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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Trump Enragement Syndrome (It's A Healthy Hate)

To the magaturds who say I have TDS, or "Trump Derangement Syndrome"... I say it is YOU who is deranged. If you think the incompetent reality teevee show boob (who stole the presidency with help from Vladimir Putin and Kris Kobach) is a great president.

He is a horrible president and everyone SHOULD be enraged that this dumbass is in charge of the country.

Excerpted from The Stephanie Miller Show, 3/25/2020... Stephanie Miller and guest Carlos Alazraqui discuss the national embarrassment occupying the White House and his botched response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Carlos Alazraqui: That's why people are dying. You blew it. You greedy bastard. He's evil. I have so much hate in my heart for that guy.

Stephanie Miller: I say it all the time. This is before this. I have never hated anyone. I hate him. I don't see how you can be a decent human and not hate him and everything he stands for.

Carlos: It's a healthy hate.

I agree with this sentiment. It's proof that you are a smart, thinking, decent person to hate Dotard and what he stands for. What he stands for, btw, is White Nationalism, racism, misogyny, narcissism, self-aggrandizement, incompetence, pettiness, corruption, fake news, false narratives, dishonesty, oligarchy, duping rubes, and stomping on the little guy (while laughing at him).

If you are apt to compare Dotard to Jesus (an actual Franco Aragosta comment), or think he is the greatest president ever, then you are deranged.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-150.


  1. trump is not only FAR from the greatest president ever he is an evil and sick man. As far as comparing him to Joseph's son, not even in the same ballpark let alone league. I agree that those who find virtue in trump or ANY of his motives or his agenda are as bad as he is. Trump is the only individual I can say I totally and completely despise.

  2. If Trump wants to win the election as badly as Democrats claim he does, he'll not send a single ventilator to an urban environment with a population over 50,000. Unfortunately, historically speaking, that won't prevent ANY Democrats from voting.

  3. Three weeks from now when COVID19 fatalities start to peak and the Democrats respirator rationing program begins, will Intersectional victim scores be applied? If so, think of the political BOON for Democrats in the election if only white Republican males who voted for Trump will have been denied access to one. But more likely, they won't be the only ones who die. Some people of colour will die due to pre-existing conditions that even ventilators can't prevent, and then you can hypocritically blame Trump for his "racism" in denying Urban centers the ventilators they needed....

  4. Democrats will never lack for scapegoats, of THAT it is certain.

    1. Magaturds will never lack for scapegoats, THAT is certain. Because they're all imaginary. Whenever Dotard displays his massive incompetence -- more imaginary scapegoats will be created.

      The "lying media", fake news, the "deep state" conspiracy to bring down Dotard (the Russian collusion was a frame-job), Never trumpers, Democratic "hoaxes" like impeachment, inflating coronavirus deaths to make Dotard look bad, blaming China then governors for Dotard's f*cking up the coronavirus response, etc.

  5. Hey! What's a few thousand dead Americans when the Malignant Narcissist and Liar-in-Chief is a ratings champ? Isn't THAT what the American people want to know? Eh? And isn't THAT what Trumpty Dumpty is proud of while people are dying?

    Donald J. Trump

    Because the “Ratings” of my News Conferences etc. are so high, “Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers” according to the @nytimes, the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY. “Trump is reaching too many people, we must stop him.” said one lunatic. See you at 5:00 P.M.!

    If there's a bigger shitwhistle than Trump on the planet, he hasn't been discovered, so we give that distinctive honor -- "Biggest Shitwhistle" to the president we are cursed to have as a leader in the time of a national disaster.

    That Tweet shows America and the world what a colossal asshole he is.

    1. After 2 terms, the Constitutional limit. Joe Biden will get to work issuing executive orders to undo Dotard's attempted "erasing" of Obama. He's running on having been Obama's VP, after all. This is why he has the strong support of the African American community. As well as strong support from the many others who (correctly) believe Obama was a very good (and highly competent) president.

    2. #trumpcrimescommission (when Dotard is gone).

    3. #DemExit

      Why Mike Pence will be President following Trump's 2nd term.

    4. Not Ivana Junior? Didn't you say nobody would vote for Mike Pence (in a discussion about Dotard being impeached and removed)?

      #DemExit = pushed by Russian bots.

