WYM Pages

Friday, November 13, 2020

State Recounts Will Prove Dotard Actually Won The Election?

In regards to a hand recount in Georgia, the Dotard supporting blogger Minus FJ says, "and so it begins". And so what begins? Since I am not a "team member" and therefore cannot comment on his blog, I can only guess.

My guess is that "it" is a reversal of Joe Biden's win. aka Minus believes that (ultimately) it will be proven that Dotard actually received the most votes and will remain in the White House (serve a second term).

When the recount is over it will show that Joe Biden didn't win Georgia? Apparently Minus believes it will.

ABC News: Could recounts and lawsuits help Trump flip the election? 11/12/2020 article by Libby Cathey (excerpt)

Even if Trump were to win some legal challenges over allegedly "illegal" ballots, there are too few disputed and outstanding ballots for him to ever come out on top. ... Trump has said Biden is "rushing to falsely pose as the winner" -- even after falsely declaring victory twice for himself...

So... No. Currently Biden is the winner in Georgia with 49.5% of the vote. While Dotard received 49.2% and the Libertarian candidate (Jo Jorgenson) received 1.2%. It is highly doubtful that a recount will change the totals by enough votes to change those percentages and flip Georgia to Dotard. Or Wisconsin. Or Arizona. or Pennsylvania (if they do a recount).

In some states the counting continues and in others the counting will start over. But in the end the results will show that Joe Biden has won and he WILL be inaugurated as our 46th president on January 20th (68 days from now). Dotard will not "ultimately prevail".

Note: I have never donated to the Dotard campaign.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-200.


  1. So that Minus character is pouting in his blog just like Sore Loserman Dotard is?


    Arizona is solidly in Biden's column. Biden flipped Arizona, further cementing his victory. And Georgia's in a recount because it's that close? Two once solidly RED states! And Biden won back the states Trump got in 2016 by slim margins: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Pretty solid wins all around. Four years ago, Trump won the three states by a combined 80,000 votes. This time, Biden's current tally has him up in the three states by more than 211,000 votes – a larger margin

    Trump will be gone by January 20th! America is tired of this crybaby do-nothing president.

    Minus doesn't deal in reality. But if his fantasies comfort him, so be it. Who cares?

    1. From the GeeeZ blog... "It has already been proven that there was fraud. Again... this is factual. This isn't about being a sore loser".

  2. BTW, Tommy Tuberville the football coach who won the Senatorial seat in Alabama from Doug Jones thinks the three branches of government are the House, the Senate, and the executive.

    This is why Trump is so popular with a certain segment of this country.

  3. Shaw... Senator Elect Tommy Tuberville... he should've stuck to football.
