WYM Pages

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Turd Flushing Day

...it actually won't be until January 2oth, God willing. Today is the last day of for people to vote on whether nor not we should flush the turd. Because of polls and early voting we know that (inexplicibly) some people are in favor of keeping the turd. Even though it stinks and spreads disease. Some voters say they like the smell of the turd. And they deny that it spreads disease. Contrary to reality.

So, while the vote to flush the turd should be 100 percent in favor, the vote is more likely going to be close. Or it could be a blow out in favor of flushing. We'll have to wait and see. The point is that some people love the turd and want four more years of the turd. They are quite happy with the fact that a lot of people are disgusted by the turd.

Even if the turd flusing vote is successful, the turd will be sticking around until the official flush on January 20, 2021. So, even if Biden wins, we have to worry about all the damage a vengful turd could do before being flushed. Although, not knowing what that might be (pardons, for sure) we can laugh about the fact that a president can only let people off the hook in regards to federal crimes (and not state crimes).

President Trump tells advisers that he fears prosecution if he loses the election. Excerpt from a 11/2/2020 Salon article by Roger Sollenberger.

With Election Day approaching and his poll numbers still flagging, President Donald Trump has allegedly begun to express concerns to aides about the potential criminal liabilities which may await him in a post-White House life.

The threats are broad: Trump's businesses are currently under investigation by the New York State attorney general and the Manhattan District Attorney's office for possible tax and financial crimes. ... Trump has reportedly expressed these concerns to advisers "for weeks".

Hopefully the turd will get what he deserves. Which is (aside from being flushed) prosecution and imprisonment. Then we (those of us in the majority who hate the turd) can gloat. After four years of gloating by the Dotard-loving magaturds, they certainly shouldn't be expecting us not to. Although they are convinced, given that the polls were "wrong" in 2016, they are wrong/fake in 2020 and the turd is going to win bigly.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-195.


  1. Democrats only flush their toilets once a year? You people really ARE disgusting!

    1. Democrats wanted to flush the turd months ago. Senate republicans refused.

  2. And Joe Blow should know, he lives at the bottom of a latrine!

  3. Replies
    1. You're thinking of Lisa's blog. LOTS of people commenting there have made that observation.

  4. All I know for sure is that we WILL, as a country, remain in a large stinking vat of putrid shit at least until Jan. 20th. Complete with more death and suffering compliments of the turd.

    Hopefully the prosecution of the turd begins very shortly after Jan. 20th.
