WYM Pages

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Supreme Court Perv, Boofing Brett, Onboard With Dotard Election Theft

Boofing Brett, the second perv elevated to the US Supreme Court, says Dotard should be allowed to steal the election. Brett, the judge who really likes beer and used to whip it out and shove it in the ladies' faces while in college, released an opinion in which he wrote that the counting should stop on election day.

Brett Kavanaugh Signals He's Open to Stealing the Election for Trump. 10/27/2020 Slate article by Mark Joseph Stern (excerpt).

Monday's order from the Supreme Court blocked a federal judge's order that had tweaked Wisconsin's voting laws in light of the pandemic. The judge directed election officials to count ballots that were postmarked by Election Day but received by Nov. 9, finding that the unprecedented demand for mail ballots combined with Postal Service delays could disenfranchise up to 100,000 voters. An appeals court blocked his decision on Oct. 8, and on Monday, SCOTUS kept it on hold by a 5–3 vote. The court offered no majority opinion, but Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Neil Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh all wrote concurrences.

Kavanaugh's opinion is the most notable of the bunch because he is the new median justice and the opinion is frankly terrifying. In one passage, Kavanaugh attempted to defend the Wisconsin law disqualifying ballots received after Election Day. He pointed out that "most States" share this policy, explaining: "Those States want to avoid the chaos and suspicions of impropriety that can ensue if thousands of absentee ballots flow in after election day and potentially flip the results of an election".

It is genuinely alarming that the justice cast these aspersions on late-arriving ballots. In at least 18 states and the District of Columbia, election officials do count ballots that arrive after Election Day. And, in these states, there is no result to "flip" because there is no result to overturn until all valid ballots are counted. ...

...another, even more startling assertion in Kavanaugh's dissent [is his endorsement of] an argument that was too extreme for even the Bush v. Gore majority that decided the 2000 election, one that would give the Supreme Court the wholly new right to overrule state courts on their own election laws. In Bush v. Gore, three justices -- William Rehnquist... Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas -- tried to overturn the Florida Supreme Court's interpretation of the state's own election law. As a rule, state Supreme Courts get final say over the meaning of their own state laws.

... Yet Kavanaugh cited Rehnquist's concurrence as if it were precedent. As Rehnquist "persuasively explained in Bush v. Gore", Kavanaugh wrote, "the text of the Constitution requires federal courts to ensure that state courts do not rewrite state election laws".

The most pessimistic view is that Kavanaugh knows exactly what he’s doing: Laying the groundwork to reject enough ballots to hand Trump an unearned second term...

Most pessimistic view? How about the correct one. If the election ends up being decided by the Supreme Court (even though it should not), Boofing Brett is clearly in favor of ignoring the will of the people and installing Dotard.

Probably Amy is as well. When asked during her Senate testimony she refused to say she would recuse herself. Clearly Dotard believes she'd vote to award him the presidency, making him the second unelected president (who wasn't VP first, then elevated to the presidency when the potus died or resigned).

btw, if the election isn't stolen and Biden wins (big on election night, or after ALL the ballots are counted) Boofing Brett should definitely be impeached and removed for lying under oath.

SNL Video: Kavanaugh Hearing Cold Open 9/29/2018 (13:05).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-193.


  1. This is indeed chilling. We now have a corrupt lying presnit, a hypocritical GOP that is nothing if not a group of Dotard Death sycophants, and now a completely politicized SCOTUS. All the doings of a sick, pathetic, lying, moron.

    So, what does that say about nearly 50% of Americans? That shining city on a hill has become a putrid stinking swamp under Dotard Death's stewardship. Thanks to his delusional and blind cultists.

  2. I can't wait for SCOTUS to throw out Roe and then watch all the Karen's scurrying down to Tijuana....

    1. A woman's right to bodily autonomy will be upheld in the blue states. And a lot of red states will go blue when women vote out the republicans who support taking away their rights.

