WYM Pages

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Doktor Dotard Demonstrates Dangerous Dumbness

Transcription of the above video... predisent Dotard, the dumbest man ever to serve as the chief executive of the United States, proves yet again how stupid he is. 4/23/2020.

Predisent Dotard: Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous -- whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light -- and I think you said that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body. Which you can do. Either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Interesting. And then I see the disinfectant. Knocks it out in a minute. One minute. Is there a way we can do something like that? By an injection, inside. Or almost a cleaning. Because you see, it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on them. So it would be interesting to check that. We're going to have to use medical doctors, right? It sounds interesting to me.

I have two theories explaining Dotard's comments. The first theory is that Dotard is that stupid. He turns to Dr. Birx and says "you're going to test that". As if he came up with a idea that the experts didn't think of. And, after he brought it up, they said "yes, we should test that. Thank you, doktor Dotard!". Remember when he claimed the docs asked him "how do you know this? As depicted in the cartoon above, this imbecile might actually think he could receive a Noble prize in medicine for coming up with the idea of injecting disinfectants into the lungs for "a cleaning".

My second theory explaining the comments is that Dotard KNEW what he was saying was stupid, but did it to see how many of his brainwashed followers would take his advice. Because it makes him feel powerful to know so many morons are under his thrall. Also, when he looked at Birx and spoke of testing his inane theories, he was like, "I'm the president bitch, and you'll agree with what I'm saying no matter how stupid it is". Later he broke out his oft used excuse that he was being "sarcastic". Which, as with the previous times he used it, obviously a lie. But that (I believe) makes him feel powerful as well. That he can tell obvious lies and there is nothing we can do about it gives him a thrill (IMO).

According to Noel Casler (who worked with Dotard on the Celebrity Apprentice) Dotard likes to break things (See Stephanie Miller's Happy Hour Podcast from 5/15/2020). Whichever of these theories is correct (I'm leaning toward the second one) the "advice" Dotard gave was dangerous. In that people listened to him and drank cleaning products (see text next to the cartoon from The Week above).

But the lives of the citizens Dotard is responsible for (as president) mean nothing to him. As a narcissistic sociopath, the most important person in the world is Donald Trump. Mass death as a result of his incompetence matters only in regards to how it effects Donald Trump. Specifically his reelection chances. Which is why he HAS to downplay the number of deaths, shift blame, and declare victory. No matter what happens Dotard will declare he acted decisively, prevented more deaths that would have otherwise occurred, and set the country on the road to economic recovery via an unadvised rapid reopening.

Dotard will also declare that the United States being one of the hardest hit countries was the fault of China, the WHO, the Democratic governors and Barack Obama. It absolutely was not the fault of Dotard's inaction (for months after Dotard was first warned in November 2019). Even though it's all a hoax and not a big deal.

By the way, if Joe Biden is elected president and assumes office in 2021, you can be certain he will be blamed for the Trump Depression. And that republicans (including our current allies, the "Never Trumpers") will immediately begin whining about the debt and insisting that cuts be made (though only to social safety net programs).

Despite the fact that Dotard (the potus candidate who vowed to eliminate the national debt) was racking up record deficits before the coronavirus pandemic. And now is signing multiple stimulus bills (each in the trillions of dollars) in a desperate attempt to avoid economic catastrophe.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Image from The Week photoshopped by Dervish Sanders. WYM-154.


  1. Nancy can stop stimulus bills...but she doesn't. She can force austerity upon the country... but she doesn't. She must be REALLY stupid, eh, Dervy?

    1. My post topic was Dotard suggesting injecting disinfect into the lungs for a "cleaning" should be looked into. I'll assume your failure to address the topic of my post as an acknowledgment that what Dotard said is STUPID. Otherwise you'd have attempted a defense.

      In any case, rescuing the economy from Dotard's incompetence isn't stupid. It would be stupid not to. Seems like you think (again) the answer is that government should do nothing. But, in both cases, Dotard didn't do nothing. Except for the first 5 months after he was warned the coronavirus was coming. Then he ordered a lock down and signed stimulus bills. Two actions you disagree with. Guess you'll have to vote 3rd party.

    2. Is there ANY doubt that mr. minus is exceedongly EMBARRASSED by HIS leader's abject stupidity?