  6. Yeah. That minus troll just defined himself. SAD!

    1. Just now? I must have overestimated your intelligence... you should have caught on YEARS ago.

    2. I really never paid enough attention to bother "catching on," sweetie.

    3. Choosing not to pay attention to your magaturd idiocy isn't ADD. Hopefully, when Dotard is GONE, we (the majority of us who voted for HRC) can go back to ignoring magaturd idiocy.

    4. ...back to the beltway bubble. Good luck with that.

    5. That would be a mistake. Voters have genuine concerns that need to be addressed. I criticized Obama for his support of the TPP. But the fight to protect American jobs has traditionally been the providence of the Democrats. At least the progressive wing of the Democratic party. Why Bernie Sanders should be our nominee.

      Joe Biden isn't a Progressive. But HRC did come out against the TPP (after originally endorsing it). Joe Biden is going to have to be clear that he isn't going to govern as another "free trade" moderate as Obama did (a terrible trend that began with the "3rd way" Democrat Bill Clinton). As BAD as Dotard is, people might stick with him unless Biden vows to protect American jobs.

      This IS an important issue, explaining why Dotard picked it up, ran with it, and "won". It was a mistake not to nominate Bernie Sanders in 2016 and we are making the same mistake again. Bernie Sanders has a STRONG (and lifelong) record of advocating to keep jobs in America.

    6. I thought you agreed. Now you're saying manufacturing jobs are "gulags"? Fix any issues with gulag-type treatment of American workers in manufacturing jobs with unions (which Bernie strongly supports). Your comment is BULLSHIT.

      As for American gulags, Dotard reversed the Obama decision to phase out private prisons -- which should now be referred to as Dotard's gulags.

      Quote: With Donald Trump reversing Obama's ban on the use of private prisons for federal prisoners and vowing to deport 11 million people... the investor community could not be more bullish on the private prison sector. Deutsche Bank analyst Kevin McVeigh has issued strong "buy" recommendations for incarceration profiteers CoreCivic... and GEO Group. ...JPMorgan Chase acknowledges that both companies are likely to attract significant liability due to suicides, murders, sexual assaults, torture, escapes and riots in their overcrowded, under-resourced gulags, but assures investors that this will be covered by the companies' insurance policies. [end quote]

    7. Private companies ran the USSR's gulags? Who knew?

    8. Private prisons have "oversight" that public prisons lack. You want prisoner abuse? Public prisons is the way to go (civil servants covering their abuses in secrecy).

  7. As always -FJ is finding himself on the losing side of an argument over ethics and morals. Why is that NOT surprizing?

    1. "-FJApril 2, 2020 at 1:52 PM
      A.D.D. is nothing to brag about, Hon."

      Oh it's not A.D.D., Sunshine. I just don't suffer fools gladly.

    2. That explains the bubblewrap coat and tin foil hat...

    3. LMAO!... And -FJ wears them well indeed.

  8. From your link, Derv:

    Normally, conspiratorial thinking is a weapon for the weak. But Trump’s GOP wallows in paranoia even when it controls the White House.

    Wallowing in conspiratorial thinking is what people like Minus FJ and his sockpuppets live on. It's kind of adorable to witness how they deal with life's exigencies: Anything they don't understand or fear is being controlled by the "Deep State." And only they know it!

    As an example, I have a brother, a Trumper, (he lives in Tennessee) who believes "The Government" doesn't want Americans to know about the malarial drug hydroxychloroquine and how it can cure Covid-19.

    "The Government." That would be THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION! So we have President Dotard promoting this drug and at the same time, his paranoid followers telling each other that "The Government" doesn't want Americans to know how the drug can heal Covid-19 patients.

    1. Sure thing! Proving just how "brilliant" the average trumper is. LMAO!

  9. Derv and RN, did you see Trump's tweet today, Good Friday?

    He wished his followers a "Happy Good Friday to all!"

    I'm a non-theist now, but was raised a Catholic. Never in my life did I EVER hear a Christian wishing ANYONE A "Happy Good Friday" to anyone. More proof that Trump is a fake Christian. He can't even get that right. But you can bet that his cultists will say nothing about this egregious eff-up.

    He wished everyone to enjoy and have a happy Jesus torture, suffering, and dying day.

    What a jackass!

