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Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Allegations Of Sexual Assault Against Joe Biden Are Extremely Suspicious

The Right is having a field day with this. Despite the hypocrisy due to the fact that (in excess of) 25 women have accused Dotard of sexual assault. While Joe Biden has ONE allegation. According to multiple crude comments by Rusty Shackelford (on Lisa's blog) our future president is "Fingerbang Biden".

I say the allegations are suspicious because, in addition to Biden not having a history (over his entire career) of any similar allegations, this is exactly what Dotard admits to on the Access Hollywood tape. That he grabs women by their privates.

So, did this happen? I say (barring any other women stepping forward) no. And that what Tara Reade alleges not happening is what journalists investigating Biden's past are concluding. PBS NewsHour correspondent Lisa Desjardins and PBS NewsHour Senior Political Reporter Daniel Bush talked to people who previously worked for Biden and they all said they never heard of any such allegations. From Reade or anyone else.

YouTube Video Description: Syndicated columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks join Judy Woodruff to discuss the week's political news, including former Vice President Joe Biden's response to an allegation of sexual assault... [PBS NewsHour]. Excerpts from the posted video transcribed by me.

Judy Woodruff: David, let's go right to what we've just been hearing from Lisa [Desjardins] and Dan Bush in their extensive reporting -- exhaustive reporting -- talking to 74 former Biden staffers -- and coming away with no one saying they were aware of anything like what Tara Reade has alleged. What do you take away from this?

David Brooks: I think they've taken us into the Biden office at that time as far as it's possible to go. I think we have a pretty good sense of it. It reveals that Joe Biden is a very transparent person. The culture they describe is certainly the culture I knew when I was covering Senator Biden and the person I know him to be. It raises more skepticism about the claims.

I would say this -- there is also a Politico report also looking into Tara Reade's past allegations in other cases -- other parts of her life -- and I think the bottom line is -- if you were a person saying "should this be a problem for... Joe Biden" -- I think the arrow has moved toward this being less of a problem. We don't know that it didn't happen. We can't know that. But certainly the degree of skepticism has to be a little higher because of this report.

Judy Woodruff: Mark, you're someone who has covered this city for a long time. ... What do you come away with here?

Mark Shields: ...with great admiration for both Lisa and Dand. 74 people on the record is remarkable. That was a couple of hundred calls that they had to make to get there. It does confirm what has been the emerging consensus among political people who don't have a dog in the fight -- and that is -- Joe Biden was 50 years old in 1993 (27 years ago) and suggesting that this was the one and only time in his entire life that he sexually assaulted a woman who has reported it -- it seems increasingly unlikely.

Yes, Tara Reade deserves a hearing ... but I thought that was a reasonable conclusion [that it likely did not happen because Biden has no history of such complaints. UNLIKE Dotard].

Tara Reade did not make any such allegations against Joe Biden until 3/25/2020. Why not say something sooner? Like when he was chosen as Barack Obama's running mate, for example? Now she says he should withdraw from the race. AFTER he's been selected by the voters as the Democratic nominee. Maybe if she had said something sooner some voters may have decided to vote for Bernie Sanders (who has never had ANY allegations)? Instead she decides to attempt to sabotage Biden when it's too late for the voters to choose anyone else. I'm not buying it.

The only other allegations against Biden are for being overly friendly. Invading women's (and men's) personal space. After the complaints he said he'd be more mindful of other's personal space in the future. btw, initially Reade was one of those people (said Biden invaded her personal space). Only later did she change her story to include allegations of sexual assault.

So far nobody else is saying Biden did anything similar. When a man in a position of power feels entitled to do such things, he usually (always) does it over and over. Like with Dotard and his 25+ accusers. With Dotard there is an established pattern of sexual assault. He has assaulted many women over the span of decades.

Yet Biden only did it once (or only one woman has decided to came forward)? Barring any other accusers coming forward I say this is highly unlikely. Also suspicious, given (as I already said) this is what Dotard has admitted to. On video.

"Always Accuse Your Enemies of Your Own Sins".

btw, the title of the Politico article that David Brooks mentions is "Manipulative, deceitful, user": Tara Reade left a trail of aggrieved acquaintances. As per the article "a number of those who crossed paths with Biden's accuser say they remember two things: She spoke favorably about her time working for Biden, and she left them feeling duped".

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-153.


