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Thursday, July 2, 2020

What "Too Much Winning" Looks Like (And, YES, I Can't Take It Anymore)

Remember when Prediset Dotard promised us that we'd be winning so much that we'd get sick of it under his administration?

The graph at the top of his post illustrates what "too much winning" looks like. The United States is number 1 in coronavirus infections. Way to go, Dotard!

Acutally this much "winning" sucks. And (as Dotard predicted) I am sick of it. Hillary Clinton wouldn't have ignored the threat posed by the coronavirus for 3 months.

This wouldn't have happened if Hillary Clinton had won. Opinion by Max Boot. 3/21/2020. (Excerpt).

The coronavirus is the most foreseeable disaster in history — and so is President Trump's inability to rise to the occasion. There were scattered warnings before Pearl Harbor and 9/11 of what was to come. But nothing like this. ...throughout January and February, the U.S. intelligence community was warning Trump that the pandemic was going to hit America. "The system was blinking red", one official said.

But Trump wasn't paying attention. "It will all work out well", he blithely tweeted on Jan 24 while credulously thanking Chinese President Xi Jinping for "working very hard to contain the Coronavirus". (A British study suggests China could have eliminated 95 percent of its cases if it had acted three weeks earlier, when a doctor first called attention to the epidemic in Wuhan).

I weep in anger and frustration imagining what might have been if Hillary Clinton — a sane, sensible adult — had won. We couldn't have avoided the coronavirus, but we could have ameliorated its effects. It was precisely because we were afraid of how Trump would mishandle his weighty responsibilities that some "Never Trump" conservatives supported Clinton in 2016.

On May 8, 2016, I wrote in the Los Angeles Times: "There has never been a major party nominee in U.S. history as unqualified for the presidency. The risk of Trump winning, however remote, represents the biggest national security threat that the United States faces today".

There were many reasons Trump won. Ironically, one of the most oft-cited was the desire to blow everything up, because Trump voters were convinced that things couldn't get any worse than they were in 2016. As they shelter in their homes and the economy grinds to a halt, I wonder if perhaps they now realize how good they had it under President Barack Obama?

For the past three years, Trump supporters have scoffed at critics, claiming we are out-of-touch, pointy-headed, coastal elitists too focused on Trump's unconventional way of speaking while ignoring his historic policy achievements — meaning an expanding economy that he inherited from Obama. Perhaps they would like to rethink that argument now that the stock market has given up all of the gains it made under Trump and the unemployment numbers are heading for Great Depression levels?

Clearly the real problem is too much losing. But we were warned. Now the "brillian businessman" who bankrupted multiple casinos is bankrupting America. And continuing to do nothing as the death toll rises. The only thing "great" about the Dotard presidency is the cost. If only Hillary were president...

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-157.


  1. Replies
    1. The CDC under Dotard is conflating the two tests, making it look like we're testing more than we actually are. This makes it appear as though the Dotard administration is going a better job (re testing) than it actually is. So... the "deep state" has flipped and is no pro-Dotard?

    2. QuoteL The upshot is that the government's disease-fighting agency is overstating the country's ability to test people who are sick with COVID-19.

    3. That's The Atlantic's spin. The truth is that by counting the people who already had Covid in the distant past with people who have just caught Covid, the testing makes it look like ACTIVE Covid cases are increasing, when they're not. And THAT is what has caused all the states to go back on lockdown, not any real resurgence of the virus. And THAT is also why the "age breakdown" has gotten so MUCH younger, they were the 95% asymptomatic cases.

    4. As for all the hype about inadequate testing… the numbers speak for themselves.

    5. The truth is that by counting the people who already had Covid in the distant past with people who have just caught Covid, the testing makes it look like ACTIVE Covid cases are increasing.

      That isn't what they're doing...

      Quote: The problem is that the CDC is clumping negative results from both tests together in its public reporting. [end quote]

      The CDC (under the Dotard administration) is inflating the number of tests to make Dotard look better, not make it look like there are more active cases than there actually are (the negatives are being lumped together, as per the quote above).

