WYM Pages

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Why Dotard Will Lose

The following video is from the The Lincoln Project. As per Wikipedia "The Lincoln Project is an American political action committee formed in late 2019 by several prominent Republicans. The goal of the committee is to prevent the reelection of Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. In April 2020, the committee announced their endorsement of Joe Biden, a Democrat, shortly after Bernie Sanders announced the suspension of his campaign".

Republicans endorsing a Democrat is proof of how horrible Dotard is. The Dotard-supporting blogger likely believes the people behind the Lincoln Project (George Conway, the husband of Kellyanne Conway, among them) are RINOS and Globalists :(. Me, I don't like it that republicans are on our side. But, given the damage Dotard is doing to the country, I'll take the help.

Dotard ignored the many warnings he received regarding Covid-19 and now republican governors (at Dotard's urging) are re-opening the economy despite a lack of adequate testing. The whole point of the lock down was to buy the Dotard administration time to ramp up testing. They aren't doing it. Instead they set guidelines for the governors to reopen their states -- guidelines the red states that are reopening are ignoring. Why we should expect cases and deaths to go up.

Clearly it can NOT be denied that Dotard is the most incompetent president ever. A fact that should result in Joe Biden defeating Dotard in the November elections. In spite of Russia helping Dotard again and in spite of the cheating the "GOP" Senate gave Dotard the green light to continue engaging in (by failing to convict him at the conclusion of his impeachment trial).

"It's the economy, stupid". Dotard destroyed it by ignoring the Coronavirus. Time to return it to competent Democratic hands (Democrats always having to clean up republican messes).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-152.


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  2. I'm glad to see that Dr. OSSAGIE is helping you with your penis size issues, Dervy.

    1. ...now, if he could ONLY find an herbal mixture to help you with your political opinion inferiority complex...

    2. He says "helping me". "Me" as in him. Another example of your "illiteracy" (what you call reading comprehension problems).

    3. Two comments and neither one about my post. Obviously there is nothing in my post you can refute, so you had to find another angle of attack. btw, I am confident in my political opinions. No "inferiority complex" except in your delusions.

  3. Derv, when they can't dispute your argument, folks like Joe C. attack.

    In addition to the Lincoln Project, other Republicans have joined together and are calling themselves "Republicans for the Rule of Law." Like the Lincoln Project, RftRoL publish on YouTube and other places videos exposing the appalling failures of the Trump administration.

    The bottom-feeding Trumpers don't like to acknowledge that thousands and thousands of Republicans reject the disaster in the WH who's been wrong just about everything during this pandemic. The only thing the Trumpers have are their conspiracy theories. Some are quite inventive.

    But you're correct, Derv, "It's the economy, Stupid!" And with unemployment at almost 25%, and 20 million Americans out of work, and the deficit in the trillions of dollars, there isn't much there for President Dotard to run on.

    He's rushing to open the country while the infectious disease experts warn against doing so too soon. Funny, I tend to believe people who actually know what they're talking about rather than a guy whose CASINOS went bankrupt. A casino, ffs! And who thought injecting disinfectant into one's body would help treat a virus.

    But Trump's cultists are so marinated in hate, feelings of inferiority, and just plain ignorance that they'll never abandon him the way the rational Republicans who've established The Lincoln Project and Republicans for the Rule of Law have.


    1. According to Minus (and deluded trumpers of a similar mindset) experts are not to be trusted. And Dotard's failed casinos prove he has "skin in the game", which is a good thing. Exactly HOW, I don't know. Apparently going bankrupt goes from bad to good simply by repeating the phrase "skin in the game" many times.

      Quote: If these people are challenged by an actual expert — someone who has studied said topic for years or decades — they probably wouldn't change their opinion. In a series of famous studies in 2005 and 2006, University of Michigan researchers showed accurate news stories to people who believed a demonstrably incorrect version, and it rarely changed their minds. Quite the opposite. "Facts, they found, were not curing misinformation", Joe Keohane explained in The Boston Globe. "Like an underpowered antibiotic, facts could actually make misinformation even stronger". [end quote]

      This applies very strongly to deluded trumpers like Minus. The experts (at least those who disagree with what he WANTS to true) are wrong and you can't convince him otherwise.

  4. Derv... I was reading a person well respected on the Mother Ship and he opined that the virus was manufactured by the Chinese in a lab and that this was all either an accidental release, or all part of their plan.

    I asked him for any evidence he had to refute the overwhelming amount of science that shows his idea to be BS.

    His response?

    I have none Dave, it's just a feeling/hunch.

    That's it. And that's always it. Was Hillary guilty of something? Yes she was. Can you cite evidence? None at all, but we know. Barack Obama is guilty. Any proof? Everyone knows it. Covid will just disappear. Do you have any evidence of that? None at all, just a feeling.

    The GOP and their partisans, by virtue of President Trump and his serial inability to tell the truth, have been reduced to feelings and hunches, because the facts and evidence are not in their favor.

    1. Joe Conservative: They'll execute the Chinese Genetic Scientist who CRISPR'd the Corona virus into existence? (5/14/2020 at 4:49am).

      For the record, I don't know who the "they" who might do the executing are.