  1. Joe just couldn't help bang, bang, fingerbanging Tata Reade into his life...

    1. You ONLY pretend to be positive this happened because Joe Biden is the Democratic nominee. If Reade were accusing Dotard you would declare her a "lying whore". You don't care about the facts, you ONLY want this to harm Biden politically.

  2. Nope, nothing suspicious about fingerbang Biden's conduct....

  3. Sure. The video you link to is much worse than the Access Hollywood tape. It will probably be "exhibit A" at Biden's sexual assault trial.

    1. ZERO rapes. No rapes accused, unlike Dotard who has at least 3. Katie Johnson (who was 13 at the time), E Jean Carroll and Ivana Trump.

      btw, all the women in the "ad parody" are the same person. So it isn't "women for Biden", it's "woman for Biden". Or NOT for Biden, actually. Given that she lies in an attempt to harm Biden's campaign.

    2. ...just a little fingerbang. No harm, no foul.

    3. That's Dotard's view (the one he expressed to Billy Bush). Probably yours as well. I say a "fingerbang" is sexual assault.

    4. The Joe should be charged. Good to know. Why wasn't he?

    5. With plenty of evidence strongly suggesting that what Reade alleges did not happen, I doubt any prosecutor would decide to file charges. Even if Biden still could be charged, which he cannot because the statute of limitations has expired.

      btw, remember that Dotard said he was going to sue his accusers? Why hasn't he? Maybe because it would be revealed during discovery that he's a liar?

  4. Derv, the Tara Reade accusations are falling apart.

    Reade’s friend admitted to lying to a reporter to fit Reade’s narrative. McGann spoke with one Reade friend, who told her last year that Biden had harassed Reade but had definitely not sexually assaulted her:

    "Last year, Reade encouraged me to speak with a friend of hers who counseled her through her time in Biden’s office in 1992 and 1993. The friend was clear about what had happened, and what hadn’t.

    “On the scale of other things we heard, and I feel ashamed, but it wasn’t that bad. [Biden] never tried to kiss her directly. He never went for one of those touches. It was one of those, ‘sorry you took it that way.’ I know that is very hard to explain,” the friend told me. She went on: “What was creepy was that it was always in front of people.”

    Your resident troll Minus FJ wants to keep up this highly questionable narrative just so he can continue to write "Fingerbang Biden," and get himself off thinking about it.

    That people like Minus FJ have the balls to talk about this one allegation against Biden and say nothing about the 20+ allegations against Trump, including being accused of raping a 13-year old with his pal, Epstein, just shows how morally unmoored these Trumpers are since throwing their support to a lying dirtbag like Trump.

    And I bet they think of themselves as soldiers of Christ. LOL!

    1. ...and speaking of Epstein, has anyone seen our first black present lately?

    2. Toady Barr had Epstein murdered to protect Dotard. I don't know that for a fact, but I think it is highly probable.

      btw, Shaw said "they". She meant Dotard supporters. Do you have so many IDs that you think of yourself as a "they"?

    3. Nope. TES. As I've told you several times. And probably will tell you multiple times in the future. You're the one who is deranged.

    4. Harassing people with their bullshit? The country has endured over 4 years of this from Dotard and his cultists. It's way past time that the rest of us tell YOU to f*ck off!

  5. So JoCon links to a photo of Clinton with some young woman and that means what? That he's as morally rotten as the morally diseased Trump?

    Notice, Derv, how Trumpers like JoCon try to change the subject and throw dirt at other people when they have no counter argument.

    The Tara Reade case is falling apart, just like the phony accusation some young woman made against Dr. Fauci, and then admitted a Republican dirty trickster name Wohl paid her to slander Dr. Fauci.

    Those sorts of people, like Trump himself, are immoral pigs.

    1. Looks like it. Trumpers have no shame in going after Biden despite Dotard having so many accusers because THEY THINK they're applying our standards to Biden (while applying their own standards to Dotard). "Believe all women" is the misrepresentation of what the Left says (which I've seen a lot). When what we ACTUALLY believe is that all women's allegations should be taken seriously. "Trust but verify".

    2. lol!

      No, shame was defending Bill Clinton and then hypocritically having the BALLS to support #Me2

    3. The Lewinsky affair was consensual. #metoo concerns non-consensual harrassment (and worse). The kind of stuff Dotard's MANY accusers allege. btw, hypocrisy is a part of human nature. Better to do the right thing than be worried about being accused of being a hypocrite.