      There is no conspiracy to make Dotard look bad. The CDC works for Dotard. Dotard makes himself look bad.

      btw - 80% of those tested already have immunity to the COVID19 virus from previous colds.


      Quote: ...there is no empirical evidence to definitely suggest so. ... It is not at all clear... if this cross reactivity provides some level of preexisting immunity to SARS-CoV-2. ...this is merely a hypothesis that requires validation by research. [end quote]

    6. Some states, following guidelines from the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, report antibody-test positives as “probable” COVID-19 cases without including them in their confirmed totals.


  2. ps - If they wanted to make "testing" a positive, where's you post on the fake increased testing? The REAL STORY.

    1. The "reopeingings" have resulted in more infections. Deaths will follow. They are currently down because of the lock downs. But they will be increasing shortly. The phenomenon is known as a lagging indicator.

    2. Your addiction is denialism.

      Wikipedia: In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.

      The term COVID-19 denialism... refers to the thinking of those who deny the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic. Or, at the very least, deny that deaths are happening in the manner or proportions scientifically recognized by the World Health Organization. These claims are considered pseudoscientific and the current scientific consensus supports data issued by countries' health agencies. [end Wikipedia excerpt]

      It is far better to know the truth than to be in denial. You have NO CHANCE of fixing a problem when you refuse to even acknowledge there is a problem.

      "Panic porn"... BWAHHH!!

  3. There you go again Derv, publishing the liberal hack RINO Max Boot. Everyone knows there is no such thing as a real conservative who doesn't support Donald Trump.

  4. The big problem for Trump's loyal partisans, and they are legion, is they cannot refute, or defend his actual words.

    He told us way back in February that "we have this totally under control" and said the cases would be soon be down to zero. That was thousands of deaths ago, no matter how you add it all up.

  5. Informed sensible non tRump cultists know the truth. And the truth is Dotard donnie has botched the USA response to the pandemic. As well as showing little to zero leadership with regard to masks, social distancing, or proper hygiene. Superspreader rallies so tRump could get back to campaigning and blowing more smoke has been all that interested Dotard. If the unnecessary loss of life is winning then the Dotard is indeed the winningest agent of death among world leaders...

    1. How many BLM sponsored super-spreader events did you attend? lol!

    2. Don't blame Black Lives Matter protests for the spike in coronavirus cases across the US. (excerpt) ...being outside, wearing masks, and keeping a safe distance from others are all actions that help prevent virus spread. [end excerpt]

    3. No. How could proposals to cut police funding or cuts that haven't occurred yet have any kind of impact on what's already happened?

    4. You've never heard of morale? Declining Expectations? lol!

    5. Sounds like an argument against affirmative action.

    6. So, if the police are to blame ("demoralized" because people are upset with their murdering of suspects), why did you initially blame BLM?

    7. Police are merely "reactionaries." As such you cannot attribute causation to them.

    8. You really have EVERYTHING wrong about the police, don't you? Community policing puts police in neighborhoods forming relationships with the residents. Police who aren't seen as outsiders get cooperation. If the police simply stopped reacting by murdering people that would be a big improvement.

      btw, criminals act criminally. That's what they do. The police are supposed to do something about criminals murdering people, not add to the total. If they don't want to do the job they should be fired. If they add to the problem by murdering people themselves, they should be prosecuted and imprisoned.

  6. Leave it to Joe Con, always willing to change the narrative and blame anything except the man who's supposed to be providing leadership and common sense during a pandemic.

    Trump has failed miserably in every sector. He's on his way to a rally at Mt. Rushmore where the insane governor of So.Dak. has said there will be no social distancing and no masks. And Trump is giddy with the excitement of increasing the infection rate again.

    There it is in a NUTSHELL, pun intended, for everyone to see and understand. Trump has politicized science-based medical guidelines for containing the spread of Covid-19, and his cultists, like Joe Con, and the idiot governor of So.Dak. see nothing wrong with this madness. Or, like Joe Con, change the subject and look for something, anything, else to blame.

