WYM Pages

Friday, June 26, 2020

Dotard Drumpf (Our Current Putin-Installed Predisent) Predicts That Joe Biden Will Defeat Him In November

In a 6/25/2020 interview with the ultimate bootlicker Sean Hannity, Predisent Dotard concedes "he's going to be your president because some people don't love me maybe". This after some projection in which Dotard claims that Biden "can't put two sentences together".

"He can't speak" Dotard says. Here is a compilation from the Daily Show which proves which of the two candidates it is who can't speak.

Should Biden be nice to Dotard and go easy on him? I say NO. Provided Dotard doesn't chicken out and refuse to debate. Joe Biden absolutely should bring up the fact that Dotard can't put two sentences together. And clearly isn't well enough to continue on in the physically demanding job as president.

The speculation is that Dotard had a stroke. Or has had a series of mini strokes. Why he had trouble raising the glass of water to his mouth (and had to use his other hand to complete the lift). Obviously the Dotard administration is covering up his health problems.

Not that we need additional reasons to dump this bozo. His corruption, White Nationalism, fealty to Putin and mishandling of the Coronavirus pandemic should be reason enough to give him the boot. Let us pray that Dotard has predicted correctly and that Joe Biden will be elected our next president.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-156.


  1. Asked by Hannity for his 2nd term priorities, here's how our president, Donald J Trump responded...

    "Well, one of the things that will be really great, you know the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience. I’ve always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It’s an — a very important meaning.

    I never did this before. I never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington, I think, 17 times. All of a sudden, I’m president of the United States. You know the story. I’m riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our First Lady and I say, ‘This is great. But I didn’t know very many people in Washington. It wasn’t my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York. Now I know everybody, and I have great people in the administration.”

    You make some mistakes. Like, you know, an idiot like Bolton. All he wanted to do was drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to kill people."

    That's our 2nd term?

  2. Now before our Trumpistas get too busy, maybe they could tell us if they are supporting a president who is aware that Russia was paying a bounty on dead US soldiers to people from Afghanistan.

    It was reported by the NY Times and verified by the Wall Street Journal.

    I never thought I would see a US pres sucking up to Russia in my life. But perhaps worse, I never thought I'd see fellow Americans excusing that level of malfeasance from a CinC.

    But here we are.

    1. ...says the party of Fidel, Che and Hanoi Jane.

    2. "Hanoi Jane" apologized. She is a good Democrat. Fidel and Che are Communists. I don't know what the Communist Party of America has to say about Dotard's Russian collusion -- but I am positive Dave Miller wasn't speaking on their behalf.

    3. 100% right Derv... I noticed that, following a well worn path, Joe doesn't even try and defend a president who has no agenda for a second term and who, along with others in his admin, has been aware of Russians paying for American deaths since March. With no response.

      There's no Che here, no Fidel, no Pol Pot, no Lenin, no one.

      All we have is a president unable to answer a simple question about his second term agenda, who also seems to be an apologist or enabler of the dictator led Russia.

      Let's remember Joe, minus and the rest of whatever monikers will show up, the Trump interview came not from the "Gotcha Lamestream Media", it came from Sean Hannity on FOX News.

    4. Meanwhile, in Sleepy Joe's bunker, aids assist Sleepy Joe in preparing for the inevitable presidential debates.

    5. Hey minus... why so obtuse? Why not engage on the issues as opposed to aping Pres Trump and his childish habit of name calling while avoiding the issues?

    6. Because you'd have to be open to receiving and accepting facts contrary to your ideological narrative, and over 20 years of on-line debating experience has lead me to conclude that the Left is incapable of anything short of virtue-signaling Group-Think.

    7. You should give it a try minus. Even Silverfiddle says I'm not an extremist, am open to reasonable arguments and will concede facts.

      Am I a partisan, sure. But facts are facts.

      I called for Pres Clinton to resign as he sullied the office of the presidency. I did not support Gore because he was a liar. Same thing for HRC. I walked precincts for Nixon and supported Ford.

      Contrary to your myopic views, I'm no ideologue.

      Besides, if you don't want to engage, why bother? Is it just about getting someone's goat?