    2. Bullshit. Murder is the taking of a life of an already born person. Also, you care very little about a person's right to life when it comes to police extra-judicial killings of suspects. You're all for the police having the "right" to extinguish lives.

    3. "Murder is the taking of a life of an already born person." Not once Roe is overturned... :)

    4. ....and ps, I treasure INNOCENT life. You guilty f*cks can all DIE and go to HELL for all I care.

    5. The police don't get to adjudicate suspects guilty and carry out death sentences, asshole. Innocent until proven guilty. And Roe hasn't been overturned yet. fyi, Women and doctors being locked up for murder will create a HELL of a backlash.

  3. Dervy on November 4..".the electoral college STOLE the election away from Joe...."

    1. Minus on November 4... "Joe's voter fraud organization stole the election away from Donald". Then you'll demand the Supreme Court overturn the will of the people -- based on your "voter fraud by mail-in ballot" delusions.

    2. Nope, just rule that all ballots received after Nov. 4 in all states are INVALID. :)

    3. aka a Supreme Court coup. If that happens (and Dotard "wins") he will be 100 percent illegitimate.

    4. lol! No, it'll be, by definition, 100% legitimate.

    5. The theft of an election by an autocrat by throwing out as many votes as possible by definition makes the election illegitimate. The American people will view it as such.

  4. Trump flack Hogan Gidley complains on
    @CNN that media coverage of coronavirus is “exorbitantly negative”

    LOL! Any mention of Americans being hospitalized and dying of COVID-19 burns the Trump Death Cultists' asses.

    The new strategy for the Trump Death Cultists is to say America is over the Covid, even as hospitals are filling with sick and dying victims of Trump's Covid.

    Remember when Sarah Palin lied about Death Panels in the ACA? (BTW, Where is that loopy half-wit darling of the deplorables now?) Because America has a true Death Panel President -- Trump. He's lost control of the pandemic here in the U.S. while flying around the country begging people to give him another 4 years to kill more Americans and complete the job of turning the U.S. into a Trumpian shithole.

    1. Covid is killing the right people. Why racist trumpers want to keep it going.

    2. Covid is definitely "saving" Social Security.

    3. Death numbers will likely double by the end of the year. aka (according to you) the pandemic is over.

  5. Remember Typhoid Mary?

    America now has Covid Donald:

    Trump claims US 'rounding the turn' despite new coronavirus cases

    Trump’s rallies have left a trail of Covid clusters across the United States.

    One county in Wisconsin sees 67 per cent increase in cases in the two weeks after event

    Cases of coronavirus have spiked in a series of states where Donald Trump has held campaign rallies, according to a new analysis of infection rates.

    Trump's sickening his own supporters, who'll probably be too ill to vote on November 3.

    Trump's always been a monumental eff-up, but this time people will pay with their lives for his stupidity and incompetence.


    1. aka the pandemic is over with. According to Minus, the CDC will be making an announcement any day now...

    2. Of course, no Covid is being spread by rioters/looters in Philadelphia... e-r-r-r-r-r-r!

  6. NEW YORK (AP) — There is little evidence that the protests that erupted after George Floyd's death caused a significant increase in U.S. coronavirus infections, according to public health experts.

    If the protests had driven an explosion in cases, experts say, the jumps would have started to become apparent within two weeks — and perhaps as early as five days. But that didn't happen in many cities with the largest protests, including New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Washington, D.C.

    In what's considered the first systematic look at the question, a team of economists determined that only one of 13 cities involved in the earliest wave of protests after Memorial Day had an increase that would fit the pattern.

    Drawing from data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, The Associated Press reviewed trends in daily reported cases in 22 U.S. cities with protests. It found post-protest increases in several cities — including Houston and Madison, Wisconsin — where experts say other factors were more likely the main drivers.

    Health officials are still investigating case surges in different states, and more data may come in. But experts believe that if the protests did have a big impact on cases, stronger signs would be apparent now.

