WYM Pages

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Impeached One Term Loser predisent Dotard Concedes. Biden Transition Officially Underway

In the 49 second 11/17/2020 Tonight Show Video below, "President Donald Trump concession speech", Dotard makes the concession speech he should give but never will.

"In the end, the president who roared and accused and insulted for four years like a lion seemingly at war with every creature in his kingdom went out with a mere whimper". This is according to a 11/24/2020 article by Independent reporter John Bennett.

...fight, and I believe we will prevail! Nevertheless, in the best interest of our Country, I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 23, 2020

Obviously Dotard decided not to wait until December 13 (when the electors cast their votes) or for the Supreme Court to anoint Dotard predisent for a 2nd term (in which case there would be no need to go ahead with "initial protocols").

Which is what the Dotard-supporting blogger Minus FJ believed would happen. One of the two. More likely the later and not the former, I'm guessing. As opposed to neither. LOL!

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-204.


  1. Too bad about that certification injunction in PA, eh Dervy?

    1. Stall tactics won't prevent the inevitable. Biden won PA. The vote will be certified and the Electoral College will make Biden president. The only thing Dotard gains is more time to grift his supporters. "Please send money to help Dotard secure victory". LOL.

    2. Biden hasn't won anything. Has the vote been certified? lol!

    3. The transition is in progress. Biden's win in PA will be certified. The moron you wanted served 4 years and you laughed the whole time. It's OUR time to laugh now. All you have are your delusions about how the election was "stolen". Dotard is OUT. LOL!

    4. Hmmm... I hope Mrs Biden isn't wasting her time picking out any new drapes for the White House...

    5. You're BSing... as usual. I saw your comment on AOW. You wrote "I suffer no illusions that the election results will be reversed". That said, I think Mrs Biden has more important issues to occupy her time.

    6. ...and yes, the Deep State IS too invested in fraud at this point to EVER go back to honest vote counting.

    7. ...cause if they weren't, there's be no need to censor opposition voices and lie.

    8. I thought the deep state opposed Dotard. Yet, if they were helping him by not honestly counting votes, how did Dotard lose in republican states? Because on the republican side is where all/most of the cheating is occurring. Given what a terrible job Dotard did, he should have lost by a much larger margin. Joe Biden was robbed. DeJoy needs to be prosecuted.

      FYI, the "censorship" you decry is censoring of lies and disinformation. Lies aren't "opposing voices". btw, it's your side that lies. PROVEN by the fact that all Dotard's cases are getting tossed. Due to a COMPLETE lack of evidence.

    9. btw, the counting WAS honest. The cheating was accomplished by preventing people from voting. republicans are masters at this game. Dotard took it up a notch by (via DeJoy) preventing mail-in ballots from arriving on time. Still Dotard LOST. Bigly. You can take your "cheating" accusations (against cities were lots of Black voters reside) and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.

    10. The republicans and conservatives circa 1948 onward practically invented and have continued to perpetrate deep corruption in America politics and government. Dotard donnie and his lackeys have merely dragged the deceit and corruption to previosly unattained lowly activities.

    11. btw, the linked to United Spot video is stupid. The counting was observed by republicans and Democrats. The SAME way it was done when Dotard "won". HRC filed zero lawsuits and tried to have zero votes tossed. You sore losers are so full of shit.

    12. She didn't. Jill Stein asked for a recount. The HRC campaign said it would participate. And why wouldn't they have. Given it was going to happen anyway. Also, a recount concerns counting all ballots, not getting as many ballots tossed as possible in areas that favor your opponent.

    13. btw, it turns out Jill Stein was duping HRC supporters. Glad I didn't contribute. But Dotard is duping his supporters more bigly. In that "Jill Stein promised her donors they would have a say where the leftover money they gave to fund the 2016 recount was spent" but they didn't. Whereas Dotard is only directing a small portion of money donated to "secure the victory" toward legal bills or recounts. Most of it is going to pay down campaign debt. LOL.

      FYI, HRC isn't responsible for actions taken by the Jill Stein campaign.

    14. The article you linked to is bigly fake news.

      Statement from the Obama administration concerning the 2016 Jill Stein recount...

      "...we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people".

      Not that I agree (republicans always cheat bigly), but that is what the Obama administration said. And HRC requested no recounts.

