WYM Pages

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Dotard Is "Delusional At The Core" As Per Dr. Lance Dodes, Retired Assistant Clinical Professor Of Psychiatry

The following is an excerpt from the AlterNet article Harvard psychiatrist explains Trump's deepening paranoia and why he'll live in "fantasyland till the day he dies".

Dr. Lance Dodes: It's always been confusing because Trump doesn't wear tinfoil on his head and think that he's getting messages from Mars, so people think he's not delusional. But he is delusional at the core, because he can never accept reality that is unacceptable for him. Normal people, we all have losses. Trump doesn't have losses. So he denies it. When it comes down to it, if you push him hard enough, which is what has happened, then you see the delusional core of it. It has all the qualities of a delusion. ...

I think that Donald Trump will continue living in fantasyland until the day he dies. His life is about making sure the truth doesn't hit him. I could see him for example going to jail — but then, in his jail cell, claiming that this is more proof of how he's been treated unfairly. His paranoia is never going to go away. It's always somebody else's problem. Trump is not only the innocent victim, he is the saintly victim.

So, just like his cultists who will believe Joe Biden "stole" the election until the day they die. The comment below (from the pro-Dotard blog Always On Watch) is an example of a trumper strongly gripped by delusions.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-205.


  1. It's becoming more and more evident to Trump and his cultists that he will NOT be back in the Oval Office come January 20, 2021.

    If you visit the usual Trump cultist blogs, you'll read several of them saying exactly the opposite, believing that Trump will somehow overturn Joe Biden's landslide win.

    I feel sorry for the poor deluded cultists. They have no idea how easily they were played by America's top conman, liar, cheat, and fraud -- Donald J. Trump.

  2. There must be a button that when pushed sends him over the edge. Hopefully somene finds it. Maybe pushed hard enough he would end it all and swallow a quart of cyanide.

    I can dream.

  3. The Supreme Court denies Pennsylvania Republicans’ election challenge.

    Does Minus FJ, JoeCon, and all those sock puppets believe the stacked far-right SCOTUS are the "Deep State?"

    When will Minus and his sock puppets abandon their paranoid conspiracies? Answer: NEVER. They're irredeemable cultists who will never abandon their cult leader. SAD!

    1. They denied it with no dissent. They will take up the Texas lawsuit for sure though (see the comment from the blogger "kid" that I added to the end of my post). Dotard WILL remain in the White House. The most strongly deluded KNOW (or desperately hope). Even the delusions of Minus aren't this strong (I think mostly he is full of BS).

    2. Democrats have succeeded in killing Democracy. Congratulations on Venezuelanizing the American political system. Remember when only 6% of the USSR's population were CP members and therefore allowed to vote? That's now 5.9% more than those who's votes actually DO count in the USA.

    3. Democrats have SAVED democracy from the Dotard coup.

    4. lol! Democracy is dead. Democrats killed it.

    5. LOL! By winning an election running against the WORST president in US history? Democracy survived. republicans tried unsuccessfully to kill it. Although they will continue to try. "Signature confirmation" being their latest scheme to get legal ballots tossed (the fewer people vote the better it is for them).

    6. Nobody's voting anymore until the fraud is wrung out. Democracy is D-E-A-D.

    7. Are you angry that Louis DeJoy disenfranchised voters by delaying their ballots? I am. I agree that was a serious blow to democracy. Why he should be prosecuted and convicted. And, if republicans don't want to vote, that's fine by me :)

  4. JoeCon sounds so bitter!

    And the comment by "Kid" is excruciatingly stupid. Q.E.D.

    It's all so predictable: When your guy loses, say it's the end of democracy in America! But ignore the assaults on democracy that same guy is conducting as he tries to up-end a clean and legal election.

    Joe Biden will be president, and Donald J. Trump will be remembered as the president who came close to ruining American democracy through his lies, his cheating, and his lawlessness.

    Good riddance to the worst president in modern history!

    1. Not only was Dotard the worst, Congressional republicans enabled him. Excepting the lone vote by Mitt Romney to convict him during the impeachment sham trial. Even though Mitt voted with Dotard most of time otherwise. And voted to approve Amy Barrett.

  5. Joe Con is a certifiable idiot. His support for Dotard the Democracy Destroyer confims it.
