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Saturday, August 22, 2020

"The Tragedy Of Where We Are Today Is It Didn't Have To Be This Bad" (POTUS 46, Joe Biden)

In Joe Biden's 8/20/2020 Democratic presidential nominee acceptance speech (video below) our next president said "as president, the first step I will take will be to get control of the virus that has ruined so many lives. I understand something this president hasn't from the beginning. We will never get our economy back on track; we will never get our kids safely back in school; we will never have our lives back -- until we deal with this virus. the tragedy of where we are today is it didn't have to be this bad. Just look around; it's not this bad in Canada, Europe or Japan, or almost anywhere else in the world ... we lead the world in confirmed cases. We lead the world in deaths. Our economy is in tatters ... and after all this time, the president still does not have a plan".

Joe Biden has a plan. "We'll develop and deploy rapid tests. With results available immediately. We'll make the medical supplies and protective equipment that our country needs. And we'll make them here, in America. ... We'll make sure our schools have the resources they need. ... We'll take the muzzle off our experts, so the public gets the information they need and deserve ... We'll have a national mandate to wear a mask. Not as a burden, but as a patriotic duty to protect one another. In short, we'll do what we should have done from the very beginning. Our current president has failed in his most basic duty to the nation. He has failed to protect us. He has failed to protect America. And, my fellow Americans, that is unforgivable".

As per Michael Shear of the NYT (see image above), under Dotard we have suffered "one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations". Me, I don't know how you can call something a "failure" that was done on purpose. According to reporting from Vanity Fair, Dotard tasked Jared Kushner with coming up with a national scale testing plan. Jared's plan was to not do testing and to blame Blue State governors.

Joe Biden says "I'll work hard for those who didn't support me. As hard for them as for those who did vote for me". While Dotard allowed residents of Blue states (where people who support him also live) to suffer and die (apparently these idiots believed the virus would magically go away before spreading to Red states). The choice could not be clearer. We must elect Joe Biden in November. And then prosecute Dotard.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Image from The Week photoshopped by Dervish Sanders. WYM-165.


  1. Joe has the cure and has been holding out on it until people elect him President? That selfish b*stard!

    1. Joe Biden has a plan, not a cure. A plan he has released, so Dotard could steal it. Given that he has refused to come up with one of his own. Obviously the job is too hard for Dotard. He should voluntarily step aside for Joe Biden. Joe Biden WANTS to lead, unlike Dotard.

    2. Yawn. More of Dotard's "deep state" bullshit. Another reason to get rid of this moron -- he takes zero responsibility -- instead blaming an imaginary "deep state". Why he says "China virus" over and over in his "briefings". He's the ultimate blame-shifter. The OPPOSITE of what we need in a president.

    3. No vaccine has ever been developed in under a year. That Dotard is claiming a "deep state" delay is proof of his stupidity. Especially given the fact that the head of the FDA is a Dotard appointee. That you believe Dotard (calling me a liar) is proof of YOUR stupidity.

    4. ...and so Biden's secret Covid plan has simply been to hold back a vaccine... so that he can play "hero". What a self-serving chump.

    5. You're the chump (of your Orange Turd Cult leader). If that were the plan I'd say Biden is guilty (as Dotard is) and should also be charged (see Glenn Kushner tweet at the bottom of my post). There is no vaccine that is being "held back" except in your delusions.

  2. Yes, we MUST elect Biden! If Trump is prosecuted after he leaves office I'd be all for charging him with crimes against the people. Both for the campaigns involvement in the Russian election interference in 2016 and his egregious mishandling of Covid-19. A mishandling that will very likely result in 310,000 deaths by December.

    While I am against the death penalty I would be more than willing to make an exception in Trump's case. He is pure evil so, no great loss if it were to come to pass. But I know it won't.

    1. ...your willingness to make an exception speaks volumes as to your commitment to the principle.

    2. Sometimes ta just gotta take extreme measures to stamp out evil. Trump has no principals or values other than whatever serves Donald. And, he is pure evil personified. So, yes, I would not be bothered with an exception FJ.

      BTW, trumpers, exspecially evangelicals, apparently have few values, principles, or morals either. If they did they would not support a lying, cheating, misogynist, racist incompetent.

    3. Trump may be a lying, cheating, misogynist. But at least he doesn't lack wit. :)

    4. If you consider his wit more important than honesty, decency, integrity, and competency the YOU are part of the problem. Not part of the solution.