    15. Quote: "...officials close to Democrat Hillary Clinton's campaign allegedly wanted nothing to do with the recount effort. ... Clinton conceded the election hours after it became clear that Trump would secure enough electoral votes to win the White House".

  2. Replies
    1. BBC News: The Kraken is... an internet meme representing a sprawling, unsubstantiated set of claims that purport to outline the case for widespread fraud in the US presidential election. [end]

      If Kraken was used to steal the election, why was Sidney Powell fired?

  3. No -FJ/Joe Conservative, you're merely a trumtard cultist with a seriously overactive imagination. You and 70 million other rightwing looneys.

  4. This is the best explanation I’ve read so far on why Trump cultists like Minus FJ and JoeCon still believe Trump won the election.

    “For those awash in anxiety and alienation, who feel that everything is spinning out of control, conspiracy theories are extremely effective emotional tools. For those in low status groups, they provide a sense of superiority: I possess important information most people do not have. For those who feel powerless, they provide agency: I have the power to reject “experts” and expose hidden cabals. As Cass Sunstein of Harvard Law School points out, they provide liberation: If I imagine my foes are completely malevolent, then I can use any tactic I want.”

    This is an apt explanation on why the above-named Trump cultists stick to their paranoia beliefs and conspiracy nonsense.

    A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you Dervish. I gave thanks for Trump’s overwhelming defeat in this election and for the overwhelming majority of Americans who rejected 4 years of chaos, lies, lawlessness, and shocking juvenile behavior by Trump.

  5. AP: "The 2020 presidential race is turning into the zombie election that Trump just won’t let die. Despite dozens of legal and procedural setbacks, his campaign keeps filing new challenges that have little hope of succeeding and making fresh, unfounded claims of fraud.

    But that’s the point. Trump’s strategy, his allies concede in private, wasn’t to change the outcome, but to create a host of phantom claims about the 2020 presidential race that would infect the nation with doubt and keep his base loyal, even though the winner — Biden — was clear and there has been no evidence of mass voter fraud.

    “Zombies are dead people walking among the living — this litigation is the same thing,” said Franita Tolson, a professor at the University of Southern California Gould School of Law. “In terms of litigation that could change the election, all these cases are basically dead men walking.”

    It’s a strategy tolerated by many Republicans, most notably Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who are clinging to Trump as they face a test of retaining their own power in the form of two runoff elections in Georgia in January.

    “This really is our version of a polite coup d’etat,” said Thomas Mann, senior resident scholar at the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California at Berkeley. “It could end quickly if the Republican Party acknowledged what was going on. But they cower in the face of Trump’s connection with the base.”

    1. Exactly right. The Orange Turd Bone Spur presnit is not so stupid he does not know he lost bigly. His goal is as the article so accurately states is to keep juicing his cultist base so he can keep the money flowing. Likely through his no doubt planned venture into is own fake media conspiracy network. The Orange Con Extraordinaire is ALWAYS planning his next con before the previous con fully has expired.

      The gutless spineless rethugs are so goddamn petrified of losing their base of corruption that they cower and aid and abet the nations biggest LOSER and SHITSTAIN.

    2. trumpers see being African American and voting for the party that best represents your interests as cheating.

  6. Just think, in less than 60 days, we’ll be rid of that disgusting Lame Duck L’Orange and we won’t be annoyed with his whining, lies, and juvenile name-calling. This is what I gave thanks for on Thanksgiving.

    I am so happy we got rid of the jackass!!!

    1. Go back to sleep. There are no threats to Joe taking office... if there were, wouldn't you hear about it in the evening news broadcasts? lol!

      Live by censorship, die by censorship.

    2. The news channels I watch are reporting trumper lies. They identify them as lies, however. Why you falsely cry about "censorship". The press should report facts, not give equal weight to lies (attention Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, Aaron Matte, OAN, etc).

    3. Have you invested in Pine Island Capital, or other firm advised by WestExec Advisors? Don't get left out!

    4. As per the video you linked to, "the best part is that it's totally legal".

      You simply did (and still do not) give a shit about any corruption of Dotard or anyone he appointed. Illegal or technically legal but unethical. In fact you CLAIMED that Democratic corruption gave Dotard license to be bigly corrupt. So you (and Saagar) can piss off.

