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Saturday, December 5, 2020

Dotard Doesn't Give A Crap About The Coronavirus Pandemic Because He's A Sadist

Clearly he does not give a shit about the average 1,660 people who died every day this past week (coronavirus is now the leading cause of death in the United States). His focus currently being how the election was "stolen" from him (he's checked out completely re doing his job).

Psychiatrist Justin A Frank says this is because Dotard is a sadist.

Excerpted from a 11/2/2020 RawStory article by Justin A. Frank, MD...

I see Trump's attitude toward the pandemic as malignant neglect. Trump's brand of sadism is passive; lethal while less overtly obvious. What is the relationship of malign neglect to sadism? In psychoanalytic terms, sadism involves pleasure at inflicting cruelty. What Trump has done is disguise that sadism. He downplayed and ignored the danger of COVID while simultaneously claiming to be a wartime president who would conquer the virus.

His promise was essentially sadistic, cruelly teasing us with a pledge of concerned action when he was in fact uninterested, uncaring and incapable of creating a plan, much less executing one. Trump is at heart a coward, and even his sadism is expressed through his cowardice. He told Woodward that he didn't want to panic the American people about the dangers posed by COVID. But actually, he was too cowardly to tell them.

cruelty by offering something that doesn't exist (like his health-care plan and even sad old "Infrastructure Week") in order to inflict disappointment and hurt. That was the con at the heart of his failed Trump University scheme. But with COVID, add illness and death to disappointment and hurt. He passively expresses sadism by neglect, and actively expresses it by frequently holding COVID-spreading rallies.

Not only is Dotard a coward, he is also incredibly lazy. Instead of doing the job he was hired for, he spends hours watching teevee and playing golf. Dotard also isn't a "builder" as he claims. He acutally likes to destroy things.

From the Stephanie Miller Happy Hour Podcast, 5/15/2020, on which the guest was Noel Casler.

Stephanie: Hey, Noel. ... you famously worked on The Apprentice with tRump for years. You were a talent handler there. I'm like, how the fuck can he get away with this? He signed an NDA. Ohh, he's so fearless. You're not scared. You say you're telling the truth.

Noel: I am. That's why I'm not scared. It's the truth. ... he breaks things. That's what he does. Most people want to be successful. He doesn't really care about the money as much as people think. He's lost more money than most people have had. He's not really motivated by money. He's motivated by destroying things.

He found the perfect way to do that. He got into money laundering. You destroy a casino, the people you're working for still get to launder their money. There's something in him -- he would throw rocks at the neighbor's baby when he was a kid. That was when he was like 10 years old. He likes to break things. That's what he's doing. Obviously.

Obviously, indeed. Dotard's followers are convinced that he is a selfless man who ran for president out of some patriotic duty to help the country. But nothing could be further from the truth. Dotard ran for the presidency for his own self-agrandizement and to make money. Proven by the fact that he's currently ripping off his supporters bigly by lying to them about the possibility of him retaining the presidency.

He's scamming them out of large sums of money by telling them what they donate is going toward "defending" the election. When the bulk of it is going to a Dotard SuperPAC that will fund his post-presidency activities. Because, while his supporters love him, Dotard clearly believes they are suckers and losers.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-205.


  1. Don't know if tRump is a sadist. He might be. But he definitely is an asshole. Of that there is NO question.

  2. Incapable of showing real concern or empathy.

  3. But is incapabke of empathy or concern necessarily equate to sadism. Intentionally hurting someone for pleasure? Of that I'm not certain.

  4. It is the professional opinion of Psychiatrist Justin A Frank that Dotard is a sadist.

    1. It is also the professional opinion of said Psychiatrist that Obama's "pathological accommodation" to right-wing Republicans has its roots in his failure "to allow himself to feel his rage" at Barack Obama Sr. or to "own his aggression" against the beloved Stanley Ann Dunham for abandoning him as well."

      ...in other words, Mommy and Daddy issues. lol!

    2. So what? Obama still turned out to be a decent human being despite his parent's failings. Unlike Dotard, whose shitty parenting turned him into a monster (as detailed in Mary Trump's book).

      Also, as president, Obama wasn't House (subservient), he was the Master. And, unlike the incompetent Dotard, he knew what he was doing. Why he was re-elected to a second term while Dotard got the boot.

    3. The "master" who sold out to the DC beltway establishment 10 minutes after arriving on his first day in the White House....

    4. Dotard criticized HRC for her Wall Street connections, then stocked his cabinet with Wall Streeters. It wasn't a "sell out" because he lied when he said he was for the "common man". To sell out your promises have to be sincere to begin with before you go back on them.

    5. Tell him what? That he should have endorsed Dotard? Between HRC and Dotard, the easy choice was HRC. President Hillary Clinton would have used the Obama pandemic playbook and mitigated the virus. There likely would have been no trillion dollar "stimulus" bills or large numbers of deaths and small business closures.

      Dotard = worst president ever.

  5. Oh dear! Minus FJ is unable to face the fact that Trump lost his bid for another four years by a landslide, so he's compelled to trash the former President Obama.

    It's all the Trump cultists have left. They're desperate. The guy they believed would win in a landslide lost in a landslide, and they can't accept it, so they dredge up any sour old useless psychological opinion of President Obama who's not in any position of power, unlike the Maniac-in-Chief who's currently (but for only 40 something more days) infecting the Oval Office.

    It makes Minus FJ feel smugly triumphant for a reason only a psychologist would be able to determine.


    Look in the mirror and say it 10 times, Minus FJ. It'll be so liberating!