    5. If honesty, decency OR integrity were the real issue, you wouldn't be defending Sleepy Joe Biden! He's fifty years a despicable lying sack of sh*t.

    6. Maryanne Trump-Barry (Dotard's sister): "This goddamn tweet, and the lying. My God, I'm talking to freely, but you know. The change of stories, the lack of preparation, the lying, the -- holy shit!". [Video].

    7. Richard Spencer has endorsed Joe Biden for President. I wonder if Trump dtill think's that there were still some "fine people" in Charlottesville. :)

    8. Oh, wait, despite Biden's lies to the contrary, Trump CONDEMNED Spencer... "So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.

      "Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets, and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."

    9. The one attwmpting to change history and negate truth is trump. The reality show host and pussy grabbibg misogynist.

    10. So you like trump's dog whistle signals to white nationalists eh RH?

    11. Dotard's deadly incompetence is causing even the racists to sour on voting for him again? The lol is on you! It might also be that Spencer realizes the wall was a scam. LOL. "We build the wall = we steal your money, suckers".

      Quote: As of May 2020, only 16 miles out of 194 miles of wall constructed under the Trump administration was not replacement fencing.

    12. Re: "I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally"... Bullshit.

      Quote: The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist and neo-Nazi rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017. Protesters were members of the far-right and included self-identified members of the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and various right-wing militias. [end quote]

      These were the only people there (marching in favor of monuments to traitors]. Therefore they are the only ones who Dotard could have been talking about when he made his "very fine people" comment. As opposed to imaginary history and monument lovers.

    13. Richard Spencer is finally "home" where he belongs.. in the arms of his racist mother Democratic Party... :)

    14. Spewncer probably took his political cues from Kamala Harris, Slave plantation beneficiary par excellance.

    15. The Republican Party Is Racist and Soulless. Just Ask This Veteran GOP Strategist. (excerpt) Stuart Stevens says he now realizes the hatred and bigotry of Trumpism were always at the heart of the GOP. ... Asked if the Republican Party in the Trump years has become an outfit free of governing ideas, Stevens went even further: "It was all a lie". ... The modern GOP, he said, never truly cared about the ideas it claimed to care about. This was a stunning indictment coming from a longtime political consultant who had toiled on five Republican presidential campaigns and numerous Senate and gubernatorial races. [end excerpt]

      Dotard = racist-in-chief. His most loyal cultists (people like Minus) follow him because they're racists like him. The claim that the Democratic Party (which would be a permanent minority party without the African American vote) is racist is deflection/projection.

    16. Kamala Harris is Black/Indian. Richard Spencer is a White Supremacist (like you). He takes zero cues from Kamala Harris. Quote: "Spencer calls for the reconstitution of the European Union into a white racial empire, which he believes will replace the diverse European ethnic identities with one homogeneous white identity".

      btw, Biden Campaign Rejects Richard Spencer Endorsement, Condemns Views as "Absolutely Repugnant". Did Dotard reject David Duke's endorsement? No, he pretended to not know who Duke is.

    17. Kamala Harris - 100% descendant of slave owners and beneficiary/recipient of reparations exceeding $2m in 2020 dollars for slaves freed by the British government.

    18. Kamala Harris - Decendant of Slave Owners who after the outlawing of slavery and receiving compensation for freeing black slaves, imported two boat loads of Irish Indentured Servants to keep their plantations going...

  3. You're entitled to your opinion of course RH. Even if it is bullshit.

  4. Derv... lost in all of the chatter is the point of your post... Biden's statement that we didn't have to be where we are today, especially as it relates to Covid.

    After we all digest the different arguments, statements and policies of Donald Trump, the question your post raises is simple. Would anyone else, or more specifically Joe Biden, have done things differently and if so, would we be seeing a better result, or lower death numbers.

    I said many times, up until Covid, that I felt Trump was going to win reelection. I've never seen America, absent gross incompetence, throw out a President who is in office when the economy is good. But now, in my opinion, we are seeing that gross incompetence.

    Independent of the actions of anyone else, Pres Trump has issued false and misleading statements, and the response of his administration, which he himself has criticized and called the "Deep State" has been mixed at best. The US, with 100 million less people than the EU, has had essentially the same number of deaths, 177,000 as opposed to 181,000.

    Why is it that Europe had a better handle on this than we did with all of our American greatness and exceptionalism?