    5. lol! What was ALL that whining about the Trump kids then? LOL!

    6. Biden will bring zero of his progeny or relatives to the White House as "advisors".

    7. You're right. They all be on corporate Boards of Directors for Chinese companies.

    8. I doubt it. Also, it is Ivana Junior who has all those Chinese patents.

  7. We are WIDE AWAKE, Minus FJ. Every single case about fraud or vote tampering that the Trumpers brought before the courts -- even Trump-appointed judge courts! -- was thrown out for LACK OF EVIDENCE.

    What in the name of sour grapes is wrong with you people? The courts -- even Trump's courts -- have found no fraud. Even Trump's cyber security chief found NO FRAUD.

    I know it's wrong to lump all you Trumpers into one category -- that of bone-headed, anti-factual, conspiracists, but what choice do you people leave us?

    You've discarded facts by Trump-appointed judges; by Republican secretaries of states who attested to the fact that the votes were legal and uncompromised; by ignoring the fact that Joe Biden overwhelmingly won in the popular vote and the landslide electoral college votes.

    That you and other Trumpers continue to push the idiotic conspiracy theories about stolen elections is pathetic and evidence of mental delusions.

    The fact is that 80 million Americans voted to kick Trump's prodigious posterior and loud, conspiracy-pushing mouth to the gutter. Where. He. Belongs.

    1. You don't win Constitutional arguments in the lower courts... you can only win them w/SCOTUS. :)

    2. There is no Constitutional argument. There is no case(s). Why Dotard's legal team keeps losing.

    3. You're right... Pennsylvania's mail-in ballots will never be thrown out. LOL!

    4. Because valid ballots from citizens legally entitled to vote should never be thrown out.

    5. ...unless they voted more than once or filled out ballots that were not their own (vote harvesting).

    6. Prove it. LOL. Hint: you can't because what you describe didn't happen. Not in numbers that would have any effect on the election, anyway. Given that voter fraud has been proven to be statically insignificant.

      Also, you said the mail-in ballots should be thrown out, so your "unless" is BS. You want to get rid of them all because they favor Joe Biden. The PLAN from the beginning. Why Dotard pushed his supporters toward voting in person.

    7. Statistically significant? like the 600,000 Biden votes reported with only 3,000 Trump votes, a statistical impossibility?

    8. Voter fraud has been proven to be statically INSIGNIFICANT.

      As for what your 600k vs 3k claim, you give no state, let alone a link. Fake news would be my guess. Given your lack of details. On the other hand, Dotard did urge his supporters to vote in person. So if you're talking about mail-in ballots, a higher percentage of them were for Biden, yes.


    Arizona has certified Biden's victory over Trump. First time since 1996 that a Democrat won Arizona!

    Arizona defended American democracy from Donald Trump's blatant attempt to disenfranchise millions of legal voters.

    And Minus FJ still believes that after these two states certified their votes, the SCOTUS will decide the election? Really? REALLY?

  9. Replies
    1. Why was "Russia did it" missing from the list?

    2. Because Dotard's terrible presidenting made it so much harder for Putin to help his puppet steal the election a second time.

    3. The fake Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation. That could be placed on the list if you like. "Hunter Biden laptop will derail the Biden campaign and Dotard will win". CROSSED OFF. i.e. it didn't work. LOL.

    4. Good thing, because Hunter Biden's go-to guy (Antony Blinken) at the State Dept for Burisma is now Biden's SoS nominee, and he'd never get through the Senate confirmation process had the laptop info been true...

    5. ...but hey, you'd be fine if Biden nominated Bernie Maydoff for SoT. Ponzi on, Democrats!

    6. Bernie Maydoff is in prison. Unless Dotard pardons him.

    7. ...he'd never get through the Senate confirmation process had the laptop info been true...

      So you you acknowledge it was false?

    8. I acknowledge that it will never be investigated by the organized criminal enterprise aka The Democratic Party,

    9. Not organized enough to pull out four suitcases of ballots and run them through the Fulton County machines after everyone went home though. Oooops, somebody forgot to turn off the video recorders,

    10. Ruby Freeman and her Fulton County DNC overlords are going to jail...

    11. Nobody is going to jail. Because no fraudulent ballots were counted in Fulton Country. According to election board member Matt Mashburn (a republican) "he knew that wasn't true because there was a board-appointed observer on site. Further, the counting itself wasn't going on in secret, he said, because he himself was posted at the English Avenue precinct until 3 a.m. that night and it was plainly apparent to the handful of people there that counting was still going on at State Farm Arena".

