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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Satan's Minion Violates First Amendment Rights Of Peaceful Protesters For Photo Op In Front Of Church (Defiling It)

Satan's minion, predisent Dotard Drumpf, defiled the Saint John's episcopal church in Washington DC (one block from the White House) on 8/1/2020 for a photo op, during which he held up a copy of the Christian Bible. To reach the church for his blasphemous (and widely condemned) photo op, Dotard had the crowd of peaceful protesters gathered at Lafayette Square dispersed using teargas, violating their first amendment rights. According to Church officials "Trump did not call them about his plans to visit St. John's on Monday".

USA Today: "Critics hammered Trump because police used smoke canisters, pepper spray and shields on protesters in Lafayette Park, clearing a path for the president to walk to St. John's, the historic building known as the church of presidents".

The Atlantic: The right of assembly is an important First Amendment right, one treasured by the founding generation and the First Congress, which wrote the amendment, and one re-won two centuries later at great pain by the labor, civil-rights, and anti-war movements. The show of force that swept peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C., last night was an assault... on that right.

As per The Atlantic article (authored by Garrett Epps, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Baltimore), Dotard's actions in teargassing the crowd of peaceful protesters was a "grotesque violation of the first amendment". Joe Biden, the man running to be our next president, said he wished Dotard read the Bible instead of just brandishing it.

But Dotard cannot read because he is an illiterate moron. It is highly unlikely Dotard has ever read the Christian Bible or the Constitution (as reported we know he doesn't read his presidential daily briefings but only "looks at the graphs, charts, and tables").

For the record, when I refer to Dotard as "Satan's minion", I do so in complete seriousness. IMO Dotard, in addition to being our nation's worst president, is an extremely evil man who cares for no one but himself (and, to a lesser degree, his spawn). While I supported Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, the Joe Biden presidency can't arrive soon enough. God willing. But, who knows... maybe Dotard is the Antichrist and he will be able to steal a second term.

And no wonder! For Satan disguises himself as an angel of light ~ 2 Corinthians 11:14.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. !! WYM-155.


  1. Where are President Bunker's apologists? His fan base is thinning out and he's losing support by showing his weakness and fear.

    Trump’s Pentagon chief shot down his idea of using troops to quell protests across the United States, then reversed course on pulling part of the 82nd Airborne Division off standby in an extraordinary clash between the U.S. military and its commander in chief.

    Both Trump and Defense Secretary Mark Esper also drew stinging, rare public criticism from Trump’s first defense secretary, Jim Mattis, in the most public pushback of Trump’s presidency from the men he put at the helm of the world’s most powerful military.

    Mattis’ rebuke Wednesday followed Trump’s threats to use the military to “dominate” the streets where Americans are demonstrating following the death of George Floyd, a black man who died when a white police officer pressed his knee into his neck for several minutes. Trump had urged governors to call out the National Guard to contain protests that turned violent and warned that he could send in active duty military forces if they did not.

    Esper angered Trump when he said he opposed using military troops for law enforcement, seemingly taking the teeth out of the president’s threat to use the Insurrection Act. Esper said the 1807 law should be invoked “only in the most urgent and dire of situations.” He added, “We are not in one of those situations now.”

    Trump is showing his full fascist self. And Americans don't like it. Vote the bastard out in November and save our country from further destruction. Hell, he should resign tomorrow and Make America Great Again!

  2. Replies
    1. I didn't "miss" it. My post is about CURRENT events, not unrelated Bible holding photos taken decades apart. I'm pretty sure that photo wasn't taken after Bill Clinton had a crowd of peaceful protesters violently dispersed, was it?

    2. btw, the photo you link to is titled "president bill clinton waves his bible following a church service". Which means he was actually inside the church attending a service and photographed leaving. Whereas Dotard never went inside the church and his visit wasn't welcome.

    3. Then we agree. NO to arson and NO to fascist domination of the "battlespace".

    4. Where people congregate to exercise their free speech rights isn't a "battlespace" UNLESS you're a fascist.

    5. They musta been battling someone, Dervy, unless as it was some Nietzschean Überwinden-Mensch. You know those "totalitarianians." My guess, it was Commies like your avatar.

    6. It was a "battle" between the police and innocent protesters. Why Dotard said the dispersing the protesters was as easy as a knife going through butter. They were there to protest, NOT do "battle".

      btw, my avatar doesn't depict a "Commie". It is a drawing of Bernie Sanders, a Democratic Socialist. Someone your illiteracy causes you to see as a Communist.

  3. Or... there was a picture taken of Pres Clinton and he had a bible in his as he was leaving a church where he attended the morning worship service.