    One-time Republican presidential candidate, Herman Cain, attended Trump's Tulsa rally a few weeks ago. No mask. No distancing.

    Cain is 74 years old and now has Covid-19. Very bad age group to get infected, in fact, the worst outcomes are in that demographic.

    Cue Joe Con to blame this on the Deep State, 1,2,3...and not Trump's recklessness and stupidity.

  7. There is no cure for the INSANELY STUPID positions taken by Dotard donnie, South Dakota's governor, Con Man Joe, and the rest of the die hard trumpers.

    Dotard donnie IS RESPONSIBLE for the USA setting the GLOBAL record for one day reported new infections. We are far worse than the European Union and other major nations and this as MOST ASSUREDLY due DIRECTLY Dotard donnie's ignorance and total lack of LEADERSHIP.

    But Con Man Joe is certain to plod on in his delusions of Dotard donnie's "greatness". While other Americans die because of his incompetence and extreme narcissism.

    1. Where are all the bodies of the "covid surge" being buried? Hart Island? lol!

    2. Do the research on the hundred of thousand dead idiot and you'll know.

    3. There should be 2-300,000 dead by now with all the recent surging cases from your BLM superspreader protests. Where'd you them off to?

  8. eh, Houdini? Was the surge just more TDS inspired fake news?

    1. Did it pull an "Andromeda Strain" and mutate into a harmless cold three weeks ago?

    2. Deaths are a lagging indicator. The lock downs were working. Now that we are reopening the number of cases is increasing. Deaths will follow. People don't drop dead immediately after contracting it.

    3. But 18 days is the average lifespan of a mortal COVID contractor. It's been over 18 days... and still no rising death toll. How is that possible, unless it's all just so much #FakeNews...

    4. Notice that when the original pandemic took off on 3/16, we had major deaths by 4/5... it was almost "peaking",,, but when the surge started on 6/15, there was NO INCREASE AT ALL in DEATHS by 7/4...

    5. Could it be that "all those initial deaths" were due to stupid actions by Democrat governors requiring nursing homes to take in COVID patients...

      Sure looks like it.

  9. Denial of TRUTH... THE DOTARD donnie and ALL his ignorant cultists,

  10. JoCon think that because SO FAR there are no "death increases --

    Let me stop right there. Epidemiologists found that, "Although most recent Covid-19 patients had mild symptoms of the disease, nearly 20 percent were critically ill with lung injury that made breathing difficult. Among the critically ill, many experienced cardiomyopathy and catastrophic arrythmias, prompting a call for more research to study the outcomes and long-term health problems that many patients will face."

    But JoeCon is thrilled with that because, like his hero Trump, all he cares about are the numbers, not the thousands and thousands of living, breathing humans who've been afflicted with C-19 because of Trump's incompetence, raging stupidity, and lack of leadership, and who will live with and suffer the consequences of this horrible virus for years.

    Like Trump, JoeCon and his fellow Trumpers don't give a flying donut for the thousands and thousands of Americans who are out of work and can't pay their bills.

    JoeCon continues to try to blame Democrats for the TrumpVirus that's raging in Trump friendly states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona, because the Republican governors of those states did not enforce by example and leadership social distancing and mask wearing. Our Republican Governor Charlie Baker did the sensible and responsible thing by leading and urging people to distance and wear masks. He closed down much of the state, and now we're re-opening step-by-step and our rate of new C-19 cases is going down, down, down.

    Trump refused to wear a mask in public because he was afraid it would make him look weak. Hey, it isn't the mask that makes Trump look weak, IT'S TRUMP WHO MAKES TRUMP LOOK WEAK!

    Trump is a weak and ineffective blowhard who's on the wrong side of history in the C-19 pandemic and his stupid pandering for Confederate general traitors' statues.

    We'll be dancing in the streets of Boston when that wretched man is defeated in November.