    1. As per your comments to me, you aren't a Christian. Also not a moral person.

    2. That doesn't mean that I'm as ignorant as you regarding the tenets of the Christian faith.

    3. As for morality, I accept that mankind ws born into a condition of original sin that makes a bad joke of your morality derived through apocalypse (n.)
      late 14c., "revelation, disclosure," from Church Latin apocalypsis "revelation," from Greek apokalyptein "uncover, disclose, reveal," from apo "off, away from" (see apo-) + kalyptein "to cover, conceal," from PIE root *kel- (1) "to cover, conceal, save." The Christian end-of-the-world story is part of the revelation in John of Patmos' book "Apokalypsis" (a title rendered into English as pocalipsis c. 1050, "Apocalypse" c. 1230, and "Revelations" by Wyclif c. 1380)..

    4. I don't believe in "morality derived through apocalypse". BTW, I saw you posted the same thing on the fake Christian Franco's blog. You're punking him?

  10. I find the etymological definition very "enlightening".

    1. Had you watched my posted six part primer on Rene Girardover at Faremrs Letters, you would understand the meaning underlying the book of Revelations, and its' dependence upon immorality...the scapegoating of "others"... like Trump.

    2. ...or Jesus Christ. The "hidden" immorality borne of desire that his death, reveals.

    3. The wisdom of the "crowds" as symbolized n Aristophane's Cloud gods...

    4. for they know not what they do...

      For law to function as law, the Real of violence must be concealed. As Zizek explains (with reference to Kant), law's validity requires that we remain within law, that we don't go outside law and emphasize its contingent, historical founding. If we do go outside the law, we can't even see the order as law; its claim to authority becomes just another contingency or act of violence. Zizek is not making a facile point regarding stupid subjects duped by a malevolent legal order. Rather, he is emphasizing the fact that law involves more than the violent, arbitrary, control of people. People need a kind of faith in law; they have to believe it (to believe that others believe it) for it to function at all. The fantasy of an original contract, for example, provides something in which people can believe; this fantasy attaches them to law as it conceals the Real of violence. Belief in law is that something extra that distinguishes law from violence, that separates the founding moment of violence from what comes after it.

    5. The "scapegoat" has risen, he IS risen, indeed!

      Hail Trump, King of the Deplorables! President of the World!

    6. So the "he" you refer to is Dotard. That's disturbing. Though not surprising coming from a fully indoctrinated cultist like you.

  11. "In his The First Three Minutes, [Nobel Laureat Stephen]Weinberg’s attempt to describe the first three minutes of our universe’s existence, he argues that the search for scientific truth can give meaning to life: “The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.” According to Weinberg, the better we understand nature, the more the scientist’s “sense of wonder” has expanded as he or she grapples with the remaining mysteries.

    Science, Weinberg believes, has changed our values and beliefs in ways that can scarcely be overestimated. “Nothing in the last five hundred years has had so great an effect on the human spirit as the discoveries of modern science.” While Weinberg finds the discoveries and liberating and believes “the night sky is as beautiful as ever,” others claim that the sense of “magic” they once experienced has been replaced by a sense of sadness.

    Ever the secular rationalist, Weinberg is known among scientists for his outspoken opinions on the subject of religion. Weinberg told a New York Times interviewer in 1999, “With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” His hostility to religion seems to have grown. “As time has passed,” he observed, “my feelings have gotten stronger and stronger. I really dislike religion intensely.”

    "Science flies airplanes; religion flies airplanes into buildings."

    1. Religion teaches "Love Thy Neighbor". Science teaches, "This is how you build a nuclear bomb".

    2. Is it possible that who or what created this marvalous, incredibly mysterious and beautiful cosmos actually intended that over millions of years that us humans would gradually, as we learned, uncover the secrets of the universes beginnings and the meaning and original purpose for the evolution of human esistence. Perhaps the devout, the agnostics, and the atheists should revisit their beliefs and promises regarding spirituality and religion. They are decidedly not the same. I leave it to you the reader to decide whether that is true or not.

  12. Yeah. "Love Thy WHITE Neighbor" in the Jim Crow south, for example. Christian southerners murdered their Christian neighbors who had a different skin color and got away with it. Trump teaches his cultists that our neighbors, Mexicans, are rapists and killers, which invites brainless people to treat them like trash. Trump calls the Covid-19 the "Chinese virus, which invites more brainless idiots to attack innocent Asians. How's that for "Love Thy Neighbor?"

    Radical Muslims believe non-Muslims are infidels and deserve death. Many Christians believed (and some still do) Jews were responsible for Jesus' death and that eventually brought the world the Holocaust, the deaths of millions of Jews. Hindus hate Muslims and have been at each other's throats for decades over religious differences. Even Buddhists fight with each other.

    What Stephen Weinberg said is true: With or without religion, good people will do good things and evil people will do evil things. But for good people to do evil, that takes religion.

