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Monday, December 14, 2020

Donald Trump Cheated

As per a lyric from the parody song "Joe Biden Cheated", (to the tune of More than a feeling), "they must be dreaming, if they think that they will get away. I see them locked up in Guantanamo Bay".

Dotard cultist Minus FJ posted this YouTube to his blog. He's also dreaming of Dotard being cheated out of a second term via widespread voter fraud. When the reality is that Dotard cheated. Bigly.

Dotard also instructed Louis DeJoy to slow down the USPS so mail-in ballots would arrive too late to be counted. Prior to November 4th, NBC News said "60% of voters -- nearly 70 million people -- are projected to vote by mail nationwide during the coronavirus pandemic".

How many ballots were rejected because they arrived late (due to DeJoy-directed delays)?

...federal judge [Emmet Sulliivan] thrashed the U.S. Postal Service Wednesday, and suggested he might seek testimony from Postmaster General Louis DeJoy for declining to comply with a last-minute court order to deploy postal inspectors to sweep facilities for undelivered ballots. ...

Sullivan expressed frustration that the Postal Service's decision to ignore his order — meant to ensure that undelivered ballots reached state officials on Election Day — and not to inform him about it until after the fact.

The Postal Service has come under scrutiny for slipping delivery times since DeJoy, a prominent Republican donor, was installed to lead the agency earlier this year. Democrats worried that the changes he implemented were intended to influence mail-in balloting, which states turned to in order to facilitate voting amid the coronavirus pandemic. (excerpt from a 1/4/2020 Politico article by Kyle Cheney).

So, did any state that Joe Biden might have won if no ballots had been delayed were won by Dotard? Apparently that is a question that is currently unanswered. One that may remain unanswered, what with the screaming of the Dotard cultsists of "cheating" dominating and Democrats insisting the election was fair. By which they mean Joe Biden won fairly.

Joe Biden did win. But was the election fair? I say no. I say Joe Biden was cheated out of an even larger victory than he would have had if the election had been fair. There was cheating, but it was all in favor of Donald Trump.

Image: Photoshopped pic representing the Dotard cultist delusion that Joe Biden (and others hated by the trumper Right) will be arrested and locked up at Gitmo's Camp Justice.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-209.


  1. Donald Trump has been a cheater, liar, and fraud his entire life. He cannot bear to have "LOSER" attached to his name. This is why he promotes the lie that the election was rigged and stolen. Trump can never admit he lost, so he has to develop a narrative around how the election was stolen. And his gullible cultists believe it and any half-wit crackpot (The Pillowman, i.e.) who supports Trump's mentally deranged narratives about stolen elections.

    It never occurs to these geniuses that the elections Trump claims were fraudulent in, for example, Georgia, -- those local elections and others in states he said "cheated" were won by Republicans! And miracle of miracles! the states Trump won had NO FRAUD OR CHEATING!!!!!

    Does Minus FJ ever stop to consider that? Or is it too complicated for his Trumpy conspiratorial mind?

    Asking for a friend?

  2. PS. Re the Jon Cryer Tweet. Jon Cryer's mother, Gretchen, was my drama coach back in the day. She had a career in the theater in New York.

    I connected with Jon on Twitter in early November when he tweeted that his mother, who's now in her early 80s, stood in line 2 hours to vote in New York City. I told him she had been my drama coach when Gretchen was an English teacher at my high school in a suburb of Boston years ago. He got a kick out of hearing that.

  3. Derv... notice how quiet it is these days? With the EC vote yesterday, the clowns predicting a Trump win are strangely missing. Even TTN, Trump Tass Network newsmen are announcing Biden as President Elect.

    Even as the GOP sycophant losers continue to send millions of dollars to a laughing all the way to the bank soon to be Ex President Trump.

    1. As Barnum was credited with saying (although there is no evidene he actually did), There's a sucker born every minute. trump's presidency proves that it is likely true. In spades.
