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Monday, September 28, 2020

Dotard Is A Bigly Tax Cheat. Evidence Finally Obtained (Breaking News From The NYT)

MSNBC Video: NYT Obtains Two Decades Of Trump's Tax Returns Revealing Years Of Tax Avoidance, 9/27/2020 (2:46). MSNBC reporter Monica Alba talks about Dotard's response to the NYT breaking story concerning Dotard being a bigly tax cheat.

As per the video description, "The New York Times obtained President Trump's tax information extending over more than two decades. Reporting reveals that Trump paid 750 dollars in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency and paid zero income taxes in ten of the previous 15 years".

This is not "fake news" as Dotard claims. We have long known that Dotard is a bigly tax cheat. Avoiding taxes is something he learned from his daddy. The NYT reporting also revealed that Dotard owes hundreds of millions and his creditors expect repayment within the next few years. I say that the NY AG should move fast to seize Dotard's assets before Deutsche Bank forcloses on his businesses and properties.

While I want the #TrumpCrimesCommission to nail Dotard on as many of the crimes he has committed in office as possible (stacking up the counts like cordwood until Dotard is assured hundreds of years behind bars), I'd be OK if he ended up penniless and in prison until he died only because of his tax fraud crimes. Three of his 5 kids deserve some time behind bars as well. Fingers crossed that karma will finally catch up to Dotard. It is surely about f*cking time.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-181.


  1. lol! Trump paid over $5 million in taxes over the last two years alone. You and the NY Times can't even read a tax return.

    1. Your claim is INTENTIALLY misleading, Minus.

      Quote: Each time, he requested an extension to file his 1040; and each time, he made the required payment to the IRS for income taxes he might owe — $1 million for 2016 and $4.2 million for 2017. But virtually all of that liability was washed away when he eventually filed... [end quote]

      Dotard plays games with the IRS. What is important is what he eventually claimed he owed. And it was NOT 5 million over two years. As per Michael Cohen, Trump's biggest fear is massive IRS bills and potential tax fraud charges.

    2. LOL -- liar. The IRS under the Biden Administration is going to NAIL Dotard for tax fraud and he will receive a bigly prison sentence.

    3. Already planning to re-weaponize the IRS. One would have thought that you might have learned something from Obama's mistakes.

  2. The Times report shows that Trump took more money from foreign governments than he took in from his own American businesses. This is shocking. How the hell did he get a security clearance when he's dealing with foreign governments at this level?

    Trump is also $420 million in debt TO WHOM? We don't know. He won't show us his taxes. Who's holding this debt. How the hell did he get clearance with that much debt to someone -- Putin? or some country we don't know of? Someone has $420 million leverage over him. Who???? That makes him a national security RISK!

    He's a g-d crook, corrupt as any dirty dealing businessman anyone can dream up.

    Ignore the Marxist. He's a cultist and not able to function in the non-Trumpian real world. Nothing he says is grounded in reality or fact.

    1. The Trump Crimes Commission is going to have to follow the money and find out. What the Mueller investigation SHOULD have done. But was prohibited from doing by that snake Rod Rosenstein. trumpers thought he was "deep state" but he actually acted to protect Dotard.

    2. Rosenstein is in Durham's crosshairs as we speak. :)

  3. Have you seen this?

    Maria Bartiromo
    Breaking news: NO John durham interim report. No indictments before election - Bartiromo sources. @SundayFutures @FoxNews @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness
    10:17 AM · Sep 27, 2020

    Where's Minus and Marxist and JoeCon and their promise of uncovering the "Deep State," and jailing Hillary and Barack?

    1. You're right... the indictments should be announced on Nov. 2, 2020...

    2. That's one day before the election. Obviously your illiteracy is acting up bigly again.