    Stats show no jump in coronavirus cases after weeks of protesters in the streets

    So much for JoeBlow's Whataboutism.

    1. Don't look over there!

      You didn't see nothin' there, did ya?

    2. As usual NOTHING to say, other than totally pointless sarcasm. A typical trumptard cultist.

    3. 'F off, RN. We all know that medical pro's weren't "allowed" to enquire whether the patients attended any "protests".

    4. We all know no such thing. To understand how the virus spreads it is important to have ALL the facts. Only in your conspiracy-centered mind are medical professionals suppressing facts and outright lying about covid.

    5. ...They just don't want "us" to know.

    6. You "know" what you want to "know". Which is rightwing disinformation. btw, Bill de Blasio stupidity isn't national policy.

    7. "The City" is rightwing? Whodathunkit?

    8. I was referring to your conspiracy covidiocy writ large, not your source. I don't know anything about "The City".

    9. The City is in on the conspiracy? lol!

    10. I wasn't referring to your article = I was referring to your article and saying the publisher is part of a conspiracy (only to an illiterate such as yourself).

    11. You said that not asking about protests was a "rightwing conspiracy" yet a Leftwing magazine confirms the practice. And still you insist that it's a "rightwing conspiracy". Who's the illiterate one?

    12. Wikipedia: "The George Floyd protests are an ongoing series of protests and civil unrest which began in Minneapolis". Bill de Blasio is the mayor of NYC. He can say don't ask covid patients about George Floyd protests, but nobody outside of NYC has to listen to him. As I already pointed out to you -- Bill de Blasio doesn't make national policy.

      wtf do you care anyway? If you think protesters are spreading the virus, isn't that (in your mind) a good thing? Aren't they getting us closer to "heard immunity".

    13. You said it was a "conspiracy theory". I proved it wasn't. Now you insist that it's a NATIONALLY based theory. GtF up. Just admit it. There's no conspiracy theory. It's simply true.

    14. I read the article. It says covid patients won't be asked if they attended a protest. Then it points out that, when being questioned about their contacts, that info will likely come out (if you were at a protest, fellow protesters were contacts). And the protests were nationwide, where what Bill says isn't policy.

  7. Just more pure bullsh*t from Joe Blow. Derv's resident lunkhead.

    1. Well RN, you have no intellectual integrity. This is what intellectual integrity looks like.

    2. You doth project too much Lunkhead.

    3. Blow Joe is p.o.ed because all of his predictions of Obama, Hillary, Joe, and Hunter going to jail have vanished.

      President Covid's screaming "OBAMAGATE" and saying it's the worst scandal in the history of the United States went nowhere. As is usual with this liar, cheat, and fraud, his accusations were fake.

      And the Trump cultists like Blow Joe and his sockpuppets believed the lying liars.

      Don't be angry with them. They're to be pitied. They've been played.

      Good and hard.

    4. How you must hate your nation to let corruption go not only unpunished, but ignored entirely.

    5. Not at all lunkhead. But, the Orange Turd YOU support IS ABSOLUTELY the MOST corrupt lying POS that ever held the office. That is the TRUTH. But yiur adoration for the racist, misogynistic pig blnds you to truth and facts.

      Have a nice day as your Orange Turd continues to display his desperation.


    6. How ^^YOU^^ must hate your nation to let Dotard administration corruption go not only unpunished, but ignored entirely.

    7. Were Democrats capable of holding their leaders to a single standard or punishing their own, I might agree with you. But you're not...

    8. Rod Blagojevich was sent to prison (later pardoned by Dotard). John Conyers and Al Franken were forced by their party to resign over sexual harassment charges. Democrats wanted to censor Bill Clinton over Monica Lewinsky scandal (why Moveon was created). That's just off the top of my head.

    9. Yet Hillary and Joe Biden still skate... whilst Nixon resigns.

    10. Of course. People who have done nothing wrong usually do get to "skate". Nixon resigned because he was guilty. And there were republicans with integrity serving in Congress at the time. UNLIKE presently.

