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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Dotard Rapes Minors

During the NBC 10/15/2020 Dotard town hall that was hosted by Savannah Guthrie the predisent (again) gave a shout out to a block of voters who support him. "They are very much against pedophilia" Dotard said about QAnon. Even though Dotard claims to know nothing about them. The same as he knows nothing about David Duke and nothing about the Proud Boys.

Also despite the fact that followers of QAnon believe "that a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against US President Donald Trump, who is battling against the cabal". You'd think he'd know something about the cabal he is fighting. It must be a secret.

By the way, QAnon is not "very much against pedophilia". QAnon is very much FOR making up lies about Democrats (and Hollywood celebrities, including Tom Hanks) and duping idiots into believing them.

The allegation is that, in addition to the incriminating data on Hunter Biden's laptop "confirming" that he set up meetings between his dad and a Burisma official, the Macbook hd also has pedophilia videos on it.

Is the pro-Dotard blogger Lisa a QAnon adherent? Certainly this image is something that could have been photoshopped by a QAnon nutter.

Does Biden like minors? I'm sure he does. But not in that way. There has been no suggestion to the contrary. Unlike with Dotard.

David Pakman Show Video: Woman Claiming Trump Raped Her At Age 13 Tells Story (5:41). Description: Video is released of Katie Johnson, previously known to the public as Jane Doe, giving a disturbing testimony where she alleges Donald Trump raped her in 1994.

Apparently QAnon doesn't give a crap about Dotard raping young girls. Instead (as per the image above) trumpers accuse Biden. Despite Biden not knowing and not having any association with Jeffrey Epstein. Who Bill Barr had murdered to protect Dotard.

Possibly. I certainly have no proof that this is what happened. But why did Dotard wish Ghislaine Maxwell well? Sounded like a threat to me. "Keep your mouth shut re what you know about me and I won'd have you killed like your boyfriend".

btw, as Malcolm Nance points out, frame-ups involving child porn is an FSB (what the KGB now calls itself) speciality.

According to Wikipedia "Although Russia was not involved in QAnon's origins, Russian government-funded Russian state media such as RT and Sputnik have been amplifying the conspiracy theory since 2019".

Whoever is behind QAnon, it is obvious that it's a pro-Dotard propaganda operation that has attracted a bunch of crazies. Including the crazy conspiracy theorist-in-chief (and child rapist) Donald J. Trump.

Maybe Joe Biden should bring up Dotard's rape of Katie Johnson during the final potus debate? We already know Dotard is going to bring up the bogus Hunter hd. Although he'll probably emphasize (or focus exclusively on) the debunked Burisma baloney.

Except that most people likely wouldn't know what Joe is talking about. Because the media is "biased" against Dotard. That's why this Hunter Biden fake news is all over the place, yet we've heard very little to nothing about Katie Johnson or the E. Jean Carroll lawsuit in the MSM.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-191.


  1. This is nothing more than noise to distract from the fact that the country is moving away from Trump and his corruption. Millions and millions of Americans have voted already, and the Hunter Biden distraction won't change anything.

    Trump has shown himself to be inept, incompetent, a liar, cheat, and fraud. Americans took a chance on the novelty 4 years ago, and we haven't recovered since, nor will we in the near future.

    The American people are finished with this horrible excuse for a human being and his corrupt family and administration.

    We're moving on and away from the worst president in modern American history.

    1. All the filthy trumpers have is noise, distraction, more noise, and more distractions. I'd say more but there's really no point. Ignorance and delusions are hard afflications to cure. In the case of trumpers they are incurable.

  2. Derv, the Trump cultist, JoeCon, put up a compilation of Joe Biden hugging and touching people as if that comes close to comparing Trump's saying he has "sex" as a common interest with his daughter, Ivanka;

    that he'd be "dating" her if she weren't his daughter because she has such a great body;

    that Trump brought Ivanka with him to meet his pedophile buddy, Jeffry Epstein (photo all over the internet);

    and that Trump said it was okay for shock jock, Howard Stern, to call his daughter "a piece of ass," which all men understand means Stern was telling Trump Ivanka. his daughter, was f***able to Trump's disgusting face.

    Any other decent father would have punched Stern in the face, but Trump has no human decency, and IMO, neither do the people still supporting this degenerate, bloated narcissist whose own personal lawyer was caught recently on tape, lying on a bed and sticking his hands in his trousers while in a room with what he believed was a 15 year old girl.

    JoeCon's pathetic attempt to label Biden "creepy," while ignoring Trump's incestuous behaviors and comments shows us once again that Trump cultists are blind to his evil and are irredeemable lost souls.


    1. https://headlineusa.com/giuliani-hunter-biden-incest-niece/

      Incest is best in the Biden family...

    2. "...why did Rudy touch his wiener in front of a 15 year old girl?"

