WYM Pages

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Ted Cruz Tells Glenn Beck The Good News

The pathetic spineless Dotard bootlicker Ted Cruz tells Glenn Beck that mail-in ballots are typically disqualified during recounts at a far higher rate than in-person, Election Day ones. He explains why this is good news for tRump.

Apparently, while he thinks it will be hard, Ted thinks it is still possible for Dotard to win the potus election. By getting tens of thousands of mail-in ballots thrown out. Which would be very bad news imo. Although very, very unlikely.

Ted and Glenn also discuss Obamagate, aka how Dotard was framed by the Obama administration re Russian collusion. After that Ted goes on to let Glenn know what the REAL good news is.

Regarding the senate seats in Georgia that will be decided by a run-off, Ted says "if the Democrats win these two seats -- and it's very possible that they win these two seats -- then we go from a 52-48 Senate to a 50-50 Senate -- if Joe Biden is president that means Chuck Schumer is majority leader. There will be zero constraints on the radical Left-wing ideas they're pursuing. With Schumer as majority leader they will end the filibuster, pass a massive tax increase, enact the Green New Deal -- which will destroy millions of jobs -- especially in the state of Texas".

But that's not all! According to Ted, Democrats will also "add two new states to the union to get four new Democratic senators immediately. And they will pack the US Spreme Court. They will add four new activist Left-wing judges who will take away our free speech rights, our religious liberty rights, our second amendment rights. All of that threat is a clear and present danger. And it all happens January 5th, one way or the other".

That it is "very possible" Democrats win those two Senate seats is indeed very good news. As for the rest of Ted's fear mongering, I say that would be a very tall order. The first two years is when most administrations get stuff done. So I'm doubtful all of those very fine ideas would see fruition. But who knows? We'll have to wait and see.

As for the "good news" of (possibly) tens of thousands of mail-in ballots being rejected and Dotard retaining the White House... it isn't going to happen. If Beck or Cruz think this is a possibility they are truly stupid. Although I think they're just working to keep the narrative that the election is being stolen alive. Because an angry and activated base is better (for the Right) than a base that is dejected and resigned to a Biden presidency.

"If Joe Biden is president"... LOL.

"The Blaze" Video: more Glenn Beck LOLs. Glenn, likely realizing that it would be far more profitable for him to be a Dotard supporter, reverses himself. Previously in the anti-Dotard camp, Glenn begs forgiveness. "Back in 2016, Glenn Beck didn't believe President Trump would do ANY of the things he promised. But after seeing Trump in office for four years, Glenn admits that he's proven wrong time and time again and he wants to apologize to the President". 8/28/2020.

TBS Video: For a period of time it appeared as if Glenn had grown a spine and was exhibiting some integrity. A state of affairs that didn't last to long. 12/19/2016.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-201.


  1. Frankly the fuc*ing delusional elected magaturds of the magaturd rethuglican party and the whittle magaturd cultist are becoming active CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGERS to our democratic republic. Perhaps it is time to arm ourselves to the teeth and enroll in combat training. The fuc*ing assholes are absolutely CRAZY.

  2. RN, Derv and others... more than 130 Secret Service members either sick, or in quarantine because our president doesn't care enough for those men and women who swear to take a bullet for him to wear a mask.

    Trump is the most self centered, despicable president of my lifetime. He can't be gone quick enough...

  3. And JC swoops in with another rightwing looney spewing the same fake shit the Orange MAGATURD has been shittng from his Orange maw for months and months. Liars and ignorant people always follow other lying ignorant people.