    11. What you allow is what will continue....

      ...so I'm allowing much, MUCH more. :)

    12. Hillary's guilt, TOP SECRET compartmented info from SATELLITES in her emails, is unquestioned.

    13. Dotard is giving top secret intel directly to our enemies. What you "allow" won't continue for much longer.

    14. If Trump is giving it, it's not "Top Secret" by definition.

    15. It is. Or was prior to him "declassifying" it. This potus couldn't pass a security clearance, yet (because he "won" the electoral college) he gets to declassify anything he wants. It's ridiculous and unacceptable. Another reason to vote him out. Also a reason to not give a shit about your BS about HRC and her emails. She never sent emails that contained classified info to our enemies.

    16. No, she just left them on a private server to get hacked by them.


  8. How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge

    A 64-page document that was later disseminated by close associates of President Donald Trump appears to be the work of a fake "intelligence firm."

    The author of the report, 'Martin Aspen', does not exist.

    So much for the Trump cultists' October surprise. Trump's been a liar, cheat, and fraud all his life, and this fake Hunter Biden scandal is just another example of his and his goons' perfidy.

    This fake scandal is going nowhere. But don't be surprised if Blow Joe has a tantrum as a response to another exposé of a Trumpian scam.

    1. lol! Of course none of the e-mail repositories have been discredited. Not a single one. All show Quid Pro Quo Joe in his true form... selling out America to foreign interests.

    2. Debunked.

      WSJ: Hunter Biden's Ex-Business Partner Alleges Father Knew About Venture. Former vice president says he had no involvement; corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden.

    3. What the facts show is Quid Pro Quo Dotard in his true form... selling out America to foreign interests.

    4. With the blessing of the deluded fools of the trumpism mold.

    5. lol!

      Graham previously told the DCNF that emails sent from Gmail, such as Pozharski’s message to Hunter Biden, can be “absolutely verified beyond a shadow of a doubt” by testing its contents against the unique DKIM signature found in its metadata.

      Graham used the DKIM signature within the email to verify with a private key on Google’s servers that the sender, recipient, subject, date and body of the message that the DCNF obtained from Giuliani were unchanged from when the email was originally sent in April 2015.

    6. Yup, and the Dotard donnie death squad also claims (Jr. DOTARD) that there are few deaths from Covid-19, and that the Dd sycophants have the virus under control.


      Damn you people are STUPID.

    7. Quote: ...experts note that metadata is among the easiest pieces of forensic evidence to falsify. (excerpted from a 8/14/2017 article from "The Hill" concerning the claim that the DNC couldn't have been hacked because the metadata attached to the files showed that it was copied at speed that was too fast for it to have been done over a network. Thus it had to have been Seth Rich who copied it blah blah blah. "Why the latest theory about the DNC not being hacked is probably wrong".

    8. Can be faked doesn't mean "was faked".

    9. Graham said the only way the email could have been faked is if someone hacked into Google’s servers, found the private key and used it to reverse engineer the email’s DKIM signature.

      Again, William of Ockham argues against you.

    10. Lindsay Graham is a computer expert? Who knew? fyi, William of Ockham dies a very long time ago.

    11. I couldn't say about Lindsey, but Robert Graham is the founder of the cybersecurity firm Errata Security

    12. In the blurb, he describes the method.... hacking the Google servers.

    13. From "The Week" (Oct 30, 2020), page 8 "Hunter Biden: Real scandal or Russian dirty trick?"...

      Intelligence officials say it's common practice for Russian hackers to mix in forged documents with real ones, and forensic experts have already flagged typographical "anomalies" in some emails "that suggest fakery".

    14. There were typo's in Crack head Hunter's e-mails? Wow, now you've convinced me that they are fakes....

    15. My quote doesn't say "typos". My guess is that they're talking about errors a non-English speaker would make when faking emails in English.

    16. How about errors a crack-head would make?