    As opposed to DJT walking across a park that had been cleared by the military of peaceful protestors to "pay his respects" to a church and was handed a bible out of his daughters purse. Posing with US Military leadership and stiffly holding "a bible."

    See any difference Joe?

    1. That the President visited the "Church of Presidents" after it was firebombed by Leftist lunatics and that he had to disperse some of the remaining lunatics in order to get there? Sounds like a pretty worthy photo.

    2. I didn't realize the police had already determined who set the fires and made arrests. Who are the "Leftist lunatics" that are being charged?

    3. Who said they got arrested? They got dispersed.

    4. Then you have no proof they were "Leftist lunatics".

    5. YOU prove that it was "Leftist lunatics". I've already provided you with the FBI assessment that there has been White Supremacist infiltration.

      More evidence...

      3 self-proclaimed members of the far-right 'boogaloo' movement were arrested on domestic terrorism charges for trying to spark violence during protests.

      George Floyd protests in Pa. being hijacked by white supremacists, state official says. (excerpt) "What I saw was a coordinated effort of looting encouraged by white supremacists who hide behind signs demanding justice while promoting anarchy", said Chad Dion Lassiter, a national expert on race relations and the executive director of the Pennsylvania Human Rights Commission. ... Other Pennsylvania officials are also reporting what Lassiter is seeing. Lancaster Police Chief Jarrad Berkihiser on Monday said police have "definite evidence" that white nationalists were among the crowds of protesters during the weekend. [end excerpt]

    6. Nobody using the name "Bailen" commented. Youtube link not clicked.

  4. Mrs. Grundy, why do you lie? Is it because Trump has made outrageous lying fashionable for the Right?

    Those protesters were PEACEFUL. Even the pastor of the church said so and everyone who witnessed it said so.

    Trump gassed peaceful protesters who were exercising their 1st Amendment rights as American citizens in order to hold up a book he's never read in front of a church he doesn't attend. Like all totalitrians, he used religion to make himself look strong after his cowardly retreat to his bunker. It didn't work.

    Trumpers are so ashamed of their fascist president that they are compelled to lie about the protesters and falsely claim they were "lunatics." When in fact the lunatic was the man who had his citizens gassed.

    Look at what you've become thanks to the liar, cheater, and fraud you support.

    We all pity you.

    1. The "peaceful" commit arson and spray graffiti? Who knew?

    2. Who firebombed the Church of Presidents then? White Nationalists? lol!

    3. Trump will DOMINATE the battlespace. Hiding behind you token black victims and media propogandists won't save you.

    4. How can you blame the fire on the peaceful protesters then ask who set the fires? You just said you know it was "Leftist lunatics". Even though no arrests have been made. So how do you know it wasn't White Nationalists? I say those responsible could have been Boogaloos.

      And fascists turn peaceful protests into a "battlespace".

    5. Easy. They signed their work. Why would White Nationalist tag "BLM" multiple times? Were they pretending to be agent provocateurs?

    6. They'd sign "BLM" so BLM is blamed. They aren't pretending to be agent provocateurs, they are agent provocateurs.

    7. lol! And give up their own chance at gaining "Street Cred"? I don't think that likely.

    8. Who's Streets? "Trump's Streets!". Even the ancient Greeks put up their trophies of battle.

    9. An aerial view of Dotard avenue? Looks more like a huge FU to Dotard. LOL!

    10. Trophy erected, proving once again my point that it wasn't "White Nationalist Infiltrators".

    11. LOL! That isn't a "trophy", the DC Mayor "officially renamed the section of 16th street in front of the White House 'Black Lives Matter Plaza'" :P

    12. The DC Mayor's a White Nationalist infiltrator, too! My G_d, they're EVERYWHERE!

    13. She is the mayor, so it isn't vandalism or graffiti. Which is what we were discussing. There is an street sign as well. Idiot.

    14. A White Nationalist infiltrator is the MAYOR of DC? Where are the all the warning headlines? Has the WaPo decided to editorially cloak white nationalists hiding in plain sight like they do ALL other corrupt Democratic officials?

    15. A White Nationalist infiltrator is the predisent of the United States. Although hesitant at first, the corrupt republican party has since embraced him. As well as the Russian conspiracy theories they utilize to defend him. fyi, the mayor of DC is Black.

      As for the warning headlines, I gave you several above. One of which said "George Floyd protests in PA being hijacked by white supremacists".

  5. "Trump will DOMINATE the battlespace."

    Trump is at 38% job approval. He couldn't dominate a 2 year old's birthday party.

    Minus and the rest of his sockpuppets don't want to face reality so they run around to their far right blogs and even here leaving hilariously "macho" comments about the guy who hid in his bunker, trembling like a scared rabbit while American citizens marched in the streets.

