are conspiracy theories having to do with Ukraine, the Soviet Union and America's 32nd president, Franklin D. Roosevelt (in office from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945). FDR was voted America's greatest president in the 2022 Survey of US Presidents.

My 4 questions are paraphrases of conspiracy theories believed by the rightturds Qtard & Mystere. Who I am paraphrasing is stated after the question. Along with a link to where the rightturd in question expressed his belief in the conspiracy theory in question.

1. Dervish Sanders: Did FDR reward the Soviet Union in 1933 with recgonition after they killed millions of Ukranians in the Holodomor (1932–1933)? [Qtard]

Copilot: In 1933, American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt formally recognized Stalin's communist regime and signed a trade agreement with the Soviet Union, despite the recent campaign of genocide against Ukraine known as the Holodomor, which left over 10 million people dead [1-1, 1-2]. The recognition occurred after almost 16 years of American non-recognition of the Soviet Union. [1-3]. The decision was influenced by economic considerations, foreign policy concerns, and the desire to alleviate the Great Depression. However, FDR did not publicly acknowledge the famine or criticize the Soviet Union’s actions against the Ukrainian people. [1-4]

Learn more: nps.gov, thenewamerican.com, history.state.gov, jstor.org.

2. Dervish Sanders: Did FDR not publicly acknowledge the famine because he was an evil man and delighted in the deaths of millions due to starvation? [Qtard].

Copilot: It's essential to approach historical events with nuance and consider the broader context. While Franklin D. Roosevelt's decision to recognize the Soviet Union in 1933 was influenced by various factors, it’s not accurate to label him as "evil" or attribute delight in the deaths of millions to him.

Here are some key points to consider...

2-1. Complex Geopolitics
• Roosevelt hoped that recognition of the Soviet Union would serve U.S. strategic interests by limiting Japanese expansionism in Asia, and he believed that full diplomatic recognition would serve American commercial interests in the Soviet Union, a matter of some concern to an Administration grappling with the effects of the Great Depression. Finally, the United States was the only major power that continued to withhold official diplomatic recognition from the Soviet Union. [2-1, 2-2]
• The US-Soviet Trade Agreement of 1933 established normalized trade relations between the two countries. It allowed for the exchange of goods and facilitated economic cooperation, contributing to the recovery of both economies. [2-3]

2-2. Holodomor and Recognition
• The Holodomor (1932–1933) was a devastating famine in Ukraine caused by Soviet policies, resulting in millions of deaths.
• FDR's decision to recognize the Soviet Union was not an endorsement of the famine. It was a pragmatic move based on realpolitik.

2-3. Public Statements
• FDR did not publicly acknowledge the famine during the recognition process. However, this silence was not unique to him; other Western leaders also avoided direct criticism.
• Publicly condemning the Soviet regime might have jeopardized diplomatic relations and economic interests.

2-4. Historical Context
• The 1930s were marked by global economic challenges, rising totalitarian regimes, and shifting alliances.
• FDR's actions should be understood within this broader context rather than through a simplistic lens of good versus evil.

In summary, FDR's decision was multifaceted, driven by political, economic, and strategic considerations. While we can critique aspects of his approach, it’s essential to avoid oversimplification and recognize the complexities of historical events.

3. Dervish Sanders: FDR also sent many Japanese Americans to detention camps. Do you think this was because he was an evil racist who hated Japanese Americans and wanted to deport them? (February 19, 1942 to March 20, 1946). [Mystere].

Copilot: The decision to intern Japanese Americans during World War II was complex and influenced by various factors. While it's essential to critically examine historical actions, labeling FDR as "evil" or driven by racial hatred oversimplifies the situation.

Here are some key points...

3-1. Context and Fear of Espionage
• After the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, there were genuine fears of Japanese espionage and sabotage.
• President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 in February 1942, approving the relocation of Japanese-Americans into internment camps.
• The order affected not only Japanese Americans but also Italian and German Americans, although the majority of detainees were Japanese Americans. 3-1]

3-2. West Coast Vulnerability
• The West Coast was particularly vulnerable due to naval ports, commercial shipping, and agriculture.
• Ill-defined military areas around West Coast cities, ports, and industrial regions were designated as off-limits.
• Long-standing racism against Japanese Americans, fueled by jealousy over their commercial success, led to demands for mass removal [3-2].