      Hey Derv! Rudy Ghouliani was "tucking in" in front of what he thought was a 15-year-old-girl. Doesn't every old guy lie down on a bed in a hotel room and stick his hands down his trousers to "tuck" while a supposed 15-year-old girl looks on? I mean, c'mon! That's normal behavior for "America's Mayor" innit? LOL!

    3. Excerpt from an interview with Justin Frank, a clinical professor of psychiatry at George Washington University regarding his book "Trump on the Couch"...

      Frank devotes a chapter to the psychology of sexism and misogyny. In it he notes that Trump reportedly told the model Karen McDougal and the porn star Stormy Daniels, with whom he is alleged to have had affairs, that they reminded him of his daughter Ivanka. The psychoanalyst suggests this enabled Trump to enact "an unconscious incestuous fantasy" and use the image of his daughter as "a kind of psychological Viagra".

      Trump's body and verbal language around Ivanka has often been unsettling. "I think that he does have an erotic attachment to her", Frank says, "but he leads with his unconscious so he doesn't have to be dominated by it. If he gets it out of his system by saying it and joking about it, he doesn't have to live with it and sit with it. It's like releasing a pressure cooker. He has the courage of his neurosis".

    4. btw, neither HRC nor either of the Podesta brothers arrested yet for their involvement in the (fake) pizzagate scandal. Why is Bill Barr just sitting on this? The Dotard DOJ has had almost 4 years and still no charges. Just the same fake pedophilia allegations again (this time it's Hunter Biden).

      Although (supposedly, as per Minus' link) Rudy has filed a report with the Delaware PD. Maybe they will move a little faster and charges will be filed in under 4 years? Remember that justice delayed is justice denied.

    5. The actress was 24... well beyond the age of consent. And she wasn't his niece.

    6. She consented? Rudy asked if he could rub one out while looking at her? When did that happen? I thought he was just tucking in his shirt.

    7. She needs to be 18 to witness a shirt tuck? Who knew?

  3. The link is to Headline USA, formerly "Liberty Headlines," a disreputable website! Of course a Trump cultist would link to that! Jesus! Gullible juvenile idiots!

  4. From RawStory

    "The latest conservative effort to smear Democratic presidential nominee has now been debunked by a reporter at Fox News.

    On Thursday night, President Donald Trump invited Tony Bobulinski, an ex-business associate of Hunter Biden, to accuse Joe Biden of lying about his knowledge of his family’s overseas business dealings.

    Part of his case against the Democratic nominee was a series of text messages in which Hunter Biden referred to consulting with someone known as “The Chairman” about an investment in a company called SinoHawk Holdings.

    In Bobulinski’s telling, “The Chairman” referred directly to Joe Biden.

    However, Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich combed through all of the texts and emails released by Bobulinski and determined that his claims about Biden being “The Chairman” were false.

    “I completed searching all of Tony Bobulinski’s emails,” she wrote on Twitter. “They establish: the “Chairman” is China; NO ROLE for Joe Biden in emails/docs; Tony Bobulinski states himself there are NO OTHER MEMBERS besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar, and Bobulinski.”

    Heinrich’s tweet came shortly after the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday night that corporate records it reviewed showed “no role for Joe Biden” in any of SinoHawk’s dealings."


    1. The Chairman is also "The Big Guy" that 'H' was holding 10% for? Who knew?

    2. From an article YOU linked to (on your blog)...

      Quote: "There's no evidence that Joe Biden used his power inappropriately or took action to benefit his relatives with respect to [their] ventures".

    3. same link....

      “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”

      At the time, the senator was just months away from both assuming the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and launching his second presidential bid. According to the executive, James Biden made it clear he viewed the fund as a way to take money from rich foreigners who could not legally give money to his older brother or his campaign account. “We've got investors lined up in a line of 747s filled with cash ready to invest in this company,” the executive remembers James Biden saying.

    4. In the bureaucracy, the identity of State interest and particular private aim is established in such a way that the State interest becomes a particular private aim [Joe Biden's] over against other private aims.

      -Karl Marx

      The so-called fact is that civil servants or bureau­crats in capitalist states such as USA are, in their administrative functions, neutral. The neutrality of bureaucrats in capitalist countries is a myth…these men do play an important part in the process of governmental decision—making, and therefore constituting a considerable force in the configuration of political power in their societies. As for the manner in which this power is exercised, the notion of neutrality which is often attached to it is surely in the highest degree misleading; indeed a moment’s reflection must suggest that it is absurd”

      - Ralph Miliband

    5. "A spokesman for James and Hunter Biden said no such episode ever occurred".

      In the bureaucracy, the identity of State interest and particular private aim is established in such a way that the State interest becomes a particular private aim [Dotard's] over against other private aims -Karl Marx.

  5. That's trump and the entirety of what IS NOW his GOP. Not all republicans are disingenuous of course, but trump and all trumpers are.
