WYM Pages

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Million Magamoron White Nationalist QAnon March

I came by this by way of The National Memo, although they say they reprinted it with permission of The Daily Kos.

"Million MAGA March" Draws Extremist Crowds To DC For Election Protest. 11/15/2020 article by David Neiwert. (excerpt).

...thousands of hardcore Donald Trump supporters flooded downtown Washington DC, Saturday, for a "Million MAGA March", falsely claiming he and not Joe Biden had won the presidential vote and demanding election officials "Stop the Steal".

...Trump himself swung by to acknowledge what organizers had billed as "the largest Trump rally in U.S. history"... The turnout was far short of the million attendees... Neutral observers estimated the crowd to number in the low tens of thousands.

...while it was generally portrayed in the media as a mainstream Republican event, the rally was dominated by the presence of the far-right extremists who had organized it, and the rhetoric of the speakers -- which was not just violently hyperbolic but often insurrectionary -- reflected that.

Apparently Proud Boys and QAnon supporters were present. aka Dotard's peeps.

The image below is from an email titled "The People Love Me". Received from Donald J. Trump [contact@victory.donaldtrump.com] on 11/15/2020.

Actually, I think Dotard lost the election because The People hate his guts. I know I do. Certainly he is my ALL TIME least favorite president.

Also, how can the election be the most secure ever yet rigged? Remember Dotard is claiming millions of fraudulent ballots were counted, which is how Biden won.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-202.


  1. I hate everything djt stands for. Perhaps that is because he stands for nothing except that which benefits him.

    djt is a liar, a cheat, he has no moral compass. He is a xenophobe, a misogynist, a racist, and a completely self absorbed narcissist.

    Hes is an authoritarian anti democracy wannabe tyrant in the vein of his buddies Putin, Kin Jong Un, et all. In short he is a clear and present danger to our democratic republic. And, the orange bastard is not going away just because Biden moves into the White House at noon January 20, 2021. He is going to continue to sow division, racism, anti science, ant continue to undermine democracy and to deligitimize our system of government. AND, 57-60 milliom people are going to continue to support his lies and delusions. It does not bode well for America's future or the MAJORITY of its people.
