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Sunday, November 1, 2020

November 3rd Predictions

My November 3rd prediction is that Joe Biden will get the most votes. Also, unless Dotard manages to get a massive number of votes thrown out, Joe Biden will win in the electoral college and become President-elect Joe Biden.

Although we won't know that until after November 3rd. In the meantime, barring a Biden election night blowout, Dotard will make a play to stop the count on election night and (if he is ahead) prematurely declare himself the winner. Which is (I guess) how the Supreme Court will become involved.

Then (it is Dotard's hope) the Supremem Court will stop the count and appoint him president. Why Dotard (backed up by his pathetic boot-licking toady Ted Cruz) insisted that Amy be steated ASAP. As for what happens next, I do not know.

Three justices (Barrett, Kavanaugh, Roberts) -- all of them participants in the gwb vs acutal winner Al Gore debacle -- plus Neil Goresuch have signaled they are for disregarding the Will of The People, ending democracy and anointing Dotard.

Which means Dotard needs just one more of the Conservative justices to side with him against The People and democracy to steal a second term. And, given that Clarence Thomas already voted to award the presidency to gwb in 2001, he's a good bet. If Alito sides with Dotard, we could end up with all 6 conservative justices voting to end democracy.

Is this going to be what happens? I don't know. I'm only predicting that a majority of voters will select Joe Biden as their preference for president. And that, if all the ballots are counted, Joe Biden will also prevail in the electoral college. I'm not predicting that he will be inaugurated as our 46th president.

Minus FJ (a Dotard supporter and fan of autocracy) is predicting that the election will be decided by the Supreme Court and that the conservative justices will declare Dotard the "winner". aka Dotard's attempt to steal the election will be successful. Although his framing is that Dotard will successfully stop Sleepy Joe from stealing the election via millions of fradulent mail-in ballots. Despite a complete lack of evidence that ballots that arrive after the counting starts on November 3rd will be fradulent.

Joe Blow: ...just rule that all ballots received after Nov. 4 in all states are INVALID. :) (10/28/2020 at 7:01am. WYM).

Minus FJ: SCOTUS will be deciding this election. Democrats have GUARANTEED it. (10/13/2020 at 6:11am. PTL).

Joe Conservative: Biden will no doubt clog the damn toilet with all his fake mail-in toilet-paper ballots. (10/6/2020 at 1:59pm. WYD).

Joe Blow and Joe Conservative are Minus FJ sockpuppets. Anyway, I guess that means the votes of our men and women serving overseas (many of whom vote republican) aren't going to count this year? trumpers must realize that Dotard disrespecting our troops by referring to fallen soldiers as "suckers" and "losers" is going to cost him the votes of many service members. Or someone (or some entity) is going to intercept their votes and change them from "Dotard" to "Joe Biden"?

Again, forget any evidence. If election day results favor Dotard, the count must be stopped. Because totally unsubstantiated charges of millions of ballots being fradulent is enough to overthrow democracy? This would be a Supreme Court coup.

Ironic, given trumpers have been complaining about imaginary "deep state" coups for three years. Supposedly the impeachment of Dotard for attempting to strong arm the Ukraine president into announcing an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden was a "coup" as well. Now we have (potentially) an acutual coup on our hands (the Supreme Court overthrowing democracy) and they INSIST that happen.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-194.


  1. I tend to share your concerns as the Orange Turd and his anti democracy (democtatic republic) sycophants in the senate and on the SCOTUS desire to take us down the very authoritatian tyrannical path they claim they are opposed to. Every goddamn one of the are pathetic hypocrites.

    What is sorely needed right now is to vote the GOP bastards out and destroy permanently the existing republican party. Destroy it and rebuild a rational slightly center right party. Perhaps then American can regain its former status in the world. Be that shining light for democracy and liberty once again. A very tall order but something worth doing.

    1. The Supreme Court shouldn't be an issue (re this election) if there a clear Biden victory on election night. Let us pray that is what happens. And then Biden agrees that we have no choice but to expand the court. As per what I've heard, the number of Supreme Court judges matches up with the number of circuit courts. Or it used to (be 9 circuit courts). Now there are 13, so there is a logical rational for expanding the court to 13 justices.

      Quote: "The federal court system has three main levels: district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States, the final level of appeal in the federal system. There are 94 district courts, 13 circuit courts, and one Supreme Court throughout the country".

    2. Please, Trump is going to flip California red this year!

    3. Dotard is going to win California? LOL! You said the election is going to be decided by the Supreme Court. That's ONLY going to happen if the election is close. If Dotard were to win CA, the election wouldn't be close. Which is it? Dotard blow out, or close election?