3-3. Impact on Lives
• Over 117,000 Japanese immigrants and their descendants (including U.S. citizens) were forcibly placed in prison camps.
• Families lost businesses, farms, and loved ones due to the relocation.
• Camps like Manzanar and Tule Lake housed thousands of families, disrupting lives and causing immense hardship.

3-4. Complexity and Nuance
• FDR's decision was multifaceted, driven by wartime fears, geopolitical considerations, and public pressure.
• While we can critique aspects of the internment policy, it's crucial to avoid simplistic judgments and recognize the broader historical context. [3-3]

In summary, FDR's actions were influenced by a mix of factors, and attributing them solely to evil intent oversimplifies a complex chapter in American history.

Learn more: History.com, trumanlibrary.gov, politico.com, fdrlibraryvirtualtour.org, List of films about the Japanese American internment.

4. Dervish Sanders: Did FDR have foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack which he ignored because he wanted to have an excuse to involve the USA in the war?

Copilot: The question of whether President Franklin D. Roosevelt had foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack remains a topic of historical debate. Here are some key points...

4-1. The Attack
• On December 7, 1941, the Japanese Imperial Navy launched a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
• The attack resulted in significant damage to the Pacific Fleet and the loss of over 2,400 American lives.

4-2. Foreknowledge Hypotheses
• Some theories suggest that FDR or elements within the U.S. government had advance knowledge of the attack but allowed it to happen.
• These hypotheses propose that FDR wanted a pretext to involve the United States in World War II.

4-3. Evidence and Counterarguments
• Historians have examined documents, testimonies, and intelligence reports.
• While there are indications that intelligence agencies had intercepted Japanese communications, the specific details and significance remain debated.
• Critics argue that attributing foreknowledge to FDR oversimplifies a complex situation.

4-4. Complexity and Uncertainty
• The truth is elusive due to incomplete records, conflicting accounts, and the passage of time.
• FDR's focus was on European affairs, and the Pacific was not his primary concern.
• The attack galvanized public support for war, but it also led to immense loss and suffering.

In summary, the question lacks a definitive answer. While some evidence suggests awareness, it is not conclusive. Historians continue to explore this pivotal moment in history.

Post authored by FDR fan Dervish Sanders @ wym311.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Senile Predisent

Which one of the two candidates for president in 2024 has dementia? Is it Joe Biden or donald tRump? Accusations exist in regards to both of them. Both are very old. Joe Biden is 81 and donald tRump is 77.

So, the man with dementia is obviously Joe Biden, right? Given that he is 3 years, 6 months, 25 days older than donald tRump, who, at 77 is a still a young man with incredible stamina and youthful vigour. While Joe Biden is a decrepit and ancient bicyclist. And ALL oldsters eventually get dementia, right? It is inevitable.

Video: Sept 142023. We've all watched Donald Trump's mental decline for years. It's time for Fox News to tell the truth, which is that he is too old and senile to run for President. The Lincoln Project.

The rightturd blogger Mystere sez (in a post on his blog) "Bidet tooted a bigly butt blast while his brain farted again: He called President Trump Congressman Trump".

See the video below for "proof".

Well, that proves it, yes? Biden is definitely senile and should not be running for president. Except, these are clips from a long speech, edited down to make Biden look bad. Everyone knows Joe Biden has a stutter. People who have a stutter are not all senile.

Also, Joe Biden did NOT say "Congressman tRump". He said "Congress and tRump". That's according to the AI generated transcript. AI is not biased in favor of Joe Biden. It didn't change Joe Biden's words to cover for him. The AI listened to the audio and spit out what it heard. Which is "Congress and tRump". Joe Biden does not think donald tRump is a Congressman.

Here is another debuking of a infamous quote attributed to Joe Biden. Supposedly Joe Biden yells (in response to a reporter's question) "My butt's been wiped". But that is false.

Video: Did Biden Actually Say, "My Butt's Been Wiped?" Listen to Enhanced Audio. I enhanced the audio. Did #Biden say #MyButtsBeenWiped or not? Debunking from the Representative Press.