    The nuclear bomb was used to kill people (bad). But splitting the atom gave us tools for fighting cancer, exploring outer space, and nuclear power (good).

    1. Religion made people marry and remain faithful to their spouses. Science created global warming and new ways to spew carbon dioxide into the atmosphere...

    2. btw - No Mexicans are my neighbors. Mexico is 1,000 miles away from Maryland. Sorry to hear about your neighborhood.

    3. btw2 - Love your position of "superior universality" aka -"racism from a safe distance"...

      And, of course, the ideal form of ideology of this global capitalism is multiculturalism, the attitude which, from a kind of empty global position, treats each local culture the way the colonizer treats colonized people—as ‘natives’ whose mores are to be carefully studied and ‘respected’. That is to say, the relationship between traditional imperialist colonialism and global capitalist self-colonization is exactly the same as the relationship between Western cultural imperialism and multiculturalism: in the same way that global capitalism involves the paradox of colonization without the colonizing Nation-State metropole, multiculturalism involves patronizing Eurocentrist distance and/or respect for local cultures without roots in one’s own particular culture. In other words, multiculturalism is a disavowed, inverted, self-referential form of racism, a ‘racism with a distance’—it ‘respects’ the Other’s identity, conceiving the Other as a self-enclosed ‘authentic’ community towards which he, the multiculturalist, maintains a distance rendered possible by his privileged universal position. Multiculturalism is a racism which empties its own position of all positive content (the multiculturalist is not a direct racist, he doesn’t oppose to the Other the particular values of his own culture), but nonetheless retains this position as; the privileged empty point of universality from which one is able to appreciate (and depreciate) properly other particular cultures—the multiculturalist respect for the Other’s specificity is the very form of asserting one’s; own superiority. - Slavoj Zizek

  13. "Religion made people marry and remain faithful to their spouses."

    Hilarious! No it didn't. Let's take that great hypocrite, Donald Trump, for example, who claims to be a Christian and who the holier-than-thou Evangelicals support and admire. He cheated on his first wife with his second wife, then cheated on his second wife with his third wife, and then when his third wife was recovering from giving birth to his 5th child, he was raw-dogging a porn star while contemporaneously in a sexual relationship with a Playmate bunny. So. No.

    Have you looked into the marital history of Newt Gingrich? He of the 3 wives, the 3rd of which was sleeping with him for 4 years while he was married to his 2nd wife? And then by confessing how sorry he was, he and Calista got a beautiful marriage ceremony in the Catholic cathedral in Washington, D.C. And then the two forgiven adulterers got posted to the Vatican in Rome. Isn't that special? What a tribute to the Catholic Church, you know, the organization that protected child rapists for centuries. So. No, again. Religion doesn't stop people from being beasts and whoremongers.

    "tw - No Mexicans are my neighbors. Mexico is 1,000 miles away from Maryland. Sorry to hear about your neighborhood."

    Mexico is America's neighbor. As an American, I am neighbor to Mexico and our Canadian neighbors to the north. I assumed you were an American. I'm not too surprised to hear you are not.

    Religion never built a building -- maybe inspired a cathedral to be built, but science -- physics, chemistry, engineering, and architecture all build a cathedral or a bridge or a stadium.

    Science is built on evidence and certain truths. Religion is built on faith -- a belief in something with no evidence. There is no evidence for gods. None.

    1. Trump calls the Covid-19 the "Chinese virus, which invites more brainless idiots to attack innocent Asians. How's that for "Love Thy Neighbor?"

      China is America's neighbor? Who knew?

      ps - Secular marriage isn't religious marriage. If you want a "religious" divorce/annulment, you've gotta see the Pope. :)

    2. ppps - Got any evidence for the existence of love?

    3. pppps - How about "truth"... ...in its inconsistence and lack of any ultimate point of reference beneath multiple veils, truth is feminine. - Nietzsche

  14. PS. Certain animals mate for life --bald eagles, albatrosses, beavers, gibbons, sandhill cranes, coyotes, geese, for example. As far as I know, they didn't get instructions on tablets from a god to do so.

  15. THeir DNA is the result of Evolution, not god.

    You still have no evidence for the existence of gods.

    The actual definition of faith is the belief in something for which there is no evidence.

    The discovery of DNA was through science, not the Bible.

    1. Minus isn't Christian, so I don't know who the "he" Minus refers to is. Probably Dotard again.

    2. So what did DNA evolve from? Or did Charles Darwin just program and splice in a novel new genetic batch in his CRISPR? lol!

