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Friday, December 11, 2020

Social Media Censoring "The Truth" aka Social Media Refuses To Be Complicit In Spreading trumper Disinformation Re The 2020 Election

"...why can't anyone post a YouTube showing voter fraud in the last election?" Minus whined in a recent comment on my blog. He was responding to a comment of mine in which I asked why he wasn't allowing comments on his blog (except for "team members").

"Think of my blog policy as an inverted extension of YouTube's" he added. Inverted? Yes. YouTube is censoring disinformation, while Minus exclusively posts disinformation (although so far Blogger is allowing it).

YouTube: Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect. Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. (Supporting the 2020 U.S. election by The YouTube Team. 12/9/2020).

Meanwhile Twitter and Facebook continue to flag content as false.

For example, I posted the following image to my Facebook page a few days ago (to make fun of it).

When I returned today I found that it had been flagged. Even though my Facebook content is only viewable by friends (if you go there you will see nothing. I hid my posts and friends list after Mystere tried to dox me).

So I checked the PolitiSphere Facebook page, and the image is flagged/hidden there as well. Although most of the BS they post isn't.

Like this one. It's only "flagged" with a link to the election results.

Right. Because the bi-partisan Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed collusion. As per the NYT, the "Republican-controlled Senate panel [found] an extensive web of contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Kremlin officials and other Russians, including at least one intelligence officer and others tied to the country's spy services".

aka, yes Virginia, there was collusion.

While voter fraud has been confirmed (over and over) to be statistically insignificant. According to the Brennan Center, voter fraud is a myth and "the same is true for mail ballots, which are secure and essential to holding a safe election amid the coronavirus pandemic".

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-208.


  1. What people are missing is this... You Tube, Facebook, Blogger, etc., are all businesses. They can choose to publish, or not publish what they want.

    Now, I happen to believe that there should be a common set of facts out there. If you have proof of fraud, let's see it. But, and this is huge for me, those same limitations also protect us from false accusations.

    Here's an example... a blogger complained recently that her post, a quote from Gen. Patton, had been flagged or deleted by Facebook. She of course was taken aback as to why this would have happened. But, as it turns out, the Patton quote could not be sourced to the general.

    Now, this blogger has frequently in the past, posted incorrect, untrue and factless quotes, posts and statements, only to argue when they were shown to be untrue that ppl like me and Ducky, nitpick on the things that are untrue, missing the "truth" in what she posted.

    And that Derv, is where we are.

    People believe something, regardless of the facts and the "truth" of what they believe is so important that it deserves the right to be seen, heard and trumpted.

    It's ludicrous I tell ya. Ludicrous.

  2. Venezuela has fair elections? That's not what the DoS says... but then again, they use Dominion voting systems.

    1. Didn't the Brennan Center tell the DoS that Venezuelan voter fraud was a myth?

    2. ...or tell the 81% of eligible Venezuelan voters who no longer bother to vote in Venezuelan elections because of widespread and systemic voter fraud?

    3. Poltifact: Dominion was founded in 2003 in Toronto, Canada, not Venezuela. In 2018, the company was acquired by Staple Street Capital, a private equity firm based in New York.

      In an April letter to the House Committee on Administration, Dominion CEO John Poulos said that Staple Street Capital owns a 75.2% stake in the company. Poulos, a Canadian citizen, wrote that he holds a 12% stake and that no other investor owns more than a 5% stake, according to the Associated Press.

      "Dominion is not and has never been a front for communists. It has no ties to Hugo Chávez, the late dictator of Venezuela" Poulos wrote in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal. "It has never been involved in Venezuelan elections".

    4. Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International) is a multinational company that specialises in building and implementing electronic voting systems. The company also produces smart cities solutions[buzzword] (including public safety and public transportation), identity management systems for civil registration and authentication products for government applications.

      In 1997,[4] three engineers, Antonio Mugica, Alfredo José Anzola and Roger Piñate[5], began collaborating in a group while working at Panagroup Corp. in Caracas, Venezuela.[6][7][8][9][10][11] Following the 2000 United States presidential election and its hanging chad controversy in Florida, the group proposed to dedicate a system toward electoral functions.[10][12] Smartmatic was officially incorporated on 11 April 2000 in Delaware by Alfredo José Anzola.[13][14][15] Smartmatic then established its headquarters in Boca Raton, Florida with seven employees.[8][9] After receiving funds from private investors,[8] the company then began to expand.

    5. (cont)

      Smartmatic was a little-known firm with no experience in voting technology before it was chosen by the Venezuelan authorities to replace the country's elections machinery ahead of a contentious referendum that confirmed Hugo Chávez as president in August 2004.[16] Before the election, Smartmatic was part of a consortium that included a software company partly owned by a Venezuelan government agency.[17] In March 2005,[16] with a windfall of some $120 million from its first three contracts with Venezuela, Smartmatic then bought the much larger and more established Sequoia Voting Systems, which by 2006 had voting equipment installed in 17 states and the District of Columbia.[16] On August 26, 2005, Sequoia Voting Systems announced[18] that Mr. Jack Blaine would serve in the dual role as President of Sequoia Voting Systems and President of Sequoia's parent company, Smartmatic.

      Sale of Sequoia Voting Systems
      On November 8, 2007, Smartmatic announced that it was divesting ownership of the voting machine company Sequoia Voting Systems.[19][20][21] However, in April 2008, Smartmatic still held a $2 million note from SVS Holdings, Inc., the management team which purchased Sequoia Voting Systems from Smartmatic,[22] and at that time Sequoia's machines still used Smartmatic's intellectual property.[23][24]

    6. from another source...