    1. Me, at this point I'm just waiting for poetic justice. Perhaps it won't happen but I can hope.

    2. Deaths are still down... The much vaunted "COVID surge" has been a "bust"

    3. Click on "United States" to see the surge, and then "Deaths" to see a dead epidemic.

  11. Joe... you are correct in that deaths are down. Doctors adapt, learn and change tactics, and it seems to be working. What the reason is, doctors are not sure, but everyone can celebrate that reality.

    However, our infection rate continues to grow and expand, even beyond our testing rate.

    Perhaps some believe otherwise, but by a great majority, the medical and science community say we are still in the throes of a surging viral pandemic. Sure there are outliers who say otherwise, but by and large, they are in the minority.

    By the way... just as an aside, and it is related, our president said earlier this year, multiple times, and his Veep affirmed, that if you want, or need a test, you can get one. I can personally attest that here in Nevada, that is simply not true. If you want, or need a test, it depends on who you are. There are not enough tests to go around, supplies to carry out the test, or lab capacity to handle demand.

    1. We're in the throws of "nothing" according to the CDC... we're below the "epidemic threshold".

      “Based on death certificate data, the percentage of (total U.S.) deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26,” the CDC noted, adding that this was the 10th-straight week of declining deaths.

      While the “percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold,” additional data in coming weeks could change that, says the CDC.

      As a piece on the informative Just The News web site explains, “That threshold for (deaths per week for) pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 fluctuates slightly depending on the time of year, ranging from around 7% at the height of flu season to around 5% during less virulent months.”

      So the decline to 5.9% is truly great news, if the trend holds. We’ve reported this decline in COVID-19’s raw death rate before, by the way. The current CDC data compare favorably to the 5.7% average rate for the final 13 weeks of 2019.

    2. The problem is that they're combining virology test with antigen tests. In other words, the "surge" is simply attributing historical infection with current infections under the "current" category. We're mis-measuring the present.

    3. So why has Pence recently begun wearing a mask? And why did Dotard say he'd wear a mask, and liked the way he looked in one - like the Lone Ranger (because, as everyone knows, the Lone Ranger wore a mask over his mouth)? Someone should tell them it's over.

    4. They're simply reflecting peer pressure. And peers pressure you to do LOTS of stupid things.

    5. LOL. I thought that they are the peers. I don't think Putin wears a mask.

    6. So wearing a mask to provide protection to all others in the very possible event you might have the virus unknowingly (being asymptomatic) is STUPID?

      Right. Leave it to a trumper.

  12. His holiness Pope Fauci said not where a mask, it was worthless. lol!

    1. Guidelines come and guidelines go at the whim of the "authorities". Funny how that works.

    2. ...and today's University Discourse recommends masks. What's a Master Discourser like DJT to do? lol!

    3. Dr. Fauci has blinded thee with "Science"!

    4. Fauci has since said he was wrong back then. He also noted that in the early days there was a real worry that if everyday Americans flooded to the market to buy masks, doctors and nurses across America would be left with shortages.

      Which is exactly what is happening today across the southwest. Masks and PPE are being reused all over the place and even VP Pence called for medical personnel to reuse PPE in his briefing yesterday.

    5. I know Dave, but Dervy loves to take old statements that he KNOWS are out of date/ disproven and recycle them. So fair is fair. I'm a tit-4-tat guy.

  13. Perhaps Fauci and Gov Cuomo are good examples. They urged a certain behavior, during the early days of the virus when we were flying blind. They've acknowledged they were wrong and owned their mistakes.

    It's refreshing to see that from governmental leaders. We don't expect perfection, but we should expect honesty.

    BTW, I'm still waiting for my Covid test after being exposed. I'm on a 1 week wait list, that will also include another 1 week wait after the test to get my results. That's after I was informed I had been exposed. Total time between when I was informed and when I will know if I am contagious...

    3 weeks total. If in fact I get the test.

    1. Better get the antibody test. That way you'll know if you HAD the flu.. and by the time you are tested, you'll be over it.

    2. Note, Covid-19 ain't the flu. But yeah, in 3 weeks if you were exposed and and contracted you could be over it. Or dead.

    3. 99.9% chance of being over it. 0.1% chance of being dead.