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  17. -FJ
    April 15, 2020 at 11:27 AM
    So what did DNA evolve from?

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste, Minus. People usually learn this stuff in high school. No one should have to educate you for the years you lost while doing coke and meth.


    1. You've got no "science" to back you up????

      While there is no direct fossil evidence for the evolution of DNA (because of its size and fragility), scientists have theorized on its origins based on verified laboratory evidence. One theory goes like this: RNA, the compliment molecule to DNA, was the first to evolve naturally from materials already common in the pre-biotic Earth. Self-replication was achieved through catalytic actions in RNA-based molecules, called ribosomes, or possibly through an intermediary molecule. This step still remains unverified to science as of this writing.

  18. Do you know what a hypothesis is? A theory? All of what we have now as accepted science started the very same way as outlined in your comment: Hypothesis.

    Theory in your comment means not theory in the scientific definition, but theory in the sense of supposition based on known data and facts. How DNA evolved is not a scientific theory yet. But as science develops more accurate tools for testing, the hypothesis will become a scientific theory.

    The idea of germs/bacteria was known in the Ancient world but could not be observed. Finally in the 17th century, two scientists, Hooke's and Leeuwenhoek's primitive microscopes were able to see the microbes.

    As science develops better tools; hypotheses become scientific theories.

    So it is certain that we'll know, sooner rather than later, how DNA evolved.

    1. So only now do you admit that you also believe in something for which there is no evidence scientific or otherwise (DNA is a product of evolution)..

      Scientific theories and hypothesis can be disproven. So how is evolution any better an explanation than G-d? Because you have a more complex taxonomy? If so, Mr. Occham would like a word with you. :)

    2. Emerson, "The Conduct of Life: Beauty"

      The spiral tendency of vegetation infects education also. Our books approach very slowly the things we most wish to know. What a parade we make of our science, and how far off, and at arm's length, it is from its objects! Our botany is all names, not powers: poets and romancers talk of herbs of grace and healing; but what does the botanist know of the virtues of his weeds? The geologist lays bare the strata, and can tell them all on his fingers: but does he know what effect passes into the man who builds his house in them? what effect on the race that inhabits a granite shelf? what on the inhabitants of marl and of alluvium?
      We should go to the ornithologist with a new feeling, if he could teach us what the social birds say, when they sit in the autumn council, talking together in the trees. The want of sympathy makes his record a dull dictionary. His result is a dead bird. The bird is not in its ounces and inches, but in its relations to Nature; and the skin or skeleton you show me, is no more a heron, than a heap of ashes or a bottle of gases into which his body has been reduced, is Dante or Washington. The naturalist is led from the road by the whole distance of his fancied advance. The boy had juster views when he gazed at the shells on the beach, or the flowers in the meadow, unable to call them by their names, than the man in the pride of his nomenclature. Astrology interested us, for it tied man to the system. Instead of an isolated beggar, the farthest star felt him, and he felt the star. However rash and however falsified by pretenders and traders in it, the hint was true and divine, the soul's avowal of its large relations, and, that climate, century, remote natures, as well as near, are part of its biography. Chemistry takes to pieces, but it does not construct. Alchemy which sought to transmute one element into another, to prolong life, to arm with power,--that was in the right direction. All our science lacks a human side. The tenant is more than the house. Bugs and stamens and spores, on which we lavish so many years, are not finalities, and man, when his powers unfold in order, will take Nature along with him, and emit light into all her recesses. The human heart concerns us more than the poring into microscopes, and is larger than can be measured by the pompous figures of the astronomer.

  19. "Scientific theories and hypothesis can be disproven."

    Has F=MA been disproved? Has E=MC2 been disproved? No. And neither have hundreds of scientific theories that fly planes, build bridges, and treat cancer. Science is always open for new evidence and data that adds to knowledge.

    Religion rests on faith. A belief in something without evidence.

    Right now there are 4200 religions in the world. The human brain may be hardwired for a belief in the supernatural. When we were primitive beings, there were no explanations for what caused storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, hurricanes, sickness, and death. Religious myths helped people to deal with those mysteries which caused fear and dread. Religion may have helped early peoples to cope with frightening and unpredictable natural disasters. So it was probably useful then.

    Science now has rational explanations for all of that. No one believes pandemics and natural disasters, like floods and hurricanes, are punishments from the gods for bad behavior. Well no one except the irrational.

