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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Democrats Are Stealing The Election From Dotard

A few select comments from the trumper blog GeeeZ.

kidme37: ...If the dems pull this off, I won't think of it as a dem win, I will 100% regard it as a China and Iran win, and who knows which other enemies of ours but China and Iran is enough. (11/6/2020 at 3:06pm).

MAL: Right, Kid. If we say China developed and released COVID-19 in retaliation to Trump's hard line trade agreement, its probably right. (11/6/2020 at 4:15pm).

Baysider: The moment I read that China restricted travel into Wuhan but freely allowed people who had been in Wuhan to leave China, knowing about the virus, and saying nothing. That's the moment I understood how China would seek their revenge on DJT. (11/6/2020 at 4:41pm).

kidme37: MAL, I believe the left has been anti-America for a long time. I believe China and the democrats cooked up Covid hand in hand as a get rid of Trump strategy. Clinton opened the mfg floodgates to China, so it's been going on at least that long. Kerry and obama were in bed with Iran a long time. Kerry for the money, obama because he is moslem vermin. The rest of the democrats who were in a position to sold America to the highest bidder. (11/6/2020 at 5:25pm).

According to the YouTuber Black Pigeon (aka Felix Rex) in 2016 "Democrats didn't think Trump could win and they didn't prepare". In 2020 the coronavirus allowed them the opportunity to steal the election via massive mail-in ballot fraud. The globalists have won and Joe Biden is their puppet.

This is per a YouTube video Minus posted on his blog. Minus said he was withdrawing from politics because corruption had won, but he's still posting. Just not accepting comments.

The trumper right believes the American people love Dotard and he would have won in a landslide. But the Democrats are stealing it via the mail in ballots. Made possible by the coronavirus pandemic. Which was genetically engineered by China and the Democrats.

I don't know if Minus believes the same as this nut on the GeeeZ blog, but he did say to me once that a Chinese scientist may have CRSPR'd covid into existence. Despite it being no worse than the flu and not that dangerous.

Explaining why he predicted that Dotard would win California. Me, I think people are sick of the corruption, the childishness, the lack of action on covid, the blatant racism and pandering to White Supremacists, etc. And that explains the unprecidented turnout. With Democrats, republicans and first time voters determined to get rid of him.

Of course nothing could shake the loyalty of the cultists. They turned out bigly as well. But they have always been a minority. In 2016 the Dotard cultists voting, plus voters deciding to "take a chance" on Dotard, plus the ususal voter roll purges (in addition to help from Russia) was (just barely) enough to give him the win.

This time it wasn't. Dotard's terrible job running the country was enough to convince everyone but his loyal cultists he had to be removed. Why the f*ckery involving the USPS (tens of thousands of ballots arriving too late to be counted) wasn't enough to prevent Biden from winning (although it likely cost him FL). Why the BS Hunter Biden October Surprise fell flat.

Yet the magamorons believe many people voted against Dotard because they don't like his "demeanor". Yeah, right.

Apparently I'm going to end up regretting my vote for Biden. I submitted a comment saying there was absolutely no way that would happen, but the proprietor of GeeeZ refused to publish it.

btw, Dotard appointed Amy to ensure that the ACA will be overturned and people with pre-existing conditions have to pay more. So, the worse health care that is likely coming can't be blamed on President Biden.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-197.


  1. When you read the absolutely fact free conspiracy garbage those half wits wallow in hour after hour it is evident this nation now suffers from a VERY SIGNIFICANT and LARGE cognitive disconect among a SIGNIFICANT NUMBER of Americans. trump has successfully sowed the division and hatred that may very well spell the end of the America we grew up in.

    trump IS evil personified and he has worn off on 47% of Americans. America is not through with Trumpism just because a majority of Americans rejected trump.

  2. RN’s correct. Trump will be gone from the White House, but he’ll be around to inflict his rancid ideas for years to come. Joe will be able to undo some of the damage, but not all.

    1. Nobody thinks any prosecution of Dotard will be successful? Certainly I think there will be attempts coming out of NY to hold him accountable for the tax and insurance fraud stuff. Even if (as has been tradition) the crimes he committed as president go unprosecuted. Even though that would be a big mistake, given that the history of this being the case certainly emboldened Dotard. Kamala Harris has said she is for looking into Dotard's crimes.