      You, on the other hand, obviously think it's better to continue being a misogynist. Even something to be proud of.

    4. Juanita Broderick was consensual? Somebody outta tell Juanita...

    5. Did your illiteracy cause you to confuse Lewinsky for Broderick? I was talking about the affair Clinton was impeached over. Anyway, did Broderick report what (she alleges) happened immediately? Didn't you say that if it (a sexual assault) was worth reporting, it should be reported immediately? So isn't Broderick (under your standard) a "lying whore"?

    6. The one he lost his law license over after he perjured himself in court in a lawsuit concerning another case os sexual harrassment (Paula Jones)?

    7. I. suppose that would depend upon what the meaning of "is" is...

    8. Men don't lie about cheating on their wives? Who knew? Dotard isn't smart enough to have a law license to lose. That doesn't stop him from lying about cheating with porn stars. "Individual one" is an unindicted co-conspirator for a crime his lawyer went to prison for.

    9. Unindicted due to idiotic DOJ policy, not due to innocence. Cohen being found guilty says Dotard is also guilty. MORE guilty, being the one who ordered the illegality as opposed to the one who carried it out.

    10. Is there any law against banging porn stars? Paying porn stars for sex? Didn't think so.

    11. Oh wait...DJT must have been "buying himself a campaign contribution"....


    12. "didn't think so" = you're a liar.

      David Pecker paid the hush money and Dotard paid him back. The conversation between Dotard and Cohen discussing paying him back is on tape. It's a campaign contribution because the money was paid to keep something negative about Dotard that would have influenced the election quiet. Sex with a porn star is not what the issue is. Dotard broke campaign finance law. Cohen was charged and convicted.

  6. How many free plane trips did DJT mooch off Epstein's Lolita Express?

    1. It's Dotard who likes young girls and was friends with Epstein (and flew on the Lolita Express). Joe Biden wouldn't know anything about it.

      As per Dotard, Epstein is a "terrific guy [who] likes beautiful women as much as I do — and many of them are on the younger side".

    2. I hear now that Epstein had cameras hidden on his estate. Can't wait to see the Biden footage.

    3. Gropey Joe. I'll bet the girls are under ten years old.

    4. If such footage exists it will be animated or a deep fake. There is no Joe Biden/Epstein connection. You wouldn't bet because you know you'd lose.

    5. Gropey Joe needs no links to Epstein to get labelled a pedophile. You can see it in his every interaction with young girls.

  7. "The lawyer for Tara Reade, the former Senate aide who has accused Joseph R. Biden Jr. of sexual assault, said Friday that he was no longer representing her, just two weeks after taking her on as a client.

    The lawyer, Douglas H. Wigdor, has been a leading plaintiff’s attorney of the #MeToo era. His firm is best known for bringing discrimination cases against Fox News — and its former star host Bill O’Reilly — and Harvey Weinstein, and his presence at Ms. Reade’s side gave her claims added legal heft.

    His announced departure came a day after defense lawyers in California said they were reviewing criminal cases in which Ms. Reade served as an expert witness on domestic violence, concerned that she had misrepresented her educational credentials in court."

    Derv, JoCon loves to use the term "fingerbang," and we understand why.

    Lonely guys with no sex lives of their own get a thrill just thinking about things like that.


    1. There are lawyers willing to give legal advice to their clients that the clients want to hear (even if it is bad legal advice)? Who knew?

    2. There are also lawyers willing to drop a client when threatned by a larger/ better funded firm. They are better than those that misrepresent their clients interests, at least they maintain a facade of ethical integrity.

    3. The lawyers that Flynn replaced were the ones with integrity. They got Flynn the best deal they could. As opposed to setting him up to receive as much jail time as possible by pleading "not guilty" when he clearly is. Although they assumed those bringing the charges to be operating in a non-corrupt manner (a logical assumption) and not actually be on the side of the person being charged.

    4. Best they could do was a conviction, as opposed to winning.... hmmmm, which lawyers would I go with...

    5. Flynn will get a lot more time when Biden's AG tells the Biden DOJ to file charges for all the crimes they gave Flynn a pass on for pleading guilty to lying to the FBI. Those who pass up a chance for a slap on the wrist should receive the maximum penalty.

    6. Flynn is a good candidate for Trump transferring the presidency to in 2024.

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