    1. Joe Biden couldn't get elected president of his own charity.

    2. btw - Will sleepy Joe ever leave his basement in the next four years? LOL!

    3. Probably not, so feel free to tell him he won. He'll never know the difference.

    4. Minus FJ wrote: Joe Biden couldn't get elected president of his own charity.

      Joe Biden received 7 million more popular votes than Trump received and he received 306 electoral votes.

      Joe Biden got elected President of the United States of America! LOL!

      Trump got his fat ass kicked! Yay!

    5. Joseph Biden, destined to soon become the Samuel Tilden of history....

    6. Joe Biden has WON. Joe Biden WILL be president. Contrary to your delusions.

    7. lol! Talk to me after noon on January 20th...

    8. What happened to December 14th? You think Dotard is going to remain in office after the electors make Biden president?

    9. Were they to be no contention in the college, you would be correct.

    10. There is no contention in the Electoral College. Therefore I am correct.

  6. -FJ... will Biden leave his basement?

    Who knows... would any sane person even consider entering the White House or Blair House until they've thoroughly cleaned top to bottom? I have no idea how that is supposed to happen in the 6 hours the teams charged with making that happen typically have between presidents.

    The bigger question in a functioning democracy is whether the current outgoing president will work towards a smooth transition or whether he will spend his time like a third grader who's no longer allowed in the sand box.

    1. Biden will get the same "smooth transition" that Trump got... aka a special prosecutor.

  7. IIRC, Minus FJ wrote this on someone's blog:

    "-FJDecember 3, 2020 at 9:14:00 PM EST
    Four suitcases pulled out from under the a table in Fulton County Georgia after everyone is told to go home say all that needs be said..."

    But here's what Gabriel Sterling, the REPUBLICAN in charge of implementation of voting in Georgia has to say about Minus's conspiracy:

    Late on Nov. 3, election workers in Fulton County, Georgia, heard that they would be allowed to go home for the night. So they packed uncounted ballots into suitcases and prepared to lock up for the evening.

    When word came that they couldn’t leave yet, they dragged the suitcases back out and began counting the ballots again.

    That singular scene — of workers taking out suitcases of votes — was then selectively edited and shared by allies of President Trump as a conspiracy theory that election workers had dragged out fraudulent ballots under the cover of night. According to the theory, those suitcases helped swing Georgia’s Electoral College votes to President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.

    But on Monday, Georgia’s secretary of state office dedicated part of a morning news conference to debunking that falsehood and many others, in what was called “Disinformation Monday.”

    Gabriel Sterling, the voting implementation manager in Georgia and a Republican, said in the news conference that watching the entire surveillance footage of Election Day showed that workers had first packed the suitcases with valid, uncounted ballots and then later unpacked those same ballots. They had not taken out suitcases full of fake ballots, he said."

    Will Minus FJ admit he got it wrong and was fooled by a manipulated video into believing fraud was committed? Of course not! Minus FJ and the rest of the crowd at the Mother Ship and AOW will not believe facts even when they're told by dedicated Republican officials overseeing the election.

    If Minus FJ will not admit that he was wrong in promoting a false story, then I suggest we can never count on him to ever deal honestly when it comes to matters of politics -- or anything else, for that matter.

    It is the Minus FJs and others like him that are destroying our American democracy from within because they're too eager to see conspiracies everywhere and every time they lose a political advantage instead of facing facts.

    They're too invested in their belief in their righteousness to ever, ever admit they're wrong.

    And in this case, they have unequivocally been shown to be wrong.

    Joe Biden won Georgia. Period. No fraud. No fake suitcases of ballots. The reality may be difficult to face, but if we're going to have an America that we recognize, these people need to sober up and look at the damage they're doing to our American democracy.

    Rant over!

    1. Dotard was robbed. There was no way he could have lost otherwise. Aside from the fact that he did a terrible job as president. btw, we all know that if Brian Kemp could have stolen GA for Dotard, he would have.

      But, it was (as you pointed out on your blog) the fantastic work of Stacey Abrams that very likely put Biden over the top. Although, according to Newt Gingrich, registering Black voters is "cheating". Still racists like Minus deny Dotard was the racist's choice.

      Dotard is the cheater. Instead of Ruby Freeman, it is Louis DeJoy who will be going to prison.

  8. If only... never mind. Humans are apparentky incapable of honest discussion at this stage of human development. The only thing that's important to Either God Damned Side anymore is winning.

    Oh well, America has seen its better days and neither Biden or anyone else is ever going to change the hatred and division sown by a bunch os ASSHOLES.

  9. RN, you're too close to the truth for comfort!

    But please note: Minus FJ never answered my comment. Minus FJ truly believed there were suitcases of fake ballots that gave Biden the win in Georgia. That belief has proved FALSE! And proved false by the Republican overseer of elections in state of Georgia.

    Minus FJ's inability to admit he was had by a manipulated video (confirmation bias got him) illustrates what America is up against.

    Even with undisputed evidence, Trump cultists will NOT, will NEVER face facts.

    That's why I tend to believe what RN wrote.

    The Minus FJs of America are hell bent on destroying American democracy from within. Their belief is that only THEY have the right to govern America, and when the opposing party wins, they believe it could only be by deceit, cheating, and crime.

    That's where we are. And it's dangerous.

    1. Minus doesn't care about "true" or "false". He cares only about the "truth" that gets him the results he wants. Or allows him to not be wrong, at least. That the election was stolen is true if you accept "alternate facts". aka lies you like.