Joe Biden did not say "My butt's been wiped". Screenshot below including captioning of what Joe Biden actually said, which is "Must what be what?". A reporter asked Joe Biden, "must immigration be in reconciliation? Must it be in reconciliation?".

Joe Biden did not hear the first part of the question due to the loud helicopter noise in the background. The reporter asked "Must it be in reconciliation?" And the president (not hearing the first sentence) asked "Must what be what?"

It is NOT Joe Biden who is senile, it is donald tRump. He has a history of senility in his family. His father Fred tRump went senile. Google says "The average lifetime risk of developing dementia is 10%–12% and increases to 15%–25% for individuals with a family history of dementia".

btw, (slightly off topic, but in regards to the dementia suffered by donald's father, Fred tRump) donald used his father's dementia to try and steal all his father's money.

Trump's sister Maryanne Trump Barry was recorded by her niece in January 2019 expressing outrage over her brother's efforts to change the will as their father's mental capacity was declining. "Dad was in dementia", Barry said.

Barry said that when she was asked by her father in 1990 to review the proposed changes, she consulted with her husband, John Barry, an attorney familiar with estate law who died in 2000. "I show it to John, and he says, Holy s--t. It was basically taking the whole estate and giving it to Donald". Barry said.

Barry helped convince her father to reject her brother's effort. As a result, Donald Trump "didn't talk to me for two years". Barry said during one of several conversations her niece recorded. link (follow link to listen to the audio).

donald tRump is a horrible human being. WHY anyone would support this racist misogynist Turd is beyond me. Yet trumpturds like Mystere still do. Despite donald tRump being horrible (he tried to steal from his siblings. He DID steal from his brother's children).

Yet, despite donald tRump obviously being in some sort of mental decline, trumpturds attack our mentally sharp president Joe Biden of with false accusations that acutally apply to their Orange Turd cult leader.

btw, Robert Hur lied when he described Joe Biden as an "elderly man with a poor memory" in his report. "at another point during the depositions, Hur actually went out of his way to praise Biden's memory. [Hur said] You have -- appear to have a photographic understanding and, and recall of the house, Hur told Biden, referencing the president's Wilmington home.

That's from the tapes of the deposition. The lying Turd Hur did not include any evidence that disproved his incorrect characterization of Joe Biden in his written report. fyi, Robert Kyoung Hur is an American lawyer appointed by Donald Trump to serve as the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland from 2018 to 2021.

"Can't make it up": Experts say transcript shows special counsel Robert Hur "lied" about Biden. The full transcript undercuts Hur's claims that Biden could not remember his son's death and had "poor" memory. Salon 3/12/2024.

Dervish Sanders: Can you tell me about Joe Biden's exercise regimen?

Copilot AI: Certainly! Joe Biden maintains an impressive fitness routine to stay active and healthy. Here's what we know about his exercise regimen...

Weights: At 78 years old, Biden uses dumbbells as part of his workout routine. Weight training helps slow down muscular atrophy, a process where muscles weaken and waste away as we age. By using weights, Biden ensures he stays strong and healthy.

Treadmill and Peloton Bike: Biden has a gym in his house with a treadmill and a Peloton bike. The Peloton bike allows him to engage in virtual spin classes, which is an excellent cardiovascular workout.

Morning Routine: Biden tries to get out of bed by 8 am and heads to his home gym. After working out, he takes a shower and has some food.

Post authored by the Joe-Biden-voting blogger Dervish Sanders. wym310.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Total M0R0N Dunno About The Separation of Church & State As Advocated By Jesus

Apparently the blogger who posts anonymously (but used to call himself "Q") has been reading Shaw Kenawe's blog, Progressive Eruptions. Below he talks about something he read on the blog PE. Though this comment was made on the rightturd blog, Political Tea Leaves.

Anonymous (aka Qtard). June 5, 2024 at 11:27.
That's what pShaw talking there. ;-P Blogger Shaw Kenawe said... I just re-read my above comment and thought of this paradox: Joe Biden is about as devout a religionist (Catholic) as anyone could imagine — consistent church goer, etc., and Trump is as far from a religionist as one can get — never see him in any church on Sundays. Yet it is the devout Catholic that wants to preserve our secular laws.