      At the end of April 2008, a shocking event occurred: one of Smartmatic’s founders, who was also the founder of the American company, died in a plane crash in Venezuela, along with Smartmatic’s finance department and the plane’s pilot. The Venezuelan Minister of the Interior (said to be a relative of the founder) was the first to arrive at the hospital, along with Jorge Rodriguez, former President of the Venezuelan Electoral Council and former Vice President of Venezuela.

      Sequoia Holdings orchestrated a turnaround in 2010 with the acquisition by Dominion Voting System. On June 4, 2010, Dominion Voting Systems, a previously little-known Canadian company which engaged in the manufacture of electronic voting hardware and optical scanners, acquired Sequoia Voting Systems Inc. Sequoia filed a bankruptcy petition under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in February 2014.”

      It is worth taking a closer look at the Sequoia group of companies, Sequoia Capital, Sequoia Capital China, and their particularly their founder Neil Shen. This is the key to the connection with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    7. That's "no ties" with Venezuela?

    8. Fact check: Dominion is not linked to Smartmatic... or Venezuela... [allegations] that Dominion is linked to Smartmatic; that the founders of Dominion and Smartmatic are linked to... Venezuela... has examined [by Reuters] and found they are not supported by facts.

      Samira Saba, communications director for Smartmatic, told Reuters... "Smartmatic has never owned any shares or had any financial stake in Dominion Voting Systems. Smartmatic has never provided Dominion Voting Systems with any software, hardware or other technology".

    9. LOL! Reality has ruled. America rejected trumper delusions by 7+ million votes.

  3. Joe, Farmer, -FJ or whoever all of you are... by all means be critical of Venezuela, or any other country making a mess of democracy. I've seen it all in local, state and federal elections in my time all across Mexico.

    A sitting US president calling an election into question with unproven and unsubstantiated charges of fraud is something I expect from tinpot dictators. Not here. And before you go into "we must investigate first" be advised the Trump Admin is now arguing that there is no proof as the law has hidden it.

    You can't make this stuff up. It's a clown car of legal beagles chasing their tales.


    2. PS I lived in Caracas from 1966-70.

    3. America becoming a 3rd world dictatorship has been averted. By your own admission Dotard is an authoritarian. The US was on the road to becoming an autocracy under Dotard. Democracy (with the election of Joe Biden) has been SAVED.

    4. The appearance of democracy (voting) isn't democracy if the concept of one man, one vote is no longer adhered to. You now live in a fantasyland of absolute tyranny. See you in the streets.

    5. And Dotard donnie, America's corrupt, anti American, anti democracy, pro authoritarian jakal wants to create Venezuela righr here in the USA. Which is probably why 80+ million voters fired the bastard's ass in the fairest and most secure presidential election in our history.

      So trumpers, suck it up abd STFU already

    6. "The appearance of democracy (voting) isn't democracy if the concept of one man, one vote is no longer adhered to".

      I agree. Why we need to get rid of republican disenfranchisement laws that prevent citizens who are legally entitled to vote from doing so. The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act NEEDS to be high on the agenda of the incoming congress.

      As for your delusions about dead people voting, people voting multiple times, ballots being counted multiple times, etc... RN is correct. SFTU. Nobody cares about your fantasies of Dotard LOSING because of fraud. As opposed to his being a horrible president who the voters RIGHTLY kicked to the curb.

  4. The SCOTUS threw out Texas’s bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election!!!

    Do Minus FJ and JoeCon believe the heavily conservative SCOTUS is part of the “Deep State?”

    It’s over. Trump can now take his corrupt anti-democracy fat posterior out of the WH on January 20th and leave America in peace.

    At last, at last, we will be rid of the scourge of Trump and his grifting family.

    1. Yes, but this isn't the end. It's a new beginning.

    2. The Republic is now officially, "The Empire".

    3. Whatever vestiges of the "Republic" which remain will be eradicated. That should make you VERY happy.

    4. Oh stop your whining. The Republic is fine, and will be even finer once that disrupter, liar, cheat, and fraud is gone from the White House.

  5. Shaw... and Derv... here's what i want to know for our conservative trolls...

    The case put forward by the AG of Texas essentially made the case for a cessation of state's rights. Does he, all the congressional Republicans and other conservative commenters who supported this lawsuit really believe the Feds have carte blanche power to decide what's best for individual states?

    1. trumpers are ok with Whatever keeps Dotard in the White House. Minus isn't a fan of democracy, he wants autocracy. So long as the autocrat is a rightwinger.

  6. Derv... it's clear now that the SCOTUS has thrown the Trump inspired suit out of court that we have a real problem. Either each and every Republican who signed onto this brief, despite many being lawyers, have no understanding of the law they studied, or they are blatantly trying to subvert the Constitution for political gain.

    How else can we explain such nonsense?

    They entered into an action that denies the very Federalism that for years they have defended in campaign after campaign. Is it too much for us to now believe those beliefs were never really held close, but instead were simply used as a means to gain votes, control like minded people and win elections?

    Based on this now dismissed suit, never again should we even entertain a Republican decrying federal oversight of a state. Just like we should never believe them when they speak of the need to balance budgets or to have a person of great moral character as a leader or president.

    The GOP since 2016 has sacrificed every belief they have previously held close to their hearts. All in fealty to the most unqualified person ever to sit in the Oval Office.

    Sad indeed.

    1. It won't happen, but the 126 republican House members who signed onto that lawsuit should be expelled from Congress for supporting sedition.

  7. Even in America, the heretofore land of the free and home of the brave, there exits over 70 million people who are obviously willing to sacrifice their birth rights, freedom and democracy, in support of an authoritarian autocrat who care only about his own wealth and POWER.

    The trumpbubican rethuglican party is all that is left of the one Great Party of Lincoln.

    Yes, sad indeed.