    I dislike being crude, but the fact is, you can't unshit the sheets. And that's what Trump is facing after his stupid stunt of walking to the church after gassing peaceful demonstrators, and then standing with a Bible in his hand like the false prophet that he is.

    He's at 38% job approval.

    That dominates NOTHING.

    1. You can claim "peaceful protestors" until your blue in the face, but the American people SAW the BLM graffiti and SAW a burned out church and saw those black bloc creeps running from the police being completely DOMINATED by Trump.... so do you think they'll believe your spin, or there OWN EYES? I can't WAIT until November!

    2. Dotard: "Don't believe what you’re reading or seeing".

      You believe what you're TOLD to believe.

      Far-Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests: Indicators of White Supremacists. (excerpt) The protests that have torn through the United States, following the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minnesota police officers, shift the emphasis in real time videos broadcast nationally. The images challenge our beliefs about who is really protesting and for what reason. [end except]

    3. lol! "The Black Bloc is comprised of white nationalists! Look at them in their thousands on the streets pretending to love black people so they can blame the Left for all the destruction...."

    4. fyi, dumbass, "Black bloc participants are often associated with anarchism, anarcho-communism, libertarian socialism, anti-globalization movement or antifascism". Black bloc isn't BLM. And they dress all in black to conceal their identities. A perfect disguise for White Supremacist infiltrators.

      Also, you can claim that George Floyd's death wasn't murder until you are blue in the face, but the American people have eyes. They saw Chauvin "take a knee" on Floyd's throat. They saw his fellow officer compress his chest. Both remaining in place until they were sure Floyd was dead.

    5. Anybody wanna guess when we're going to hear about the occupation, by Antifa, of the Seattle Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)?

      Or is this, as you claim, a budding White Nationalist State?

    6. It wasn't a "perfect disguise for infiltrators" after all? Who knew?

    7. The claim I didn't make was that the Seattle Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone is a budding White Nationalist State. There are White Supremacist infiltrators at the George Floyd protests. As confirmed by the FBI.

    8. The same FBI that confirmed that Trump was a Russian Agent? lol!

    9. The FBI never confirmed that Dotard is a Russian agent. They opened a properly predicated investigation into the MANY contacts between Russian nationals and the Dotard campaign. They found collusion, as confirmed by the Mueller report.

      Although (IMO) Dotard acts as a Russian agent. But I do not believe it is "official".

    10. So you've been spreading unfounded conspiracy theories this whole time (3+ years)? You should be ashamed of yourself!

    11. I'm not ashamed of myself because you imagined I did something I did not. I have nothing to do with your delusions.

    12. You didn't spread unfounded conspiracy theories? You just admitted to doing so. Are you delusional again, NOW?

    13. I linked to an story concerning FBI findings. That isn't "unfounded". It's "founded". You're the one who had delusions concerning imaginary "deep state" coups to oust Dotard from office.

    14. ...Findings that have since been revealed completely false.

    15. Which ones? The FBI findings regarding White Supremacist infiltration of BLM protests have been confirmed true. If you're referring to the "findings" concerning Dotard being "framed" re Russian collusion -- those HAVE been found to be completely false. So... I agree (if those are the findings you're talking about).

  6. We'll believe our own eyes, alright. We saw a cowardly president gassing his own citizens just so he could pull off a photo-op in front of a church he never goes to, holding a book he never reads. The People's House is now surrounded by miles of fencing and barbed wire. All of this is the work of a proto-fascist punk who managed to get elected with the help of a former Communist KGB officer.

    Domination? That got President Bunker 38% approval, and falling. Some dominance.

    The American people are tired of Trump's chaos, corruption, immorality, lies, and savage incompetence.

    You actually believe Americans want 4 more years of that. How quaint.

    1. Jerry Nadler must not be running again... he refused to bend the knee to Kunta Kinte's ancestors.

    2. Jerry Nadler: While my physical limitations impeded my ability to kneel alongside my colleagues, I kneeled w/them in spirit and stood w/shared purpose as we intro'd this important landmark legislation. [end]

      Jerry Nadler did not "refuse" to take a knee. He wasn't able to. He is a member of another group of people who you hate (the elderly). That would be in addition to hating the descendants of slaves brought here from Africa.

    3. So Nancy Pelousy LIED when she said that, "ALL who wish to kneel will now kneel for our moment of silence". Well no surprise that she would lie in a memorial to injustice....she is a Democrat, after all.

    4. Yes, she "lied" because Jerry Nadler wanted to kneel but couldn't. But she has no chance of catching up to Dotard.

    5. She lied because it was pathological. In other words, 'twas her 'nature'.

    6. That's why Dotard lies. It is HIS nature. As for Nancy Pelosi "lying", she simply did not say that Jerry Nadler wouldn't be kneeling because he could not. I don't know OR CARE why. It's inconsequential. Everyone else keeled.

