WYM Pages

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Joe Biden Will Be Our Next President Unless Dotard Steals It

Right now it's looking like Joe Biden will win the election. Unless Dotard manages (in the next 2 days) to stop the counting. From what I've heard, Post Office f*ckery may have resulted in the theft of Florida. Probably other states as well. Despite this, Biden will likely win enough of the states that are still counting to clinch the electoral college vote.

Yet Dotard has announced that he has won (as predicted). And he's still fund-raising, why? For money for lawyers to steal a win in the Supreme Court?

12 emails so far today, and ALL of them ask for money. (plus a 13th from Mike Pence asking for money received after I published this post).

What a scam. Except for the counting, the election is over. Yet Dotard is still asking his gullible rubes to give him money. Joe Biden will be our next president (90% chance). Dotard will try to steal it, but (as per Glenn Kirschner) his attempts will fail.

btw, by how large a margin Biden would have won if not for Dotard's f*ckery may never be known. But we do know for certain that it would be much larger than it is going to turn out to be "officially". Or we may know and but it will be too late. Due to the USPS not delivering mail-in ballots on time. Including (as per the Stephanie Miller Show) 27% of the ballots in south Florida (a state that has already been called for Dotard).

US Postal Service blows court-ordered deadline to check for missing ballots. About 300,000 can't be traced. Excerpt from a 11/3/2020 USA Today article by Dinah Voyles Pulver.

The U.S. Postal Service blew a court-ordered deadline Tuesday to sweep mail-processing facilities in more than a dozen states for missing election ballots that could number in the hundreds of thousands.

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington ordered the sweep Tuesday morning after the Postal Service said its delivery performance had dropped over the past five days and could not say whether more than 300,000 ballots received in its facilities had been delivered.

The sweep was to happen in 12 postal districts, including in battleground states Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin. Sullivan gave the agency until 3:30 p.m. to finish the task. The Postal Service said in its update to Sullivan at 4:30 p.m. that it was unable to conduct the sweep because it would have "significantly" disrupted its Election Day activities.

The article goes on to quote Wendy Weiser, director of democracy at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School, who says "it would be illegal and unfair to disenfranchise them [people who mailed in their ballots], assuming they submitted their ballots reasonably and there was an obstruction by the Postal Service that led to the outcome".

Will this change any of the results? As in FL, likely no. Hopefully Biden will still win and those responsible (Louis DeJoy) will face serious consequences.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-196.


  1. Joe Biden has received more votes for president than any other candidate in U.S. election history, with more than 69.5 million tallied as of Wednesday morning. He has broken the record set by Barack Obama in 2008.

    Nationally, Biden currently leads Pres. Trump by roughly 3 million votes, and analysts expect his margin is very likely to grow. If they're right, Democrats will have won the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections (1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020), despite not holding the White House for 12 of those years.

    The U.S. is the world's only democracy that chooses its head of state via an Electoral College system.

    Last night, Trump called it for himself without having 270 e.v.s! His stupidity is colossal. And his supporters cheered the idiot on!!!

  2. trump and the corrupt GOP (and maybe the SCOTUS too) are acting out the very accusations THEY allege the democrats are doing. trump and the GOP know corruption, know it well, and sure as hell know how to use it to they advantage.

    trump's primary motivation? To avoid certain prosecution for crimes he has committed. We are on the road to a Banana Republic. If the SCOTUS is asked to and reverses the outcome of a legitimate election result (it will be) we will then know we have arrived at that sorry place. trump is truly trying to destroy our country from within. Violnce in the streets is a definite possibilty.

  3. It looks like Minus is conceding defeat. On his blog I wrote: Congratulations President-Elect Biden (to be announced soon)!

    His response was that I was right and that because corruption had won he was withdrawing from politics. I tried to submit a response, but he isn't accepting comments any longer.

    Geeez is also saying Biden has won.

    btw, Essence says 18 percent of Black men voted for Dotard. So, when I said it would not be 20 percent as Minus predicted, I was correct. Still a lot higher than I was expecting. WHY, if you are Black, would you vote for a racist? Black women voted for Dotard in greater numbers to (8% this time compared to 4% in 2016).

  4. Re: those numbers for African-American votes: I look at them differently. I see those numbers as 82% AGAINST TRUMP for A.A. males and 92% AGAINST TRUMP for A.A. females.

    For any A.A. voter to cast his or her vote for Trump is curious. Trump is the guy who called Colin Kaepernick and others who knelt in peaceful protest, "son of a bitch." And praised that young thug who killed people in Kenosha.

    Hell, there are self-hating Democrats who support Trump. I'm not discouraged by those small, small numbers.

    1. No, that isn't discouraging. What is discouraging is that so many Whites voted for Dotard.

  5. Derv,

    Have you seen this:

    "Deutsche Bank, the German multinational investment bank that Donald Trump owes hundreds of millions of dollars to, is planning to demand immediate payment of the loans after the election, according to Reuters. They want to sell the loans, but the report claims it is unlikely that anyone will buy Trump's debt.

    In meetings in recent months, a Deutsche Bank management committee that oversees reputational and other risks for the lender in the Americas region has discussed ways in which it could rid the bank of these last vestiges of the relationship, two of the three bank officials said. The bank has over the years lent Trump more than $2 billion, one of the officials said.

    One idea that has come up in the meetings: sell the loans in the secondary market, two of the bank officials said. But one of the officials said that idea has not gained traction, in part because it is not clear who would want to buy the loans and the attendant problems that come with it.

    It's not about getting repaid—Trump hasn't missed a payment. The bank fears an investigation into its sketchy dealings with him going back decades, and wants them put to bed before Elizabeth Warren kicks the door in."