    8. You think that this blog is a serious venue for serious discussion? You obviously haven't read a single post. Look around you. See any "deep and serious" thoughts being expressed? Go back to AoW's, or try Joe at Political Tea Leaves. They occassionally hit upon serious topics there. But I wouldn't expend 10 seconds exerting energy towards defending a serious argument here.

    9. This blog, like 90% of my blogs, is pure troll bait satire.

    10. You think Russian propaganda makes for serious discussion. That's real satire.

    11. Russian propaganda? Now you know just how "serious" this snark site is.

    12. Am I "critical in a rude or sarcastic way"? I try. But only in reply to unserious bloggers who believe in imaginary "hoaxes" and "witch hunts".

  3. How do we know Dotard doesn't have Essential Nerve problem? My wife gas had that affiction for 9 years. It is a progressively worsening disease. My wife now must use two hands to raise a glass of water to dring because her hands shake and she must use both hands to steady the glass. So. Who knows?

    Dotard is certainly unfit for office. But his unfitness is due to mental/emotional inadequacies not physical. I note FDR's polio. Dotard is so self centered he is incapable of grasping anything in any terms other than how circumstance effect HIM personally. He is incapable of empathy, compassion, or understanding his role as president is to SERVE THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE of the nation that THEY entrusted him with to lead. He has, and IS failing them miserably.

    His divide and conquer strategy worked for him and he was elected. It continued to work for a time but because of his handling of the pandemic, his mishandling of the BLM protests on the heels of blank people being murdered by the state, and so much more things for Dotard are falling apart. A VERY good omen.

    Perhaps God sent Covid-19 to infect folks so as to bring the insanity brought by the Dotard administration to an end. If there is a God I'm thinking maybe it is how God is actually saving the world from Dotard destroying it (climate change et all). This is now more nonsensical than the conspiracy theories of Dotard and his syncophants.

    And JC's comment is just as nonsensical.

    1. You have a point RN. Remember, however, that Dotard made HRC's health an issue in the last election. She couldn't be president because (apparently) she was about to die. He will likely do the same with Biden. He's doing it now, claiming that Biden "can't put two sentences together". Which I say makes his health fair game. Especially given the fact that the administration is clearly concealing serious health problems. And, if he has any mental problems (Alzheimer's dementia for example), that definitely should be disqualifying.

    2. Your points are certainly valid. Trump is undoubtedly suffering from mental and or emotional impairment. I simply KNOW first hand that Essential Nerve disorder does not make one unqualified or unfit to serve. So, I pointed it out. By ALL means continue to point out and draw attention to ALL of trump's many deficiencies. I know I am. Just want to focus on truth and supportable accusations.

  4. Sleepy Joe most definitely has more than a nerve problem. He's so skeered he can't even leave his basement bunker to campaign.

  5. Minus and his sock puppets can’t engage honestly in Dave’s comments because there is no defense for Trump’s treachery. All they can do is deflect and name-call. In the end there’s no way to deal with cultists like Minus and his other personas who defend the indefensible.

    Trump failed the American people in the Covid-19 crisis, unemployment is at Depression level numbers, job losses, the national debt in the trillions of dollars. he’s hoping to take health care away from millions of Americans during a pandemic, he retweeted a white supremacist tweet, and now we’ve learned that either he didn’t know about the Russian bounty on killing American military ( which is egregious dereliction of duty) or he did know and did nothing, except lobby to have Russia brought back into the G-8. Either scenario is shocking and impeachable along with his asking Communist China’s leader’s help in getting him re-elected. Another treasonous act by this disgusting maniac.

    There’s nothing Trumps cultists can say to justify any of his treasonous, anti-American behavior. And the fact that people like Minus FJ try to do so here shows that they are loyal to Trump, not to America. And that is their tragedy.

    1. Another puddle for me? You just can't get enough of my attention, can you?

    2. Attention from a germ? Nah. Anyway, I've been innoculated against diseased carcasses like yours.

      I will gleefully enjoy watching Trump crash and burn and descend into the bottomless ignominy that he so richly deserves.

    3. Dotard knew about the bounties his master Putin was paying on the lives of American soldiers. He did nothing because Putin OWNS him. Also, he doesn't care about the lives of our soldiers any more than he cares about the 100k+ people who have died due to covid.

    4. ...and this is the only thing pShaw is qualified to mind...

    5. So how does it feel to play a Neocon dupe, Dervy? :)