    4. DJT will win bigly. Democrats will sue to get late vote everywhere counted. SCOTUS will have to stop the insanity and save them from their desperation.

    5. If the EARLY vote show Dotard behind, you're still for stopping the count? How is counting all legitimate votes "insanity"? Only because counting them will make Joe Biden the LEGITIMATE winner. F*ck off.

    6. btw, how is Dotard going to stop states from counting their votes? Why the f*ck should they listen to him if he says "stop counting"? Democrats aren't going to have to do SQUAT to get something that always happens (counting ALL the votes) to continue happening.

    7. Why would the Early vote show Trump behind? In Maryland, barely 18% of registered Democrats have early voted. Over 30% of registered Republicans have... which when added to the 18% of registered Independents VASTLY exceeds the Democrat total.

    8. The voter enthusiasm gap is HUGE!

    9. I agree. The voters are very enthused about getting rid of Dotard, the worst president in American history. Also, high turnout favors Democrats. Why you want to invalidate as many ballots as possible.

      Vox: Democrats are more likely to have voted early. Democrat: 48%, Republican: 42%, Third Party: 10%.

    10. No...they are much more likely to vote by MAIL. Early voting in MD has turned out 30% of registered Republicans vs 18% of registered Democrats

    11. In MY county (Harford) 40% of Republican have voted... but then you need to be an Olympic class hurdler to jump all the Trump lawn signs in my neighborhood.

    12. People must be especially stupid in Harford. According to the Baltimore Sun, "...a Harford County man was arrested after allegedly refusing to leave a polling place where he wanted to vote without a mask. Charging documents state the man was offered the option of voting with a provisional ballot outside, which he refused. The man, who has since sued the Harford County Board of Elections, among others, argued he was disenfranchised and his constitutional rights were violated".

    13. Sounds like he's going to win the lotto if he gets a jury of his peers.

    14. Sounds like he decided he didn't want to vote. Then waste money hiring a lawyer for a lawsuit that will be tossed out.

    15. lol! Harford County ain't Baltimore, Hon.

  2. Endless Lawfare trying to get fraudulent ballots counted isn't going to work, Dervy. Face it. Save yourself some heartache. Trump will be President until January of 2025.

    1. Endless Lawfare trying to get LEGITIMATE ballots counted amidst the voter supression efforts of the Orange Con and the trumptatd GOP is going to work OR you're going to have UNBELIEVABLE social unrest/violence. So, prepare for it if your corrupt criminal presnit, GOO, and a criminal court subverts the legitimate vote.

    2. Move to France, RN. I hear that you can get an apartment in Paris to get locked down in to ride out the COVID Wave real cheap. And you'll be in that authoritarian state of your dreams... So apply for your VISA now!

    3. Sorry dumbass. I have no intention of listening to any of YOUR stupid delusional trumptard bullshit. But, if things go as I expect they will with the Orange Shit Storm I'll be meeting you in the streets fightling to gain back MY liberty.

      So, go shit in yiur hat Thersites.

    4. lol! Like you had any liberty BEFORE Trump. You're a sad joke, RN.

    5. No, batshit crazy loon. But thanks for showing me your ignorance.

    6. I'm not the one hiding in my basement with a mask on.

    7. LMA0!

      Damn you're dumb. But I expect nothing else from trumtards.

    8. Minus is a FULLY indoctrinated Dotard cultist. Dotard is saying he's going to win CA (LOL) so Minus says it. Like Dotard he thinks ballots are "fraudulent" simply because Dotard says so. Dotard tried to prove he won the popular vote with his "voter fraud commission" and FAILED. Because voter fraud is statistically insignificant.

      Low rates of fraud in vote-by-mail states show the benefits outweigh the risks (excerpt) As more and more states move to mail-in ballots as the safest way to vote during a pandemic, Trump has mobilized the Republican Party to fight them and the Republican National Committee filed suit in California last week. He has made two accusations about mail-in ballots; the first is that they favor Democrats and the second is that they make it easier to cheat. Neither one is supported by the facts. There is no evidence to suggest a systematic bias towards one party or another from mail-in ballots. Nor is there any evidence that there is widespread fraud in the use of mail-in ballots. [Brookings, 6/2/2020]

    9. You never look, you never find. The DNC ensures that no one ever looks. Gyges cloak covers all.

    10. They FOUND that voter fraud is insignificant, not zero. They looked and found hardly any voter fraud. btw, those who were found were prosecuted. Your imaginary cloak covers imaginary voter fraud.

    11. The Democrats refused to open their books on voting.

    12. Speaking of "endless lawfare" how about Harris County in Texas. The state GOP is suing to invalidate ,ore than 100,000 votes. Not because they are fraudulent, but because people put the ballots in county and state approved drop off boxes at the curb!