  20. e=mc^2 would have been disproven had the HLC not detected the god particle (higgs boson). Unlike evolution, ie=mc2 is "disprovable"... not "been disproven".

    newtons theory which e=mc2 replaced was disproven by a sun transit of Mercury... it's position was incorrect when the math got applied. The same can be proven by measuring f=ma.

    1. IOW, as new knowledge is acquired, it builds on what science has learned.

    2. Kinda like the newer books of the Bible. Evolution is just your Book of Mormon.

  21. Newton's light didn't bend. The math didn't allow for or predict gravitational lensing caused by massive bodies, like the Sun.

  22. Evolution fails as a science for the same reasons psychiatry fails as a science. Any contrary data collected is simply accounted for by modifying the organism's taxonomy. And it also fails spectacularly in accounting for the origin of life.

    1. You're totally wrong. Amazingly wrong.

      Evolution was never about explaining the origin of life. It's about how organisms change over time and adapt. It is about common DNA ancestors.

      Today we can see how a virus changes and adapts; how the finches on the Galapago Islands changed over time and adapted to cracking seeds. And how the survival of the fittest means survival of organisms that are able to change and adapt to new conditions. There are hypotheses on how life began on Earth, but no scientific theories.

      However, there is a mountain of evidence on Evolution. To discount it is to be willfully ignorant. It is a fact, beyond all reasonable dispute, that if you trace your ancestry and your dog’s ancestry backwards you’ll eventually hit a common ancestor. It is a fact, beyond reasonable dispute, that when you eat fish and chips you are eating distant cousin fish and even more distant cousin potato.

      You're allowing your belief in a supernatural being to blind you to the fact of Evolution. Evolution is real, and it's a fact.

      You can say it isn't all you want. That changes nothing. It's like saying you believe in unicorns. Sure you can believe in unicorns, but that doesn't mean they exist.

    2. Were they a part of the Cambrian explosion, too?

    3. Darwin had NO idea at the time during which he developed his "theory" that DNA existed. None. He just had a "hunch" like Plato/Aristotle did 2,300 years before him that a taxonomy based upon body shape/symmetry hinted at a relationship between similarly shaped creatures. That's all. He couldn't explain how or why... so he called these differences "evolutionary" changes.

      The point is that living organisms aren't unitary wholes. We're complex systems of organisms and parts that cooperate together in different and complex ways. We're ecosystems.

    4. ..but keep searching for the "missing link" between humans and dogs.

      There's GOT to be a werewolf out there thirsting for blood on the Island of Dr. Moreau...

    5. ps -

      ...and stop sleeping with Fido and trying to create said "missing link". ;)

    6. ...cuz I think that your common ancestor was more likely a mosquito or flea!


  23. when I took biolodgy in high school, we learned KPcofgs.. Now it's DKpcofgs. They added the D (Domain) to account for new data.

  24. The three-domain system does not include any form of non-cellular life. As of 2011, there was talk about nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses possibly being a fourth domain of life, a view supported by researchers in 2012.[6] Stefan Luketa proposed a five-domain system in 2012, adding Prionobiota (acellular and without nucleic acid) and Virusobiota (acellular but with nucleic acid) to the traditional three domains.[7]<

    Which is why our scientists are fucking up the corona virus' so badly....

  25. ...and there is plenty of evidence for beliefs. What is usually wrong, is that those beliefs do not accurately account for "cause". The most common mistake is to mistake an "effect" for it's "cause," which is what I believe that many advocates for AGW do.

  26. Nietzsche, The Four Great Errors: The Four Great Errors are four mistakes of human reason regarding causal relationships that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche argues are the basis of all moral and religious propositions. Set forth in his book Twilight of the Idols, first published in 1889, these errors are key in implementing his program of the “revaluation of all values.” Nietzsche wanted to liberate people from traditional moral and religious systems by denying the concept of “human accountability,” which, he argues, is nothing more than an invention of theologians who wanted to exert power over other people. Unlike most religions and moral systems which hold that virtuous behavior results in happiness, Nietzsche argued the opposite. For Nietzsche, Internal psychological states that we cannot consciously control such as “happiness” are actually the true causes of virtuous behavior, not the human will.

    The Four Great Errors are as follows:

    The error of confusing cause and consequence
    The error of a false causality
    The error of imaginary causes
    The error of free will

  27. Nietzsche thought that Darwin's theory was riddled with Christian moralisms.... much like a Wagnerian opera.
