WYM Pages

Monday, November 9, 2020

Melania To Get In On The Turd Flushing

As if we were not all expecting this.

"Melania is counting every minute until he is out of office and she can divorce", former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman told The Mail on Sunday, suggesting Mrs Trump would wait until January to save the president the "ultimate humiliation" of leaving his side while still in office and avoid any possible retaliation. (excerpt from an 11/9/2020 article by Joe Sommerlad and Gino Spocchia. The Independent).

I suppose we shall have to wait and see, but I don't know why she'd want to stick around. Dotard's creditors will be lined up to collect what they are owed, so who knows if Melania is even going to get as big a of payday as she may be expecting?

According to what I've read, Melania staying at Dotard tower (at great expense to the taxpayer), using the excuse that she didn't want to pull Barron out of school, was a negotation ploy. She wanted to amend her prenup so that she would get more $$ upon her divorce from the Turd.

Some people think Dotard may start (or buy) a rightwing channel to continue spreading the propaganda, but will that be possible if he has to declare personal bankruptcy after getting booted from the White House? LOL. The schadenfreude is going to be delicious.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-199.


  1. Frankly, who really cares if she dumps trump? Don't affect me or anyone I love. So, big deal.

    Okay, I lied. If she does dump trump I will no doubt enjoy that she humiliates him. Not that he would ever grasp the event would no doubt be because he's such an asshole.