      The GOP is arguing that since the at the curb location is not in the state constitution, a strict, originist reading would prohibit that type of voting.

      They lost the first time they argued for throwing out those ballots, earlier in October before the Republican dominated State Supreme Court, so they returned with their essential cars are not in the constitution for a second try.

      When their own Supreme Court threw that argument out too, did they accept the local rule they normally genuflect to? Of course not. Now they are at the ACB US Supreme Court demanding the voted be thrown out.

      Ask yourself Minus, FJ, Joe, Thersites and the rest of you guys. Why is the GOP so interested in now letting people vote? They're not arguing these votes are fraud, they are arguing they don't like how the state made it easier to get your vote counted during a pandemic!

      Perfect evidence of the rot that infests the current GOP at all levels.

    13. Perhaps they shouldn't have placed 9 of the 10 curbside locations in heavily democratic areas of the County in violation of the equal protection clause.

    14. Minus: The Democrats refused to open their books on voting.

      LOL. Bullshit.

      Wikipedia: State responses... There was an immediate bipartisan backlash and rejection of the inquiries with a majority of states quickly rejecting the requests. Notably, commissioners Kobach, Dunlap, and Lawson (who also serve as the secretaries of state for Kansas, Maine, and Indiana respectively, with Indiana being Mike Pence's home state) indicated that their state laws forbade them from complying. Some states offered to only provide information that is already made public or available for purchase. No state has said they will fully comply with the list of demands. [end].

    15. What part of "no state fully complied" don't you understand?

    16. You said Democrats refused. My excerpt proves republicans didn't comply. Including republicans ON the committee. What part of that FACT do you not understand?

    17. Nothing you've said makes my original statement false.

    18. ...and if Republicans refused to open THEIR books after failure was a foregone conclusion, who could blame them?

    19. That isn't what happened. The republicans didn't decide not to share their data after Democrats refused. They never would have complied. State law forbade the data sharing.

    20. Never underestimate the power of Never-Trumperism.

    21. Kris Kobach runs Kansas? Who knew?

  3. Trump wins at 279 electoral votes or Biden squeaks by with 270. And the popular vote is Biden by between 10-15 million votes.

    Arizona and PA being the keys. Unless Biden gets an early call in Georgia. Then it might be a landslide to Biden.

    It's all about the states.

    1. How are you going to win Georgia with 20% of Black males going for Trump? lol!

    2. Dotard is going to clean up when it comes to the White Supremacist vote (people like Minus). He is not going to get 20% of the Black male vote. Not when 8 in 10 Black Americans view trump as a racist.

      The Atlantic: It is often said that Trump has no real ideology, which is not true—his ideology is white supremacy... His political career began in advocacy of birtherism, that modern recasting of the old American precept that black people are not fit to be citizens of the country they built. But long before birtherism, Trump had made his worldview clear. He fought to keep blacks out of his buildings... called for the death penalty for the eventually exonerated Central Park Five; and railed against "lazy" black employees. "Black guys counting my money! I hate it... The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day". After his cabal of conspiracy theorists forced Barack Obama to present his birth certificate, Trump demanded the president's college grades (offering $5 million in exchange for them), insisting that Obama was not intelligent enough to have gone to an Ivy League school, and that his acclaimed memoir, Dreams From My Father, had been ghostwritten by a white man, Bill Ayers.

    3. lol! The Uncle Toms have escaped the Democratic plantation and Massah don't even see 'em. He sho' dey be in there cabins.

    4. There is no "Democratic plantation" to escape. All Black people can do (re their vote) is become useful idiots for Dotard.

    5. ...or stick with voting Democratic. The only sane choice. Why approximately 92% of Black voters make it.

    6. Dem former plantation residents are all on the Underground Trump Train. :)

    7. I agree. Nobody is on a train that doesn't exist. Given that there is no "Dem plantation" for any Black voters to escape from and Dotard is a White Supremacist.

    8. Dey ain't real? Den dey mus be like the Leftuns "magical negroes... who only exist to help the white protagonist overcome some obstacle, like Joe Biden in de election agin da evil white Republkin Trump...

    9. ...an once-un Joe Biden get elected, dey jus magically disappear from the Democratic platform legislative priority list...

    10. If you're Black and want to help Biden defeat the evil White Supremacist, it isn't magic that you need... just common sense.

  4. "How are you going to win Georgia with 20% of Black males going for Trump? lol!"

    FJ, Are you asking me? I never said the Dems would win GA did I. I simply said if the Dems do somehow win that state, currently very close, it could be evidence of a brewing landslide.

