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Thursday, December 17, 2020

On Giving Dotard Any Credit For The "Warp Speed" Development Of The Coronavirus Vaccine

Over on the pro-Dotard blog Who's Your Daddy the blog proprietor (in her first post since Dotard lost the election) is praising the Orange Turd for his role in the development of the coronavirus vaccine.

In support of her assersion that Dotard deserves thanks, she posted the following video clip.

Jake Tapper offers congradulations to both Dotard and his VP. Seriously, Jake? How much credit should Dotard receive for signing the legislation? At least he didn't screw up the vaccine development and population inoculation like he screwed up the initial response (for months).

Oh no, wait...

Trump administration passed up chance to lock in more Pfizer vaccine doses. NBC News date article by author (excerpt)...

A former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and a member of Pfizer’s board of directors said Tuesday that President Donald Trump’s administration declined to secure millions of additional doses of Pfizer and BioNTech's coronavirus vaccine when it had the chance.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC that the White House declined "multiple" offers from Pfizer to strike a deal on more vaccines for the second quarter of 2021. ... That decision could delay the delivery of a second batch of doses until Pfizer fulfills other international contracts.

Surely this is going mean all Americans who want the vaccine are going to have to wait awhile longer. Meaning the pandemic will be prolonged and more people will die. Due to Dotard administration incompetence.

Remember that Dotard wasted taxpayer money stockpiling hydroxychloroquine? CNN says "the federal government is stuck with 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine now that the US Food and Drug Administration has revoked permission for the drug to be distributed to treat coronavirus patients".

Because "there was no reason to believe the drug was effective against the virus, and that it increased the risk of side effects, including heart problems" :(

If authorizing huge expenditures of taxpayer money deserves praise (regardless of whether or not the expenditure was wise), then I guess Dotard deserves praise. Dotard, while saying during the campaign said he would eliminate the national debt, actually increased it by 36%. And that isn't counting the full economic impact of the pandemic.

Effects that could have been mitigaged (along with the virus) if Dotard hadn't lied to us for months about how serious he knew (as per his conversations with Bob Woodward) the virus was... and acutally done something to fight the virus. As opposed to wasting months pretending it would go away.

So should we say "thank you" to Dotard for anything? I say absolutely not. Instead I say "f*ck you, Dotard". Also, why would trumpers thank Dotard for this vaccine anyway? Given that they believe herd immunity via the infection of as many Americans as possible is the way to go. As per their Orange Turd cult leader, it's like the flu and not a big deal (an "alternate fact" many of them still believe).

In addition to other alternate facts, including the "fact" that covid deaths are being inflated/are fake and that mask wearing and lockdowns are unnecessary/a Liberal scheme to control American's lives.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-210.


  1. Derv... I can't stand Trump. But the system we have works like this... if it happens on your watch, you get the credit, and/or the blame.

    Trump got the ball rolling on vaccines, and we have them earlier that anyone could have imagined. He gets credit.

    Do we have enough to make a difference yet? Nope, not even close and his decisions to not buy more, or even exercise an option to do so early on, were disastrous. And that's on him too.

    I know others will disagree, and that's fine. This is just one man's opinion.

    1. Dotard exclusively wants the credit and NONE of the blame. He isn't following the rules, therefore he gets ZERO credit.

  2. The Trump administration gets the credit for advancing Operation Warp Speed. But Trump doesn't get to name any vaccine for himself. the polio vaccine was developed during the Eisenhower administration, but it's not the Eisenhower vaccine, it's the Salk vaccine, and Dr. Salk didn't take a penny for it.

    Salk was hailed as a "miracle worker," and chose to not patent the vaccine or seek any profit from it in order to maximize its global distribution. An immediate rush to vaccinate began in both the United States and around the world.

  3. Shaw... 100% agreed. Perhaps we should call this the Trump Pandemic for all the lost souls as a result of, at best, his mostly indifferent leadership.

  4. Well, lots of folks would disagree with calling this the Trump Pandemic. And we understand he didn't cause it, but he did make it worse through his incompetence and lack of leadership. He claims he "played it down" because he didn't want to panic the American people. I didn't believe that for a second. I believe he didn't want to see the Stock Market and the economy crash, because as is so clearly evident by examining his life, Trump cares more for money and personal glory than the American people he was entrusted to lead.

    What were people thinking? Most of what he was responsible for in his business career was a failure, and those that weren't are in financial trouble as is $400,000+ million in loans are coming due.

    Biggest con in American history: Donald J. Trump. And America's Sorest Loser!

  5. Did Dotard specifically direct Mike Pence to liaison with leaders in Congress to add funding for accelerating a vaccine to legislation? aka "It's your top priority to get this funded, Mike". If not shouldn't we be thanking those who wrote the legislation? For some reason I doubt this was Dotard's idea.

    He likes "herd mentality" which we can get there (according to Dotard and the non-virologist advisers he likes) without a vaccine. So I don't know why he'd be that interested in funding vaccine research.

    As per a post on the blog of Minus, the pandemic isn't a presidential responsibility (why they left most of it to the states). According to posts I read on two Conservative blogs (Willis Hart and Minus) they doubted there would ever be a vaccine (they compared it to AIDS).

    Lisa thanking Dotard is less about the vaccine and more about heaping praise upon their beloved cult leader. I say we should deny them that. I say we give credit to Joe Biden (given the fact that Dotard takes credit for Obama's accomplishments).

  6. Derv... as it relates to Covid and vaccines, here's what I'd love to see Biden and Harris to do. Publicly call out Pres Trump and invite him to join them in a show of unity and confidence in operation Warp Speed by getting the vaccine together. Publicly.

    There's no reason for Pres Trump to decline is there?

    Or perhaps better yet, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton and Biden can all travel to Georgia and get the vaccine with Jimmy Carter. A pure show of unity against this terrible disease. A pure show of unity and belief in the vaccine that the Trump Admin made possible. And then they can all say a few words in support of getting the vaccine.

    I can dream can't I?

    Because why would Trump turn down such an invitation.

    1. Dotard won't get the vaccine. He won't do anything to show unity with Biden. He will turn down the invitation because he's a narcissist who doesn't give a crap about the American people. INCLUDING his supporters. Evidenced by the fact that he's ripping them off.

    2. That and he and his sycophants are discussing instituting martial law (including crimminal Flynn) to forcibly redo the free, fair, and secure election. IOW a coup d'etat to install the lying POS as king.

      I say fuck em and prepare! This very well might result in some very nasty and dangerous shit going down.

    3. We'll have to wait until next year to find out. I've heard Dotard may declare himself the "president in exile".
