WYM Pages

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Dotard Could Still Win In The Electoral College And Retain The Presidency

According to a comment on the pro-Dotard blog Who's Your Daddy Joe Biden still isn't president-elect.

LOL! The "discrepency" was solved. The "opposing slate" of electors weren't allowed to vote.

NYT: Once the Electoral College has met and every state's election has been certified, there is no constitutional provision for an "alternate slate" of electors. A group of people who gather in a room and claim they are electors, as state-party-backed Republicans did in a few states on Monday, have no more authority than if the people reading this article decided that they, too, wanted to be members of the Electoral College.

So while Republicans in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada and Michigan followed the White House's lead, making or discussing moves to form their own competing slates of pro-Trump electors, it was a theatrical effort with no legal pathway. (No, there aren't "alternate electors" who can vote for President Trump. 12/15/2020 NYT article by Nick Corasaniti and Jim Rutenberg).

"Hans Gruber" must be a NewsMax viewer. Or maybe he watches OAN. Or some other alternate reality nooz program. Even on Fox they acknowlege that Biden is President-elect.

A commenter on YouTube wrote "MAGA hats are the new tinfoil hats, change my mind". Yeah, I'm not going to try to change his mind, because he is clearly correct.

MSNBC Video: Rachel Maddow looks at bizarre, parallel universe behavior by Republican electors, and physically dangerous behavior by Donald Trump-supporting street gangs, and notes that even as Joe Biden's victory moves even further beyond dispute, Republicans are not facing up to the reality of Trump's loss. Aired on 12/15/2020.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-211.


  1. Derv... they are basing their fantasies on a member of the House from Alabama and the new incoming Senator, the eminently qualified former Auburn Football coach, calling an audible in Mitch's Senate and challenging the electors.

    What these no nothings don't understand is that even if these guys do object, it makes no difference if they can't get both a majority of House and Senate members to join them. I guess they believe in their hearts that there are enough Dems in the House ready to jump ship.

    Logic eludes these folks, just as it does Trump, who is now spending his days tweeting and ranting at aides instead of dealing with a Russian hack of the the US nuclear system and God knows what else.

    1. Excepting America-hating libtards, people love Dotard. Ergo obviously Joe Biden cheated. As Minus told me (multiple times) prior to the election, NOBODY would vote for Biden. Only stupid Blacks stuck on the "Democrat plantation" and beltway insiders voted for Biden. Why it took massive voter fraud to give Biden the "win". That is the only explanation that makes sense to them.

      btw, another thing Dotard isn't doing to coordinating distribution of the virus. I've heard doses are sitting in where houses because the administration hasn't directed the manufacturer where to send them. Another reason why Dotard should get no credit re the vaccine.

  2. trump is like a diseased ferret. He's been burrowing his way to America's vital organs hoping he could eat away at our nation's core value democracy until he could actually control the outcome of the 2020 election.

    Insead he merely proved himself to be the nation's bigliest LOSER.

    1. btw, RN... Willis is currently blogging about how the election was stolen and how Kamala Harris will "take the reins" after Biden's corruption is revealed (and he resigns/is removed).

    2. Bad ole Will "Take No Prisoners" Hart. It sounds like he's bought the delusions hook line and sinker.

      I haven't checked in to his weblog for at least 3 years and have no plans to in the future.

      He went off the deep end some time ago methinks.

  3. Just read this today. I thought the WYD blog was closed down after Free Thinke passed. He was the only one who commented there except for a few sock puppets of his and Minus's. That blog is still going? Why?

  4. From my blog. A quote by Ken Olin:

    The United States Military will not break the law.
    There will be no coup.
    You can count on that.
    We will survive.
    But Donald Trump is an evil man. He’s batshit crazy and never should have gotten this far down Lunatic Lane.
    That’s on the f**kers formerly known as the GOP.

    Minus FJ lives in a fantasy world and he's a cultist.

    1. Along with close to 70 million of his fellow cultist and a shit pot of sycophants.

    2. trumpers want Dotard to declare martial law. Michael Flynn (a QAnon adherent) is urging Dotard to declare martial law and have the military oversee a new election.

      btw, Shaw, people are still commenting on WYD. Although most comments are anonymous. "This One" is the only ID from an anti-Dotard blogger I see. "Patriot Mueller" (who was a foil of FreeThinke and someone who claimed to know him) has apparently left. Or just not checked back and therefore unaware that Lisa posted again.