    1. Naw, don't ya know Dave, it's all fake news. Just ask a trumper, they'll set everything straight.


  5. Democratic Governors are responsible for 57% of all Covid deaths.

    1. Trump, not democratic governors, is responsible for the horrifically irresponsible and death toll in America. His lack of leadership and positive example IS RESPONSIBLE. Trump owns it and only the cultists (35% and sycophants in the GOP) think otherwise.

    2. -FJ... nope, Dem governors are not responsible at all for deaths. Covid killed folks. What Democratic governors, Republican governors, President Trump and Congress are responsible for is what our response has been.

      And in this, government has failed at all levels, from the presidency on down, thus putting American lives in jeopardy.

    3. I'd rather be here in America at this time than anyplace, but Sweden, on the planet. They are the ONLY country that handled the response adequately.

    4. Sweden records highest death tally in 150 years in first half of 2020. (excerpt) Between January and June this year, 51,405 deaths were registered -- more than 6,500 fatalities (or 15%) over the same period in 2019. This is the highest number of deaths in Sweden during the first half of the year since 1869, when the country was struck by famine and 55,431 people died. [end excerpt]

      Sweden's COVID Policy Didn't Create Herd Immunity (excerpt) Diverging from much of the world, Sweden let COVID-19 spread in hopes the population would develop "herd immunity." But the risky strategy failed, a new report finds. ... Experience suggests that severely infected COVID-19 patients acquire antibodies immediately and during early recovery, but antibodies are much less common in only mildly ill or asymptomatic patients. This means they are likely not immune, and can't prevent the spread of the virus, the study noted. This is central to the concept of herd immunity. [end excerpt]

    5. Among the Countries With The Highest Death Rates Per 100,000 Population, Sweden is #6 (with 56.4), ahead of the US at #8 with 47.9. btw, Sweden is #9 at 7.1% re the Countries With The Highest Case-Fatality Ratios. While the United States is 24, with 3.3% of people who contract covid dying. Yet you think Sweden is the ONLY country that handled the response adequately? (data as of Aug 5 at 3am ET).

    6. In Sweden, it's OVER. While the rest of Europe locks down, Sweden will emerge the only viable economy remaining in Europe.

  6. btw - Europe has had 2,050,000 confirmed Covid cases and 180,722 deaths

    America has had 5,600,000 confirmed Covid cases, but only 165,000 deaths

  7. -FJ... as per the CDC page, the US has had over 176,000 Covid deaths.

    1. Europe still has more deaths from half the number of cases.

    2. Marx, that may be true. Europe was early in the pandemic, as was New York, so the medical ppl perhaps did not know as much then as they do now.

      We're still faced with massive death numbers here in the states. And like many, I believe the president could have handled it better.

    3. lol! The weekly death rate from the surge is already falling to a trickle. This things over. All the low lying deaths have been plucked. From this point on, all the unecessary lockdown pain is DNC TDS inflicted.

    4. Marx... if 1000 ppl a day is a trickle.

      But, you may be partially right. We may be over the first wave hump. I hope there's not a second wave as the science guys and medical professionals predict. No matter who's president.

    5. On average 7,500 people die in America every single day. So an extra 1,000 is only a 13% increase... and the vast majority of those people were on life support BEFORE they got Covid.

  8. Here's how I believe Biden would have handled it: He would have allowed the CDC and NIH and infectious disease experts lead the science, not some woman talking about demon sperm or a pillow salesman touting Oleander as a cure. Who listens to quacks for unproven, untested cures for a novel virus?

    Apparently the Quack-in-Chief who gives oxygen to these charlatans when the real research and testing is being done by serious scientists.

    Trump only cares about himself and he's rushing for a vaccine to make himself look good and the hell with any American who's permanently harmed or even dies because of his recklessness.

    Your conspiracy commenters upthread will never concede that Trump is an idiot, even when all evidence points to that truth.

    I suppose it's amusing to read their claptrap ideas and excuses for their allegiance to the Maniac in Chief, but seeing close to 200 thousand American deaths isn't my idea of a humorous situation.

    1. In 3 more months it will exceed 300,000 deaths. All the while DJT's cultists will refuse to see the truth of his total lack of responsible leadership and incompetence. To his supporters the only thing that matters is the DOW and his desire to MAGA by taking it back to 1950 and the social order of that time.

    2. lol! You'd better hope they voted early!

    3. I simply state the truth. Laugh all you like.

      BTW, hope and a buck 29 will buy you a coffee. I don't bother to hope. It's pointless until Dotard is removed from The Peoples Oval Office.

    4. He's laughing about people unnecessarily dying. Apparently he believes republicans are immune.
