WYM Pages

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Delusions of Grandeur. Dotard Calls For Violence? "Fight For Trump. Save American, Save The World"

Found this first via an email to my inbox from "American Truth Today", but it's also on the blog of Minus FJ.

Last night, President Trump sent out a tweet at 1:42 AM, where he promoted a "big protest" in DC against the election fraud that appears to have taken place in November. President Trump included a link to a Washington Examiner story about Peter Navarro's 36-page report alleging election fraud that was "more than sufficient" to swing the victory. Navarro is the Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy. "A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" President Trump wrote. (article by By Jim Hayek. 12/19/2020).

It's going to be wild? In what way?

I'd thought there'd be more to this video, but it's just magamorons chanting "fight for tRump". Around the world, apparently. Is this a call to violence? One that's vague enough to provide plausible deniability? Is YouTube going to remove it?

Various YouTube commenters write, "I love you Trump" and "The world is crying out!!!".

Update: "Fight for tRump" video removed from YouTube due to a copyright violation complaint filed by the artist who's song is used sans permission. Following is another copy I found on Facebook.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-212.


  1. In a just world, Trump would have his seditious ass hauled off to a federal penitentiary. What he's doing is inciting violence. T

    But the best we can hope for now is that the NY AG will slam him with subpoenas and indictments to keep him busy for the next 4 years.

    No one, and I mean NO ONE, but his gullible supporters want him back in the WH. America and the world has rejoiced at his crushing defeat.

    At least we now know who the anti-democracy so-called "Americans" are who continue to deceive themselves that Trump won the election. I have no respect nor use for any of them.

    1. Well Shaw, that means somewhere around 70 million deluded souls.

      This nightmare is not going to end anytime soon. I'm betting a minimum of 4 years (certainly if human feces trump runs again in 2024) and liksly 8 to 10 years. Unless trump dies suddenly of medical complication due to his obesity or another bout with covid. Which is actualky a nice thought.

  2. Video gone already. And not because it incites violence, but because of a copyright violation complaint.

    1. Just checked and now the video has been restored? What happened to the copyright violation?
