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Monday, April 27, 2020

Dotard Press Conference 4/27/2020 (The Usual Delusional Ranting, Self Congratulation & Blame Shifting)

The following is an excerpt from the 4/27/2020 Dotard press conference (as transcribed by me while watching it on MSNBC).

predisent Dotard: ...one day, because of something that should have never been allowed to happen, we had to close our country -- we had to close our economy. I built it. We had the best employment numbers and the best unemployment numbers -- for Hispanic Americans, for African Americans, for Asian Americans. For everybody. Best stock market numbers... We'll never forget these great people (coronavirus victims who have died) that sacrificed for a reason of incompetence -- or something else other than incompetence. What happened at a point where they could have protected the whole world. But we had the greatest economy ever -- in the history of our world. And I had to turn it off to get to a point where we are today.

In regards to the economy, Barack Obama was the one who built it. Dotard took the good economy and goosed it by massively cutting the taxes on corporations and wealthy people. Which had the effect of running up the debt massively. And (of course) stimulating the economy. A result any dumbass could have predicted, yet trumpers think Dotard is an economic genius. Perhaps because such irresponsibility makes Dotard look good while leaving the mess for the next Democratic president to worry about.

Secondly, Dotard (ironically) notes that incompetence is to blame. Dotard means incompetence by the Chinese government. That, or they intentionally didn't tell us so we'd be unprepared. But Dotard did know this was coming. The first warning was way back in November of 2019. Yet Dotard did nothing (except downplay the virus) until March 13 (the date he declared a national emergency).

Dotard destroyed our economy. If he had acted sooner we'd be looking at 90 percent fewer deaths!

Now a third (and final) point. According to the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ, what we should be doing is nothing. Because "it's just the flu, people" and "a relatively harmless virus". But according to Dotard, "we had to close our economy".

Obviously Dotard does not agree with Minus about doing nothing. But that's another Minus conspiracy. The reason is either because "DJT did make a mistake. He listened to experts" or because "he's waiting for his Deep State bitches to take their shoes off his naked balls".

Regarding the cartoon below -- obviously it was put out before Bernie dropped out and Biden became the nominee. But the point remains. Dotard pumped up the debt bigly in order to stimulate the economy and make himself look good.

That's all gone now and it is NOT coming back. Certainly not as quickly as Dotard's delusions tell him it will. And no, I'm not happy that Dotard's incompetence has resulted in the economy quickly flying into the crapper. But it's not surprising. And maybe a good thing it happened before Dotard was "elected" to a second term.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-151.


  1. In fairness, after just hearing the quote on the "lamestream media", Trump did say at one point, "I, along with about 320 million other people". Before he returned to his "I am the greatest" theme.

    Let's not forget how bad it was for President Obama to have said "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor". The GOP and crazies said this lie essentially disqualified him from office. And yet today, the situational truth lovers completely ignore President Trump saying "Everyone who wants a test can get a test."

  2. Derv... let's not leave out that "minus" has also posited that the numbers of dead in the US are fake and inflated due to supposed TDS. And yet, Pres Trump essentially agrees with the published numbers... here's the president's quote.

    “I think we’ll be substantially, hopefully, below the [100,000] number... And I think, right now, we’re heading at probably around 60-, maybe 65,000.”

    Again... these guys are situational truth tellers.

    1. Secretly Dotard agrees with Minus. Remember the "deep state" has it's boot on his naked balls. Dotard is doing his best to resist while pretending to agree with all the lies coming from the "experts" (so as to not get his balls crushed).

  3. I'm asking for a friend...

    Have we ever had a flu that killed more than 55,000 people in a MONTH?

    That's almost more people than died in the entire Vietnam War in roughly 20 years of fighting... and like the question then of whether we could have had less deaths in that war with a different, more open, more honest strategy, we should be asking that now too.

    Would a different, more open, more honest strategy have produced a different, perhaps less deadly outcome than we are seeing now as it relates to Covid-19?


  4. I can't wait for President Trump to appoint Diamond & Silk as public information spokespeople for HHS and the Corona Task Force...

  5. Minus...Diamond and Silk... Turner and Hooch, Crate and Barrel, Starsky and Hutch... I wouldn't trust any of them as purveyors of public policy. Just like I don't trust reality show hosts either.

    1. On one hand you think it's ridiculous that I (correctly) point out that one Jew (Stephen Miller) is a White Nationalist. On the other hand you think a MAJORITY of African Americans who vote Democratic are White Nationalists? ONE person acting irrationally is ridiculous while your suggestion that tens of millions of African Americans acting irrationally isn't? Get bent.

    2. Tens of millions of African Americans voting themselves government handouts isn't irrational either? Racism's nought to do with it. They started voting Democrat long before the DNC rejected Jim Crow. They were all "Roosevelt" Democrats.

    3. The White Nationalist Party is the republican party. This fact is a BIG reason why you support Dotard. I think it is the ONLY reason. Why you continue to support Dotard even though he's for the lock down that you oppose (he takes FULL credit for it).

    4. Corporations and the wealthy vote/support republicans for the government handouts :(

      "Government handouts" to poor African Americans are a pittance compared to what the wealthy get. Get real :(

    5. If I were a white nationalist, I'd have to vote Democrat. And since I'm not an idiot, I don't.

    6. btw - 56% of African-Americans pay NO federal income tax? Why should they get any federal tax revenue? Because they vote Democrat? lol!

    7. Over the past decade, Jared Kushner’s family company has spent billions of dollars buying real estate. His personal stock investments have soared. His net worth has quintupled to almost $324 million.

      And yet, for several years running, Mr. Kushner — President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser — appears to have paid almost no federal income taxes, according to confidential financial documents reviewed by The New York Times.

      Donald Trump Acknowledges Not Paying Federal Income Taxes for Years

      Amazon, the e-commerce giant helmed by the world's richest man, paid no federal taxes on profit of $11.2 billion last year, according to an analysis of the company's corporate filings by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), a progressive think tank.Feb 16, 2019

      But Minus FJ whines about African-Americans who don't pay federal income taxes?

      Why did those deadbeats get those permanent tax cuts from Trump while the middle class's tax cuts are not permanent?

      Why do people like you always go after those who have the least and ignore the real bandits, the billionnaires who have the most and pay nothing?

      Oh, maybe it's your Christian duty to demean the poor and exhalt the rich? Just like Jesus did?

    8. I whine because I'm a middle class taxpayer, one of the ones who REALLY pays the taxes. :)

    9. See the federal revenue spike at $100-200K? Yep, that's me!

    10. ...I aspire to exploiting their tax loopholes.

  6. The Hounds are all out, and the Morning does peep,
    Why how now you sluggardly Sot?
    How can you, how can you lie snoring asleep,
    While we all on Horseback have got?
    Brave Boys, while we all on Horseback, &c.

    I cannot get up, for the over-night’s Cup
    So terribly lies in my Head;
    Besides, my Wife cries, my Dear do not rise,
    But cuddle me longer a-bed,
    Dear Boy, but cuddle, &c.

    Come, on with your Boots, and saddle your Mare,
    Nor tire us with longer Delay;
    The Cry of the Hounds, and the Sight of the Hare,
    Will chase all our Vapours away,
    Brave Boys, will chase, &c.