    7. No, it was a deliberate omission intended to punish Nadler at the ballot box for his incompetent handling of the Trump Impeachment Hearings.

    8. No. That's only what you used your mind-reading abilities (aka your delusions) to determine.

  7. I guess some folks forget that older gentlemen and gentlewomen experience joint pain due to osteoarthritis. Quite often so severe they have NO choice to avoid certain activities.

    mr minus is a trunptard so we must try to understand the deficiency he is probablt operating under.

    1. As if you haven't expressed your hatred for Barack Obama (ODS). Hate that has you buying into debunked/inane conspiracy theories about his place of birth, religion, sexual orientation, etc. For you to continually respond to the RIGHTEOUS hate of Dotard with your "TDS" bullshit is LAUGHABLE.

    2. None were debunked. They just had a bigger cloak of Gyges thrown over them. :)

    3. Quote: Researchers have been hard at work examining why a small minority of the population believe, and even thrive, on conspiracy theories. Lantian et al. (2017) summarize the characteristics associated with a person who is likely to believe in conspiracy theories:

      ...personality traits such as openness to experience, distrust, low agreeability, and Machiavellianism are associated with conspiracy belief. "Machiavellianism" refers to a personality trait where a person is so "focused on their own interests they will manipulate, deceive, and exploit others to achieve their goals". [end quote]

    4. ...and I thought that they were associated with comedies like his "Clizia"

    5. "They" are Dotard and his magaturd cultists (people like you).

  8. Mattis Aide Backs Up Bolton: Trump Said Journalists Deserve To Be Executed

    So let's recap, just recently we've learned that:

    Trump asked the Chinese Communist leader to help him get re-elected;

    Trump told the Chinese Communist leader that it is the "right thing to do" to put religious minorities in detention camps; and

    Trump said journalists deserved to be executed.

    The only explanation to account for any American's continued support of this proto-fascist is that they're either cultists (who care nothing about what the leader is or does, as long as he or she speaks to their prejudices), or they're proto-fascists themselves and love his rhetoric of rage and violence; or they possess the IQ of a houseplant.

    Which one do you suppose fits Minus FJ?

    1. It is possible, even likely all 3 apply with Minus FJ.

    2. It's also possible, even likely, that RNs head smells like pShaw's ass for all the time it's been stuck up there.

    3. Oh, Minus! Aren't you the clever little pig! You can't refute anything I've written, so you resort to sexual insults, as though either RN or I give a flying donut what you say. All that does is enforce our percenption of you as a weak and frightened little punk whose only defense is to attack people with sexual smears.

      Go back to reading your porn and doing whatever little boys like you do while reading it. It's where you get your ideas, I suppose, and those nasty hairy palms.

    4. RN's head up your ass is a sexual insult? You must lead a very strange sex life.

      And hairy palms? Is that a revelation of some kind of sex fantasy that you have about me? LOL!

    5. You're the fan of an admitted pervert. As well as the author of a comment where you write about your sex fantasy concerning women being raped by wild hogs.

    6. You know pShaw wants me. yru so jelly?

  9. Shaw... here's what it comes down to... Bolton, Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly, Cohn, Mooch and soon to be added to the list, McMaster are all liars, all wrong on the facts. Not a one of them is saying anything remotely true and their interpretation of events is all wrong. According to Pres Trump, folks like Joe, minus and the rest of the extreme conservative blogger class.

    At least Senator Alexander blew that defense out of the water, saying the Dems proved their case. He just didn't think Trump should have been removed.

  10. Again, I draw your attention to the sock puppets Minus FJ, Joe Conservative, and The Absolute Marxist. They've not refuted anything I wrote about how corrupt Trump is.

    Their only counter argument is to suggest one of their sexual fantasies about me. And yes, what they wrote is sexual. It's the only way that person (they are one and the same) deals with me when I write things they don't like.

    It'll be a glorious day when Trump is defeated good and hard and the Sock Puppet Master above runs away from liberal blogs with his tail between his legs.

    1. She can't stop talkin' about me. No 1der dervy b so jelly...

    2. @pShaw... Stop it, you're embarrassing me with all your submissive puddle posts. Stop marking your territory. You're making dervy all jelly.

    3. Typical misogynist response -- Shaw is clear in her dislike for you -- and you interpret that as her liking you. No doubt you agree with Brett Kavanaugh who believes "No Means Yes, And Yes Means Anal".

    4. Or, you agree with the "no means yes" part at least. Your homophobia (which you mask as a concern for public health) might cause you to disagree with the last part.

    5. Don't b jelly, dervy. You'll have a girl 1day.