Oh, yes???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

What is this moron laughing at? I guess he never heard of the separation of Church and State, as advocated by Jesus? John 18:36 says "Jesus said to them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marveled at him". (The website Open Bible, lists 99 more Bible Verses about The Separation Of Church And State).

"Render to Caesar" being the most famous. But this laughing idiot thinks what Shaw Kenawe said on her blog is ridiculous. And laughs his ass off. While he also wrote "idiots need very little to start laughing". Looks to me like he was referring to himself.

Even more proof of this person's idiocy is that he later denied knowing who Shaw Kenawe is -- when I brought up his comment above. I wrote, "recently you said you've been looking at Shaw Kenawe's blog". In reply the ID10T asked "Whose that?".

Obviously that is a lie. The denial of knowing who Shaw Kenawe is was made on 6/9/2024 at 12:26 AM. So 4 days after he laughs at words he read on Shaw's blog, he had completely forgotten about it? Does not have a clue who she is any longer? What a f*cking idiot. Yet he continues to tell moronic lies constantly. While accusing ME of being a liar who says things "lyingly" and using NewSpeak all the time.

His standard reply for when I repspond (short reply) "No", is to fire back "NewSpeak Yes". So, in his deluded mind I'm actually AGREEING with him when I say "no" (the stupidity he just wrote is wrong). Instead (in his delusions) I'm using NewSpeak to agree with him.

The cartoon above represents how rightturds view the separation of Church and State. This complete bullplop. rightturds don't believe in the Separation of Church and state AT ALL. According to the bigly corrupt scotus Turd Sam Alito, the US needs to turn away from Secularism and toward Godliness. aka the US shouldn't be an inclusive (of all religions) nation, but a Christian Nation.

The rightturd tRump-supporting blogger Minus FJ definitely agrees with the sentiment expressed in the cartoon. Which is that Liberals worship government. According to some stupidity from a recent blog post of his, "Woke" is a religion. He writes that "Woke-ism is Go(o)d for the Imperium [and] Woke-ism is a (but not the) Civil Religion". Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

This is idiotic. Also false. But he persisted.

Thersites (Minus FJ sockpuppet). June 5, 2024 at 11:47 AM.
Woke isn't a religion [quoting me].
Is that why they all "take a knee" at football games? It's not to pray to Zer Black Deity? I hate to tell you this, Derv, but when you start publicly displaying religious gestures and symbolism, you've arrived at religion.

What is "Zer Black Diety"? I guess if "Woke" is a Black religion and a state religion... that must mean racism is over? Now, instead of Black people being oppressed, they are the oppressors? And it's White people who are the "real" victims.

Yeah, that is completely and totally absurd. But it is the White Supremacist narrative. A false narrative that donald tRump is running on. Again. Why the Orange Turd could (conceivably) be the next predisent. Because White people are sick of being discriminated against.

Minus FJ refers to "the Christians your side despises". Those would be the White Nationalist Christians that love their White Supremacist leader donald tRump (also homophobic and transphobic). That the Left "depises" the HATE of these fake Christians... that's proof they are the "real" victims. Angry victims who are determined to "take their country back" by electing donald tRump.

Post authored by the Woke blogger Dervish Sanders. wym309.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Van Impe Prophecy. Proof I Am A Real-Deal Prophet?

Monday, September 10, 2018.

Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. Matthew 16:28.

This could just be a coincidence. I mean, I prophisized that an 87 year old man was going to die eventually. So, I'm not a prophet? ON the other hand, Jack Van Impe (of Jack Van Impe Ministries) was completely convinced that he would never die. Instead he would be swept up in the Rapture and be transported to Heaven bodily. That is, he would go to Heaven without dying. But he did die. On January 18, 2020.

So, my prophecy that Jack Van Impe would not make it until the Rapture occurred turned out to be accurate. Though I do not believe there will ever be any "Rapture". It is not in the Bible @

The Second Coming is another way that Jack Van Impe could have avoided dying. If he was still alive when Jesus (as per the Christian belief) returns to rule over the Earth. Wikipedia says "A 2010 survey showed that about 40% of Americans believe that Jesus is likely to return by 2050". Obviously Jesus has not returned. Also, Jack Van Impe is definitely dead.

