WYM Pages

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Newt And Sean Discuss Lie That Republican Poll Watchers Were Banned

Below is a video I found posted on blog of the Dotard cultist Minus FJ. The sore loser is no longer accepting comments, so I decided to post it here.

According to Sean Hannity, republican election observers are being blocked in several states. Obviously this is proof that Democrats are stealing the election! In response Newt says he is the angriest he has been in his 6 decades in politics. "Nobody should have any doubt, you are watching an effort to steal the presidency of the United States" Newt says.

The solution according to Newt? Dotard should order the arrest of the corrupt Leftwing Democrats who are stealing the election. Also, the votes in precincts were they were not able to observe should be thrown out. AKA votes should be invalidated wherever republicans make their false charges. Really? Republicans think making bogus charges about not being able to observe counts is how they're going to steal the election for Dotard?

Newt also notes that Bill Barr has decreed that "federal agents can carry guns in the pursuit of people who are breaking the law". So, they're going to start shooting the vote counters who are counting too many ballots that have recorded (as their choice) Joe Biden for President? This is ridiculous. I seriously doubt it will work. It will, however, work in completely convincing the other side that the election has indeed been stolen.

Why Minus posted it. A number of posts on his blog since the election winner was obviously going to be Joe Biden (and he said he was withdrawing from politics) concern how Democrats are stealing the presidency from Dotard. Are they trying to foment violence? No, I don't think that is the plan (although it might happen). What's going on (imo) is that they are attempting to delegitimize and neuter the incoming Biden administration. No cooperation with an fradulently elected president.

Frankly I've had it with these assholes. They did the same thing to President Obama (the Caucus room conspiracy). They planned on obstructing Hillary Clinton, should she have won (Republican senators vow to block any Clinton supreme court nominee forever). Now they're signaling they plan on even more agressively preventing the incoming Biden administration from doing anything.

Biden will have executive orders but I don't see republicans cooperating at all. Despite what Biden said during the campaign. Apparently new administrations can only govern now if they control the presidency and Congress. And currently it looks like republicans are going to hold onto the Senate. More and more Americans are slipping into poverty due to the Dotard recession. Another stimulus? Not if the Senate says no.

And don't forget that republicans now control the Supreme Court. People who got their insurance through the ACA exchanges? Soon they might see a big price increase. Surely health care will no longer be "affordable" after Amy decides the ACA is "unconstitutional". And people with preexisting conditions can expect to be gouged as well. Or priced out of being able to afford insurace at all. Yet, (as per my prior post) trumpers think health care will be worse under Biden (and Biden will be to blame).

Image: "Biden didn't win post-it". Linked to on WYD by Minus FJ using his "Thersites" sockpuppet, 11/7/2020. Also on his blog at the bottom of this post. Apparently Minus believes that Joe Biden can be blackmailed into conceding. If his son Hunter is arrested for the child porn Rudy claims is on his laptop. Quote: "get a warrant, go get him and stick him in a federal detention center... And then let's watch Joe Biden decide how much he really wants to be president".


Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-198.


  1. The really important thing is for the dems to win the 2 senate run off elections in Georgia. If that happens Biden has what he needs to get things done. Harris becomes the tie breaker. Then the opportunity for real change is assured. At least for 2 years anyway.

    So, -FJ is hiding in his basement pouting eh? Poor WATB.

    1. Fingers crossed, RN. If so Kamala is going to be spending a lot of time at the Senate breaking those tie votes.

  2. Dervish, Re: the post-it nonsense. They’re cultists! I expect nothing less from people in a cult. Pay no attention to them. Let them wallow in their foolish conspiracies. We’re moving on and looking forward to better days — WITHOUT TRUMP!!!!!!!!

    1. There is no proof of massive voter fraud. According to what I've been hearing, Dotard's lawyers are filing lawsuits that are being tossed. Because there is no evidence. The cultists will continue to believe anyway. It just couldn't be that Dotard did a TERRIBLE job.

      Even if you were fooled by how he artificially inflated the stock market, his handling of the coronavirus pandemic is a gigantic fail. Unless (like Minus) you believe in the herd immunity nonsense. Meanwhile Dotard administration officials continue to be diagnosed with covid.

  3. They shot off fireworks over London. Our number one ally. And they were that overjoyed to see our “leader” go. Two French families I’m close too called me yesterday, overjoyed! Bells were ringing in Paris! People were celebrating in Germany and Spain, and my cousins in Italy were ecstatic! All over the globe people celebrated the end of of a dark era, a Trump dystopian era in America.

    Remind Minus/Thersities that NONE of that happened when Trump won 4 years ago. Trump managed to get the world to hate him in 4 years. All that’s left are his cultists. And, sadly, they’ll never desert him nor see him for the destructive force he is to American democracy.

    I am extremely happy the s.o.b. was defeated and will become a miserable stain on America’s past.

    1. Well, trump certainly has accomplised the notoriety he richly deserves. It is fitting that the least effective most corrupt president in modern history receives this worldwide rebuke from allies.

      After last Thursday's trump iying extravaganza no one should doubt trump's mental illness.

    2. Just checked my email and I see a message asking for money from the Dotard campaign to "help secure victory".

    3. I received the same unsolicited garbage e-mail. I pleasurably deleted it.

  4. Replies
    1. You and 77+ million other intelligent people.

      JC's experiencing a major meltdown. Wouldn't be surprised if his head eventually explodes.