    12. lol! Matt Mashburn wasn't even there. He was in a completely different location.

    13. Quote: "he knew that wasn't true". The counting went late. What's your proof that people were told to leave? The video doesn't show anyone leaving.

    14. Matt Masburn: "there was a board-appointed observer on site".

  10. The ONLY swamp is the swamp created by Moscow Mitch the Bitch McConnell and The Gargantuan Orange Turd. And boy does their Cesspool Swamp give off the most rancid of odors.

  11. -FJ, Joe, Titan, Ralphie and the rest of you guys sailing aboard the Mothership on the Denial River, join us in the ballroom now that the governor of the final state in the union to do so, Arizona, certified the election results. We should also note that the Governor of the State, Doug Ducey said this, after declining a call from either President Trump, or Vice President Pence as he was discharging his official duty for Arizona.

    Is it sinking in yet?

    I know it's tough to accept... maybe y'all need a drink. Join us in the grand ballroom where we've got some great entertainment booked for our victory party if you're game. Cause it's time for the Trump Cabal to be Moving out!

    1. Biden's slate of "certified" electors aren't being sued? Who knew?

    2. Sue all you want... your crowd has been laughed out of court almost 40 times already, we can wait for the clean sweep.

    3. He who sues though he keeps losing wastes money (and the court's time) bigly. Though Dotard doesn't care. Given that the costs are being born by his loyal cultist dupes. Giuliani should be disbarred.

    4. -FJ... ask yourself this. Why are Trump's lawyers saying one thing in public [fraud, fraud, fraud] yet are not actually alleging that once they get in the courtroom?

      Maybe it's because knowingly asserting a false claim in a federal court will cost them their licenses?

      They can file all the suits they want, even ones with vests, but in the end, like the 3 dozen so far, they will all be laughed out of court.

  12. The trumptards continue to deny and reject reality. All anyone can say IMO is they really hooked up with their soulmate. Lucifer's riht hand "man". Or should that read Demon?

  13. Just to be clear -FJ... you guys and the Trump team are contesting what Trump's own Admin, Justice Dept and AG Barr call a fraud free election? An election where courts have literally begged the Trump Admin to show evidence of fraud or a crime?

    Your position, and that of the Trump Admin is the will of the people, expressed in a free, fair and fraud free election should be overturned?


    1. AG Barr never said that. And what AG Barr said about mail in voting over a month ago completely destroys any such argument that the election was "fraud free".

    2. Trump's own lawyers have said in court that they are not alleging fraud. Don't you think if the election was not fraud free that Rudy, Sidney and their team would show proof and allege it in court?

    3. lol! They said "no fraud" in Court in ALL their cases, or just the one you are quoting. You have NO idea as to what they're arguing in "court".

    4. So what were the cases where Rudy alleged fraud and why did the judge throw them out?

  14. "Your position, and that of the Trump Admin is the will of the people, expressed in a free, fair and fraud free election should be overturned?


    Because certain types of people believe only Republicans have the right to run this country. Remember what they plotted against President Obama's administration. Don't think they won't do that again to Biden's.

    These type of people really believe all that Deep State stuff and that only their tribe deserves to run the country.

    Despite the evidence you've presented here that clearly shows there was no fraud in this election, people like Minus FJ will never believe it.

    Happily, I don't need them to believe facts. Biden WILL BE president, and none of their conspiracy mongering will stop that.

    1. This will ever be forever remembered in history as the *asterisk* election.

    2. Media: No evidence of fraud.
      Politicians: No evidence of fraud.
      Legal experts: No evidence of fraud.
      Election officials: No evidence of fraud.
      Cybersecurity officials: No evidence of fraud.
      Dept. of Homeland Security: No evidence of fraud.
      Republican AG Barr: No evidence of fraud.
      Trump cultist Minus FJ: "This will ever be forever remembered in history as the *asterisk* election."