But Jack Van Impe thought he would be among those swept up in the Rapture. And that he would depart Earth (bodily) to be with God in Heaven. While those Left Behind would have to go through the Tribulation. Before the 2nd coming. Well, I don't know if he thought he personally would absolutely never die. Only that some people of the generation that is living wouldn't.

In the video above "The Rapture Explained" (posted 13 years ago) Jack Van Impe says (10:39) "we are the generation that will not die". And, near the end of the video (14:51), Van Impe says "I can hear the knock right now, it's that near. It could very easily be December 21, 2012. But I won't set that date".

At 47:12 in this video Jack Van Impe says "the generation that lives to see what I've just told you shall not pass from the earth. We're going up. Amen, Rexella".

"We can know that HIS coming to the Earth is right in the future. Because every sign is here. Israel a Nation and controlling Jerusalem. and he says when you see those two that's it. So we now know that every sign pointing to his coming of the earth is here [the second coming]. Therefore we go home earlier seven years before that" [in the rapture] 48:23.

So, from 2012 going forward, Jack Van Impe thought the Rapture could happen at any moment. He lived 8 years more (2012 to 2020). So, if the Rapture had occurred in that timeframe, he would have been caught up in it. FOR SURE. In his mind. In reality*? I don't know (*a reality in which the Rapture is something that will ever happen).

I looked it up, and it turns out Jack Van Impe bigly supported donald tRump in 2016. Of course. It seems all these religious hucksters are for tRump. Google says "Jack Van Impe is an American televangelist who has a net worth of $2.5 million". They are also all millionaires. Or there are surely a LOT of them who are.

It seems giving people hope there is life after death is bigly profitable. These "prophets" are telling people what they want to hear, as opposed to telling people things they don't want to hear. And they want to hear that donald tRump has been "chosen" by God. That he is "God's chosen leader".

The fake prophet Mark Taylor knows this. He went from a being a retired fireman to a published author. His book, The Trump Prophecies was made into a movie. Even though the movie lost money, I'm sure Mark Taylor was paid.

Taylor is still presenting himself as a "prophet". Even though he said donald tRump was going to be reelected in 2020. But he was (obviously) wrong. Now he's saying tRump will return to the White House in 2024. So, what's he going to say when Joe Biden is reelected to a 2nd term? (not a prophecy, just something I think should happen).

On 9/10/2018 the blog turd Mystere falsely prophesied, "we will see President Trump serving as President until 2025". This was an incorrect prophecy/prediction that Mystere included in a commetary on his "moonbat slayer" blog (linked to above). This is the post I replied to when making my correct prophecy.

How is donald tRump going to serve as president until 2025, Mystere? He's going to be elected this year, then croak immediately after taking office again?

Post authored by the Pro-Choice real-deal prophet Dervish Sanders ;) wym308.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Chinese People Are White & Suprime. No, That Was Mystiping

This commentary concerns a discussion between me and a commenter on the PTL blog that posts anonymously. Though, when he originally showed up he called himself "Q". After he referred to Leftists as "libtards", I decided to call him Qtard.

According to Qtard, I am a racist because I acknowledge the fact that the concept of "race" exists. Even though there is no difference (biologically) between the so-called "races", it exists as a social construct. That's just a fact. But acknowleding this fact makes me a racist. According to this turd.

Which he "proved" by asking me if Chinese people are White and therefore "suprime" (though he meant "supreme"). I said no, because Chinese people are Asian. Now (months later, after asking the question about Chinese people being White and "suprime") he has changed his mind. Now he says the word he meant to write was "supreme" and that "suprime" was a mistyping. One repeated over and over.

Anonymous. July 16, 2023 at 12:01 AM.
No, deepshit. :-)))))
I ASKED you -- WHY you do not call white Chinese WHITE???!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))
On what base? What reasoning?
WHY you DENY their Natural Right to be white???
And suprime. ;-P

Anonymous. July 19, 2023 at 5:54 AM.
\\I OPPOSE racism. (quoting me).
With denying Chinese being white? And suprime? ;-P

Anonymous. August 31, 2023 at 11:32 PM.
\\No. I never said Asian people are "nasty". Qtard wrote that Asian people are nasty. Not what I believe. (quoting me).
Then??? WHY you DENY em right to be called White??? And Suprime?

