WYM Pages

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Dotard Wins 2nd White House Term In 410 Electoral College Landslide!

Yes, the Left is trying to steal the election, but in the end Dotard will prevail. The American People's all-time favorite president will serve until 2024. At least. Sorry libtards.

As reported by the predisent's favorite sycophantic "news" organization, One America News, the real electoral college vote totals are 410 to 128. AKA a blowout favoring Dotard.

As per Snopes, "computer servers belonging to the Dominion Voting Systems and/or Scytl Secure Electronic Voting companies [have] been seized by the US military in Frankfurt, Germany, and the... data shows that Trump... actually won a landslide victory in the Nov 3 election".

Snopes says this is "false", but everyone knows Snopes is owned and run by lying Libtard Marxicrats. The departed sage Franco Aragosta warned that the people behind Snopes are "masters at the art of lying with facts and distortions" and that they should be ignored.

One America News (OAN) reports the truth. Dominion Voting Systems (an electronic voting hardware and software company with close ties to the Clintons) sent the actual data to Scytl in Germany and Scytl sent falsified data back. And it was proven that this is what happened after the US military raided the Scytl offices in Frankfurt.

btw, it was Rep Louie Gohmert of Texas (Amerca's sanest and smartest Congressperson) who delivered this scoop to OAN. Note that (according to the map) Dotard won California. So I guess Minus FJ was correct when he predicted it would be so. My apologies to him for doubting this could possibly happen.

Dotard will never stop fighting for us! Hold stong Dotard supporters. Soon the corrupt ex-VP Joe Biden and his pedophile son Hunter (who raped and tortured little Chinese girls) will be behind bars and Dotard will begin his second term. Following his inauguration on 1/20/2021.

The "rocks" being slung are (I assume) the lawsuits Dotard is filing in court which will overturn the fake results of the 2020 potus election. aka Joe Biden is not president-elect!

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-203.


  1. 57 million lunkheads actually believe this shit. And the sad thing is it ain't going away. Unless of course the glutton has a heart attack and dies.

    1. Except when it doesn't happen. Then they will "know" the "steal" was successful.

  2. Re the Antonio Branco political cartoon... Hotlanta and Motor City is where all the cheating is taking place. We know this because a lot of Black people live there. Meanwhile republicans whine about being called out on their racism.

  3. djt & the gop - cult of personality - established 2016 - life expectancy- until djt retires permanently, or, a celestial lighting bolt restores sanity within the gop. djt permanently retiring is odds on favorite over celestial lightning bolt.

    And yeah, the racism of the gop? It's not even trying to hide it anymore... It's so GD blatant.

  4. The election is over. The American people have voted. The news agencies have all called it. The Trump Admin has stated this was the cleanest, safest election in history. The Trump admin themselves have admitted in court they are not alleging fraud, Hair Dye Rudy notwithstanding.

    Now, with reports that Trump knows all of this and is simply exacting revenge for the Mueller investigation, we just have to wait for the Electoral College to affirm what any sane person knows.

    Joe Biden will be our next president.

    1. He accepted that he is balding and ditched the comb-over... so why is he now dying his small amount of remaining hair? And why doesn't he get his bottom teeth fixed to match his top teeth? For someone "earning" 20k a day you'd think he could afford decent hair dye and dentures.

  5. Derv... with Rudy's son resting positive and showing symptoms for Covid, and with him present yesterday at that "briefing" by his dad, I suspect Rudy was over sweating because he too has Covid.

    In any event, since these guys were all exposed, I assume we can expect to see Rudy, and everyone else who was on that podium yesterday go into the standard CDC recommended 14 day quarantine immediately.

    Unless of course they don't care who they infect or potentially pass the virus along to.

    1. Your last paragraph methinks Dave. "America's Mayor is now an American sh*t.

  6. You guys are going to be so upset when the fraud jury comes back...

    1. Bla, Bla, Bla...

      Stuff your fraud and its leader, the great orange turd, up your where the sun don't shine JC.

    2. I won't be disappointed at all if Dotard is held accountable for trying to steal the election. Abusing the office of the president to cheat should be a crime with major time attached.

    3. We didn't hold Al Gore accountable? No wonder Trump will get away with stealing the election....

    4. Accountable for what? Winning the 2000 election? We couldn't. The supreme court stole his victory and gave it to gwb. Dotard only tried to steal the 2020 election, btw. He failed. It's over. Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th. Then Dotard will be held accountable (be charged, convicted and imprisoned).

  7. Joe... Fraud jury? What is that? Not even Tucker Carlson believes your drivel. Rudy himself has said "we're not alleging fraud."

    Trumps own admin said this was the safest, cleanest election in modern history.

    The Trump crack[ed] legal team is something like 0 for 30 in court cases where someone actually has to show evidence.

    Allegations are one thing. Proof is another.

    If you guys really cared about America, you'd start the transition. But I'm guessing you need a little more time to shred documents, erase hard drives and otherwise get 4 years of crimes against the people covered up.

    1. When Biden actually becomes the President Elect (after certification), the transition should begin. :)

    2. It's never worked that way before. Excepting in 2000 when the actual potus election winner, Al Gore, was blocked permanently from beginning his transition.

    3. Trumpers are incorrigible assholes.

    4. BTW -FJ... I'm still waiting for you to explain what a "Fraud Jury" is...

    5. The Supreme Court, I'm guessing. They're going to say there was fraud and therefore Dotard must be anointed. Like in 2000 when gwb was anointed. This time the winner is too f*cking obvious for them to try a repeat and steal another election for the republican AGAIN. Hopefully. It certainly does not look like they're going to get involved. Despite that being Dotard's plan from the start.

