WYM Pages

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Prosecution, Conviction And Imprisonment Of Donald J. Trump

"A billboard that recently arrived in a Houston neighborhood in support of Pres. Donald Trump was painted over with a new message this week. In a tweet, Houston lawyer Rogelio Garcia snapped a photo of the billboard, which is located off I-45 near Telephone Road, reading: Take Trump to Prison" (10/17/2020 article by Russell Falcon. WSPA News 7, Spartanburg SC).

As per a recent article in New York Magazine Dotard (after losing the election to Joe Biden) could be charged, convicted and locked up by 2023.

The People v. Donald J. Trump. 9/14/2020 Intelligencer article by Jeff Wise (excerpt).

You might think, given all the crimes Trump has bragged about committing during his time in office, that the primary path to prosecuting him would involve the U.S. Justice Department. If Joe Biden is sworn in as president in January, his attorney general will inherit a mountain of criminal evidence against Trump accumulated by Robert Mueller and a host of inspectors general and congressional oversight committees. If the DOJ's incoming leadership green-lights an investigation of Trump... federal prosecutors will move forward "at the fastest pace they can", says Mary McCord, the former acting assistant attorney general for national security.

They'll have plenty of potential charges to choose from. Both Mueller and the Senate Intelligence Committee — a Republican-led panel — have extensively documented how Trump committed obstruction of justice (18 U.S. Code § 73), lied to investigators (18 U.S. Code § 1001), and conspired with Russian intelligence to commit an offense against the United States (18 U.S. Code § 371). All three crimes carry a maximum sentence of five years in prison — per charge. According to legal experts, federal prosecutors could be ready to indict Trump on one or more of these felonies as early as the first quarter of 2021. ...

But federal charges aren't the likeliest way that The People v. Donald J. Trump will play out. State laws aren't subject to presidential pardons, and they cover a host of crimes beyond those committed in the White House. When it comes to charging a former president, state attorneys general and county prosecutors can go places a U.S. Attorney can't.

According to legal experts, the man most likely to drag Trump into court is the district attorney for Manhattan, Cyrus Vance  Jr. ... Last year, after U.S. Attorneys in the Southern District dropped their investigation into the hush money that Trump had paid Stormy Daniels, Vance took up the case. Suspecting that l'affaire Stormy might prove to be part of a larger pattern of shady dealings, his office started digging into Trump's finances. What Vance is investigating, according to court filings, is evidence of "extensive and protracted criminal conduct at the Trump Organization", potentially involving bank fraud, tax fraud, and insurance fraud. ...

Unfortunately for Trump, both Cohen and his longtime accountant, Allen Weisselberg, have already signaled their willingness to cooperate with prosecutors. "What's great about having an accountant in the witness stand is that they can tell you about the conversation they had with the client" ... Even accounting for legal delays, many experts predict that Trump would go to trial in Manhattan by 2023. ... Assuming that the judge was prepared for an endless barrage of motions and objections from Trump’s defense team, the trial might move quite quickly — no longer than a few months... After someone is sentenced in New York City, their next stop is Rikers Island. Once there, as Trump awaited transfer to a state prison...

According to the pro-Dotard blogger, Minus FJ, Dotard will live to be 89, meaning he will spend the final 11 years of his life behind bars. I wonder how many of his children (and their spouses) will join him?

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-192.


  1. As you know Derv I disagreed with you with regard to GWB who I believed, and still do, that he is and was a basically decent person with some misguided priorities. On trump I agree he should be prosecuted for crimes against the American people. I believe that should occur soon if not immediately after Biden unseats his fat carcass from the Resolute Desk.

  2. Coronavirus death no equal 549 jumbo jet crashes in which everyone dies. In 8 months+.

    And Dotard Death continues to downplay the virus with mockery. The weak little whiney Orange Turd truly is a fuc*ing monster.

    1. Trump didn't create the virus or the stupid governor shutdown response to it. Wanna find blame? Look in the mirror. You'll see an IDIOT staring back ta you!

    2. RN created the virus? Also, I don't think that, if RN looked in the mirror, he'd see you. Maybe if you were standing behind him.

    3. Another sockpuppet? Where is the "Joe Blow" blog? Where's his avatar?

    4. Where's Quid Pro Joe Biden campaigning today, his basement in Delaware again?

    5. Dotard is the quid pro quo predisent. He attempted it with the Ukrainian president (and was impeached). Recently he spoke about extorting 10 million for his campaign from Exxon (saying it is something he could do).

      Joe Biden is campaigning in swing states across the country. Quote: "The former vice president is set to visit Georgia on Tuesday, where he will give his closing argument for the 2020 race in Warm Springs".

    6. He was found innocent during impeachment. :)

    7. Quid pro Joe won't be found innocent. He'll be convicted like the rest of his bagmen.

    8. Dotard was "acquitted" in a witness-less sham trial. Joe Biden isn't going to be convicted of squat. He's going to be our next president. And zero "bagmen" of Joe Biden have been convicted of anything either. It's Dotard associates who are being (and have been) convicted. And will continue to be convicted.

    9. The transcipts of witness testimony presented by the House Managers were all forgeries? Who knew?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Forget all that blathering by The JoeCon sockpuppets here. What they won't talk about is the fact that none of those highly anticipated investigations by Trump's DoJ amounted to anything! The JoeCon sockpuppets were sure that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Hunter would end up in jail after the DoJ uncovered their treachery.

    Trump's DoJ uncovered no such thing, and this Hunter Biden story that even the Wall Street Journal (a Murdoch paper) would not publish because there was nothing there took off like a lead balloon.

    JoeCon and his sockpuppets keep hoping, like Wilkins Micawber, that "something will turn up."