    Maybe you missed this advice when you were younger

  5. Tit for tat and the trumptard dummies are having a ball.

  6. Derv... Trump is going to over perform with black males. It's just a fact. Because those guys at the end of the day are just looking at their pocket book. It's the logical extension of what Tip O'Neill always said, "All politics is local" and you don't get anymore local than a pocketbook and dinner on the table.

    Regardless of how he got there, African Americans, on pocket book issues, have fared better during the Trump Admin than ever before.

    So on that count, Minus is correct. look, every tick of the meter on this demographic group makes it harder for Biden to win.

    The question is will there be enough black men pulling the Trump lever to swing the vote? Maybe so.

    Also, Trump, while not getting a majority of the Latino vote, can win reelection if he can just get to about 35% as opposed to the 28% or so percent he got in 2016. And trends say he is moving in that direction. in Nevada alone, he is perilously close to 35% right now and the Nevada guru, Jon Ralston, says if he gets there, Trump wins the state.

    It's just math and the reality is that by and large, Latinos are more religious and more conservative than Biden and the Dems. If you can past immigration and Trump's language.

    Tomorrow will be interesting, but even more so, the post election analysis of the trends, demographics and issues that dominated this election.

    1. So on that count, Minus is correct.

      I say he is wrong. The percentage is not going to be 20%. It will be lower.

    2. That may be so Dave, and yes, as Cinton (Bill) said, it's the economy stupid.

      But, when you embrace evil, and Dotard donnie IS EVIL through and through, you and society will ultimately pay a much greater price. And sl will their families.

      trump is nothing but a POS. PERIOD.

  7. Regarding the current Texas GOP appeal to the Federal Court system, an appeal not based on voter fraud at all, but rather is simply and nakedly an attempt to disenfranchise over 100,000 voters. How come? For using a county approved drop box for their completed ballot.

    Makes you wonder what the Texas GOP is afraid of.

    Here's the money quote from the article...

    "Like so many 11th-hour voting-related suits filed by Republicans in recent weeks, this suit has almost nothing to do with voter fraud. Rather, it’s the latest in a consistent and cynical line of suits — in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, among others — that appear motivated by partisan gain, assuming that the exclusion of any set of ballots from Harris County, the third-largest in the country and one of Texas’s key Democratic strongholds, is good for Republicans."

    I realize for many conservatives in the mold of Franco, winning is all that matters, even if it includes throwing out the votes of people who have already voted. And no one from the GOP will say this is bad for democracy.

    If you can read...

    1. Why didn't 5 of the 10 locations convenience Republican voters instead of 9 out of 10 being placed in heavily Democratic neighborhoods?

    2. Because the con rethuglicans lack ANY and ALL ability to police their own corruption. So blow man joe take a hike. Unless you have some legitimate credible info.

    3. Sorry RN, but we're not going to hand out bus fare for you to get YOUR voters to the polls, either.

    4. My vote was hand delived to town hall 2 weeks ago blow man joe. Done deal. So, my vote cancels yours. LOL!

    5. Nope. My vote was counted. Yours....

    6. Yep, counted w/o issue in the great prosperous and democratic state of Massachusetts.

  8. Joe asked... "Why didn't 5 of the 10 locations convenience Republican voters instead of 9 out of 10 being placed in heavily Democratic neighborhoods?"

    I have no idea. Local elected leadership made the call.

    Are you as concerned about voting locations in Kansas that for years have been in the few Latino areas of the state being moved outside city limits so people without cars can't get there?

    Don't bother with a reply... because I know you're not.

    Like Texas, the GOP in Kansas made a change to voting not to address any problem, but to make it harder for people to vote.

    Try actually answering a question... why is that? Why are conservatives the ones looking not to address fraud, but instead limit access to the polls?

    1. Because we're not the party committing ALL the fraud.

    2. Then why aren't you trying to police the vote? lol!

    3. ...and perhaps you are a jelly donut.

    4. That would most likely be you. Especially since I'm a trainer and spend a great deal of time working out in the gym. No doubt while your chowing down on pizza and nbeer FA.

  9. Joe said... "we're not the party committing ALL the fraud."

    Of course not ALL... but certainly some, just like the Dems.

    But at some point, either one side stops the BS and walks across the aisle, or it's over. Sadat in Egypt is a good example for us. At great risk, both personal and nationally, he embraced the enemy. Where is the courage in our system for anyone to do something like that?

    It simply no longer exists.

    1. It existed during Nixon.... but not after Bork. THAT was the turning point.

    2. ...fitting that Joe Biden is your candidate. Paybacks are Hell.

  10. Well Joe... Bork was surely part of the problem, as was Thomas. But let's be serious, Newt was the next killer of bipartisanship. His usage of cameras in the House, showing back benchers making speeches to empty houses so they could broadcast back home was a major blow to comity.

    There are few innocents here.