  8. -FJ, who has given up politics, said... "When Biden actually becomes the President Elect (after certification), the transition should begin. :)"

    That's such a quaint idea amigo. Outside of 2000 has it been done that way during any of our lifetimes when the outcome has not been in doubt? And for the feeble minded, maybe we could stipulate that failure to accept the obvious is a lot different than an election in dispute.

    1. You mean outside the LAST contested election? lol!

    2. You think THIS election is contested? It isn't. Only the dupes Dotard is extracting money from to "secure the victory" think it is. LOL. How much money have you sent to Dotard?

    3. -FJ... yes, the 2000 election was contested. On December 13th, after SCOTUS made their decision to stop a manual recount, Al Gore graciously conceded in what many call one of the great speeches in American political history.

      The key here is he conceded on December 13th.

      The election that year was not certified until Jan 6, weeks later.

      Even after this election is certified and the truth of the Biden victory is clear, do you think President Trump will do what's best for the country as Gore did in 2000 when he conceded, or what Washington did when he refused a third term he clearly would have won?

      I'll save your bandwidth... of course he won't.

    4. Al Gore was the winner. gwb was anointed via a Supreme Court coup. I was thinking maybe that's why trumpers are hopeful that it could happen again, but according to a post on his blog Minus thinks Al Gore almost stole the election.

      Quote: "Were there consequences to the attempted theft of the 2000 election?".

      There was no "attempted theft". There was an actual theft. "Corruption Without Consequences Is Killing America" it says on the Minus "Tea Leaves" blog. I agree. It is time for CONSEQUENCES or they will just keep doing it. They being REPUBLICANS and not Democrats as the article falsely asserts. Why Dotard MUST be prosecuted.

    5. -FJ... apparently it doesn't matter what the date is.

      The Trump Admin finally folded today, 16 days after they lost the election. Such a good look for what was once the model democracy in the world.

      Good job Trump, you brought respect to the US from around the world, just as you said you would. At least in your dreams...

    6. I've heard Giuliani might be disbarred for wasting the courts' time with these frivolous lawsuits. The Washington Post says Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-NJ) filed complaints on Friday in five states against Giuliani and 22 other lawyers working with the Trump campaign, calling for them to be stripped of their law licenses for... engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation".

  9. It does not matter how big Biden's legitimate victory was. It could have been a 20 million vote victory and an EC blowout and Dotard donnie would still have made his fradulant unfounded election/voter fraud claims. The word LOSER attatched to djt's nams is his most feared thing. Well, djt is a huge LOSER. And in every way that truly matters.

  10. Didn't Minus FJ predict the DoJ's investigations would end up having Hillary, President Obama, Biden and his son all thrown in jail for crimes?

    None of that happened. There was no criminality. Does anyone NOT believe that if there were a scintilla of criminality involving those people that Trump's DoJ would have had hearings and presented the evidence? None of that happened.

    And now Minus FJ is trying to sell more nonsense about a fraudulent election and, again, having no evidence for that claim. Even Trump's legal teams have no evidence.

    It's really pathetic how Trumpers can never leave their bubbles and understand they've been sold a load of lies and disinformation. It's like they've been gobbled up in mass hysteria -- Trumpisteria!

    Joe Biden will be president. The election was NOT stolen; there was no widespread fraud; Trump was TROUNCED in the popular vote, and the electoral college win was a "landslide," just as Trump labeled the same 306 e.c. votes he won in 2016.

    We don't need to argue with Minus FJ and keep putting facts in front of him. HE IS A CULTIST! And he and the rest of the Trump cultists will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER face the reality of the fact that they got duped by a liar, a cheat, and a fraud.


    1. Yup, and THAT is around 58 to 60 million deluded people that will crow about the alleged stolen election for which there exists zero evidence until hell freezes over. They truly are pathetuc losers.

    2. Vox says "75 percent of likely Republican voters said they believed voter fraud took place during the election that benefited Biden [and that] 34 percent of likely Republican voters... said that Trump didn't need to concede even after states certify their results".

      btw (get this) "29 percent believed that a lack of concession could enable him to remain in the presidency". aka there are a lot of stupid people out there. That was overall. Among republicans 44 percent thought not conceding might allow Dotard to remain president.

    3. Shaw, et al... The Trump Campaign isn't even alleging fraud. Note to -FJ, to win a case for fraud, you do to actually allege fraud. Unless of course your goal is simply to sway certain voters too lazy to really look at the facts.

      Every single Sec of State, including from the GOP, has said there was no fraud. Again, the Admin is not alleging fraud, Kris Koback early on was thrown out of court because he had no evidence to back up his charges and even the "they didn't follow the rules so we should invalidate the election cases" brought by Rudy and his muse Sidney have been so had even Trump is embarrassed.

      What's a Deluded Trumpista to do when the truth doesn't set you free?

  11. Sadly, what you wrote Derv is the reason Trump has the following he has. I never understood how many uninformed and easily duped Americans were out there. Now we know.

    I get incredibly stupid comments in my Comment Moderation on a daily basis from those who frequent the far right blogs. As I've said elsewhere, they are smugly proud of their ignorance and their ability to be easily manipulated by a scoundrel like Trump.

    1. What do the right winger's post, since it's the whole gang here who live at "Who's Your Daddy?" lol!

  12. -FJ... RN rarely anyomore posts at the home of "False Facts", otherwise known as the Stench Trench or WYD. I haven't posted there in years, Shaw never posts there.

    Derv, bless his heart, tries mightily to counter the false world that group lives in, but the stupid runs deep with them.

    So that leaves you, your sock puppets, and various other monikers.

    1. pShaw doesn't post there.... under her regular avatar, anyways... lol!

    2. Do your delusions say she posts anonymously or can you point to specific sockpuppets the voices in your head tell you are her's?