      Yes. It will be remembered for the intransigence of devoted and deluded Trump cultists who refused to accept facts. SAD!

    3. The *asterisk* election occurred in 2000. Due to the fact that the Supreme Court anointed the loser gwb and stole the presidency from the winner, Al Gore. The 2020 election will forever be known as the one where the voters turned out bigly to oust the illegitimate Putin puppet.

  15. Add the word "widespread" before fraud in each instance, and now you have an accurate quote. Of course how abusing mail in votes isn't 'widespread" is a question for the quoted.

    1. Minus FJ, your constant bellyaching over this election cannot be good for your health.

      Do yourself a favor. Accept reality. It's so liberating!

    2. The reality being that there was no widespread voter fraud.

  16. Well you may be accurate, finally, with this statement -FJ...

    "Add the word "widespread" before fraud in each instance, and now you have an accurate quote."

    As Barr said, no fraud found that would change the election results. So why is Trump contesting this?

  17. In every election there are some irregularities, deliberate or through innocent mistakes. But it is clear that there was no widespread irregularities (fraud) to have given the election to Trump. Period.

    Sydney Powell claims historical fraud and vote-stealing but has shown no evidence. When will she show the evidence?

  18. Never. They'd have shown the evidence in court already. There isn't any. By their own admission. Sidney Powell is too nutty for the Dotard legal team. Yikes. Pardoned Michael Flynn is another of the nutters. Apparently he's an adherent of QAnon and has called for "Trump to declare martial law and have the military oversee a redo of the presidential election using only paper ballots. They're mad at 100 percent pro-Dotard GA governor Brian Kemp and chanting for him to be locked up. LOL.

  19. trump's MO - Tell the big lie often enough and soon, like a miracle, it will become the truth.

    And so it came to pass 59,200,000 (80% of 74 million) believed the big lie. And more are sure to follow.

  20. Have the Trump cultists seen this?

    Wisconsin Supreme Court turns away Trump election lawsuit

    If we are to take people like Minus FJ and those who sail on the Mother Ship seriously (we won't), we'd have to believe the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the State of Georgia and its REPUBLICAN governor and secretary of state, as well as Pennsylvania and Arizona are all in on a conspiracy to deprive Trump of the presidency.

    I pity them all because of their mental delusions. Wow! One must truly be divorced from reality and swallowed up by paranoia and lies to believe that pile of merde!

    1. And THAT is what 59,200,000 million Americans have devolved into. The frightening thing is these sheeple aren't going anywhere. They are going to keep trump and his cons and conspiratorial delusions alive and well. Trumpism is here to stay for longer than any sane person wants to believe it will be.

  21. In PA, Giuliani said this... “This is not a fraud case.” In AZ, Trump Campaign lawyers said this... “We’re not alleging fraud in this lawsuit... We’re not alleging that anyone is stealing the election.”

    The Trump lawyers acknowledge in court and in court filings that they are not alleging fraud.

    -FJ and the sock puppet brigade need to explain why the Admin says one thing where truth matters and lies will get you thrown in jail and another on friendly news stations and in forums where they cannot be questioned by the media.

    1. I hear that Giuliani also farted during a press conference. That certainly proves that no fraud occurred.

    2. -FJ... perhaps even funnier than his gaseous explosion was the look he got from the female lawyer sitting with him at the table.

      Pure side glance gold.

  22. Minus FJ didn’t answer your question, Dave. Could the reason be because he has no logical answer as to why Trump’s lawyers ALL SAY IN COURT that there is no fraud, but yet Trump continues to sell that shameful lie to his cultists? He’s playing them like a bad violin, and they continue to be bamboozled by the liar, cheat, and fraud.

  23. Shaw... who knows? No one on the crazy train will even attempt to answer a question.

    I was listening to an interview yesterday talking about how different groups deal with facts. Scientists and ppl who study data have found this... If someone "feels" his or her viewpoint is correct, you can't argue them out of their position with facts.

    I've found that to be true a lot of the time, be it a GOP legal strategy that is alleging no fraud, an Admin that behaves as if Covid is no big deal, or ppl on the left that believe that all Trumpers are evil uneducated people.

    Instead of entering the discussion and persuading with facts, they offer up Facebook posts, YouTube links and the latest email from their Aunt Tilly.