    Nothing's "turned up," because there's nothing there. Hunter Biden should not have taken that job at Burisma, he was acting like the Trump spawn, taking advantage of his father's position in US government. Ivanka Trump has acquired dozens of trademarks in China since her Daddy became president, but JoeCon and his sockpuppets think Hunter is the problem.

    Gawd! Their dishonesty, hypocrisy, and inability to see what is real and what is Trumpian bullshit is astounding. One wonders about the Trump cultists' inability to understand anything except their own delusions. Maybe they're taking drugs to avoid reality and to continue lapping up Trumpian bullshit.

    Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden ARE NOT GOING TO JAIL!

    Trump cultists remind me of this H.L. Mencken quote: "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

    1. Two of Hunter's business partners have now been convicted. The Russians musta REALLY screwed up their disinfo campaign, eh, Dervy?

    2. btw - Is it true that Chinese Chairman Xi's nickname for Joe Biden is "Quid Pro Joe"?

    3. Zero Hunter Business partners have been convicted re anything involving Hunter or the laptop filled with Russian disinformation. There is no connection between the two. All it proves is that Hunter has bad judgment. If Hunter were running for president he'd definitely lose votes over this. But Hunter isn't running for president.

    4. FYI, quid pro quo is what Dotard was impeached for.

    5. Nope, that is what they FAILED at impeaching him for. Turns out there was no substance to the accusations. :)

    6. Sure, that explains why the Senate called no witnesses. Senate republicans already decided they were going to "acquit" Dotard in spite of the fact that he was clearly guilty, so why bother with witnesses?

    7. Sounds like the House Managers wasted every one's time if they couldn't convince the Senators to listen to any more fake witnesses. The transcripts from the myriad of fake House witnesses and BIden connected "whistleblowers" said it all, "not guilty"!

    8. The witnesses confirmed Dotard's guilt. The "transcript" Dotard released himself confirmed his guilt. Why Mitt Romney voted to convict. And pursuing justice isn't a waste of time. Senate republicans who failed to convict should be voted out of office for putting party over country (and the Constitution).

    9. Mitt Romney the hedge fund manager voted with the globalists? I'm shocked!

    10. Dotard corruptly using the office of the presidency to force the Ukraine president to announce a fake investigation has nothing to do with globalism.

    11. Biden witholding $billion IMF loans to Ukraine has nothing to do with globalism? Who knew?

  5. So, that's the best JoeCon has? SAD!

    It'd be the same as crowing over Jared Kushner's business partners being convicted of something. But we don't have to do that when we have the Big Cahuna, Donald Trump's, closest advisors and aides already convicted felons and those who haven't been pardoned by Trump are still serving jail sentences.

    ANd these jokers are trying to make something out of Hunter Biden's addictions? While those same hypocrites ignore Trump's 20+ accusations of sexual harassment and assault, plus one child rape accusation? His secret bank account in China? His paying $750 in taxes while the rest of us supported his disgusting Saddam-style life in a golden tower? Trump's cheating with his Trump University? Plus cheating on everything else in his sordid, lying cheating fraudulent life?

    These people are counting on the Hunter Biden Rudy-inspired bullshit to sink Joe?

    Poor, sad little gullible gnomes!

    1. So it never was the offenses that Trump committed that upset you over the past four years, it was always just the (R) after Trump's name. Doesn't it feel good to FINALLY admit your hypocrisy? The Crimes don't upset you, as you give Joe & son a pass on all of the same crimes. And the Immorality doesn't upset you either, Joe and Hunter get passes. It's just politics that upset you. :)

    2. There is no hypocrisy involved in rejecting false allegations.

    3. Like the Mueller investigation and impeachment? LOL!

    4. No. Those were factual allegations. Mueller report confirmed by Senate republicans who signed off on the intel committee report.

    5. The one's with their pockets stuffed with cash from China like Joe?

  6. To Joe Blow: Joe and Hunter Biden have not been indicted nor convicted of ANY CRIMES. None. You're full of horse manure to even suggest it. What crimes have they been charged and indicted for? Come on. Give us evidence, not just your fevered dreams.

    Meanwhile, FACTS: Donald Trump's closest advisors and aides are convicted felons. His partying buddy Epstein and Epstein's girlfriend were child procurers and rapists. Trump was found guilty of scamming people with his fake Trump U. and had to pay a $25 million fine. Trump had to pay hush money to two women (which is under investigation for campaign finance violations) to not talk about him shagging them both while Melania was giving birth to his 5th child (that we know of).

    None of the above bothers your sensitive morals, but you need to talk about non-existent crimes by Hunter Biden?

    God! What a transparently two-faced, dishonest hypocrite you are.

    But who's surprised?

    Also Trump is impeached forever for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Trump was acquitted by the partisan Republican senators. But Trump is forever impeached.

    So stop with your b.s. No one is buying it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. lol! Now they're coming for Hunter & Joe...

    3. ...as these boys be 'flippin' an dey gots da GOODS!!

    4. LOL. They got nothing. This is ALL about trying to affect the election results. Soon it's all going to go away and we'll hear nothing more about it.

    5. Tell Joe Blow, re: the Hunter Biden story, "We're turning the corner! Soon it'll all disappear!"

  7. Joe Blow, just another loudmouth from the trumtard barnyard without so much as a smidgen of truth to ANYTHING it barfs up. Not doubt the "big man" Presnit Orange Turd is proud of ole Blow boy.

  8. Joe Blow links to Breitbart (Steve Bannon, who's been arrested on felony charges of fraud, was the executive chairman), and the NY Post, a right wing tabloid.


    As I've said before, I pity these child-like naifs who still support the corrupt, malignant liar, cheat, and fraud, Trump.