Anonymous. September 4, 2023 at 1:42 AM.
You NEVER have said "I *DO* deny...", you NEVER denied Chinese to be White (and Suprime ;-P) and etc-etc-etc. :-)))))))))))))))

Anonymous. September 18, 2023 at 12:46 AM.
Then... say it with your own words -- that Chinese are White... and Suprime. ;-P

Anonymous. May 22, 2024 at 6:30 AM.
Yeah. White Chinese... really are Supreme. ;-P

Dervish Sanders. May 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM.
Is that what you are, crazy cretin? Why you've babbled a number of times about how Chinese are White and "Suprime". Huh. You actually used the correct word this time.

Anonymous. May 23, 2024 at 9:57 PM.
\\Because it is the WRONG word. (quoting me. "suprime" is the wrong word because he meant "supreme").
Who said? ;-P You -- cretin. Your opinion -- is of NO importance. ;-P

Anonymous. May 30, 2024 at 2:42 AM.
\\We were talking about "suprime". Written by you (previously). After which you completely forgot. (quoting me).
Why??? I should remember every mistyping I did, who know how long ago?

He JUST defended his use of "suprime". He asked "who says?" ("suprime" isn't the word he meant). Then (just a while later) he says it was a mistyping. Mistyped over and over. Over many months. And I tried to correct him previously. But he kept writing "suprime". Obviously that was NOT a mistyping. It was on purpose.

Writing "mystiping" once (which he did in another comment) was a typo. "Suprime" was NOT a mistyping.

Wiktionary definition for "suprime" says it is a Spanish word for "delete" (as in the delete key on a keyboard). Or "to suppress (to prevent publication) OR to suppress (to hold in place, to keep low)".

Is that what he meant when he wrote "suprime"? That Chinese people should be deleted or suppressed? That sounds much different than saying Chinese people are White and "Supreme".

Given that, I say it is Qtard who is the racist. This is a person who also thinks that White people can be referred to using the term "ni**a".

Anonymous. September 8, 2023 at 3:09 AM.
What constitues being "nigga"??? If not being poor, powerless and because of that abused? But, there was a LOT of distinctly White... who was same, or even MORE poor and powerless. Or... Racist Derpy think that poor and powerless somehow attached to being of "race"???

According to this comment, I'm a racist because I think that term has only been used in regards to Black people, not White people.

Merriam Webster says that word is offensive if used by a White person. Initially Qtard referred to himself as "ziz nigga". Upon questioning he revealed he is White. But he is "ziz nigga" as per his definition (quoted above). ANYONE can be referred to using that term... if they are poor and powerless.

Though Qtard also claims to be incredibly smart and highly educated. So, I think he lies about being poor and powerless. I told him I thought the US government should do more to address extreme poverty and crime, and (according to him) that makes me a Nazi. He wrote, "Well... that was AMONG talking points of Historical Nazis".

He's poor and powerless, yet a far-right conservative. OK. That is the case with many trumpers. They are poor and powerless Whites, yet they vote for republican candidates (and against their own interests). BUT... Qtard also claims he is highly educated and incredibly smart. Yeah, I don't think that adds up.

I don't believe he is poor and powerless. Or "ziz nigga". I say he is a racist. Because it is racists who form the foundation of donald tRump's support. And, yes, Qtard is a bigly donald tRump defender. He (parroting tRump's own words) says donald tRump is like Alexei Navalny and Nelson Mandela. donald tRump (Qtard says) is being politically persecuted in a kangaroo court by the totalitarian Bi-den (hypen inserted into "Biden" for an undisclosed reason).

Qtard spews "deepshit" like this constantly. Even though (he says) "I studied Physics in school. With excellent grades. And... I'm smart".

Video: Jun 3, 2021. Adrian and Dolly take inspiration from "Minor Feelings", a novel by Cathy Park Hong, to unpack the stereotype that Asians are next in line to be white. By taking a look at the movies Get Out and Do The Right Thing, Adrian and Dolly examine pop culture references about Asian proximity to whiteness. They connect these moments to 3 historic Supreme Court cases where Asian Americans sued for white privilege and their discussion builds upon the theory’s of Cheryl Harris, a law professor who examines whiteness as a form of ownership. #Whiteness #AAPI #GetOut.

Post by the Anti-Racist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym307.